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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • Hey there, Which domain do you think is better and why? (1) or (2) Since Google treats both the same in terms of the rankings, my biggest concern is about the branding. (1) is longer but is .com (people usually see .com as more trusted one). (2) is shorter, easier to remember, but less tech savvy people might be confused with .me. Purpose of the site is personal/freelance profile. Other domain versions are already taken. Shoot the ideas! Cheers, Martin

    | benesmartin

  • Hi Moz Community. I would like to ask for any recommendation/suggestions for top 20+ links where to share articles for SEO? Links could range from social media, blogs, etc.

    | ScottImageWorks

  • I have noticed that monthly searches of our "brand" in last five years is almost same. But I can see our competitors have increased their brand searched for monthly in last few years. They are gaining popularity slowly where we are not. What are the other things we can learn when users searching for our brand are not increasing? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hello Everyone, So we have a site ( but one of our competitors has a very similar brand name and domain ( They’re similar enough that could be confused by users and search engines and target the same topics. When you do a manual brand search they would come up and both have about the same Domain Authority. Assuming we can’t have them take their site down do any of you have any thoughts on how we could potentially measure potential impact they might be having or ideas on how best to approach this? Our thought was to track what they are and are not doing so we could do it at a higher level or fill in what’s missing. We would also emphasize differences with an emphasis on local optimization (they’re in a different area). We would love to be able to have some concrete data on whether they’re having an impact so thought we would find out if any of you have any experience or insight? Any help would be very much appreciated. Please let us know if there’s any further details we could provide that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thanks in advance. Best,

    | Ben-R

  • We're in the initial stages of planning a domain transition / rebrand. We're considering 301'ing our low and high(er) quality content split to two different domains. One for the low quality, one for our high. Best practices normally tell you to not split your content between between multiple domains. However, what if the majority of pages on your site are thin/outdated, and attract low volume/long tail? Does it make sense to bring that low quality/volume content over the new domain, when you know you'll never have the resources (nor would it make sense to) mass improve the quality of these pages? I'm concerned the quality of these pages are affecting our overall domain authority. Some background on our site/business: Current site has 15,000+ pages. 98% of our site is a product directory of professional/enterprise business management software. While a small handful of our product pages have quality original long form content (maybe 50-100), most of the product pages are a combination of: thin, outdated, overly sales-y content provided directly from product developers, and/or catch only very low-volume/long tail organic traffic. 95% of our pages attract fewer than 20 visits/mo, 90% of our pages attract fewer than 10 visits/mo. We have a small business of about 10 employees. Most of which don't maintain our site. It's unrealistic for us to genuinely improve the quality of that many pages. Nor does it make sense to improve most of these pages, as they'll attract only very low volume keywords. Individually these low quality pages don't bring in many customers, but on aggregate they do. 70% of our organic conversions come from pages with less than 20 visits/mo. A few questions: Is this content negatively affecting our domain authority in any way? While I don't believe we've been hit with a penalty, Google knows that on average our pages aren't very helpful to many users, and I'm concerned that affects our ability to rank with pages that matter. None of the content was mass produced in any form of scraping efforts or anything nefarious like that. Would there be any negative/positive affect to offloading these low quality/volume pages to a different domain during the rebrand?

    | dsbud

  • We're planning a domain name (rebrand) transition, and considering our options. We rely heavily on paid traffic. To reduce risk, we’re considering moving AdWords and Bing Ads over campaign-by-campaign to the new domain first, while organic traffic continues to direct to the old domain. Each of our ad groups has a custom, noindex’d landing page. In order to serve paid traffic, we’d at minimum need a front page, and likely a privacy policy page in addition. Here’s a rough outline of what I think a transition like this might look like: Launch new domain with a simple front page, and privacy policy. Move over ppc landing pages on the new domain (noindex'd, robots.txt) Create new ads in existing ad groups directing to the new domain. Monitor ad groups for some time period to verify sustainability. Once we're satisfied with ppc performance, and planned the rest of the organic page migrations, 301 redirect everything to the new domain. Is there any problems or things we should be concerned about with this approach? I'd think it should be fine, but I've been bitten enough from large-scale redirects in the past, that I know I should be nervous.

    | dsbud

  • Hello Mozzers! If given a list of 25 domains that are all owned by the client, and all relevant to their website, what criteria would you use to choose one? Long story short, the client sold the original domain and now needs a new one. Thanks!

    | FrankSweeney

  • Hey everyone! Had a quick question for ya'. Does anyone know if there are currently SEO tactics that are in place to help a company's Facebook page rank in their search bar? For example: When I search "Idaho Auctions" into the facebook search bar, there's a multitude of results - ranging from groups, to events, to businesses. How do these get ranked above each other?

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • I want to launch a website in China and have read that the best way forward for Baidu SEO is to host the site in China itself - does anyone have experience with doing that? It seems there are a few hoops to jump through, but I imagine I'm not the first to try?

    | jo91

  • I've recently been shown some SERP results where Google is appending a different website's brand name to the end of the SERP title. It's actually rewriting the brand's name to that of the other website. (This is obviously not ideal.) Why would this be? The other website doesn't even stock the same product, so there shouldn't be any confusion there. But even if it did, many websites stock the same products. Just confusing...

    | Ria_

  • I work for a company with a very strong brand. We have a product with an even stronger brand. Right now, our product marketing pages look like this: I believe this leads to URL bloat, and I think we're probably missing some search rank on product-branded keywords that we would automatically get if, instead, our product marketing was here: An example of this structure is Colgate Palmolive (, the makers of Colgate toothpaste ( We already own both domains, but of course right now SEO rank is entirely owned by If we put product marketing at, of course the company site can still link to the product site anywhere, and vice-versa, which means (I think) that both domains help each other out. But we wouldn't have to spend as much time worrying about the branded keyword in product content. I have found some posted opinion that tends to support my hunch here, but I haven't seen anything more concrete in support of it. Has anyone got direct experience with this question?

    | hoosteeno

  • Hello fellow Mozzers! Quick question:
    We have been looking into changing our domain name into something a bit easier to read and recite. I think that we have found one, and it has a very long history. The issue is that the new domain name removes one of our keywords. Example, current domain name:
    We have built a lot of branding around this name. Example of domain we are considering: (blank is to protect the domain name we are considering) The new domain is over 20 years old, whereas ours is only around 7 years. I am wondering if we are shooting ourselves in the foot by removing the word "web" since that is a primary focus of our business. The issue is that the current domain and business name are not very catchy, and hard to say in a phone call and remember. Feels keyword heavy and generic, but it ranks well. Really well. We would be doing a 301 redirect if we decide to change it, and we have Yext and Moz to help clean up all the listings. My question is: Is it worth it to switch? Would the removal of the word web make it harder to rank number 1 or two, since people search for web design? Or since we would be leaving all the titles and meta the same, and that the domain is older than ours make that not an issue? THOUGHTS?

    | David-Kley

  • Hi Fellow Mozzers, Happy New Year! - I have a client who run runs a leisure/recreation centre.  The centre went through a change of name a couple of years ago.  from XXXX recreation centre to xxxx youth and community centre.  It is part of a wider organisation and so they have a 'content section dedicated to their centre.  On the main landing page we have referred to the centre by both terms -  however it seems from GA Search Console stats that the general public still refer to the centre by its old name. The manager would like the old term removed but I wonder whether this would impact on the SEO effectiveness of the page or not? Any Comments would be gratefully received.

    | musthavemarketing

  • Our companies, Vulcan Information Packaging and ATC both live under the domain “”. This is a great thing as far as us dominating in the binder industry. However, in the next 2-3 years and forward, we want to build our presence as a company who offers packaging products such as boxes, marketing kits, and other forms of packaging. Obviously, the “” brand/domain does not contribute much to this effort and can be confusing to customers visiting the site. Essentially, we want to build an additional branding for our company in the packaging industry. Keeping this in mind, we own the domain “” and we are considering building a new website using this domain which contains the word “packaging”. This new site would only promote and contain packaging related products. This new website will advertise and direct traffic to our company Vulcan Information Packaging, which is the same company “” directs traffic to. So my question is to determine whether doing this might be a practice that Google and other search engines might frown upon. I tend to think it will be fine because we will be promoting and driving traffic for non-binder products where as, is heavily in binder related products. thank you, Dominic Zaidan

    | dzaidan

  • Hi Moz Community, I've been reviewing Search Console and have been noticing that there has been a consistent drop in brand clicks. The overall number of keywords (especially for the top 2 pages) have been increasing, according to SEMRUSH, however, traffic and sales are still in decline. There are no algorithmic and manual penalties, in addition, paid search activity has been increasing in the leadup to Christmas. Has anyone experienced this and potentially advise how to diagnose and resolve this issue?

    | rec123

  • Even a couple of years ago, I would have told people that they don't _need _a Facebook page for their business if they don't plan on posting regularly and don't expect many Likes. In 2016, has this changed? Is it weird now for a business not to have a Facebook page, even if it's not particularly active? Is it just widely expected now for every business to have a Facebook page? Even if it's just used for brand awareness/visibility or as a popular directory listing simply to occupy more results on the first page for a branded search?

    | Ria_

  • Hello, I have a specific question and I'll try to be as precise as possible. I have a well ranked domain with good PA. When we were starting our new service I found out that for SEO purposes it would be best to put it under subfolder instead of subdomain or new domain all together because of PA that our domain has. Now, that went pretty well and our new service started appearing in SERPs and is improving rapidly since our link builing strategies were quite sucessful. But there is a problem - we can't advertise our service with a link like this - It's just really messy. And I was wondering if we buy a new domain and 301 redirect it to our subfolder what impacts will that have? If people start linking us as will it pass all the juice to Marketing wise I see a lot of benefits using newdomain but I'm afraid it can have SEO downsides and I'm asking for your help to clarify these. Thank you in advance, Best regards, Ivan

    | mintmediadu

  • I have two websites, eg: - sells expensive widgets as gifts - sells cheap widgets for everyday use. I would like to combine them both under the domain name, because its easier to run the SEO campaign for one rather than two. But i still want two different product collections, and two different sites. is by far the larger of the two sites so my current thought is to have that the main landing site, and have a button at the top to take the user to where they have a similar but different site, and different products. I can set this all up no problem with the correct 301 redirects from, but is it SEO friendly? Does anyone know of a real world example of a business doing this? Cheers

    | SEOhmygod

  • Hi Can anyone recommend any good sources/sites for quickly trying to find good shortened custom domain options for using instead of etc Any hints and tips at trying to find suitable ones too ? since ive tried a few sites and cant find anything suitable and keeps suggesting options with subfolders Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hey guys, I have spent a little time searching for a suitable solution, but I feel like maybe directly asking my specific question is the best way to go about this: We have a site and it serves all UK customers (right now, the site is useless for US customers). We would like to move those customers to and carry all the google points we have accrued with it but unfortunately, I feel like a 301 redirect would cause a big issue because in January, we want to launch a new site which will have very similar if not the same urls but the content will target our new US customers. I don't want to end up in a position where our customers end up with redirect loops or where we end up confusing customers. For now, our solution is this: make our site available on both .com and canonical tags on both sites will be set to the UK version of the site. if the user enters the homepage on .com, we show a page saying: "hey, we are launching a US site soon, click here to read more and sign up, or click here to go to the UK site." - this page will not have a UK canonical tag because it has no equivalent on the UK site. If the user clicks on the "goto uk site" button, they have acknowledged that we have 2 sites now and we can 302 redirect them to the equivalent page every time they go to .com until we get .com live (powered by a cookie). -- we hope that bots won't be affected by this. It would be good to know if it will affect bots or have any negative SEO side effects. at this point, we have 2 types of users, informed and uninformed users. Informed if they clicked the button described above. if the user enters any other page on .com, we don't redirect uninformed users, we just let them use the site as normal because we don't know if 302 redirects will cause issues for our ranking. if the user enters any other page on .com, we redirect informed users to the site... this includes the .com homepage If the user goes to, the site is normal. No special landing pages, no redirects, no extra cookies. We want to start changing external .com links to and new content we write about our site will start going to When .com goes live, we will remove the redirects and people using .com will start seeing US content instead of UK content. People using will be unaffected. Hopefully, google is directing most of our customers to by now. Ideally, we want to transfer our google ranking from .com to since it is technically a move, but I need to be sure there will be no side effects from using 301 redirects when we put the US site live... Both SEO wise and UX wise. Anyways, does anyone see any potential problems with our current plan? are 302's problematic for our SEO goals (moving .com points to will changing canonical from .com to have positive or negative effects? Can we safely apply 301's and is it necessary... esp. considering the short timeline (releasing US in Janurary). Are there any extra steps we can take to maximise our efforts and/or speed up the site transfer. Is it a bad idea to allow .com to serve the same content as except the homepage? Any gotchas you can think of? Thanks in advance, Dipun

    | dipunm

  • We are planning a rebranding in January 2017. For us this means: redirects from root domain to on all our pages. Besides that we are planning to restyle our website to a responsive design in the beginning of November 2016. Now we a desktop website and a separate mobile website. So from our mobile website every URL will be redirected to a non-mobile variant. Both strategies will have impact on SEO, but should be positive on the long term. Now, what would YOU do: start with responsive design in November and do a new 'redirect session' after 2 months for the rebranding? Or do both at the same time?


  • Hi, We have been approached by a potential client. They are a UK company whose website is hosted on a .com domain (the forwards to the .com). They also have a German website hosted on a .de domain. Both the .com and the .de are hosted in the UK. We believe that the .de website should be hosted in Germany. You agree? Anyway, they now need to target the US market. They are planning on duplicating the UK (.com) website and creating a US version of the site on a .us domain. They would rewrite the content for the US site to avoid duplications, and add Href Lang attributes etc. They are also debating whether the new US site should be hosted in the US or the UK. We don't think this is the best strategy. Would it not be better to host both the UK and US website on the .com domain. using reginal folders? i.e., and Obviously we would setup Href Lang accordingly and change the Google Search Console geo targeting options for each of the sub-sites (/uk and /us). Or we could suggest hosting the UK site on the domain, and the US on the .com domain. So, what is the best strategy to target the US audience, whilst maintaining UK rankings? Many thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon 🙂 Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • Brand A and Brand B are merging to form Brand C. Brand A has a great search presence (prominent rankings, answer boxes, and impressive organic traffic). Brand B has a good reputation in real life but their web presence was extremely weak (we've been helping with that over the past few months and it is improving). What are the steps we need to take? The previous domains from Brand A and Brand B are going away and we need to promote the newly minted Brand C website. This Q/A summarizes what we want to do but with one exception: They only discuss merging Brand A into BRand B and there is no Brand C.

    | CommandPartners

  • Hello, I'm doing some research on Facebook and Google Plus. I have more experience with Facebook. I'm going to do my own research, but what do you guys think is the best articles or videos for taking Facebook and Google Plus to the next level? My goals are to engage and promote for Ecommerce and Informational sites. Low budget. Thanks, Bob

    | BobGW

  • A site I work for has tons of organic traffic coming from branded terms like BRAND,, BRAND + Product, BRAND + question, etc. They also have a lot of non-branded terms, coming through. Overall a strong site. I've also seen websites for lawyers on TV with plenty of spammy links, almost no good ones, but nonetheless they rank well for their terms. My intuition says these are related, that the more people search for your brand, the more Google recognizes your authority relative to your keywords. Is this possible, or am I misguided?

    | krausdigital

  • We are a medium size business on our way to expanding to new countries. Right now we have one Google+ account in Denmark. When expanding to more markets outside of Denmark, should we then set up a Google+ page for each country? Or is it better to stick with the one we have? Thanks in advance!

    | miegt

  • Hello Moz Community, I'm currently associated with one of the brands. It's a nutrition and supplement brand that manufacture supplements. Now, they are running an e-commerce website. Problem: It should be product based website, not an e-commerce website  (Like Design, Look and Feel of it.) The problem with SEO: What do you thing like which will work better. 
    1. Doing Perfect On-Page SEO? And building links for queries like: Best whey protein supplement in "Geo." Buy Protein Powder Online Buy Whey Online "Geo." Generic Terms Brand Name URL All the Remaining Keywords and Anchors OR 1. Doing a perfect On-Page SEO? and 
    2. Doing massive outreach like Inviting bloggers for guest post (Natural Anchor) Guest Posts (Natural Anchor) Mentions on social media Content Local Business about reciprocal promotions Email outreach Product Reviews Influencers content Link building as mentioned above Q. Tell me which will work the best?
    Q. What I've to change in the strategy?
    Q. Also tell me how to do a perfect keyword research for product pages? Thank you

    | Max_

  • I have one quick question. Maybe you can just point me to the correct post... We have currently been adding our own website link in the wp copyright footer of clients websites that we build and design.  We understand that this is not the best option for SEO since it might be punished by Google as spam. Can you please recommend a better solution for this? From an SEO standpoint is it best to just remove the links?  Make them nonfollow? Add it to a "Website Credits" page or "About Us" page.  I always discuss this link with all clients and offer a discount which 100% of them take in the end.  I just need to work on our ranking a bit now and see that this could be hurting things more than good.

    | SeattleWebGuy

  • I was searching Walgreen and I noticed a link next to business link in the results. You click on it and it's a breakdown of the business - business bio. How does that appear? Is there something that can be done to have it display? Image attached. 1pPgD

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Our organization is rebranding, should I start a new analytics property or change the domain in the old one?

    | sdaily

  • Hey Mozzers! We're working with a client that has closed it's home theater store and moved online. Both the online store and the retail location operated under the same name, but we've now launched a new site and rebranded the name and look. When I search the old business name, it shows the Google local business as permanently deleted, and also shows deleted Yelp profile and other directory listings. The first organic result is the new site, which catches the footer that reads a trademark of (old business name). How can I clean up the citations for the previous business? Also, I'd like to have more control over the old business SERP page. My idea was to create a press release addressing the new business change in name and branding. Any other ideas? Lastly, the new business name SERP is completely bare. The second organic result is the new site, but the remaining listings are confusing and unrelated. The press release should help here. Other than that, should I build out new directories for the ecommerce site? Maybe start building profiles and participating in related forums to show traction in SERPs? Thanks for your help!

    | localwork

  • Hey all, So when googling the name of our site we see consumer affairs pop up around 5th with a 1 star rating. These negative reviews are mostly spammy (competitors, etc.) since we have an awesome support team that deals with all unhappy members very effectively. We reached out to CA and they came back asking for $10k+ (highway robbery) to "help us improve our rating." My question is: do poor ratings on review sites like these negatively affect your SERPs? And if so, how can we work to combat their effect? Thanks in advance, Roman

    | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • Does anyone have any insights on why a knowledge graph may show up for non branded search queries? Examples attached. nUYr05x V51iKCt

    | SarahLK

  • Does anyone have experience with  LinkedIn and Google Adwords for B+B advertising? I own a commercial real estate agency in Manhattan. We aim to generate qualified leads of business tenants seeking to rent office or loft space. The advertising is not meant to build an image or branding.  Approximate total adverting budget is $3,000-$5,000/month. LinkedIn appears to have the advantage in being able to target a particular demographic (industry, geography, job function, size of company). But I wonder if it is not geared towards branding rather than generating warm leads. In terms of cost and quality of leads does anyone have insight as to how these two platforms compare? Thanks, Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • Hello Mozzers! So, I have a client whom has purchased a number of different domains that they want to re-direct to their main website. Their thinking is: that by doing as much, they will increase their opportunities to rank for related KW terms. To the best of my recollection, that is not the case, especially if they are not posting any content on those other domains, but simply redirecting the page to their "main site". I am very concerned, however, that by doing as much they run the risk of receiving a penalty from the Google Search team. I am a little hazy on this issue, as it's been some time, but to the best of my recollection doesn't this constitute "spammy behavior". Again, since it's been so long since I've had a client try to implement a strategy like this, I'm a little unfamiliar with how it may play out in the current landscape, so I'm eager to hear all of your opinions on the utility of such a strategy and whether or not it will spell doom for my client. I'm anxious to hear what you think, thanks for reading!

    | maxcarnage

  • We have a jewellery store client who already have a Google My Business page set up for its store front business. Should we also create a Google Brand page for its e-commerce site (which has a different business name to the jewellery store)? This client already has a pretty robust Facebook profile. Is it worth it maintaining a Brand page then - since it targets Google plus users?
    And what are the chances of a Brand page appearing on search results when you're not a Nike or a Calvin Klein? Thanks heaps in anticipation of your response.

    | Gavo

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a client that has a totally legit retail business and they are getting lots of traffic organically that is adult in nature and totally off subject. The reason for this is their domain name contains keywords which while work well for their brand, when reordered and couple with a another keyword (such as picture or image) they get traffic for searches that have nothing to do with them and are pretty awful in nature. If this was Adwords I'd add a negative in of course but how can I stop bad traffic coming to the site organically? Any ideas? Cheers B 🙂

    | Bush_JSM

  • Hi, I've noticed that a competitors Google+ box is appearing on the right hand side of the Google UK SERPs for a non-branded keyword (open air balustrade). Please see attached image. I've always thought that the Google+ box would only be displayed in the SERPS for branded keywords. How is this Google+ box appearing for non-branded keywords? How can we improve our chances of our Google+ box being shown instead? Many thanks in advance, Lee. vDm914D

    | Webpresence

  • Does Google have specific criteria to show a large card in the top right of SERPs that links to a national organization's Wikipedia-referenced info? These do not appear to be the Google Business Card created by individual organizations. Example having the card and org is on wikipedia: department of labor Example no card shown and org is on wikipedia:

    | Shirley.Fenlason

  • is it possible to post from company page to linked in Pulse

    | nlogix

  • Hello Mozer, my Website url is :- is any suggestions regarding Google Page Ranking or MOZ DA or PA...

    | blackbowchauffeur

  • Hi everyone! I'm currently in the process of re-branding a website, and am really worried about the SEO consequences of doing so... The site I'm working on has recently been seeing a large increase of organic search traffic (almost 25% each month for the past 3 months)  and I want to do my best to avoid screwing that up in the process of changing the aesthetic of the site. A couple specific questions I have are: Does changing the stylesheet, but none of the on-page content affect SEO? Would condensing menu items (i.e. putting all services under 1 item named "services") have a positive or negative effect? Neither? Any advice, tips, or previous experiences on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | Derrald

  • I've noticed when you search business such as Pier 1, William Sonoma, they offer a "Search" search bar within the organic search. You can see it when you google William Sonoma. So, the question is, how does that get displayed? Is it something a business can include or is it something that Google will provide if they feel the need too? Appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Last week was the "anti-AdBlock" week for every media in France. They started adding pop-ups asking to disable AdBlock. Their business model based on advertisement is suffering from it. But did they ask their audience what they wanted? I would have told them: ask me questions to know more about myself and personalize my experience instead of pushing more and more ads, until my computer dies from too many scripts! What they decided? Protect their content. Now you have to log-in to access articles. The result? They delete all their links. Actually they still exist, but Google doesn't see it anymore.... So it's like they don't exist. So I'm asking you, what do you think will be the future of medias? What will happen for us as SEO guys? Do we have to focus on the ones that have non-protected contents?...
    I'll be more than happy to get your vision.
    Have a nice day, Benoit.

    | 2MSens

  • Help Mozzers! I've been struggling to find a solid content and posting (social media) strategy. This particular client has an ecommerce website within the home and garden industry. Her products include: screen magnets window hangers outdoor metal art switchplates (outlet covers) The recent content I've been posting is DIY related home decor ideas. I would love some ideas on niches or verticals I can tap into. The audience is female dominant, ages 35-65+. I'm wondering if I should stay within home decor and trying to work the products in, or there is another vertical my mind is blanking over. Thanks for the help Mozzers!

    | localwork

  • First Moz Post and official first day as a Moz Pro member! Yotpo or Ekomi?
    Does anyone have any insight on these two customer feedback companies?  I am trying to choose between one of these companies and because it is a year commitment, I would like to see what you Moz'ers had to say before I made my decision. Thanks!

    | steve45058

  • And could hard metrics — such as search queries, citations, traffic, and click-through rates — influence organic search rankings? Tom Coad “StickyEyes” tackles both these questions in this post for YouMoz. Take a peek at his research, and let us know how it compares to your own findings. If you haven't done any research yourself along these lines, I'd love to hear your answers to these same questions based on your more casual observations and analysis of the brands you monitor in the SERPs.

    | Christy-Correll

  • Brilliant Moz community! I just started here and find it so helpful and am confident that I can get an answer to this. Our domain is currently I have been wanting to move to just for a cleaner URL. To my surprise, has the same DA but a significantly higher page authority than our current Of course my immediate reaction is to 301 to the but I wanted to get some advice and anything we should consider before doing this. My other question would be - how is this possible? I don't remember that we ever used that domain but we also had some rather bad developers a couple of years back. Thank you so much in advance!

    | kris-fannin

  • Hi, Just a question/discussion regarding mentions. I have read for the last few years that Google is able to give credit to websites who get mentioned without a link. Even a few months ago there was a big article on the Google update at the end of last year saying how mentions would become an even stronger signal than a link. My question is, if anyone knows, is there any evidence that Google and other search engines are able to give ranking credit to websites whose brand name is slightly different from the domain? Can the search engines figure out that it is the same thing? If not, then there must be a lot of brands missing out. Thanks.

    | Brian_Dowd

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