I operate in a rather competitive market (IT and project management related training), and my focus is the UK market. I've recently started focussing on SEO. I have been creating content, albeit slowly. I have completed writing a book on my target subject, which is due to go out in a couple of weeks (I've received very positive feedback so far). And I have a decent PPC campaign.
To get to decent ranking on Google etc., my plan is
1. Focussing on quality content and publishing on my site (I have about 15-20 articles in the pipeline). Reaching out for guess posts is next, but creating this much content is hard.
2. Get external SEO help for link building and off-page SEO. This is somewhat confusing for me, as I've got offers ranging from blog posts, BMR etc. I have some budget for this, but don't exactly know what to target.
3. Gradual focus on on-page optimisation.
I haven't done anything on social front, on FB, Twritter. I do have a solid LinkedIn profile (personal).
I have one full time resource available to help me out.
What should I focus on? What am I missing?