I ordered an Altair 8800, I made Mastermind work on a TRS 80, I created a relational db for the original IBM PC, I created a System 360 emulator on a PDP-11, I worked on ACF/NCP and APPN, I created NCP TCP/IP SDLC gateways, I ported ARCHIBUS to Oracle, I created the first CD ROM Museum Catalog, I raised MILLIONS for dot-com that was one of the first ASP (SAAS) models, I did performance art at CBGBs and the Kitchen, I studied with Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, and Meredith Monk. I created the first Flash Torrent Client, I certified IAB Media Credit System, I created systems for Vanguard, Federal Reserve Bank, UN, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Life,etc. I have led search engine marketing for clients like Contour (was Craftmatic), Weleda, and Corinthian Media. I founded the company Corporate Performance Artists (www.corporatepa.com). Artisans of Technology, Tradesmen of Search.