Hi Phil,
thanks very much for your input.
We created the videos to show customers the products in someones hands to help demonstrate size of unit, where sockets and other parts are located on the units and what comes in the box. We felt this added value for customers to help them see the products on the video rather than purely a flat image on a web page. Would you disagree that this sort of information would or could help a buyer and thus possibly increase conversion rates... Also do you feel that this video content doesn't help to improve the value of our pages from an SEO perspective?
Speed wise of the video we are trying not to rush through too quickly as when the demonstrator points at a part on the player there is a text label shown on the video to describe what the socket or part of the product is ... so gives the viewer a chance to read those text labels. Again feedback and criticism on our thoughts here is more than welcome!
Content on the page is (or was when written at least) unique content written in house by some one who actually knows the product well to give good info rich product descriptions for customers (rather than the standard brief 3-4 line description and spec sheet that may larger brands give)... again hopefully this helps our customers to make a buying descision and differentiates us from other larger brands... plus helps our SEO and Google rankings. Would you disagree?
With regards to site structure we absolutely agree that site and URL structure is lacking and are currently looking at a move across to Magento Community to help structure the site and give good keyword rich, well structured URLs etc. Is this the type of thing you mean when you say "the page structure as a whole, is pretty bad" and "improve your site design and structure"?
Your input and criticisms are gratefully received.