Hey Dan!
Thanks for taking the time to write back.
I found your article very helpfull! But I wasn't sure if I coud use your tips because you expressly stated that you were talking about a normal wordpress blog and not eCommerce. So really nice you took the time to look in to this matter.
It think the problem with my duplicate page titles has started when I set a template for the product categories because it's not working. I've used the template: %%ct_product_cat%% | %%sitename%% but I see a lot of product categories return: (empty) | %%sitename %%. And all of these don't have an individual SEO title set by myself. The ones that have an individual SEO title will return that one.
Just to make clear, I've done this because %%category%% is also not an option to use as template. I followed this link http://zendenwebdesign.com/woocommerce-product-category-taxonomy-with-wordpress-seo-by-yoast/
About the deepness of indexing:
With your last bulletpoint you mean that: If I have a category and within that category products for let's say sunglasses (and I target the same keyword for the category and the article as well) it depends on which will rank better (category or ind. product) for the highest index?
For my individual product pages I use tabs (theme shortcodes that output tabs on frontend) I use 4:
- About (product info content optimized around keyword)
- Brand (brand info)
- Sizing
- Shipping
The Brand info and shipping tab are on a lot of product pages the same. I've got multiple products from a brand and the shipping is for every product (+300) the same. Although Yoast returns a Good SEO score (so does Scribe) do you think this can be seen as duplicate content? Is it better to load this kind of information directly in to the product page template? For less duplicate content issues? (not sure if it even will be seens as duplicate).