You can think of your Wordpress Pages and Posts, think of hard and soft landscape elements.
Pages are like the boulders of your website. They anchor customer expectations, and provide a semi-permanent structure for your site. Typically pages answer the big questions "Who are you?" "What do you do?" "How can I get in touch with you?" and so on. When paired with solid navigation architecture, pages also keep important information easily available for visitors.
Posts are like the annual flowers you put in for a splash of color. A steady stream of posts shows visitors and search engines you have relevant, up to date information. Posts can also provide interesting new reasons for visitors to come back to your site after the initial visit. They allow you to capture more long-tail search traffic, and give you an opportunity to list your blog in RSS directories. Posts also have a shorter shelf life than pages. Once they are replaced by new posts, old posts will always be available in the archives, or accessible via search. However, it can be more difficult to locate old posts as compared to pages.
Wordpress has interesting features available for pages and posts.
For example, let's say you have a page explaining a specific line of EMD services. You can also create an EMD category to collect blog posts related to that service. Using that EMD category, you can collect these posts into a feed and embed that category feed into your EMD service page. The result is a static page for your EMD service, which also includes your latest EMD posts.
Good for your visitors, good for search engines.