Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, I came into this world in 1980. Ever since I was 4, I have had an intense passion for computers, software development and video games. I taught myself how to program by cranking out small video games in BASIC at the age of 10 on a Commodore PET. I've never looked back, and have since dedicated my life to developing and designing efficient, fun and useful software and studying various geeky subjects from an early age. I went to college at the age of 22, then later on got married and had a child. After college, I helped my wife with raising our daughter, worked on some side projects and doing CS / Math research on my own. I had a brief stint as a computer technician / web developer and have always been looking for that one good opportunity to break into a software engineering / development career. I am currently refreshing my knowledge and skills in programming and software design, and learning all I can about SEO.