Hi there, I'm in the middle of optimising my site to create decent sharing snippets to improve the overall experience and quality for visitors.
One thing I've come up against though is trying to balance site design with the requirements of schema.org and Google+
I've recently just altered the layout of my site to now visually display a brief post description to go into the Rich Snippet Google+ creates, but the images Look a little bit shorter than what they could be.
I'm curious to how I could perhaps serve a dedicated image for the Google+ snippet (a square cropped version of the large feature image that's given to each post) while avoiding forcing all users to load a second image I don't even really want to show.
I'm also in the middle of deciding what content to prefill the post text with, I'm thinking about tagging my own Google+ id and maybe using some post relevant hash tags too. Does that sound like a good idea?
Thanks for