Blog Posts
As I come across small business clients on a regular basis, the common problem I find is an inadequate budget for internet marketing (especially SEO), and a lack of knowledge about how to optimize the budget for the best optimization of the site. The small budget could be caused by one or more of the following scenarios: The business owner may be unaware of the role of inte...
I reside in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - the best city in the world ...
I have about seven years of experience in web development, graphic design, web programming, desktop publishing, copywriting, editing, and fundraising.
For the past three years I have been more active in public relations, advertising, internet marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, and social media optimization.
I like to call myself an all-round Communications Professional and love all aspects of it.
Currently I work as the Communications Manager for Creative Gift Solutions, a Vancouver-based corporate gift services company. I also do SEO-SEM and web dev work, volunteering and consulting on the side.