Much to my wife’s annoyance I work around 19hrs a day, on various projects. These include: Working as a photographer, running photography classes, working as a journalist for a business school news network and I also hold a fulltime job as a web designer/consultant. In my free time I write poetry; this is usually done whilst travelling on public transport.
Originally I was a struggling photographer and saw that the web had some wonderful opportunities. So, in 1996 I decided to change my career and start building websites. A few websites down the line; I was invited to teach web design at DCT, which was great fun. However, after one and a half years I decided to start working with design agencies. In 1998 I gained my first accolade when DCT called me up and told me that my course had become the British national curriculum for web design. Over the years I have been accredited with quite a few awards for my web work, and never seem satisfied with the designs I have produced.
This year, I have decided to pack up and emigrate; this will enable me to enjoy watching my children grow and play at my hobbies. Of course I will be keeping a few of my online projects going. Planned date to move is November 1998.