Thanks for trying to help, but I think I have several specific issues regarding the menus, pictures, and how in general to handle a site with millions of pages, I wasn't really looking for a 30,000 foot high level examination of rankings in general. We do provide unique value, the sites that are providing real recommendations for local content, not just showing what your friends like or the highest average rating, you could count on one hand. When you do millions of calculations to tell someone you personally will like this restaurant a 4.37 Google only sees 4.37 (or maybe not even that because as I said it's personalized), does that mean you're not providing unique value because you don't have hundreds of reviews that people don't have time to read and make an informed opinion anyways? So your assertion that because we bring in some content from FourSquare (note through their API not by "scrapping" it) that we aren't providing value is really off the mark.
Also, I should note, Yelp and Urbanspoon, which obviously provide great content include these exact same menus too. Their implementations are different than ours so perhaps we should follow their lead.