Rewrite your website with good copy.
Often poor copy is usually the result of the time poor. We rush to get a website up quickly and cut and paste. I suggest you go to a website like freelancer or similar and have some one bid on writing good copy for you. I have used this in the past to have someone write me a few blog pages (which I then customize to my style). They do all the research and make up the content. Look for someone with a good history and feedback. Instead of blog pages they can be content for your website.
If you do have the time. This is the process I follow
- write down everything I know about a topic in bullet points (it can be typed)
- sort these points into something that makes sense.
- discard the duplicate or irrelevant points
- identify the key words or topic from these points
- develop an opening paragraph
- sort out the remain points into coherent sentences and structure.
- Closing / Contact us paragraph
- Have someone else reread it for clarity and understanding, make any changes.
- Finally go back and tweak it for keywords and seo
Good luck with your website.