Rule #1: A company MUST be 110% committed to the resources for content.
Rule#2: Inbound content traffic is the weakest form of traffic from a conversion perspective.
Rule#3: Because of Rule #2, you must change the process in which you convert.
Most of my clients are smaller ecommerce sites. While content is king, and content marketing drives traffic, remember what we learned about SEO that took 15 years to figure out: It's not just about traffic.
Basically, I convert my client's funnels from a click-->conversion process to a click-->lead acquisition-->lead nurture-->conversion process. Content is a great way to acquire leads, even if your site is an ecommerce site and regardless if it is B2B or B2C or its size.
This means you need to integrate all your promotional tactics into a comprehensive plan that marries SEO, content, email, and ecommerce into one, unified program.
Let's define a lead as an email address for now.
A few ideas to generate leads from content:
- Offers - About the best way to get anyone's attention. Consider a free download or a coupon that you need to be sent via email. FREE is good.
- Comments - I am always asked what is the best commenting system. My response is ALWAYS the one that allows you to own the community. So, comment systems like disqus,etc, I ignore. They are GREAT from a community standpoint, but you can't capture the email address from the person leaving the comment. So, KISS, and make sure that you can acquire the commentors email address.
- Free Subscriptions to content
Now that you have their email address, you can create campaigns that strenghten your value propositions and get people into a buying state of mind. Then, go for the kill and ask for the sale! Convert!
P.S. Side Note: IMO, gone are the days that you treat each tactic as its own silo. They need to be fully integrated with each other in order for your marketing to convert.