I have seen few websites selling same package of IP-Hosting, I consider that kind of smart SEO solution if it really be effective, But I have doubt.
I have a few websites using a dedicated server for 6 years with only 1 valid IP and with that experience, I think rich content, title tags and anchor links are most important factors but I never tried such IP SEO, has any one tried IP hosting?
Then comes second questions,
If you have experienced and recommend IP Hosting, the reasonable application could be wordpress to manage all the sites in diffrent servers, and by using plugins such as autoblog or RSS importer we can update all the sites with minimum effort, But the problem is that neither of these 2 plugins are really working hassle free, They do not work at all or they stop wroking all the sudden, preferably I need a solution for Wordpress multisite Would you offer any alternative?
I appreciate if you share your ideas...
P.S.: My objective to apply IP hosting is not geo-targeting I use to launch .COMs normally without any particular geo-target.