Here are two things what you might want to do.
First,Try writing a javascript which passes a google analytics call every 30 second on that page. Event tracking should suffice for this in below format.your actual bounce rate would be affected but you will be able to identify the frequency distribution of people who bounce within different time span. You can choose 30 to 60 sec or even 10 sec interval frequency.
gaq_push(_trackevents,category = br_test,action=stillthere,label=30sec,value=30)
after another 30 second google analytics call should be like this
gaq_push(_trackevents,category = br_test,action=stillthere,label=60sec,value=60)
The real purpose here is to keep constantly checking the engagement & learn the frequency distribution of time user spends before he actually exits from the website. When you see that out of 100 bounces 20% bounces are within first 30 second , you can conclude that they are not just due to price as price is clearly visible.
Let me know if you need help with JS & I'd probably write it on my blog.
Secondly, you should try running some feedback campaign with Kissinsights, as it might help unearthing real issue from consumer itself.
Best luck with your effort !