My goal was to respond to your question and bring issues to your attention. I apologize if the reply seemed harsh.
When I view your site, I like the content, the images and the idea behind the site. I see you filling a popular niche very well. The biggest concern I have, which could potentially cause a bounce in SERPs, is your anchor text.
I cannot say with certainty this is the root cause of your issue. I can say it is a big concern to me which relates to this issue. When a particular search term is entered into Google, their job is to return the specific pages most relevant to the given search query. Your site is focused on various "facebook login" issues with pages such as "facebook login approvals" and others that are very closely worded to your money phrase.
If "facebook login" is the most important phrase for your site, and the /facebook-login page is the target of that phrase, you need to send a very clear and consistent message to Google on this topic. My concern is when I examine your sidebar right now, I see the same "facebook login" anchor text (exact phrase match) five times.
Three of the times where the phrase appears the link is to the correct target page. Once it appears in the tag section as a link to the page. I would recommend removing that tag. Having a tag link identically phrased to your most valuable page can lead to confusion. This tag anchor text is telling Google that when a user searches for "facebook login" the tag page should be the target. While you can also ask "I have three links going to one page, and one link going to another so don't the three links win?". That is not necessarily how it works. It's an issue which I would suggest correcting immediately.
The same goes for the "facebook login" anchor text which links to the Ghack page. You can still offer a link to the page, but don't use anchor text related to any terms from your site.
Do you guys think these factors could be related to the sudden drop for this page (no other pages on the domain are having issues)
It is definitely possible the two identical match anchor links are causing this issue. I can only say it is possible, not that it is a sure thing, but it is the most glaring issue I noticed which could cause this problem.