Since the duplicacy is at the Product Level, you can perform both the below activites to remove duplicacy from title tags.
**1. Add Price to Title Tag **
eg. XYZ Product at $100
Since most of the products will have different prices you will greatly reduce duplicacy.
This also adds SEO value.
2. Add Product Code to Title Tag
But if your primary goal is to remove dupliacy, add the product code to the title tag.
This will remove 100% duplicacy as no 2 products can have the same code.
Also both the above solutions can be done using rules so they're easy to execute.
It's a good idea to create Landing pages for your targeted keywords but the most important is-
Content Quality
You need to have user generated and relevant content for all your static landing pages.
Plus you must update the content regularly. On a weekly or monthly basis.
Also you can link your primary landing pages from your homepage as it will transfer link juice to your pages.
Hope this helps.