Hi Maria
I had the same issue and this helped me.
Have a copy of your current theme. If not, make one!
Change the code of the blog title and subtitle.
Open Header.php and look for:
/”>bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
Replace the H1-tags by SPAN-tags, like this:
Don’t forget to add an id to the span tag!
Do the same for the H2-tags; look for:
And replace the H2-tags by SPAN-tags like this:
Don’t forget to add an id to the span tag!
Now change the css, open the Styelesheet (style.css).
Search for h1.art-logo-name and replace it everywhere by span.art-logo-name
Search for h2.art-logo-text and replace it everywhere by span.art-logo-text
Open wrappers.php and find the following code:
And replace the H2-tags by H1-tags: