Hi Tom,
I really appreciate your detailed answer.
You give a lot of information here. Thanks.
Taking into account the 3 main points you mention I would go with the Greeklish.
I think I should provide explanations about the term Greeklish. The official language of Greece is modern Greek. Modern Greek has a specific alphabet and it is not the same as the latin alphabet. On the other hand when a Greek person write Greek words by using the latin alphabet, then that is called Greeklish (Greek + english). It is a quick and easy way to write mms, imessages without paying attention on the orthography.
A URL in Greeklish is understandable by people in Greece => it can be considered as localised URL
A URL in Greeklish can easily be shared with no particular technical implications.
On the other hand the wikipedia articles use the encoded Greek Characters in the URL.
Well, I think if the SEO benefit is not that big, I would go with the Greeklish solutions.
I would be glad to have the feedback of other experts about that subject.
Tom thank you very much!