You went one step too far by blocking the login pages in the robots.txt file, Tiffany.
You've put the no-index tag in the header of each login page, which is the right way to tell Google to remove the page from its index.
But by also blocking the subdomains in robots.txt, you've told the search engines not to spider the pages, so there's no way they can discover the no-index on the individual pages. They can't obey commands on pages they're told not to look at.
To be clear - a block in robots.txt does NOT tell the SEs to remove the pages, it just says "don't crawl them". You need to allow the pages to be crawled so the SEs can find and obey the no-index directive to remove them.
Doing that will just be a slower, though obviously much more automatic, way of accomplishing the same result as requesting a manual removal for each the URLs. Once you can see that all the subject URLs have fallen out of the index, you can reapply the robots.txt block to help save crawl budget, but keep the no-index meta-tags on each page as extra insurance.
Does that makes sense?