With the use of an experienced in-house strategic development and creative development team, as well as a list of select colleagues and partners, VoomBoom Media (VBM) confidently offers full-service application development, marketing, branding, technological and business services and solutions. Our core competencies include providing highly impactful creative services and marketing strategies to small business owners as well as graphic & web design firms with limited knowledge and experience in true result-oriented marketing and branding strategies.
VBM founders have over 30 years of combined experience in multifaceted businesses and have the expertise and drive to fulfill any task. VBM diverse client list demonstrates a wide range of clients, touching upon the following industries:
a. Commercial Real Estate
b. Public Relations and Communications
c. Wedding and Event Fashion
d. Video Game Development
e. Affiliate Marketing & Lead Generation
f. Invitation and Greeting Cards
g. Pool and Spa Safety
h. Merchant Services and Processing
i. Respondent Recruitment
j. Film, Television and Music Video
k. Event and Artistic Photography
l. Medical Office Management
m. Philanthropic and Non-Profits
n. Investment Collectibles