@StorefrontEngine Log in to your Moz Local account
Click on "Listings"
Click on "Add a Location"
Enter the details for the new location such as address, phone number, business hours, and any other relevant information
Click on "Save Changes"
Once you have added the location to Moz Local, it should push through to Google. Moz Local is integrated with Google My Business, so any changes you make in Moz Local will automatically reflect in Google My Business.
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- Zeshankdts
Company: Duplex Technologies
Website Description
Best IT Consultant Services Provider
Duplex Technologies is a cutting-edge technology company that specializes in the development and implementation of innovative solutions for businesses. Founded in 2012, Duplex has established itself as a leader in the field, delivering top-quality products and services to its clients.
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RE: Can a location have multiple locations?
Duplex Technologies is a cutting-edge technology company that specializes in the development and implementation of innovative solutions for businesses. Founded in 2012, Duplex has established itself as a leader in the field, delivering top-quality products and services to its clients. With a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals, Duplex Technologies is dedicated to providing its customers with the latest advancements in technology and a seamless user experience. From cloud computing and data analytics to artificial intelligence and machine learning, Duplex Technologies is at the forefront of the technological revolution and is poised to continue its trajectory of growth and success in the years to come.
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