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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi Guys, I have spent 2 days looking at our site and competitors after the update, 3 things jump out straight away for us.  I am in the travel industry and still on the first page of the major KW's but in the 8 to 10 region, was 2 to 5. 1. The sites that have moved up both have shops selling merchandise which is not the main focus of their site, anyone else spotted sites with a eCommerce section have benefited from latest update? 2. Sites we have links from, although they look like a travel sites, maybe be themed differently by Google.  Anybody know a good tool that will help determine what theme a site is?  Images, design and content don't always seem to be a good indicator, I think back links to the domain has a big effect on the site you get the link from.  Any tool that will help speed up this process would be great.  We need more quality links from travel sites (or at least what google thinks is a travel related site). 3. The competitors who have done well seem to have 45% links to home page, we only had 28% so we are focusing now on links to home page. We don't really stand out from the top 10 sites in any other way in terms of other indicators like branded keywords vrs money making kw's. Any thoughts or feedback would be great.

    | PottyScotty

  • My campaign for says that seomoz has crawled 619 pages. My site, however, only has a little over 250 pages. Where are these extra pages? I did recently relaunched my website with wordpress. I was using Dreamweaver before. I thought I deleted all the old pages. Could these extra pages be old pages from the site prior to my relaunch? I hope my question makes sense. Any insights would be helpful. Thanks! Andrea

    | JimDirectMailCoach

  • Currently using a subdomain for my blog via Tumblr In my seo reports I see alot of errors. Mostly from the Tumblr blog. Made change so there are unique titles and tags. Too many errors I am wondering if it is best to just not allow it to be indexed via tumblr control panel. It certainly is doing a great job with engagement and social network follows, but i'm starting to wonder if and how much it is penalizing my domain.. Appreciate your input.. By the way this theme is not flash for the content very basic single a theme...

    | wickerparadise

  • A few weeks ago I got an emai from Google that my site is suspected to violating Google guidelines-->suspected links manipulationg Google Page rank. My site dropped to the second page. I have contacted some of the top webmasters who link to me and they have removed the links or added a nofollow. When I asked for re-consideation I got an answear that there are still suspected links. What do I do now? I can't remove all of my links?! BTW this happened before the offical Pinguin Update.

    | Ofer23

  • GWT's crawl error report hasn't updated for me since April 25.  Crawl stats are updating normally, as are robots.txt and sitemap accesses.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

    | tonyperez

  • I am attempting to understand what is realistically possible within Google, Yahoo and Bing as they search websites for KeyWords. Technically my understanding is that they should be able to distinguish common words within concatenated strings, although there can be confusion between word boundaries when ambiguity is involved. So in the simple example of text55fun, do search engines actually distinguish text, 55 and fun separately? There are practical processing, databased and algorithm limitations that might turn a technically possible solution into a unrealistic one at a commercial scale. What about more ambiguous strings like stringsstrummingstrongly  would that be parsed as string s strummings trongly or strings strummings trongly or strings strumming strongly? Does one need to use dashes or underscores to make it unambiguous to the search engine? My guess is that the engine would recognize the dash or space and better understand the word boundaries yet ignore the dash or underscore from an overall concatenated string perspective. Thanks in advance to whoever can provide any insight to an old coder who is new to this field.

    | ny60

  • Hey Guys, I am in communication with the owner of a domain with very good domain rank - that ranks well for keywords important to me.  Strangely enough the website it terrible?!  (I though Google valued "content" these days?!).  Anyhow, it's link profile is tidy including sites such as DMOZ. His asking price for the domain is SUBSTANTIAL, however where it ranks for some keywords would be valuable for our organisation if we could leverage its authority. My questions are: 1)  Is it worth buys a GREAT domain with a crappy website that ranks for keywords that are important to us? 2)  (if the answer to 1 is YES) How should one go about leveraging the rank to benefit our site/business? 3)  What would be the best way to utilise the site - redirects?  Build out some kind of content and link to main site? Anyhow, hopefully some of you have great experience in this domain in the current Google Panda/Penguin white hat world? Would REALLY appreciate your thoughts!!

    | love-seo-goodness

  • So we already have our brand listed in Yahoo Directory for a few years but today I noticed it is not listed in OSE and the pages we're listed on in Yahoo Dir are PA:0 / DA: 100 with 0 links from 0 Root Domains! (or with a PA:1) Does this mean no juice is being passed at all for this listing? Does it mean it is not even spidered by Google then as how can it be found if no inlinks? Does any authority still get passed from Yahoos domain with DA100 despite pages being PA0? I ask because I'm considering adding another company to Yahoo Dir to get some authority rather than traffic.

    | emerald

  • Hi everyone, I have a client that re-launched his site and it's gone from 100 pages to 1000 (new languages/increased product pages etc) We've used 301's to map the old site to the new database driven site. BUT the new site is creating extremely long URL's: e.g. Obviously I want to change these URL's: THE PROBLEM..... I am worried about the Chain Redirects. I know two 301 redirects is okay (although it's not great), but I wonder if there is an alternative: When I've implemented the new URL structure the chain will look like this: 301 redirects to which then 301 redirects to Seeing as the new site has only been live for a month, and hasn't really gained many external links, should I: 301 from the original site ( straight to the new site ( If so, what would I do with the pages that I have not redirected? Let them 404? OR Leave the 301 chain in place? Your advice, and any other suggestions would be much appreciated Thanks

    | jamesjackson

  • Hello everyone on the new cool Moz! I've optimized sites before that are dedicated to 1, 2 or 3 products and or services. These sites inherently talk about one main thing - so the semantics of the content across the whole site reflect this. I get these ranked well on a local level. Now, take an e-commerce site - which I am working on - 2000 products, all of which are quite varied - cookware, diningware, art, decor, outdoor, appliances... there is a lot of different semantics throughout the site's different pages. Does this influence the ranking possibilities? Your opinion and time is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | bjs2010

  • Hi guys We all know domain age is a big win in domain authority, although I am thinking - does it make sense to buy a domain to be used later on for one of our future product lines? We can publish some content on it, link it from a few sites, however use it heavily after a year? All help will be much appreciated! Lily

    | wspwsp

  • Has anyone tried using Google's Disavow tool with only a specific subcategory of their site? We're an ecommerce company and our site took a small hit with this recent Penguin update. We're certain previous linkbuilding efforts are the cause. But we'd like to try the Disavow tool with 1 subcategory to start, see if our rankings for that category improve (we used to be top 3, now ~12 or 13), and if so then roll it out through the rest of the site. Looking for input from others on if they have any experience with this or if it'd be better to just go for the whole thing at once. Thanks.

    | Kingof5

  • Just noticed that google completely screws up our meta titles in the SERPs. Google decided to show titles which are not understandable to visitors and worst of all even shows titles in different  languages than the actual page. The words of the displayedf titles are nowhere on the page (actually they are parts of old title tags that we stopped using 6 months ago and that we used on different pages). Pages are crawled weekly. All our meta titles are a bit longer than the 70 character limit, so I plan to rephrase and shorten them so that they are all max. 66 characters. Dynamically we choose different variations of title texts based on character length of keywords. Having titles that fit into SERPs without cutting are supposed to have less probability to be changed by google. I heard some people reporting loss of rankings after site-wide meta title changes. Especially since we changed title tags sitewide already about 6 months ago I am a bit concerned. How would you  proceed? Just do the site-wide change all at once?

    | lcourse

  • I have an algorithmic penalty on one of my websites. I never received a notification of a manual penalty in GWMT and even sent in a reconsideration request 6 months ago ad they told me their were no manual penalties on the website. I have cleaned up my link profile and what I could not clean up I sent in using the Google disavow tool a few days ago. I've heard to just wait if it's algorithmic or should I send in another reconsideration request for disavow links tool?

    | MarkHIggins

  • I just setup a WP install in a subfolder: However, there is an existing htaccess file in the root which contains the following: RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)$ /index.php?page=$1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)/$ /index.php?page=$1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)/([a-z]+)$ /index.php?page=$1&comp=$2 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)/([a-z]+)/$ /index.php?page=$1&comp=$2 [QSA] I need to leave the rules as-is due to the nature of  CMS (not WP) under the root domain. Is it possible to include an exception or condition which allows URL requests containing /development/ to resolve to that folder? I tried to add: RewriteRule ^development/([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)$ /development/index.php?page=$1    [QSA] but this seems to send it in a loop back to the root. Thanks!!!

    | SCW

  • I am on the marketing team for we are an online candy store that specializes in bulk candy for events.  Were just about a year and a half old and i'm running into some SEO strategy road blocks lately.  When we started the company we used an oversee's seo company.  For the first few months results were great then things took a massive dive as google began rolling out updates early and mid last year.  After that point we started taking things in house and have been trying to create content and begin content marketing.  We launched a blog @ and also launched and educational resource at - However the question i'm up against now is what to do with those bad old links?  Are they actually hurting us?  Or just neutral? I'm also trying to decided what to do about the links in my footer?  We put those there because those are truly our most popular products and we wanted customers to have easy access, but are those links potentially harmful? I'm questioning these issues because I feel like there is something holding back some of my pages from ranking.  For example "blue candy" is a very popular section of our website. We have worked on a lot of content for the blog related to blue candy, made videos, photo shoots ect.  We have customer reviews on page and unique category content.  According to open site explorer our DA and PA are around the range of most of the sites in the 8-12 serp position.  But we have more social activity then all but the top 2-3 spots.  However the page almost impossible to find via search.  Its not in the first 300 results and surely the page is more relevant then an entry about quilts.. Similar situations like this have led me to think that maybe there is a technical underlying issues that I have not addressed.  ?  The content is definitely there because if i type in a line from the content directly to google it is the first result.  So the site seems indexed properly.. Would love to hear any feedback from similar experiences or ideas. Thanks!

    | Jonathan_Murrell

  • We are starting a new travel guide for a resort town. I have bought an expired domain with decent related links and PR (which seems to have survived the transfer (4 months ago). Beofre we launch the new site I am trying to decide if we should use this expired domain as the primary URL for the new site or just do a permanent redirect and buy a new domain that better matches the theme of the site. I am obviously concerned with starting from scatch with a new domain. I am confident we can build some good rellevant links in a short time but this space is very competetive. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    | Locals

  • I generated a report for a potential client and there were a few things wrong, including broken links (404 error). I suggested to fix them and here's what he replied: The site uses a technology called Angular.js. It outputs results using the 'item.url' in the URL. It is just a placer in a code loop that is outputted correctly by the browser to point to correct link. We use Angular.js because it allows us to have the filtering system on overview pages like the dining tables page.Angular.js is a Google technology – and they host a full explanation about how to use it at http://angularjs.orgAs backup, we also output Angular.js links in a standard form (which appears further down the page when looking at the source code).As it's a relatively new technology (since 2009), it is also evolving. If there's a better way of delivering SEO using angular.js it'd be great to hear about it.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, I am not going to lie, that I haven't heard about Angular.js, so I'm not sure how to answer this.Please adviseWarmly,Dominica

    | dominicaalicia

  • Hi, I've been struggling with my rankings for some 18 months or so.  It seems like the plan is to review my back links and remove or disavow the ones that could be causing my site problems. Unfortunately I neither have the time or expertise to perform this task and wonder if there are any freelancers who could work on this project? I look forward to hearing from anyone.

    | Aikijeff

  • Hi, How long does it take for DMOZ to process a suggest url? Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Penguin 2.0 was officially released today. I'm sure we've all seen Matt's video. Ideas for building sharable, linkable content? New strategies? What to avoid, what not to do, etc? Let's get a discussion going!

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Good morning one and all, i have a specific question pertaining to my Domain Migration Website URL structure. I have a computer repair business that I am re branding and my question at this point is centrally focused on how to best handle my URL naming structure that will best suite my needs for my the Search Engines and also my customers UX while not looking SPAMMY I am a web developer and SEO and I am building a SILO Site Architecture in WordPress using Pages (not Posts) so no discussion is need on the Permalink structure. I am attaching several Images below of Screen Shots of the new site that I have designed so that you may look at them and see the Silo Architecture Layout in action for the most part. OK, here we go. Looking at the Silo Mast Head, we can see that the following Main Menu items each represent a specific Silo Theme Silo Theme # 1  -       COMPUTER REPAIR Silo Theme # 2  -       VIRUS REMOVAL Silo Theme # 3  -       PHONE REPAIR Silo Theme # 4  -       NETWORKING Silo Theme # 5  -       DATA RECOVERY My specific question is, if /computer-repair/ is a main silo theme (WP -Parent Page) and /laptop-repair/ is a (Child Page) of Computer Repair is the following example below (the actual URL string) going to 'trigger' a SPAM signal to either the user or GOOGLE or both?? URL String: Here's another example with the VIRUS REMOVAL SILO Seeing how computer repair is the main silo theme that cannot be changed in the URL Structure (it can) but I wont change it seeing how COMPUTER REPAIR is the single largest keyword phrase used by individuals when they are looking for computer repair. Secondly, - LAPTOP REPAIR is also a Keyword Phrase that that has HIGH search queries that I am trying to rank for and that too (ideally) should also  not changed! How do I deal with this situation? Or, am I seeing this in a overly paranoid way? I currently have the site allowing only my IP Address so I am afraid that the screen shots below is all that I can do on this in lieu of actually visiting the Site Currently, I have my URL Structure where Wilmington NC immediately follows the targeted keyword phrase for the Silo Theme like below The example above, - including the location after the keyword phrase does look much more attractive and breaks it up so it does not read SPAMMY and it will help with SEO but yet another problem exists using the location after the keyword phrase which I explain in detail Below. On top of doing a complete re-branding Domain Change I am actually going to be relocating myself and my business to Charlotte, NC at the end of the summer so I have serious doubts if using Wilmington NC within the URL structure would be a wise idea considering that I will be relocating and an internal 301 Redirect on a Newly Migrated site 2-3 months after the initial site migration and site setup may have some negative impact and confuse Google and compound the situation thus much further despite the fact that it would immediately help me bounce back up with my rankings after the migration process. Thoughts a suggestions on both explained scenarios please? I have asked this specif question once already but obviously people do not read my very detailed and well thought out questions. This can also be viewed here>> Thank you Sincerely, Marshall Thompson SEOMOZ-PC-MEDICS-ON-CALL-1.jpg SEOMOZ-PC-MEDICS-ON-CALL1.jpg

    | MarshallThompson31

  • Hi All, I have a shoes website and I am working on it from last four months. I am targeting four main keywords but I have some issues with ranking. First one is that keywords ranking fluctuate many time a day but they remain on the same page. Second one is that these keywords remain on the same page for 2 to 3 week and than suddenly they drop down in the ranking. Please help me regarding these issue. Waiting for replies. Thanks

    | Cuttingseo

  • Hi All, I have a main category page, a landing page, that does not appear in the SERPS at all (even if I serach for a whole sentence from it). This page once ranked high. What may cause such a punishment for a specific page? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Google WMT reports more than 198,000 backlinks to our site ( from We have never been notified by Google of any penalty, malware notification... but continue to struggle to get our page 1 Google ranking back since Panda. Could these backlinks be hurting our Google ranking? Should I implement a disavow rule for

    | lbohen

  • I am working on a website and have noticed managers own only the relevant national domain name and not  the .com domain name. Does this matter from an SEO perspective?

    | McTaggart

  • Hi is there any issues with having a google places listing in two seperate google places accounts. For example we have a client who cannot access their old google places account (ex-employee had their login details which they can't get) and want us to take control over the listing. If we click the "is this your listing" manage this page button - and claim the listing, will this transfer the listing to our control? Or will it create a duplicate? Are there any problems having the listing in different separate accounts. Is it a situation in which the last person who manages the listing takes control? And the listing automatically deactivates from the old account? Do all the images remain aswell? Thanks,

    | MBASydney

  • Hi, I have a non-core site that seems to have been affected by a Panda refresh in late December Anyway, I couldn't figure out for the longest time why this site, which is full of high-quality, expert-level content would get dinged -- i made several moves to try and eliminate duplicate content -- even though I couldn't find evidence of the duplicate content, but it's a wordpress site so there's lots of opportunities to accidentally introduce it through archives, tags and whatnot. The classic SEO mistake I was making was I was forgetting about a type of post we were doing to facilitate one of our email campaigns.  On most, sites there's always something you aren't optimizing, and that's the stuff that can really create unintended issues in google, because the decisions made on those pieces, is often more operational toward the other campaigns, than strategic to search. these posts, are thin little articles, written by humans, but the text is actually submitted to another external site, published there and then recreated as content that the email campaign links to. These posts are segregated from the normal feed on the wordpress site, and the last time I had reviewed this content, we were not using a method for creating that involved publishing it to facebook first. But, OK, so I'm going to stop indexing this content, that's a given. I believe that is the Panda issue -- I could be wrong, but it makes sense, since otherwise the site is maybe the least likely site to be affected by Panda that I've ever been involved with. Do I do anything else, after fixing a Panda issue? Is there a reconsideration request for this or something. Should I send a singing telegram to Cutts? I researched a few articles, and there wasn't much on what to do after you fixed it, but to wait. Just wondering if anyone else who fixed a Panda thang, utilized any communication channel to let google know. thanks!

    | reallygoodstuff

  • Hi, One curiosity led to another and hence I have a couple of questions which I am not sure if they are related or not. 1. What is citation building, what value does it have and what is the best way to go about it? The above question came up whilst trying to find information for my next question. 2. Do 'citation' HTML attributes in the text content of my web pages have any value for SEO. These citations are where you highlight a word and then add a kind of alt text tag to it that appears when you hover your mouse over the relevant text. The HTML for it looks like this. <cite title="is a reference to a published or unpublished source">Citation</cite> 3. Should I be using 'title' attributes rather than 'citation' attributes? Thanks

    | UnderMe

  • I spoke to one of my lead web developers and we are planning on powering all of our desktop, mobile and tablet sites with our new API.  Everything will be populated through javascript and is cloud-based rather than through actual HTML.  How do we incorporate all of our SEO?

    | recbrands

  • Hi, We have an ecommerce site with around 4000 real pages. But our index count is at 47,000 pages in Google Webmaster Tools. How can I get a list of all pages indexed of our domain? trying to locate the duplicate content. Doing a "" only returns up to 676 results... Any ideas? Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Hi All, One of my sites was under Unnatural Links Manual Penalization. Its been over two months since it was revoked and we see no changes at all. In fact, we still have couple of pages (important landing pages) that are still de-indexed (I checked it by searching in quotes a whole sentence within the page and got no results). Does it mean that even though the site's penalization was revoked it is not completely over yet and I just need to be patient or is there something else hovering over the website? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, We have recently been hit with a problem regarding our mobile site, where it is outranking our main site. This is causing a drop in orders and ranknings for our main site. It would appear that google has indexed our mobile site and so the two are now competing against each other. Our main site is on a and our mobile site on a .mobi, but we have now taken down the mobile site until we get this sorted. Does anyone else have any experience of this happening and how to stop it happening again? Thanks Steve

    | Steve25

  • Hi, Any simple methods to boost Domain Authority? Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Hi, Our on page optimization, albeit for a few dupe content issues, is ok - We have good keyword rich URL's, Titles, H1's and unique product descriptions. So now I want to look at building links that will boost our DA and PA's. We have over 2000 products on the store and around 130 categories/subcategories -and I would appreciate any views on where to start - My initial view is to get backlinks from the relevant manufacturer websites to the "shop by brand" page on our site related to these manufacturers - What other strategies should I look at? Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Hello. I have a domain with scripts and components for websites, each product page is somehow different and contains different phrases and keywords, for example: a) Flash Photo Gallery
    b) JavaScript Menu
    c) Flash Menu
    d) PHP Rating Script
    e) PHP Poll script It's kind of clear for me how to optimize keywords on these pages individually,  but what would be best content / terms / keywords to use on my main page and main page title and anchor text to my root domain? Should it be a mix of all these keywords mentioned above ? Or is it better to be a general term like "website scripts" ?

    | adrianTNT

  • Hi folks, here goes a (hopefully) easy one for the local authorship gurus. For our blog content strategy we currently have two inhouse contributors. Both have decent Google+ profiles and one is in the process of really establishing authorship/influence by submitting guest posts to several industry sites, sharing content in Google+, engaging in conversations in twitter, etc. Posts by this latter contributor already rank page 1 for the main keywords. We now have a new content contributor who is a retired employee from the company and a good friend. He has written excellent content that will be published in our blog in the coming few months. He does not have a Google+ profile but he can have one if we ask him to, but he is not going to use it for anything other than writting on our blog. He does not mind having his content published under any of our current Google+ profiles. Question: should we include this new content under our current profiles or should we create a new Google+ profile for this new contributor knowing that it will be an 'empty' profile? Thanks in advance!

    | TIBA

  • We need to create XML sitemap for a website that has more than 2 million pages. Please suggest me the best software to create XML sitemap for the website. Since there are different strategies that larger websites submit sitemaps, let me know the best way to submit this sitemap for website of this size. Or Is there any tool provided by SEOmoz for XML sitemap generation for larger websites?

    | DCISEO

  • Hello:
    I'm trying to consolidate all the link juice and see that some of my pages are linked to by using both and
    Is there a safe re-write rule that not just redirects non-www(s) to www(s), but designates the redirect as 301, so link juice will be transfered as well. If not RewriteRule, are there any other ways to accoplishe this? And the last question: can this be solved by simply setting Preffered domain in google webmaster tools to display www URL? Any help will be appreciated.

    | romanbond

  • Our keyword rankings have dropped greatly since July'12. Our site used to be in the top 8 rankings for the most competitive keywords on our industry and now rank 30+. Being new to this industry any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | RobSchofield

  • Is there in fact any kind of negative impact having title tags longer than 70 characters, as long as I place the most important keywords at the start and make sure that title still is compelling when cut somewhere around 70 characters? Are the additional words after the 70 characters limit just ignored? May additional words dillute the strength of the first words or may they even be helpful ? Any experience or any studies you know about impact of longer title tags? Or any statement from google about it?

    | lcourse

  • I would like to put the number of reviews in the meta title of a product page. I noticed that tripadvisor for example does the same. However I read in some places that people encountered problems with frequent title tag changes. Did you ever encounter problems by just changing numbers in title tag?
    Do you think it is really a problem if just the number of the reviews changes? what about putting  number of reviews in the meta description instead?

    | lcourse

  • The SEO Moz keyword ranking tool is useful and fairly accurate but it would be more useful to know why the ranking changed. Can the tool provide any insight in this regard?

    | casper434

  • Situation Description: I have a website called Website A. I wish to migrate alot of the content from Website A to Website B. Website B will be on a completely different domain name and environment. Authors of Website A will act as contributing authors for Website B. It is also possible that other contributing authors of other websites C and D commit to writing content on Website B. Questions (1) Does it make sense to create a google plus profile under and link from content on websiteB to their google plus profile under (2) Does AuthorRank affect PageRank? If yes, if I take the above approach would websiteA be effected or websiteB since the content writers of websiteA are contributing to websiteB? (3) Is it ok for userA to have a corporate google plus profile assuming he might also have another google plus profile under a different address? I always think it make sense that there exists a google plus profile at an employee level and another google plus profile at a personal level. (4) If an employee leaves the company, do I leave his/hers Google Plus profile alive? The fact that no more content would be published under that particular profile, would that negatively effect author rank over time? (5) Another interesting observation is that UsaToday, CNN etc do not use authorship? No authors link to their twitter profile or google plus profile. Shouln't they be doing this in terms of author rank or is author rank not that important? Thank you

    | seo1212

  • I have an active affiliate program and notice that webmaster tools is showing a huge number of links from one particular affiliate. The affiliate is called and they are showing 14,413 links all pointing to my homepage in WMT.  They don't seem to be no follow. What should I do about this?  Is this a problem? I have had major issues with my organic traffic dropping right off. I appreciate any feedback

    | Aikijeff

  • Hi, Last week we got hit bij penguin 2.0. Our sites dropped on most keywords on average 10 places. We had a steady place for 2 to 3 years. We have site-wide links in the  top of our websites to the other websites ( about 9 e-commerce sites). Today i have put rel= "nofollow " tags in all these links (accept on the hompages). To prevent spammy links. Is there anything else we can do ? Url most important keyword = klokken  ( previous position, 2nd place) search engine = google netherlands Thanks a lot for your help.

    | GTGshops

  • Hi All, I am new here but already I can see that SEOmoz is a great place for SEO  🙂 I need advice... We have one client that have 100.000 views per day on their YouTube channel! Now they have about 15.000 per day and ask us what we can do with SEO for their YouTube channel. Thanks for help! All The Best, Sanel

    | FighterSpirit

  • Is there any issue re: SEO? I usually go for a local and international domain just to protect brand but these guys only protected local domain. I'm thinking there aren't any specific SEO implications, but please let me know if there are any...

    | McTaggart

  • I'm interested in marking up videos on a site, so we can get those videos ranking on Google as rich snippets. Anyway, i've been looking at Googles support on this - And they recommend markup. I looked at Rands whiteboard friday videos - and it seems based on what i seen from the source code - that there is no markup - Also for the life of me, i've been trying to find sites with videos with markup, and can't find any! Its driving me nuts, i just want to see a real life example! -- Matt

    | Mattcarter08

  • Do you believe using a plugin that allows visitors to rate your blog posts and then generating AggregateReview markup code for each blog post is in accordance with google guidelines? I saw there are a couple of wordpress plugins that offer this functionality. Anybody who had any negative experience? Star icons will certainly increase visibility in SERP.

    | lcourse

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