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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me suss out what I'm missing here. There are two issues that have me pretty confused. #1: Ubersuggest is correctly indicated a ranking for this web page while it's not mentioned anywhere in Moz as a ranking keyword. #2: The page is ranking at #5 on page 1 for this search term and beating out the likes of and other 90+ DA and 50+ PA results while only having a PA 15 and DA 22. My concern here is that I'm missing out on other rankings that might actually be attainable.

    | Kamel.Adi

  • Some of our clients sites have a top level domain for Mexico, but in the Mozbar they doesn't show any country, is this related to a known bug? de pantalla 2019-08-15 12.41.10.png?dl=0 de pantalla 2019-08-15 12.41.10.png?dl=0 In the search console:  "International Targeting report" the target is Ok to Mexico.

    | Andrea_Ugalde

  • Is there a report or a place in Moz that I can see Hreflang errors for my site?

    | av-seo

  • Howdy folks, I'm using advanced search operators to generate lists of long tail queries related to my niche and I'd like to take the batch of URLs I've gathered and upload them in a batch so I can see what the PA is for each URL. This would help me determine which long tail query is receiving the most love and links and help inform my content strategy moving forward. But I can't seem to find a way to do this. I went to check out the Moz API but it's a little confusing. It says there's a free version, but then it looks like it's actually not free, then I try to use it and it says I've gone over my limit even though I haven't used it yet. Anyone that can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it. If you're familiar with SEMRush, they have a batch analysis tool that works well, but I ideally want to upload these URLs to Moz because it's better for this kind of research. Thanks!

    | brettmandoes

  • Hey Folks, We have a client with an experience I want to ask about. The Moz crawler is showing 4xx errors. These are happening because the crawler is triggering my client's spam throttling. They could increase from 240 to 480 page loads per minute but this could open the door for spam as well. Any thoughts on how to proceed? Thanks! Kirk

    | kbates

  • I'm trying to get keyword search volume per US state & not just country. I found an article on this but it's over 7 years old... Am I blind and completely missing it? Is there a way I can do this? Thanks, everyone!

    | frekwency

  • Hi, I am trying to track a page optimization feature for one of my project,  for keyword: write my essay but i keep getting this below error: "Page Optimization Error There was a problem loading this page. Please make sure the page is loading properly and that our user-agent, rogerbot, is not blocked from accessing this page." I checked robots.txt file, it all looks fine. Not sure what is the problem? Is it a problem with Moz or the website?

    | j.rahimi1990

  • Sometimes the "Pages with Duplicate Content" results under Content Issues show pages that, from what I'm able to see or otherwise test, have no duplicate content, save for the same navigation that exists on all of my pages. For example, a recent issue said that the following pages had duplicate content: Even a side-by-side of the page source in a text comparison tool shows nothing but navigation and scripts used in every page. Am I not seeing something?

    | rickmic

  • How does Moz identify which keywords are evident on page and how many that can be on that page. Can any of these identified keywords lie on any other pages within site and to what degree-thanks

    | bickybeanie

  • Hello, At some time in the past our WP site had urls like this: The site has not used that url structure for quite some time, but Moz crawl is still hitting every post with /blog/prepended and as a result is generating thousands of 404s.  When the /blog/ is removed from the url, then the urls work fine. Where are those old urls being stored and how can we update them? How do we address this issue? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thanks!

    | dbcooper

  • Hello Everyone, We are Looking for a Tool to Find Referring Pages of Specific URLs. Please let me know if you know of a Moz tool or another tool for this need. Thanks.

    | Pushm

  • Does anyone know how to check if a link is a do-follow or no-follow using the Moz bar? I believe there's a function that highlights and color codes the link so as to tell? Can't seem to turn this function on in my Moz Bar settings. Am I missing something completely obvious?

    | Gavo

  • Why it's an issue:Although using targeted keywords in H1 tags on your page does not directly correlate to high rankings, it does appear to provide some slight value. It's also considered a best practice for accessibility and helps potential visitors determine your page's content, so we recommend it. Over-using keywords, however, can be perceived as keyword stuffing (a form of search engine spam) and can negatively impact rankings, so use keywords in H1 tags two or fewer times. To adhere to best practices in Google News and Bing News, headlines should contain the relevant keyword target and be treated with the same importance as title tags

    | Carlsimp

  • When a monthly volume is displayed, (e.g. 501-850 - see attachment), what are the units for those numbers? Is it thousands? Millions? fark_RSyR7jfXjuBP_cZlRzc2w9NHtbE.png?AWSAccessKeyId=HBAYEKZHGUB4NAYQBVSQ&Expires=1557720000&Signature=9abIq7smOO%2Fdt%2Bb5bZWUkhl%2BVYA%3D

    | troy.brophy

  • I've searched the Moz blog as well as Q&A forums - but I specifically have a question about utilizing the Moz Location in keywords vs including the location in the actual keyword phrase. I've done both and get different rankings. For instance, I have "it company" with the Location set to Corpus Christi, Texas and our rank is #3. Then I also have "it company corpus christi" with the Location set to Corpus Christi, Texas and our rank is #6. Additionally, I threw in "it company corpus christi" with the Location set to National and our rank is #7. What is the best practice and what are the determining factors for the differences? Thank you in advance!

    | LBoxerger

  • I am looking at the Page Optimization on a post. Under content suggestions to help you rank higher - Are they recommending that I use the recommend anchor text and use one of the top ranking websites to link to those?

    | RoniFaida

  • I'd really like to view the difficulty/organic CTR/priority of suggested related keywords without having to click on each individually - is there a way to do this?

    | avfundstack

  • Hi, When using the Link Explorer to query URLs, when a long URL is entered, the field obscures the full URL eventough the field width should be able to comfortably fit the whole URL. This started to happen a few weeks ago. Hope this can be fixed soon. Thanks!

    | JacobMojiwat

  • Hello, I need to know why my website domain authority Drop from 36 to 29 Domain Authority for my this domain was 36 and it is drop to 29 in with in one day . Though i have a very decent and good links going over to all my pages my DA is affected and decreased. and my all links are showing in moz how i can find the solution ...? which links are disturbing or coz of doping Domain authority ....? or how to find the reason of Droping DA

    | hangnga

  • I always thought that internal links should be 'followed' to preserve link-juice.
    I've just been checking my Domain Authority Links overview, and the competitor with the most no-follow internal links has been rewarded with a higher Moz DA score.
    Can anyone explain why this would be the case? JRJ4Dwn

    | BottleGreenWebsites

  • For the past 7 months we have been managing a website for a client For the first 6 months, the client has always had been 30 and 40 keywords ranking on page 1 of Google. This month I log into Moz to prepare a report for February and they now only have 7 keywords ranking on page 1. How could this happen so quickly? Is it to do with the Moz DA changes? Nothing has happened to the site apart from adding a couple of blogs and landing pages and there are no errors reported on Moz or Search Console. It is very depressing. Also their DA has dropped relative to their competitors since last month, again no idea why. If the Moz DA updates are so great, why aren't DAs going up instead of down. This is difficult to explain to clients who associate downward trends with bad news. Please don't refer me to the slide set as none of my clients have the attention span to try and understand this, they just want their rankings to get better, not worse.

    | mfrgolfgti

  • My website domain authority was 39 but after the new update, its now 15. Am not happy at all because it took me three years to get that and now it has been reduce to nothing. Please I kindly need explanation as to what happened. Thanks

    | Amenorhu

  • Does anyone know the factors considered in the new domain authority algorithm other than spam score and complex distributions of links based on quality and traffic? Does anyone know of on-site factors we can use to compare with competitors to try and improve DA? Is having an NA as a spam score a bad thing?

    | CQMarketing

  • When i press export to csv it does not offer to choose how many rows but exports to file only 500 rows. But there is more than 3000. How to export all rows? Thanks

    | AndrisZigurs

  • The vast majority of the 140 domains that link to our website are very low quality directories or and other toxic links. Only about 20-30 domains are not toxic (according to Link Research Tools confirmed by out manual inspection of these links). Would removing some of these links improve of MOZ Domain Rank? What if we cannot remove them, can NOZ detect a disavow file? In general would improving the ratio between good quality and poor quality links improve domain authority? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • I fixed a 404-page error 3 days ago, and the new report today shows me that it still not fix

    | PatrickCote

  • I get this explanation on the grader: Although using targeted keywords in H1 tags on your page does not directly correlate to high rankings, it does appear to provide some slight value. It's also considered a best practice for accessibility and helps potential visitors determine your page's content, so we recommend it. Over-using keywords, however, can be perceived as keyword stuffing (a form of search engine spam) and can negatively impact rankings, so use keywords in H1 tags two or fewer times. To adhere to best practices in Google News and Bing News, headlines should contain the relevant keyword target and be treated with the same importance as title tags. But I have the keyword in an H1 tag, only once. So why am getting this message on the grader? The URL is The keyword is "business security systems" Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    | bizmarquee

  • What is the difference between Keywords Lists and Keywords Labels - Aren't they both just ways to create logical keyword groups? Also, what does the Tracked label imply - If a keyword is added to a "keyword list" does it also automatically get tracked?

    | hppcseo

  • When I check a page, moz report that there are missing header tags om that page. But the page has headings in the html-code. Are there something worng with the moz-tool? Html: class="searchTitle ">Finn din neste jobb

    | andre_wold

  • HI I know there is a flagged issue with page titles on the Visual Composer - but it is telling me there is no test on one page completely even though there is?? And it works on the others?

    | KellyDSD86

  • I have searched for food delivery keyword for the United Arab Emirates, EN, and AR. Monthly volume has no data whereas difficulty, organic and priority has figures. When I change the country to US; monthly volume has more data. Can you explain; how can I use your service?

    | Twenzy

  • I'm not sure what logic Moz is using for its reporting of Site Crawl issues, but it appears to be pretty flawed (unless I'm missing something, which is possible). I've got a client site that has been in Moz for about 6 months now. Every time the crawler runs, the same number of pages are reported as having been crawled. However I'm consistently getting "New Issues" reported that should have been reported during previous crawls. Example: A redirect chain was reported several month ago. The referring URL was the homepage of the website, and we tracked it down to an old link in the header. This was fixed, marked as resolved, and the issue was not shown on the next crawl. Several weeks later, the same issue was reported for a different page on the website - a page which has existed since 2014 and was already crawled many times. Again, we fixed. Fast-forward to the report that just ran on 12/1 and we have the same issue reported, for a different page, which has also existed for years and has been previously crawled. It's very hard to explain to a client "this item you are seeing has been resolved", only to have it continually crop back up in future reports. Note this is not limited to redirect chains - that's just an example. I'm seeing this for other items such as missing canonicals, duplicate titles, etc.

    | RucksackDigital

  • Hi i use a power package for MOZ. However i've heard conflicting reports on how often the DA and PA is updated. Someone said is it only updated monthly.   however i believe the update frequencies are great than that is there any definitive information on this

    | ticketking

  • Would be great to hook up with Moz staff that are Magento-integration savvy. Or maybe qualified users . . . Need to go through Magento Admin in order to correct errors found in Site Crawl. Thanks, Steve


  • I'm trying to optimize for the Keyword "River City Apartments" on this page: When I use On-Page Grader to see how I'm doing it's telling me I'm missing the Keyword in the Image Alt Attribute.  However, it's clearly in there. <strong>River City Apartments Aerial</strong> What am I missing?

    | Drew.Friestedt

  • I have a question about the Spam Score for my website .
    I have run a Spam Score for
    It has come back with an 80% score because there are 4 links that are apparently from my domain each with a 69% spam score.
    This domain is parked and I have no idea why there are links from it. There are no pages there and there never have been, I've never used the domain only
    I don't understand why there are links there and why they are making my Spam Score so high.
    Will they affect my site's SEO? Do I need to worry about them? If so how do I get rid of them?
    Can you help?
    Thanks very much Poppy

    | PoppyP

  • I crawled my website by Moz and found many metadata issues (Short meta description, Too long title, Too long URL). I fixed all of the issues. But when I recrawled my site it showed me all issues are fixed except Meta description. I thought maybe my changes are not being saved and I checked again but It seemed okay! All the changes I made it is applied. So, my meta description is okay now but Moz is appearing old meta description what was too short and detecting as an issue. I recrawled my site 4 times. Please help me with that issue. Thanks, Robin

    | Lobin

  • I don't like being restricted to tracking only three competitors' rankings so I'm wondering if I could just export the full SERPs like I can on Ahrefs and SEMrush.

    | QLP2004

  • I am having an issue with the Keyword list export. I exported a keyword list, then went back in a made changes to the list (deleted keywords, changed priority, etc). Then when I re-export the list it still downloads the original list. For instance, I had a keyword list of 120 keywords. I exported it. Then I reduced the list to 30 keywords. Now when I export that list it is still the original 120 keywords. Any one else having this issue? Is there a way to fix this?

    | Sundaram

  • When I look at the site crawl available through my dashboard, it reports 22.9K pages crawled.  I just ran a on-demand crawl and it is only reporting 6K pages crawled.  Why is the number so much lower?

    | ctripp1010

  • I was looking at the top pages on my website using Link Explorer, it contains 301 pages and image URLs. Is this expected or I should be doing something to fix it? URL with second highest PA in site is a page already 301 redirected more than 6 months back. URL with highest PA in my blog is a random image in the blog, rather than any blog posts. Is this normal? Thanks -Aji

    | ajiabs

  • Hi, I am building a website in Wordpress and when checking the pages through Moz toolbar or Yoast plugin, I notice that these don't recognise the internal links in custom CSS and the images neither. Here some code to clarify how it is built: [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][ultimate_heading main_heading="Veldrijden" alignment="left" main_heading_margin="margin-bottom:20px;"][/ultimate_heading][vc_single_image image="6497" img_size="full" onclick="custom_link" link=""][vc_btn title="Meer info" color="mulled-wine" align="left" link="|||"][/vc_column] The links are embedded in images and in 'More info' buttons. Also the internal links in the main website navigation are not recognised, but the normal a href links are recognised. For the images it is a little different: the alt text from the images gets recognised by Moz, but Yoast says there are no images on the page. The only thing I can think of that there is no 'a href' in the links and for the images that it has something to do with the page builder. Can this effect my SEO results? Thanks.

    | Mat_C

  • IIs there a way to pull bulk data out of my Moz account to get the two reports below? Competitors (all URLs for 15 to 20 domains)
    Keyword - Keywords ranking for URL
    Linking Domains - Domains linking to URL
    Search Volume Similar Keywords (Run the keyword list above)
    Original Keyword
    Similar Keywords - The keyword suggestions available in the keyword explorer
    Search Volume
    Mentions - Also in keyword explorer report

    | DevWired

  • Hi guys, I have a question about adding keywords found directly from a keyword tool onto a webpage. I see a keyword opportunity from Moz's Keyword Explorer, for example, "dog giardia treatment natural" and was wondering if it should be worked into the page exactly in that order? For example, I've modified the question on the page to now read "Are there any other dog Giardia treatments that are natural?" Is this good practice? Should it be exactly in the order of the keyword found in the tool? Is what I've done too spammy? Appreciate any help! Thanks

    | marktheshark10

  • I've ran it multiple times and changed other things it picked up on so not sure where it's getting the canonical tag is included even though it isn't?

    | Wana-Ryd

  • Hi guys, Basically, long story short our site currently has a spam score of 5%, which is heading into dangerous territory. We have been looking into why this might be and the more we've looked into it the more stumped we've become. We compared our inbound links to our competitors, who's spam score currently stands at just 1%, and found that we actually had a smaller proportion of spammy inbound links compared to theirs - and yet our score is 5x higher. We have looked into disavowal, but this seems like a high-risk venture and something of a last resort so we'd rather see if there's anything else we can do about this before we press the button. Are there any other factors we need to look in to aside from inbound links and domains? Could it be something to do with our site architecture? For example we have a very high number of internal links (102,011, 94.1% are followed) compared to our competitors. This could qualify us as a 'large' site, and when paired with the fact that we only have 640 inbound links could be a big red flag to Google? Any help you'd be willing to provide us on this would be much appreciated!

    | rawdog

  • Hello. I'm wondering if there is a way to control the crawl rate of MOZ on our site. It is hosted on Shopify which does not allow any kind of control over the robots.txt file to add a rule like this: User-Agent: rogerbot Crawl-Delay: 5 Due to this, we get a lot of 430 error codes -mainly on our products- and this certainly would prevent MOZ from getting the full picture of our shop. Can we rely on MOZ's data when critical pages are not being crawled due to 430 errors? Is there any alternative to fix this? Thanks

    | AllAboutShapewear

  • I am trying to find every single website that mentions my company name  (attempting to identify some negative posts.)  It is a rather unique name but I suppose that kind of search would be difficult.  Any ideas?

    | pcthrpy

  • If you've been with Moz a while, you may have used our old Crawl Test tool. A year ago we launched an all new, campaign-based Site Crawl (with an entirely rebuild crawl engine), but Crawl Test fell into disrepair and we haven't had a solid tool for crawling non-campaign domains. I'm happy to announce that we've just launched an all new On-Demand Crawl, built on the new Site Crawl engine, with a UI that's focused on quick insights. Moz Pro Standard tier customers can run up to 5 crawls per month at 3,000 page per crawl (crawls are saved for 90 days), with per-month limits increasing at higher levels. Most On-Demand Crawls should run in a few minutes, making the tool perfect to get quick insights for sales meetings, vetting prospects, or analyzing competitors. We've written up a sample case study or logged-in customers can go directly to On-Demand Crawl. Try it out -- we'd love to hear your use cases (either here or in the blog post comments).

    | Dr-Pete

  • If you start a campaign in Moz, go to page optimization, enter a URL and keyword, and go to the bottom where it says "Content Suggestions" is that basically do a TF-IDF analysis? I want to make sure I understand how that works. Thanks!

    | brettmandoes

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