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  • Hi I can see how to cancel my account, but I wish to just suspend. Stop paying, archive all projects and have the option to reactivate my account again at a later date. Is that possible?

    Product Support | | yolkcreative

  • I received an updated weekly report via email, but my campaigns on the site are showing no data after 7/14

    Product Support | | OMGrealestate

  • We have made a company decision to use another tool for the purpose of rank tracking and want to downgrade our Moz subscription to improve our bottom line. The current debate is whether the archived information has enough value to justify keeping a subscription. I am desperately hoping to circumvent this foolish, time consuming debate by being able to view archived campaign data from the free subscription, is this possible? Thanks in advance.

    Product Support | | MAG-Superstore

  • Hello everyone, Can someone explain me why after 47 points I reached, now when posting answers or replies no more points are added to my account? Thanks 🙂 Eugenio

    Product Support | | socialengaged

  • I need to add more campaigns to my account and don't see any place to do this. I can't even find a phone number or email address to ask for this information. Please help

    Product Support | | Admin5

  • It's now happened three times in three days: I get unsolicited email (apparently harvested from my Moz profile) that invites me to try a new product or contribute to a new site. The senders are completely unknown to me. The emails are full of hype,  sketchy on details and poorly written. They have all the hallmarks of phishing scams. But on further inquiry the emails seem to be legit. I nonetheless feel entitled to confess my extreme exasperation. When did sending unsolicited mass email of the "Dear Colleague" variety to perfect strangers become acceptable business practice? It's always struck me as being beyond the pale and beneath contempt. Why would anyone try to launch a business which such dubious and unsavoury  tactics? Am I missing something here? Or becoming a fuddy duddy? I suppose I could remove my contact info from my MOZ profile, but I have found it useful in the past. What surprises me is that people would contact me "out of the blue" to ask for free help without making the slightest attempt to cultivate a relationship first. Am I wrong?

    Product Support | | DanielFreedman

  • Moz is showing 302 error instead of 404 in the Crawl Diagnostics Summary report. But there is no such page uploaded ever to the site. Please let me know why this is happening. eg:

    Product Support | | zco_seo

  • I am new to MOZ and am curious if each of my clients should have their own MOZ pro account or if I, ( ME the designer & optimizer ) just needs an account and i add each of the clients website to my account? ie. do i log into 6 different clients MOZ accounts? or do i personally create a MOZ account and each site is set up as a Campaign? any advice? thanks,

    Product Support | | EarGear

  • Hello, I have at present a problem with my campaigns.
    I feel that it is not updated since the beginning of July (when I reloaded my account) because figures did not change in key word ranking. Thank you for supplying me an answer, cordially A.Reille

    Product Support | | Alex75

  • I had 4 campaigns set up and running and I had an issue with the credit card in my profile and I updated the information and now all my previous campaign have disappear. Can somebody help me on this?

    Product Support | | Ashfordco

  • Hi, Does anyone know if you can modify your anchor text and URL after you reach 200 Moz points on your profile section (On the web section under image)? I am close to getting my 200 pts (btw...enjoyed the entire journey) and am trying to choose my anchor text. Here is some interesting analysis too. I have a Spanish site since we are an Argentinean firm. 1. Would a spanish word as anchor text have any value since is an English site? I am think about semantics here and how Google likes only content relevant links. My thought is that it does today but it may not be true in the future if Google is going to do away with linkbuilding and just do semantics and co-citation. Thanks Carla

    Product Support | | Carla_Dawson

  • I'm getting an error of the title element being too long on a few pages. Most of them are super easy fixes however there is one that's not. On our rss feed I think the titles of each blog are getting concatenated together. Here is the example of the xml: <title>First Blog title</title> <title>Second Blog title</title> When I check using a spider simulator ( it tells me that my title is the actual page title tag. Is this a MOZ error and will it show up on google properly? The second part I've noticed about the rss feed is that it's reporting too many links in it. Does that matter in this case? Thanks

    Product Support | | INMCA

  • Since SEOmoz become Moz, I can't find the Moz Pro free trial registration page. Anyone?

    Product Support | | Elchanan

  • Our MOZ report says it crawled 1800 pages so it reports a lot of errors based on those pages. We don't have that many pages on our site. What is MOZ crawling? I updated the profile to make sure it crawls the filtered page section of Google Analytics.

    Product Support | | JessiK

  • Hi all! I'm running two separate campaign crawls at the moment that I'm having a few issues with. The first is I'm tracking this at root to try an pick any problems with a previous version of the site, which is on the v1.muchbetteradventures subdomain. However, I'm only seeing 100 or so pages as being crawled in Moz, compared to thousands in Google. There's no access blocked alerts in Moz either. The second is I started this crawl at root a few days ago and no pages at all have been processed. Very odd! Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Product Support | | neooptic

  • We applied the tag to our website but Moz still picked up an error in Duplicate Page Content and Duplicate Title for and after the crawl was completed yesterday. From the forum last week, we tried using the rel=”canonical” tag to tell the Moz crawler that the two pages are the same on purpose but it didn't work. Below is how the code looks on our site up until the rel=”canonical” tag  is added:">"> <title>Group Employee Health Benefits | National Insurance Broker</title>
            css/style.css" type="text/css" />
            css/style_index.css" type="text/css" />
            ”” /> Is there something else we can try? Thanks

    Product Support | | Corporate_Synergies

  • I want to cancel my subscribtion, but the link to cancel is not working!

    Product Support | | iwant2stalku

  • Is anyone else seeing that their keyword rankings are pending even though they've been in the campaign for quite some time? Is this a known issue?

    Product Support | | IrishTimes

  • How many campaigns can you have before you max out your Moz pro account?

    Product Support | | alblaze20

  • Hello, I appreciate moz and all of its tools and would not consider going elsewhere but I must say I am a bit disappointed in the extreme inconsistency in the updates to my campaigns and keyword rankings. It's supposed to be weekly and used to occur on a specific day however I have no idea when it will happen now. Updates have occurred on average every 8-10 days with no consistency as to when they will actually happen. Once again I have no intentions of leaving moz but would like to know why this has happened for the past few months and if/when it will consistently be updated weekly. Thank you, Mike
    [personal information removed by staff]

    Product Support | | AgilitySpeaks

  • Hi, I recently had to change my bank and forgot that my payment for my moz PRO subscription was automatically deducted on a monthly basis from the older bank. I just realized this recently and have switched over my payment card to reactivate my account but now I see that my campaigns have been wiped as well. Could you please please please, reactivate my past campaign.  There was so much history/past information there and I won't be able to recreate it to see the changes in the campaign and measure progress! Please help! I would really appreciate it. I am coming to the MozCon conference in just a couple of weeks and am looking forward to more wonderful insights from you guys! Thanks much, Christina Kettman

    Product Support | | ChristinaMaria

  • Hy I've got a question. Right now I have 2 PRO Accounts with more or less 5-10 campaigns. Now I  would like to upgrade one account into ELITE. Here is my question: Is it possible to transfer the campaigns from the other PRO account to the ELITE? I won't create the  campaigns again because the data is really important. So, is there a possibility? Thanks for your answer!!

    Product Support | |

  • I recently launched a new website and according to the Moz Crawl Diagnostics Summary, I have more than 8,000 pages that have Title Elements that are Too Long (>70 Characters). But, when I look at these Page Titles, most of them seem to be (<70 Characters). Examples (with pages linked to the actual website): Collection page // Brooklyn Nets Shirts - Nets T-Shirt, Tees, Tops | Sportiqe Apparel (Moz reports this page title is 92 characters, over by 22) Product page // EA SPORTS Boxing Shirt - Red | Sportiqe Apparel (Moz reports this page title is 73 characters, over by 3 Blog post // 50 Father's Day Gift Ideas For Dad | Sportiqe Apparel (Moz reports this page title is 79 characters, over by 9) Is there a way to verify that the Moz tool is correct, and I'm overlooking that these page titles are indeed >70 characters? Any insight on how to resolve this problem as well? Appreciate any advice or articles that discuss this issue.

    Product Support | | farmiloe

  • have checked ranking for some of the keywords on rank tracker, for 3 keywords the rank showing > 50 car deals in delhi car discounts car loan in delhi of our domain in Google India... However using Incognito search too - its not that bad. what could be the gap like in Moz rank tracker

    Product Support | | Modi

  • Hi, I am experiencing 2 issues with the Duplicate Page Content in Moz. Every week it is notifying me of new duplicate content - so it seems to be missing duplicate content each week and the crawl is never above the 5000-6000 page mark, which means that it is under 10K which is the limit, so presumably everything is crawled in that one go so surely it should detect all of the dupe content on 1 crawl as opposed to having to do various crawls to detect it no? The dupe content report shows me pages that indeed have duplicate content but after checking, these are ranking on Google for their terms... ? Is the duplicate page content report incremental ? Will it add more duplicate content and increase the report every week or does it just show that week's results? If so, it's a bit like chasing my tail... Help!

    Product Support | | bjs2010

  • Hi, It seems that the MOZ New response to Question emails are getting my mailbox stuck (using outlook). This does not happen with any other email including your other reports and emails. Maybe its only me but it happens to me on two active questions I have with you (2 different new response emails I got). Thanks

    Product Support | | BeytzNet

  • Hi, Like the new look of Moz. I got an automated email the other day saying someone had responded to a question we asked on Moz. However, when opening the email, it really held Outlook 2010 up. So slow that it crashed Outlook a couple of times. When trying to forward the email to a colleague, I got the 'Contacting \\img_users' dialogue box, which just stood there for ages, and eventually I had to give up and force Outlook to quit. Please see attached screenshot. Looking at the URL Outlook was trying to reach indicates it's trying to load up the avatar of the person who responded. Which would look nice I admit, but don't really need it in the email if it's going to cause Outlook to crash. There is an 'image not found' icon next to the post, so that's why I assume Outlook is searching for that image. It's almost as if the image is incorrectly referencing a local source (network drive) which it can never find. Perhaps there is a missing http:// prefix before the image in the tag? Anyway, was curious to know if anyone else has this problem, or if anyone at Moz can check this out (update template?) Regards, Rich M6AY0GQ

    Product Support | | STL

  • I currently have a campaign running in my account on behalf of one of our clients.  They now want to setup their own SEOmoz account and take advantage of all the keywords for themselves.  Is there anyway for them to take the campaign history with them? Thanks! TM

    Product Support | | ppgrowth

  • Hi. How can I cancel the "PRO" ? Thanks,

    Product Support | | crocreek

  • Suspect it's just a wrinkle as a result of the change from seomoz to moz, but on seomoz the remember me checkbox had a time to live of a few weeks, possibly a month, which was excellent. Since the great rebranding and migration (which is excellent by the way), time to live from ticking remember me is in the order of a couple of hours, which is pretty annoying. Any chance the web folks could bump it up a little, better yet put it back to 30 days?  🙂

    Product Support | | WorldText

  • Since you switched from SEOMoz to Moz, every time I access the site (no matter if I close the browser or not) I am asked to login again, even though I am selecting the "Remember Me" option. Can you please fix that? PS: Same thing happens with OSE.

    Product Support | | FedeEinhorn

  • Hi all, I just made a report from Moz pro. After selecting all the reports I wanted clicked finished. My report would send by e-mail to me and my account address. But I still haven't received any report.
    When I check the 'manage report' page it says that my next report will be created in july. But I need it now 🙂 It has been about 2 hours now since I created the report. Can someone tell my when I've to be more patience or it will take up to july for my first report? My campaign allready is added more then a month ago. First time to export the reports as complete set

    Product Support | | StercBV

  • Is it possible to upgrade the number of keywords i can track? I dont need any more campaigns (websites) just more keywords. Thanks

    Product Support | | yournetbiz

  • One of the key phrases I have associated with my campaign is Las Vegas wedding venues. I have an on-page report card grade D for a page I am optimizing for the long tail key phrase outdoor wedding venues in Las Vegas. Some of the issues I am being asked to fix are:
    1. Broad Keyword Usage in Page Title: Employ the keyword in the page title, preferably as the first words in the element.
    2. Keyword Usage in URL
    3. Appropriate Keyword Usage in H1 Tag Should I disregard these fixes because is running these report as if I am optimizing for Las Vegas wedding venues as oppose to outdoor wedding venues in Las Vegas? All help is appreciated!! Thank you so much 😃

    Product Support | | leslieevarts

  • I just recently created a Moz campaign and while some features are intuitive, there are many that I don't completely understand. Are there tutorials somewhere on to help maximize my campaign efforts here?

    Product Support | | leslieevarts

  • I want to check rankings for 50 keywords. How do i upload to the tool

    Product Support | | IndigoConsulting

  • Hi SEOMoz, We've deleted a campaign recently that needs to be turned back on. Is there any way to do this? I'd rather not lose the archived rankings and data from the campaign and have to start recording/tracking anew. Thanks

    Product Support | | ConfluenceDigital

  • New company is looking to use moz as I recommended it as a current user myself. However the new company i work for requires its own account. Can we not sign up for the tools without the analytics? How long will it be before we are accepted? This is a huge company I've been employed by 🙂 Cheers Robert

    Product Support | | yournetbiz

  • I included a screenshot of the report. I had a 111 organic visits for last Mondays past week report, this Monday it is telling me I had 0. It's also telling me I have -10 non-branded keywords. I know the organic search visits isn't 0. Also, (this part I'm not sure about) but I don't see how I could have a negative amount of non-branded keywords. I would think it would just stop at 0. Has anyone had something like this happen? Or am I just missing something? Thanks for any help or comments. zK3FbG4.png

    Product Support | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer.

    Product Support | | Vizergy

  • I want to 1st off say I love the new look of the website, and I was somewhat confused but after reading Rands explanation as to why you guys did make the logical this is to change the brand I am very happy to with the outstanding new layout and wanted to ask you A quick question that if it's a bug I can definitely live with. The point system goes like this would it not be more logical to possibly use either 6 stars or leave the 1st level without a star the only reason I say that is because you get approximately 30 points for simply completing your profile. Something I think should be encouraged as well as celebrated. With that person completing their profile and asking or answering just 20 questions they are now a contributor and will have their star on the board. Please understand this is simply feedback, and it makes it in my opinion easier to gauge the amount of points someone has using the star method. Either way I think you have put a lot of thought to this and I am happy with it either way. I just wanted to know what your opinions were and your thoughts on the star method. Great job with the new site I am extremely impressed. Sincerely, Thomas Level mozPoints Benefits Aspirant 0 - 49 A smile Contributor 50 - 199 A hug from Roger Specialist 200 - 999 Removal of "nofollow" from first custom URL on profile Authority 1,000 - 1,999 A Moz t-shirt Expert 2,000 - 4,999 A Moz swag package Oracle +5,000 Something amazing! |

    Product Support | | BlueprintMarketing

  • Today I updated my profile and now it is 100% complete. But still my Moz Point is showing as 0(Zero). Please let me know when it'll get updated?

    Product Support | | lakhyajyoti

  • I used almost daily. What's the equivalent URL?

    Product Support | | BrianAsh

  • If you work for an Agency and build a strong profile here at SEOMOZ, what happens if I leave and get a new opportunity but my profile is tied to my last business? How do I transfer all the hard work I've done being involved and gaining those super awesome MOZPOINTS to my new spot? The old agency can just swoop in and the new guy will benefit from my work in the community. Is there anyway to safeguard your name.

    Product Support | | ColinWhite

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