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  • I am currently in the process of building an in house system for managing our clients SEO campaigns. One of the features that we will be including is a customer login where clients can view their reports and site progress. We plan on providing rankings and traffic stats within this which we will collect on a weekly basis to store historical changes. While I could integrate into analytics for traffic and create my own web crawler for rankings, this seems a waste since I already have that data in one central location. Looking through the moz API details it seems to have lots of functions for links but nothing relating to the campaigns. Is there any way or are there any plans to open up campaign data to an API? If I could do this I would certainly upgrade to allow each client to have their own campaign.

    Moz Pro | | PPCnSEO

  • I'm getting ready to write up a mission statement for my new ecommerce website.  I feel like I really need to set the tone of what we are all about. Just wondering if anyone has any general tips for writing mission statements?

    Branding | | PedroAndJobu

  • I've hit a road block of sorts and my mind is having trouble thinking out of the box.  I'm in a relatively small niche with a roofing product called snow guards.  I am struggling with ways to build links and content for my website at  I've used some forums, blogs, and directories. After going through my competitors link data, it seems that one of the biggest links they have that I don't is a DMOZ listing, but that can take awhile and I have submitted about 7 months ago.  It also appears that a lot of their links I cannot get are coming from construction magazines they paid to be in.  I don't have that kind of budget at this time and so I'm trying to compete via organic rankings.  My biggest thing I am struggling with is how to gain more back links.  My biggest competitor has over 40,000 links compared to my 2700. I'm somewhat new to SEO and am just looking for a couple suggestions.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | kadesmith

  • So... Why the .org and not the .com for seomoz?  Just curious... Is it just to make it seem less commercial? What do you all think?

    Branding | | PedroAndJobu

  • I am working on multiple online retail stores as follow. Right now, I have tracking facility with multiple account. Attached image can give you more idea about it. I don't want to track my statistics with multiple account. Because, it may take too much time behind Goal set up as well as analysis. Can I track all data under one account for all online retail stores? 6464019053_bda32e9fe0_b.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | CommercePundit

  • I am working on online retail stores. Initially, Google have indexed 10K+ pages of my website. I have checked number of indexed page before one week and pages were 8K+. Today, number of indexed pages are 7680. I can't understand why should it happen and How can fix it? I want to index maximum pages of my website.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Hi, We recently enabled a 301 on our domain from our old website to our new website. On the advice of fellow mozzer's we copied the old site exactly to the new domain, then did the 301 so that the sites are identical. Question is, should we be doing the 301 as a whole domain redirect, i.e. is now >, or individually setting each page, i.e. is now etc for each page in our site? Remembering that both old and new sites (for now) are identical copies. Also we set the 301 about 5 days ago and have verified its working but haven't seen a single change in rank either from the old site or new - is this because Google hasn't likely re-indexed yet? Thanks, Anthony

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Grenadi

  • Hi, Does anyone know if you can transfer an Google Analytics account. We are looking to take over a new clients existing website and the analytics account is registered to their current web designers. Is it possible to transfer it to the client so that their existing web company no longer has access and they keep all their historical data, or do we have to start from scratch. Thanks Fraser

    Reporting & Analytics | | fraserhannah

  • Hi all, Agency SEO here. Finally getting around to doing some work on our own site and had a thought. Any agency SEOs out there including "Website design by xyz" links in client website footers? (Only with client permission, of course.) We have a solid variety of clients and have tons of web work for them. Any agency SEOs want to speak to this? Any thoughts appreciated. James

    Link Building | | jamesm5i

  • Hey Mozzers! I am facing a problem and I need advice. I have recently opened my new website, which purpose is to offer quality articles, optimized for SEO. The problem is that I cannot find the right keyword to use for the main(root) domain ( as it is consisting of many niches. Is it a good idea to build backlinks on pages ( instead of building them on my root-domain? So basically, my root-domain will have less backlinks than my pages inside? Please give me some advice and way to act with. Thank you

    Link Building | | Ralchev

  • Hey all, I'm new to the SEOmoz thing but I like it so far. I think I have my site listing so messed up that it's effecting my rank. I have 3 domains. 1.) 2.) 3.) Each domain was purchased through and still remain there. I have my own hosting account which I was registered as with and listed as add on domains. Technically, I would like for my main site to be for everything. However when I registered the site as I didn't know the issues I would have as far as different domains so I registered with as my main domain name. Anyways, as of now I have as my main domain through my cpanel hosting.I have both domains and set for 301 wildcard redirects to on my hosting account and my GoDaddy account. When I started my WMT account I didn't really know which domain to use cause I figured I could link them all to one. So, I signed up as After a little while I realized it was not recieving anything because everything was being redirected to Anyways both addresses have been crawled and indexed so they are showing as two. So, I requested to change the address to in WMT. That was about 2 weeks ago and it is still pending request. I'm not having further problems with WMT because of the vs I am the verified owner of both but I can not switch the www.rt112media account to show the non www. account as the main one because I have the other pending. My site is still being crawled as 2 versions and So what is my best option? And what would be the worst cause scenario if I wanted to start completely over using as my main domain with hosting and all. Sorry this was so long I just wanted to explain my situation. I'm lost. Any advice would be appreciated! http:/

    Technical SEO | | Route112Media

  • I work for a news site and some of our photo galleries get indexed by Google News while others never do. I'm trying to determine why some are more successful than others even though they all follow the same guidelines regarding keyword-rich headlines & copy, h1s, etc. When comparing what's been indexed in the past with current galleries, there doesn't appear to be an obvious pattern. Can anyone share some insight into this?

    Algorithm Updates | | BostonWright

  • If you're an in-house marketing person, almost by definition, you're neither a specialist or expert in the variety of things one might do to improve SEO. We do a bunch of stuff in-house and hire people for other stuff that needs to be done and the work is never complete! What do you do, as the de facto in-house, on-staff "expert" for SEO? I'm purposely leaving this question fairly open-ended to solicit advise, ideas & direction to develop a framework and a guide for our efforts. Also, I'm not intentionally ruling out pro's...I'm open to your opinions too - but I will probably only hire you unless you have a full tool bag of skills that include the ability to write auto-responders, write & blog relevant content, set up and monitor page rank, do SEO, set up AdWords campaigns, etc. at a the nice price. And I'll only do that if I can't do/learn/achieve all of the above to a certain degree on my own. Although I'll probably never stop questioning processes, costs and everything else associated with hiring a pro...all of which will make me a pain-in-the-butt client you probably don't want. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | karlseidel

  • The page in question receives a  lot of quality traffic but is only relevant to a small percent of my users. I want to keep the link juice received from this page but I do not want it to appear in the SERPs.

    Technical SEO | | surveygizmo

  • I have optimized my home page for the keyword "computer repairs" would I be better of targeting my links at this page or an additional page (which already exists) called /repairs it's possible to rename & 301 this page to /computer-repairs The only advantage I can see from targeting /computer-repairs is that the keywords are in the target URL.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOKeith

  • I'm working on a site that has pages for many wedding vendors. There are essentially 3 variations of the page for each vendor with only slightly different content, so they're showing up as "duplicate content" in my SEOmoz Campaign. Here's an example of the 3 variations: Because of this, we placed a rel="canoncial" tag in the second 2 pages to try to fix the problem. However, the coding does not seem to validate in the w3 html validator. I can't say I understand html well enough to understand the error the validator is pointing out. We also added a the following to the second 2 types of pages <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> Am I employing this tag correctly in this case? Here is a snippet of the code below. <html> <head> <title>Reviews on Astonishing Event, Inc from Somerset MAtitle> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[/includes/style.css](view-source:"> <link href="[](view-source:" rel="canonical" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
    <meta name="keywords" content="Astonishing Event, Inc, Somerset Massachusetts, Massachusetts Wedding Wedding Planners Directory, Massachusetts weddings, wedding Massachusetts ">
    <meta name="description" content="Get information and read reviews on Astonishing Event, Inc from Somerset MA. Astonishing Event, Inc appears in the directory of Somerset MA wedding Wedding Planners on"> <script src="[](view-source:" type="text/javascript">script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-173959-2"; urchinTracker(); script> head>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jeffreytrull1

  • Hi everyone, I've got a chance to put some links on good quality websites. BUT there is a little problem which confuse me a lot. Those website are on Russian language. I have an English keyword and promote it for I know that the link from Russian websites still can make a good impact on keyword rankings in Google but I am confused shall I wrap the anchor text with English or Russian text ? For ex.:   привет <a>keyword</a> привет or Hi i am John <a>keyword</a> from US. Logically Google might be surprised to see English text on Russian websiteю Thank you for your attention to this topic. Russel

    Link Building | | smokin_ace

  • I'm using sh404SEF on my Joomla 1.5 website. Last week, I activated the security functions of the tool, which includes an anti-flood control feature. This morning when I looked at my new crawl statistics in SEOMoz, I noticed a significant drop in the number of webpages crawled, and I'm attributing that to the security configurations that I made earlier in the week. I'm looking for a way to prevent this from happening so the next crawl is accurate. I was thinking of using sh404SEFs  "UserAgent white list" feature. Does SEOMoz have a UserAgent string that I could try adding to my white list?  Is this what you guys recommend as a solution to this problem?

    Technical SEO | | JBradySD

  • It has been 12 months, and it is time for some serious SEO reality check up. I think we have done some really nice things (social integration, on page optimization etc) but we honestly could do a million time better on some other elements (anchor, text, link building etc...). Would love to hear from the community what would be the top 10 criteria you would use to judge the quality of the SEO work done for a new site during is first 12 months. PS: we are a very content rich over 1,500 new articles/post in our niche with 12 months -  our site is Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | OlivierChateau

  • When building Anchor text links what affect if any does rel="external" have on inlinks placed to your site. Thanks, Kjay

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOKeith

  • Example Business Name - UberPuter UberPuter targets the keywords "Computer Repairs" right from their home page. UberPuter has the option to place links on 150 of their customers pages that are happy with the service. Would it be best to place two anchor text links one with the brand name and one with the keyword anchor text in "computer repairs" pointing both at the home page or should UberPuter only place one link back to the home page for the Keyword Anchor text? To the best of my knowledge G only counts the first link on a page as a "Vote" so my thought is to only include the single link with the keyword anchor text. Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOKeith

  • Does anyone know of any good SEO companies for French websites?

    Industry News | | geekdesign

  • We just completed a build of a new site and used 301 redirects to retain our page authority.  In the first week all the interior pages reported a page authority of 1 after 2 or so weeks the page authority began to look more accurate but they were still not as high as the original pages.  The strange thing is that when you click on the link to a page the page authority populates correctly but when the page finally finished loading the PA goes back down.  Has anyone ever experienced this and if so how did you fix it? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | |

  • I've noticed in my stats that google is indexing some non-pretty URLs from my wordpress-based blog.
    For instance, this URL is appearing google search: It should be: Last week I added the plugin Redirection in order to consolidate categories & tags. Any chance that this has something to do with it? Recs on how to solve this? Fyi - I've been using pretty URLS with wordpress from the very beginning and this is the first time that I've seen this issue. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Technical SEO | | peterdbaron

  • Well, as topic. I have a list wih a bunch of domains, I want to sort them by DA. Is this possible in some quick way?

    Link Building | | ToiletFish

  • I have to promote a manufacturer's rep site. They deal in process control instruments,and they don't have much original content. Creating it is hard for me due to the technical nature of the business. If any Mozzers have an idea I'd love to hear it.

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • Our page title is 64 characters, but it is still be truncated by Google even though it is less than the allotted 66 characters. Our Title: Women & Mens Sunglasses as low as $10 to $20 - Truncated to: Women & Mens Sunglasses as low as $10 to $20 - SunglassDeals ... To see, search "" on Any answers or help would be appreciated. Thanks. James

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tuckjames

  • I'm tasked with optimising the UK part of a global site. - how should I set my campaign up in SEOMoz? Is it a sub domain?

    Moz Pro | | columbus

  • Here is how I did the configuration of the redirects: I don’t understand why the destination page is different from the one is configured in the apache server.  Any ideas? For example: is being already being 301 redirected to a 404 page ( that does not exist on the Apache server. As you can see, the url was incorrectly written. Another occurrence from the spreadsheet is, which is also being 301 redirected to a 404 page ( This is causing a hard 404 page. Here is my .httpaccess file: <virtualhost""></virtualhost> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/www/solgroup/americas/ ServerName ServerAlias Redirect permanent /spanish/services/ Redirect permanent /entertainment/ Redirect permanent /press/ Redirect permanent /spanish/ Redirect permanent /es/restaurantes/ Redirect permanent /spanish/entertainment/ Redirect permanent /spanish/services/ Redirect permanent /es/spa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/accommodations/ Redirect permanent /spanish/spa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/royal/ Redirect permanent /spanish/dining/ Redirect permanent /spanish/flintstones/ Redirect permanent /es/galeria/ Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/ Redirect permanent /es/reuniones-eventos/ Redirect permanent /lowest-rate.php Redirect permanent /es/los-picapiedra/ Redirect permanent /gallery/beach.html Redirect permanent /gallery/dining.html Redirect permanent /gallery/pools.html Redirect permanent /spanish/sitemap.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/playa.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/restaurantes.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/piscinas.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/beach.html Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/pools.html Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/dining.html Redirect permanent /spanish/press/ Redirect permanent /en/groups.html Redirect permanent /terms-condition.php Redirect permanent /es/all_inclusive.html Redirect permanent /es/terms-condition.php Redirect permanent /es/prensa/family-facilities-amenities.html Redirect permanent /es/outside-us-telephone-listing.php Redirect permanent /spanish/press/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /press/family-facilities-amenities.html Redirect permanent /press/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html Redirect permanent /spanish/press/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html Redirect permanent /press/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • Why does my keyword report show for my keywords by keyword report zeros, while the summary shows 400+ for all keywords?

    Search Behavior | | PureStorageMarketing

  • Over the weekend, we updated our store to a new server.  Before the switch, we had a robots.txt file on the new server that disallowed its contents from being indexed (we didn't want duplicate pages from both old and new servers). When we finally made the switch, we somehow forgot to remove that robots.txt file, so the new pages weren't indexed.  We quickly put our good robots.txt in place, and we submitted a request for a re-crawl of the site. The problem is that many of our search rankings have changed.  We were ranking #2 for some keywords, and now we're not showing up at all.  Is there anything we can do?  Google Webmaster Tools says that the next crawl could take up to weeks!  Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 9Studios

  • Hello seomozers! Today I've come to one interesting question about Title Tag lenght in UTF-8 coded content. It's relevant to description tag lenght too. So, as we all know SEO best practices recommend that my Title tag should be under 70 (or 75) characters. Now, we have a website which is UTF-8 coded. That means that our special characters (some lithuanian letters) at the end gains +4 or +5 characters in length. So Google Webmaster Tools in our case report that some Title Tags are longer than they should be (exceeded by those +4 or +5), but in SERPs we see clear and not trunctated Title Tags (which means that our title tags are displayed correctly in UTF-8). The question is - should I believe in SERPs and don't take any action or maybe should I notice Google Webmaster Tools recommendations and shorten those tags ? Well, I do believe that at the end it's not so important, but I'd like to hear some more opinions on this simple situation.

    On-Page Optimization | | jkundrotas

  • Quick Question, We all have heard that outbound links for affiliate marketing will be filtered via Panda however how does this work when using the Google Affiliate Network URL's? Has anyone found different signals with using Google vs. Another Network?

    Affiliate Marketing | | Ben-HPB

  • We are in the process of building out a new website, it has been built in Drupal. Within the scan report from SEOMOZ Crawl Diagnostics and it look like I have a duplicate content issue. Example: We sell Vinyl Banners so we have many different templates one can use from within our Online Banner Builder Tool. We have broken them down via categories: Issue: Duplicate Page Content /categories/activities  has 9 other URLS associated this issue, I have many others but this one will work for an example. Within this category we have multiple templates attached to this page. Each of the templates do not need their own page however we use this to pull the templates into one page onto the activities landing page. I am wondering if I need to nofollow, noindex each of those individule templates and just get the main top level category name indexed. Or is there a better way to do this to minimize the impact of Panda?

    Technical SEO | | Ben-HPB

  • I notice that I'm getting a lot of spammy blog comments on a personal interest site. Why would someone go to all that trouble to get a nofollow link that will most likely not be approved?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • We are working on redoing our site and I read the article from rand about how to properly format title tags, here He showed how he could take 6 keywords and use them all in the title tag: The title Tag:
    Ted Baker London - Men's Clothing Collections 2005-2008 | The keywords:
    Ted Baker
    Ted Baker London
    Ted Baker Clothing
    Ted Baker Mens
    Ted Baker Mens Clothing
    Ted Baker Mens Collection So what I am wondering is the keyword Ted Baker Mens Collection actually getting found. In this case we are dealing with a contraction (men's) and a plural form of a keyword (collections). Is it plucked out from the title tag above?
    Like this? Ted Baker London - Men's Clothing Collections 2005-2008 | In his article he goes on to say the biggest mistake he sees is, unfortunately exactly the way our site was built 6 years ago. That is people doing this: Ted Baker, Ted Baker London, Ted Baker Clothing, Ted Baker Men's Clothing, Ted Baker Clothing Collection - Buy Online Now at Our site does just that, while we are PR 4 and get decent traffic for the business we are in, we are doing a huge update with new pages, information, and most importantly trying to get all the SEO the best as possible. I want to make sure before we make these what could be huge impact changes that search engines do in fact Pluck the keywords from the title tag, and they are not required to be together. Thank you for any thoughts, answers and most importantly your time. Example following this formula: Our Top 3 Keywords:
    Molded Rubber
    Rubber Molding
    Custom Molded Rubber Our Old way:
    Title: Custom Molded Rubber, Rubber Molding, Molded Rubber
    The new way:
    Title: Custom Molded Rubber - Molding Services |

    On-Page Optimization | | donford

  • We have a problem with one of our sites (wordpress) not getting fetched by googlebot. Some folders on the url get found others not. So we have isolated it as a wordpress issue. Will this affect our page in google serps anytime soon? Does any whizz kid out there know how to begin fixing this as we have spent two days solid on this. url is Thanks in advance guys Rob

    Technical SEO | | wonderwall

  • Hi guys. On my website I have an action that will only perform if you are logged into your account, otherwise you are redirected to the login page causing a 302 redirection. When SEOmoz crawls my website, it gets all these redirections to the login page, but I really can't do much better so what is the best way of fixing this? I've thought of using rel="nofollow", but I want make sure this change will fix my issue, both with the SEOmoz crawler and any other search engine crawler. Thank you guys so much!

    On-Page Optimization | | tanlup

  • Hello, Newbie here so this might be a really daft question.... We've a few accounts and are trialling different software - across a few campaigns, we're seeing big differences in link numbers from different software (namely Moz and Majestic). I'm assuming there is a really good reason for it - just can't find what it is! Thanks in advance!

    Moz Pro | | jghull

  • If anyone optimised their sitemap recently and would like to share some tips it would be much appreciated:-) Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | dublinbet

  • This question is regarding having a Google Places snippet consisting of your business location and opening hours appearing in Google SERP when the business name is searched for. One of our competitors who has a location within their name e.g. 'Widgets of Oxford' have a Google Places snippet appear on the RHS of the search results (where Google Ads usually go) when searched for. We are trying to replicate this for our business but cannot seem to find any information relating to doing this apart from that this only appears for them as they have a location in their name. This is because we see a similar snippet when we search for our business name in the format "OurBusinessName in OurLocation). Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Image & Video Optimization | | jannkuzel

  • We have a portal wich is only in spain and we started to internazionalized it to Argentina, Mexico and Colombia. Before we had a .com domain with content only for spain and now that domain is going to be global. so.. .com contains all the content and you can filter for country .es contains spanish content contanis argenitian content Every thing is ok but the problem is that there is a content (online courses) that is in every country. What we thougt to do is: -online contect url canonical to .com domain -Geo content url canonical to .es, domain (depending on the geo) Filters besidese .com and .es can give similar resoults we do not use canonical url or we will follow the rule above (if there is geo in .com filter then canonical to geo domain and if the filter is (online courses) then canonical to .com domain) What do you think about that? Thank you in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ofuente

  • We have a page on a website (let's name it ABC) which ranks very well on Google for a specific keyword but this keyword is not the main activity of website ABC. For this reason we created website XYZ for offering the services related to the specific keyword. How shall we redirect the visitors from website ABC to website XYZ so XYZ gets all the weight ? Is it best to do an HTTP301 from the specific page on site ABC or from site ABC, remove nearly all content related to the keyword and create a link to website XYZ ? Your advice is well appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | netbuilder

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