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  • Can I use canonical from one site to another having different domains?

    Technical SEO | | mgfarte

  • Need help: Do canonical tags do the exact same thing that wordpress already does with it’s permalink function?  Or are these 2 separate things?  thank you.

    Technical SEO | | bonnierSEO

  • Does content placement on a page have any effect, bring up top as opposed to bottom as opposed to embedded within? On my product detail page it comes up last after image, social section and add to cart

    Content Development | | Dirty

  • I have a site where I have 5,000 new products each year, I never waned to deleted the old pages due to links pointing to them and keywords.  But I now have 20,000 plus pages, does having that many pages spread out my link juice or does it effect me in any other ways over having a site with 5,000 pages or should I keep not deleting old pages so I dont loose any links? Along with that I currently do not link to my old pages from my site so Im guessing google does not get to them very often if at all, if you agree to still keep them should I link to them somewhere? Because the products are not that simiiar and they do bring added value I dont think canonical would work here

    On-Page Optimization | | Dirty

  • I have a directory on my website, paginated in groups of 10. On page 2 of the results, the title tag is the same as the first page, as it is on the 3rd page and so on. This is giving me duplicate page title errors. If i use rel=canonical tags on the subsequent pages and href the first page of my results, will my duplicate page title warnings go away? thanks.

    Moz Pro | | fourthdimensioninc

  • Hi, I have a domain with no keywords on it, and I´ve been using it for years. Now I bought another domain with the keyword on it. I whant to work on seo for the second domain, with the keyword. What is the better way to work this out? 301? Duplicate de site? redirect in another way?

    Technical SEO | | mgfarte

  • Hello, Someone know the delay for links insertion in Open Site Explorer? Because i know my site have a lot more links who are not in OSE. Thanks.

    Link Building | | caroy

  • Hi, I have been working on an e-commerce site and have been wondering if i should add the meta robot tag with no follows, on pages like delivery , terms, returns and the html sitemap? From what I have read this seems a good idea, but i am a little confused as what to do with the html sitemap. I can understand that having this on the homepage will allow crawlers quick access to the deeper pages within the site. But would it be better to guide them down the natural route of the category navigation instead? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Bmeisterali

  • Hi Guys, Please can you help me if you can. How to find high PR & Domain authority websites to build links?  I really want to learn as much as I can from link building, but I am not sure how to find out how to find high PR websites to build links from.. Can any help me?? Thanks Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Hi This is obviously a well worn question (I've read the great blog by Sam Crocker last year - see below), but I'm looking for an updated set of opinions on sources of competitor data. The competitor data I'm interested in is traffic volumes either aggregated or disaggregated by referral source (i.e. organic search, PPC, email, social etc.). The types of data I've checked so far are Google Trends for websites (no disaggregation), Alexa (some good sources of free data) and Experian's Hitwise (too expensive for my current needs). In addition I'm aware that Compete will be providing an interface for such data in the UK in January at reasonable rates for what I'm after. I'm interested in views on these and other sources in relation to experience of their relative accuracy, costs, pros, con etc. Ideally I'm looking for something that is free, comprehensive, and is not being used by the competition - is that too much to ask!!! 😉 Any inputs would be greatly appeciated. Thanks in advance! Neil Sam's great blog:

    Competitive Research | | mccormackmorrison

  • Our Domain Authority has been at 42 or 43 for a couple months and it just increased to 54.  Why did this happen? I would like to think that it is because of out SEO and linkbuilding work.  However, I suspect something else may be involved because the 3 competitors we track also all increased between 10 to 25 points at the same time. What happened?  Did you make changes in the way you score DA or is this the result of changes in what pages you crawl?  Or what?

    Moz Pro | | rickt007

  • I am loving the new Social Media data that SEOMoz recently added. I am sure more will come soon, but I wondering if they have plans of adding LinkedIn Company pages as apart of a campaign to track. Does anyone have the inside clue about this? Do you think it would be a good idea as well?

    Moz Pro | | nextraq

  • what does that mean and how is that information valuable?  thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | thirsty3

  • Hello, I was surprised today by my domain autorithy drop from 18 to 14 in one single day. A couple of days ago I started to use Hubspot demo and  for some strange reoson yesterday I had a huge ammount of visits yesterday. My domain autorithy was 18 yesterday and today is 14 and the links to my site increased almost 1500. Whats is happening? Tks in advance! Pedro Pereira

    Link Building | | PedroM

  • Hey guys. I have a server related question. One of our websites is hosted with a nasty slow company, and we want to make a change. The problem we have is that the site is 6 months old so it started on one server, the client then moved it to this slow host about 2 months ago, we now want to move it again. Will this negatively affect search engine rankings? As ever, thanks in advance 🙂

    Technical SEO | | Nextman

  • We are going to be relaunching our website with a new URL structure.  My question is, how is it best to deal with the migration process in terms of old URLS appearing whilst we launch the new ones. How best should we launch the new structure, considering we've in the region of 10,000 pages currently indexed in Google.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NeilTompkins

  • Hi there Mozzers! I have a subdomain with duplicate content and I'd like to remove these pages from the mighty Google index. The problem is: the website is build in Drupal and this subdomain does not have it's own robots.txt. So I want to ask you how to disallow and noindex this subdomain. Is it possible to add this to the root robots.txt: User-agent: *
    Disallow: / User-agent: Googlebot
    Noindex: / Thank you in advance! Partouter

    Technical SEO | | Partouter

  • Hi all, We've been working on improving our ranking for a specific keyword for the past couple of months. Progress has been steady if not spectacular (it's a very competitive keyword). Last week we obtained (not bought!) a site wide link from a partner (nothing fishy, they are business partners in the same industry) as well as a link each from a relevant resource site and a directory with good PA/DA. The anchor text used on the new links is keyword rich. This week our rankings have fallen dramatically from page 2 to page 39 for our targeted page although other pages on our site still rank well for this keyword. The targeted page is still indexed by Google. Could Google just be reassessing our ranking for this page and it will return to its previous rank or is it likely it has received a keyword specific penalty? Thanks in advance.

    Link Building | | Confetti_Wedding

  • I have recently set up a campaign for Im the in-house developer there. When the crawl diagnostics completed, i went to check the results, and to my surprise, it had well over 100 missing or empty title tags. I then clicked it to see what pages, and nearly all the pages it say have missing or empty title tags, DO NOT EXIST. This has really confused me and need help figuring out how to solve this. Can anyone help? Attached image is a screen shot of some of the links it showed me on crawl diagnostics, nearly all of these do not exist. Will the relation Canonical tag in the head section of the actual pages help? For example, The actual page that exist is: Whereas, when crawled it actually showed Will have the rel can tag in the header of the real products.php solve this?

    Moz Pro | | CompleteOffice

  • Hi, I am new to the community and have a very basic question concerning the internal settings for SEOmoz. How do I unlink the Google Analytics Account from SEOmoz. I am sure there is an easy answer to this. Thanks for helping!

    Reporting & Analytics | | sandoery

  • Hello SEOmoz members I've got   yet another naive question for you.  RankChecker is telling me that my client has risen to pg 1 position 7.  Whilst SERPs is telling me they are still on position 14.  I know that SERPs is variable depending on many factors, but this holds true for separate searches on other computers in various far flung locations. Please give me some insight into what is happening.  I'm waiting to open the bubbly! Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | catherine-279388

  • One of my campaigns says: Pages Crawled: 250 | Limit: 250 Is this because it's new and the limit will go up to 10,000 after the crawl is complete? I have a pro account, 4 other campaigns running and should be allowed 50,000 pages in total

    Moz Pro | | MirandaP

  • Hi there, I am in a bit of a dilemma, we are going to be doing some TV advertising and using the URL I want this to take the user to the product that we are advertising For best practice should have a 301 redirect on /tv going to /product? We are also doing magazine, newspaper advertising also, so the same question applies. Kind Regards

    Reporting & Analytics | | Paul78

  • My company has an international website, and because of a technical issue visitors in one of our main countries cannot visits the "www" version of our site. Currently, the www version is our preferred domain - and the non www redirects to that page.  To solve this problem, I was thinking of proposing the following and would greatly appreciate any feedback! (Note: If you answered my www vs. non www question, thanks - this is a follow up) 1. Set non www site as the preferred version 2. Redirect from www to non www 3. Contact our current links and ask them to change to without “www” 4. Change canonical URLs to without “www”

    Technical SEO | | theLotter

  • Hi I've created a campaign for my own website and added 3 competitor sites.  Under the campaign it says that 53 pages have been crawled but my site has less than 10 pages.  Are the other pages from my competitor sites? Thanks James

    Reporting & Analytics | | avecsys

  • Hello all! We regularly create articles for clients and post them (along with links to their Websites) on their blogs. We then promote the blog article across social media and other networks to create backlinks / authority for the articles. My question is whether anyone has had any success with an automated submission tool for the articles that delivers good results to "many" directories, social Websites and so on. At the moment, we do everything manually. Thanks!

    Link Building | | webindustry

  • Hi.. When we start a website with some number of pages, we start with their ONpage , and then Social bookmarking and article submission for them , also blog posting. What more can we do to keep the SEO process going on for those pages, or for link building ? For example, we have 5 pages on a website and each month, we have to show the status report what is being done for those 5 pages to the client. What all can we be do ?

    Link Building | | qubesys

  • I got to thinking earlier... I know obviously footer links are always going to be the bottom of the barrel but does the rest of block level analysis still mean as much... I mean, everybody went nuts with getting in-content links only so there's a billion and one badly written spammy blogs with useless content on just for the sake of getting in-content links instead of blogroll/sidebar links. I just wonder if maybe due to that, things might have levelled out a bit for link location and we hadn't noticed... or at least there's not been much discussion over it lately. Thoughts anyone?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveOllington

  • Hi all, I am getting 403 error for my site where it is throwing error for the following url id/ignore and it is showing 7 similar url for 7 user ids. I want to know how can i resolve it and if it is going to have any negative effect on its ranking.

    On-Page Optimization | | akhilendra

  • I have 300 URL specific websites that rank well in Yahoo and Bing.  Unfortunately I don't have access to the websites due to a previous marketing agreement (before my time). I do have access to the application that is i-framed into the websites.  I was thinking about adding a paragraph below the application with a link to the primary website. How does google look at these links. If I add the link, there will be an additional 300 links showing up at the same time. Not what they want to see from my personal knowledge base. At the same time, its not black hat SEO, I am just trying to link to the other websites which I own which are related. What are people thoughts.

    Technical SEO | | FidelityOne

  • Our main site (blog with 700 high quality articles) ranks pretty well and we recently launced a rapidly growing forum (55.000 posts in the first 11 weeks) on a subdomain. What would be a good strategy for ranking the forum quickly

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | xpd

  • Hello everyone... Question: I have 7-8 generic keywords that I would like to rank for, is it possible for one site to rank highly for all these different keywords, or would this be best achieved by making 2 or 3 websites in total targeting different keywords (product sectors)? More info: We are in a niche industry & would like to know if it would be beneficial to have several websites made for specific product types rather than one main site? Although these sub classifications of products are nice, they are competitive as they have a high search volume Would it be better to build specific websites that only do that one type of product and have related keyword in domain, content & blogs on the site to that effect to increase relevance and positions as a result? Thanks

    Web Design | | Ray_UK

  • If so than why? How? Thanks for all of your brilliant answers in advance!

    SEO Learn Center | | ibex

  • Will there be any additional SEO value if we add link title in addition to anchor text.? Can you compare link title with image title? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • I bought the MozCon Video Bundle - how long will I be able to access it online? And how do I access it online - keep clicking the promo icon?

    SEO Learn Center | | CeCeBar

  • Hi I have some links from blogs to our ecom website. My question is if anyone knows what happens if you have several different blogs on  .blogspot linking in to you. Does that make them loose value because they are on the same domain? I can probably quite easily have 5-10 blogs on blogspot all with PA of 35-40 link in to us. Is it worth striving for or should i strive to get blogs that have their own domain to link into us instead ? Or equally important ? Dan Lærum

    Link Building | | danlae

  • I'm in the 30 day trial period of SEOMoz Pro.  Ran my first campaign and there are many improvements to be had across the board.  Looking for some sort of guidance as to what I should focus on first.

    Moz Pro | | ChatterBlock

  • Hey all. I've got two domain names. is my main address. The preferred domain. My Google WMT account has 4 sites listed that I am a verified owner on. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) I recent changed the address in WMT for to have the preferred domain I did this on Nov 23. It is currently saying their is a request and I can withdrawl. Now I'm needing to set the preferred for to be but it will not let me because of the pending The problem is I'm getting a ton of errors under my diagnostics. I'm not getting any under but I am thinking it is still effecting my page rank. I have the 301's for all set up as a 301 wildcard to They all redirect to the preferred domain I wan ( Suggestions?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Route112Media

  • What shood i improve on this website : ? 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | prunarevic

  • My ecommerce company uses Omniture tracking codes for a variety of different tracking parameters, from promotional emails to third party comparison shopping engines. All of these tracking codes create URLs that look like parameter), which are identical to the original page and these dynamic tracking pages are being indexed. The cached version is still the original page. For now, the duplicate versions do not appear to be affecting rankings, but as we ramp up with holiday sales, promotions, adding more CSEs, etc, there will be more and more tracking URLs that could potentially hurt us. What is the best solution for this problem? If we use robots.txt to block the ?s_cid versions, it may affect our listings on CSEs, as the bots will try to crawl the link to find product info/pricing but will be denied. Is this correct? Or, do CSEs generally use other methods for gathering and verifying product information? So far the most comprehensive solution I can think of would be to add a rel=canonical tag to every unique static URL on our site, which should solve the duplicate content issues, but we have thousands of pages and this would take an eternity (unless someone knows a good way to do this automagically, I’m not a programmer so maybe there’s a way that I don’t know). Any help/advice/suggestions will be appreciated. If you have any solutions, please explain why your solution would work to help me understand on a deeper level in case something like this comes up again in the future. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | BrianCC

  • I have been working on a keyword term "boat covers" - however a link from the manufacturer site with the anchor text something like "Company Name Boat Covers" would be just a good or better. Is this correct? Thanks, Brook

    Link Building | | tdawson09

  • Hi Guys, Can you anyone tell me please the best way to find high domain authority websites? I heard this is the best way to build links? Thanks Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • A colleague and I are discussing the most optimal URL structure for both search engines and users. Our first disagreement comes in terms of files. So for instance if I have a small site,, with a service landing page and 3 specific services, which structure is preferred? The second issue is in terms of breaking up words in the URL. Should you use hyphens or not? Using the first example, which is preferred? I'm also looking for articles/case studies that support either side.  Thank you in advance for your help!

    Algorithm Updates | | TheOceanAgency

  • I've just done a search on open site explorer for a competitors site that has is ranked number one. Most of their highest authority backlinks are from link directories. I just read an article on here saying to stay away from directories that state things like 'seo friendly directory'. Many of my competitors links are from these kind of sites! Will it harm me to get links from such sites? It seems to be working for my competitors....!

    Link Building | | SamCUK

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