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  • Hi guys, I have a pretty good success in many of my keyword on google US. We are a multi-country company and would like to get better ranking on all these countries. I know it's a long run and we need to by patient to get the rank desired. We are getting the slowly, bu surely. In the next couple of months, we will be attending a conference where we will have a booth and we would like to conduct a campaign to invite customers to join us. My question is : Is there an efficient way to have just couple of  pages on our web site that could potentially rank fast on a specific geography ? Europe is my target audience ( France an UK ). If you have any advice, I would appreciate. Best regards,

    International SEO | | processia

  • Hi Guys, I've been putting a lot of effort in getting my rank increase over the past few weeks. I had a lot of changes and improvements to do for my on-page. However, I still struggle to get over the top of some competitors which, in my opinion uses backlinks that might not be all relevant. I have attached a screen snapshot of my link analysis and I am asking the experts about where should I focus next. We are in the process to put a good content generation strategy, but in the short term, how could I perhaps build backlinks which can give me short term result. On the image, I rank better on the domain MozRank ? what did we do better than our competitors ? On the total links, wow, we are so way behind ! How could this be possible to reach that amount ? Where can get a list of all these links ? are they relevant ? Should I concentrate on one or many of these first ? External followed links.linking root domain ,followed link root domain, linking c-block ? what are the explanation and how to get better ranking on those ? I just realized that I have no-followed links, how can I identify these ? Your help would be appreciated. Best regards, 0FYUB

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | processia

  • Why is it when i do keyword research that with all the keywords it says data not availabe. It all are keywords with high search volume at least a few of them. I am also looking in the right search engine and when i go to google keyword tool it gives numbers as well. CAn somebody tell me what i am doing wrong? remco | Local Search
    Volume (Sep) | Global Monthly
    Search Volume | Local Search
    Volume (Sep) | Global Monthly
    Search Volume |

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoroyal

  • Hi Everyone, I'm new to the whole SEO process, so was wondering if anyone can help me. I want to keep a record of all SEO activities in one place for the website i'm trying to optimise for. I have created an excel sheet which have the follwoing tabs -Overview & Rankings
     - Keyword Research Competitior Analysis
     - Keyword Distribution Map Onpage SEO Link Ideas Link Research
    -Link Building Log
     - PPC Campaign Does this all seem correct?
    Could anyone help in telling me what process you do to keep a record of all SEO onsite activity? I hope this isn't a  stupid post, but help would be very much appreciated Many Thanks Matt

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mcliddy

  • I've been playing with google advanced segments, but can't work out how to do this: Show all the keywords and traffic that send between x and x number of keyword searches per month. I'd like to have 3 different segments to show short, long and midtail keywords. Can anyone help?

    Reporting & Analytics | | PeterM22

  • Hi Moz community, I would like to request your collective wisdom. I'm new to SEO and putting together an SEO research and strategy document for the employment service I work for. Have solid skills in Google Adwords and have ran a campaign over the last two years with excellent results. But this SEO thing is a whole new world! That's why who better to turn to than the leading community for SEO professionals? 🙂 Any support, advice, tips would be most welcomed appreciated. It's an employment service and I've got a list of keywords. For example, here are some of the action words I thought could be useful: <colgroup><col width="215"> <col width="91"> <col width="65"></colgroup> [find staff] 0.79 73 [find employees] 0.97 73 [looking for staff] 0.94 58 [looking for staff] 0.94 58 [staff wanted] 0.62 58 [looking for employees] 0.94 46 [look for work] 0.77 36 [looking for workers] 0.93 36 [find workers] 0.91 36 [employee search] 0.72 28 [staff search] 0.37 28 [find an employee] 0.79 22 [search for employees] 0.71 12 [find a worker] 0.66 12 [how to find employees] 0.71 12 My questions: Where to from here? If this was a Google Adwords campaign I would place the words in, create ad copy and test response. But with SEO, are these words useful? Can you target all of these words with SEO - or am I better finding words with higher volume? How many words should I be looking to target? For example, am I only trying to find the 5 or 10 highest volume words, or is it important to target lots of words with SEO? Is it just one set of keywords per page, or can I target all the above keywords on one page? I'm a bit lost. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

    Keyword Research | | jasonlewisdiiigy

  • During the Crawl Diagnostics of my website,I got a message Search Engine blocked by robots.txt under Most common errors & warnings.Please let me know the procedure by which the SEOmoz PRO Crawler can completely crawl my website?Awaiting your reply at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    Moz Pro | | 1prashakth

  • In our campaign, I see this notices Tag value Description
    Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. What does it mean? Because If I try to view the source code of our site, it clearly gives me the canonical url.

    Technical SEO | | shebinhassan

  • just launched a new site The site jumped to the first page on yahoo and bing within a couple of days then fell off a cliff and isnt in the top 10 pages. Any reason for this? seems really strange for me. The only think I can think of is I got some really poor quality back links from someone screwing with me. If someone could take a glance at the site or give me some general direction I would appreciate it.

    Algorithm Updates | | jjwelu

  • Hi everyone, I've only been a member for a few days but this community is extremely supportive of one another, and I appreciate that very much.  Here's my current project. I've done IM for awhile but now I'm helping a massage therapist with his personal brand here in Chicago.  I've used the tools here to identify a few of the bigger sites and ten local keywords that he'd like to rank for - things like chicago massage, cheap massage therapy, and chicago reiki, his favorite. I'm currently getting him set up with Google Places properly so he shows up there.  We have a Facebook and Twitter underway.  We have a blog he can use if he wants - though I'm not sure how insistent he's going to stay.  I'm planning a separate page targeting each of the keywords we're after. His competitors each have a couple local blogs talking about them, so I'm going to contact some local bloggers and offer them free massages in return for a review.  He also is getting registered in some of the local business directories - mostly the ones I see the other sites already in. Finally, I was going to use some Build My Rank sites to bulk up his backlinks - maybe focus 10 on each keyword, with 5 going to the main keyword and 5 going to long tails. How does this sound for a simple, first SEO project?  I'd love to hear some feedback, even if it's just "sounds great".  I've never put one together for a client, and I'm thrilled/nervous. Thanks! Philip

    Social Media | | philipbuuck

  • What is the recommended practice for badges and seals on the home page. They are currently at the bottom of my nav. menu and thus appear on every page. i have them nofollowed but does that still consume page rank. Is it best to get them on to the footer lower on the page or to perhaps not to have them on the home page and place them deeper on the site.

    On-Page Optimization | | mrkingsley

  • Is there some way to add more than 3 competitors to the tool to benchmark against?

    Competitive Research | | lockwoodl

  • What is the deal with this: Based on the links it is showing, there is no way in hell that it should have a domain authority that high.  What am i missing here? There is practically nothing on this site, and hardly any backlinks, yet OSE thinks it has a huge PA and DA!?

    Moz Pro | | adriandg

  • Schema tags have been around for a while, am really interested in knowing of any noticeable benefits seen by anyone who has had experience of implementing Schema tags.

    Search Behavior | | SimonCullum

  • During a free trial on Tatango, we send daily emails to customers to give them advice, resources, etc. We started using Google URL Builder to create individual links in each of these emails, but when the customer purchases a subscription now, the source in GA isn't Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. they are all showing up as the source we created using the URL builder for each email. Does Google URL builder override the original source in Google Analytic?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Tatango

  • I like the look of Disqus for handling comments but I'm not sure if it is really SEO friendly. Any other more SEO friendly alternatives out there (other than blogging software)?

    Technical SEO | | andywozhere

  • We are rebuilding a website and try to get rid of errors. The content remains exactly the same but we correct the code and make it load faster. The site has quite many backlinks and I can't decide whether to remove .html endings from the urls and 301 redirect to the new ones or leave them with the older ending. If I remove the endings how much of the link juice will be passed? Anyone any idea?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • For instance, Manta, yellow pages, even google and yahoo directories - why do they not appear in site explorer, and is there a better way to determine who is linking to my site?

    Link Building | | ScottM

  • We are looking for a good online software system that can help increase our number of external links.

    Branding | | balboafinance

  • I have a global site with .com as the US site and then /country for all other markets i.e. .com/uk .com/de etc. Each site has it's own WMT profile. Each site has it's own GA profile. Since Google added Search Engine Optimization to the GA interface, I can't track these sites separately under this new feature. It seems to me that it can only be associated with a single WMT profile at a time or rather that WMT can only be associated with a single GA profile at a time. The numbers for the UK and US site are identical, but when I try and link the UK WMT account with GA it removes it from the US profile and vice versa.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • I just joined as a Pro member and am fascinated by all the strategies. I was wondering what your opinion is on where to get started. I am familiar with SEO, but am interested in strategies and techniques people use to make the process easier, more effective, etc.

    Moz Pro | | TheVolkinator

  • Hello and welcome Mozfriends! Thank you for looking at my issue. So I have been working on my a certain site for a client, optimizing it and such making it SE worthy. Without my knowledge about a month ago he launched two sites that are exact clones of the Ecommerce site I am optimizing. I mean EXACT alt image text, URLS, EVERYTHING! My Alexa rank started jumping back up, my google analytics was showing a fraction of the traffic I was receiving. I just learned about these two other sites and it makes sense because I have two copies of the site out there with the only difference being is the logo image on all 3. I need to know how I can rectify this without taking down the other two sites as my employer refuses to do so because he feels they are a necessary asset. Thank you in advance Friends! Justin Smith

    Reporting & Analytics | | FrontlineMobility

  • Hi! As the Google Hotel Finder was also launched in Europe some days ago I was wondering if there is already some best practices for optimizing the entries. I guess that most of the information is directly integrated from the respective Google Places Page... Any insights or views on this topic?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adwordize

  • The Crawl Diagnostic tool shows issues and displays a graph but they don't display the page specific results/suggestion like it used to. I get the "Congratulations, there are no pages affected by this issue!" message.

    Moz Pro | | -PAUL-

  • Has anyone had any experience with or used I'm just looking into them now. They seem to offer a 30 day free trial based on 'white hat' tactics that gives results. You can then pay to continue their services. They seem to base their services heavily around link building, so I'm dubious.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • I have a client (professional practice) whose father is a marketing professor. He is pushing the client that he should have a professional page on  social sites. While I believe having FB likes, shares, Tweet links, +1, etc. on the page, I really am ambivalent about building pages specifically for social media sites. 
    For some of you who have tracked the efficacy of these it would be great to know your pros and cons.

    Social Media | | RobertFisher

  • I work at a design firm, and we just redesigned a website for a client. When it came time for the coding, we initially built a development site to work out all the kinks before going live. Then we relaunched the actual site about a week ago. Here's the problem: Somehow, the developer who coded the site for us (a freelancer) allowed the development site to be indexed by Google. Now, when you enter the client's name into Google, the development site appears higher in the results pages than the real site! In fact, the real site isn't even in the top 50 search results. The client is understandably angry about this for multiple reasons. We quickly added a robots.txt file to the development site and a 301 redirect to the real site. However, that did seemed to have no effect on the problem. Any ideas on how to fix this mess? Thank you in advance!

    Technical SEO | | matt-14567

  • I am seeing several Pay-Per-Rank (performance based) SEO firms popping up lately. The model is interesting. They only take on the work that they know they can achieve good results. Most seem advertise white hat SEO. Overall thougts? Anyone have any experience with these firms? Any recommendations?

    Paid Search Marketing | | paddlej

  • Anybody else having this issue? Here lately when I am doing competitive research on open site explorer I set it to only pull up followed + 301 redirects and it will still pull up no-follow competitors links. Can anybody help me out here?

    Moz Pro | | axzm

  • Hi my site is and i have to be honest i am not really happy at the moment. i took a huge gamble because my site was getting around 10,000 visitors per day but because the site was getting really slow as i was using the old joomla my hosting company suggested to me to use the modern version of joomla as i was using joomla 1.0  Now for months i said no but they said the site would remain slow until i updated it. I decided to take a gamble and as i was going to now move it to the new joomla i decided that i would redo the whole site and make it better which i am doing at the moment. But even though i am paying for a dedicated server and have done what they have said and using the new joomla and according to them they have refreshed my database the site is still running slow. If anyone could do a test on the site and let me know what speed they are getting. Below is the email i have sent to my hosting company and below is also the resonce that i am getting from them.- I would love to hear your feedback as i have taken a huge gamble and when i get back from spain i will be continuing the finish the site which will take me another week to complate and get it the way i want it. here is the feedback hi can you please look into my site as i am getting lots of reports that it is slow. we redone the whole site which i am still working on because of it being slow and you said that you cleared everything in my database so there was nothing there so we can start from scratch. when i started building the new site you said that the database would be like a brand new one but it seems that this is not working. what i mean by this is, we listened to you and got a dedicated server as you said this would make the site faster, this did not work, you said about redoing the site and using the latest joomla as this would make the site faster and after a lot of work we done this although we are still continuing to build it and as a result of this we lost lots of traffic and links and rankings but even though we done this the site is still slow. i have to be very honest with you, i am not happy and feel disapointed as the site is slow and i need this sorting out. i am in spain at the moment meeting clients ref the site and it is embarrassing when they say the site is slow so please can you look into this for me Hello, Thank you for contacting TMDHosting Technical Support Team. We have checked your current server load and it is below 1: top - 11:53:54 up 123 days, 9:47, 1 user, load average: 0.24, 0.12, 0.11 this is shows that the system is running fine. You have close to 1GB RAM free which provides enough resources for your scripts to function. As the server state is healthy the optimization of your website should be applied on its coding and main functions. This is a development related optimization and we do not offer development services at this point. If your developer recommends a server with more resources provide us with his/hers requirements and we will provide you with suitable solution. Should you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Gabriel Reed from me., i will have to have someone look into this as it may be a case that i will have to get rid of my dedicated server and take the sites to another hosting company and see the difference with them and see if the site is faster as no one else using joomla has the problems that i am having. can you let me know what speed the site is then, and then compare this against some other sites. for example, female first, claire etc as when i do speed checks i am getting back over ten seconds and the site which is very small at the moment should not be more than 2 seconds Hello, Please note that even if you move the website to another hosting provider this will not change the reason because of which its speed is not as per your requirements. However it is up to you to explore different options. What we have ensured is that your server is not overloaded and it has resources for the functions on it to run. The optimization of your website coding I am afraid are outside of our technical the scope of our technical support. Additionally note that the loading speed of your website depends on huge number of other factors on certain remote locations which are not under our control. Should you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Gabriel Reed
    Senior Support Team If anyone can please comment on this and look at my site and test it for me on speed and advise me as i have done everything they have said and it seems that the site is no faster. There is not much content on there at the moment as they managed to lose over 20,000 pages of content while transfering it all which i am not happy about. So there should not be an issue on speed and now i am working through and putting some of the old content back on while writing new content

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i am working on a new blog and would like to know if there are any sites where i can publish part of the new blog to gain traffic to my main blog. What i am looking at is, to publish part of a news story and then have people come to my main site after reading some of the new story. I have come across accidentally a couple over a year ago but cannot locate them now. I want people to be able to come to my site and read the whole story and then hopefully tell their friends. Also can anyone recommend decent social bookmarking sites that have a do follow on them to promote my blog please.

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i am working on my site at the moment and i am adding new sections and was thinking about buying domain names that best describe that section and which people would remember. so for example i am looking at adding a tenerife magazine to my site and would like to know if it would be wise to buy a domain name for example tenerife magazine and then have it directed to the section of my site. would this benefit my site in any way and would google allow this. instead of having and then tenerife  magazine after it, sorry cannot find the slash as i am on a spanish keyborad at the moment, i would like to have something like etc If anyone can give me advice on this then that would be great. also can anyone let me know if this is a wise idea or not, to have sub domain names on my main site. i would like to know if i had tenerifemagazine under the in2town domain name would it slow the site down or should i consider building a brand new site just for that and then making people aware that it comes under the in2town umbrella many thanks

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i would like to know about my site which is which i am currently revamping and i am now in the process of buying a .com name and would like to know the best way to uise it. What i mean is, i have a lot of links going to the and would like to know should i do a permantent redirect to the with the .com or is it possible to have the replaced with the .com i am trying to work out the best way to do this at the moment as i have never done this before. now after buying the .com for my domain name i would like to know should i use it as a redirect to my main site, or should i develop a sister site and use it. any advice would be great.

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, What are the benefits of hooking an rss feed into feedburner? Will this help SEO? And more important will this help exposure? Should I see a higher level of traffic?

    Social Media | | activitysuper

  • Is there a way to see in GA traffic from other IP address's.  I want to subtract all the times I visit the site from my IP and get a real traffic %.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • We set up some new campaigns, and now for the last two weekly crawls, the crawler is only accessing one page per campaign. Any ideas why this is happening? PS - two weeks back we did "upgrade" the account. Could this have been an issue?

    Moz Pro | | AllaO

  • We have a client in our area that offers a multitude of home services -- plumbing, HVAC repair, landscaping, etc. -- out of one physical location. It makes it difficult for them to rank highly for all of their services in local search since many of the competitors that rank highly only offer one of the services that they do. They have come to me asking if they could create a Google place page for each service by making imaginary suites for their main address. So, for example, plumbing would be located at 100 Main Street, Suite A; and HVAC repair would be located at 100 Main St., Suite B; etc.? Seems like this is either a great idea or could get you into some Google trouble. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Thanks

    Image & Video Optimization | | monkeeboy

  • Exact match domains are great for ranking but what about domains which contain just half of the full phrase being targeted? eg. If you owned the domain but wanted to target the search term "car rentals" Regarding backlinks, would it be best to link back to your homepage (using anchor text "car rentals") or to one of the following: a) b) AND 301 redirect to c) AND 301 redirect to

    Technical SEO | | martyc

  • Currently experiencing duplicate pages for all hotel pages. What would be recommendation to fix the pop up pages that uses javascript? | |

    Web Design | | Melia

  • Hi guys I have included Bing en-GB in my engine list for rankings on one of my websites, however, the actual rank placements are not showing at all in the results, even though a search in Bing shows my site is top on some of the keywords and near top on some of the others. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks Nick

    Moz Pro | | Total_Displays

  • How to Refesh site comapign? its displaying 3 days old data. now fixed some contents. unable to test it. kindly guide me for howto refresh the report?

    Reporting & Analytics | | peanut2010

  • When creating Google Webmaster Account is it advised to create 2 accounts for the 1 domain. one for non www and one for www?

    Technical SEO | | daracreative

  • Hey folks! I was wondering what you would do. I do have a Website. The website is provided in 8 other languages. Right now every language has it's own Domain name. The domain name is always the country in the language. I'm thinking about combine everything to one domain and hope to get some great linkjuice from the other 7 domains. So it would be and so on. How do you handle that. Would this have a big positive impact on that one domain I'm forwarding to?
    I really think so!

    Technical SEO | | leitpix

  • 7 months ago I asked the same question.. I am reaching out to all of you What platforms do you hate? and want to meet the guys or girls that coded it in a dark ally way... and What platforms are good? I keep looking at the code of some sites and its shocking. No GA Async code, No canonical tags.. it goes on and on.. If you want to pitch to me and you are in the UK email me

    Web Design | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi, What is the criteria on Seomoz Crawl Diagnostic Report? I got a long list of URLs indicating  Content that is identical (or nearly identical) to content on other pages of your site forces your pages to unnecessarily compete with each other for rankings. But as I gone through none of the reported pages duplicate. What should I do? Thanks in Advance

    Moz Pro | | VipinLouka78

  • We are mostly writing our own article but need a helping hand proof reading and putting the final touch on the articles. Any ideas to online services offering this?

    Content Development | | Resultify

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