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  • Google indexes alll our internetal searches: search box is brand - clothes types - size type - and for each page it creates a page that which creates duplicate page title and unnecessary content. Should I do a nofollow on the advance search or a no index. Many thanks for the info. Sonja

    On-Page Optimization | | reallyitsme

  • This question is in relation to doing site audits and creating branded reports for clients. Do seo agencies create there own software or do you use one that is accessible for all? Also what do you think is the best general seo software?

    Industry News | | paulbaguley

  • I've recently signed an ecommerce client who runs their affiliate program through Commission Junction.  If they were to bring their program in-house and eventually get all those affiliate links pointed to their domain, would those links be counted?

    Link Building | | HunterW

  • What does it mean when your home page has a penalty? I have a site that has good rankings for many pages, but my home page seems to be penalized by Google. I tried searching for my home page URL in Google, and my page doesn't show up, but sub pages do show up? What would cause this penalty and how do you correct this issue.

    Technical SEO | | tadden

  • If they are no follow, how can I benefit?  If Google isn't using this data, than why would we bother to LIKE anyone or anybody?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • If someone wants to trade links, how can I be sure the link is followed?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • My clients site in in flash! I am taking it down and building an all HTML site.  the domain is 11 years old and google has only indexed 3 pages...Yikes!  My question is that when I rebuild the site and optimize it for certain keywords and get my placement moved higher and then switch back in 6 months to the all flash site. Will I lose my gained rank?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • In WordPress, with the ALL In ONE SEO pluggingm we've optimze the permalinks to show more keewords in the URL'. What can be the impact?

    Technical SEO | | webit40

  • Since we've put an index.htm file indicating that our webiste is under reconstruction and have removed it few hours after, the instant preview picture still showing the informative message. It has been 40 day since and we've submit our sitemap few times. Is there a way to change it manually?

    Technical SEO | | webit40

  • Hey guys. This is my first question on here so hello 🙂 I have noticed recently a couple of times in Open Site Explorer, when I am checking out links, they are direct download links. The two I have noticed are flash files and with one companies links, dropbox related. Can anyone shed any light on this? I am pretty new to SEO and find it really confusing. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Moz Pro | | Nextman

  • If I have a website with thousands of products, is it a good idea to create a sitemap for this website for the search engines where you show maybe 250 products on a page so it makes it easy for the search engine to find the part and also puts that part closer to the home page? Seems like google likes pages that are the closest to the home page (less clicks the better)

    Technical SEO | | roundbrix

  • From your csv report I have this strange issue. This url: it's a duplicate of this but the only url that I can see in the website is this one. Why the "-" is transalted some times in "%2D" referrer obviously is I have many duplicate url...Can you help me? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | yeppon

  • I am using the "page attributes" tool for a guideline for what I am filling in on each page of my website. I feel like I've done my homework on this, but I can't figure out what "html text" is. URL Page Title Meta Description Meta Keywords H1 H2 **HTML Text ** ... not sure what to put here, how long it should be, what it's purpose is, etc. Any SEOMoz links helping me figure that out? I'm not finding it in the "Basics of Search Engine Design" article posted here on SEOMoz.

    On-Page Optimization | | amandahx2

  • Our developers are recommending we sign up for a cloud based LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, & PHP) server to install 3<sup>rd</sup> party software (Wordpress). They said "the blog will be on a separate IP address and potentially can have some impact with SEM/SEO." Can anyone expand on what impact this might have versus having it on the same IP?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pbhatt

  • I incorporated Facebook comments on my site and am now working on displaying it for Google to see.  I did so successfully using the FB comment display php script (See: on the page below, but it is displaying in the browser as well. What is the best preactice to hide this from the human visitors? Here is an example page of the comments and the output of the PHP script that needs to be hidden from human visitors:

    Social Media | | TheDude

  • Our website has creating numberous "future pages" with no alt tag or class tag that are showing up as 404 pages, To make matters worst, they are causing duplicate 404 pages because we have different languages. The visitors cant find the 404s but the searchbots can. Would it better to remove or add the links to robot.txt or add nofollow/noindex tag? This is an example.

    International SEO | | Melia

  • By looking at the work from an SEO collegue it became clear that his weak linkbuilding graph probably is not the cause for his good rankings for a pretty competitive keyword. (also no social mentions where found) I was wondering what it could be, site structure and other on page optimization factors seems to be ok and I don't think there will be exceptionally good or bad user behavior... Finally I looked at the competitors and found that they have more links, better content en better design, so I got a little stuck. The only reason I can think of is that he is doing 301 redirects (or is rel=canonical tags). Is there a way to trace these redirects back to the source in order to include this important variable in your competitor research? thnx

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | djingel1

  • I created a good navigation but can't replicate it with html or css so I might have to stick to images. What would you recommend as a best practice for images in navigation? This site doesn't need to rank really high, it's mostly for a portfolio.

    Web Design | | BeTheBoss

  • I am about migrate a 1500 product ecommerce site from Netsuite to Volusion. The url structure is not going to be the same so I need to know the most effective way of redirecting the old urls to the new site.  Is there an easier method than collecting the most popular pages and creating a 301 xml  page and upload it once the site goes live?

    Technical SEO | | BenRWoodard

  • If I link an iframe to pull its content - does that count as inbound link for the iframed content? Am I passing linklove to that page? I am on and have an iframe pull content from Does this give linklove from x to (I am NOT asking if the z context is indexed in x, although I am weary to follow the most frequent statement that they do not. Google states that they will try to pull the content from the iframe, but don't guarantee it.)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | andreas.wpv

  • I am a huge fan of WBF and I saw the one about anchor text diversity, and although it helped answer a lot of questions it definitely raised a few more. So how does anchor text diversity relate to the timing of it all? If for instance there is a site that already has thousands of links for related terms to the keyword "oranges", would it be ok to now JUST build links with the exact anchor text "oranges"? or would the site still have to build links to both related terms and the exact match? So to clarify, i guess my question is, when Google looks at anchor text diversity and % of partial keyword match, is it looking at all the links to the page as a whole or is it looking at the links as they come? And what is the % of exact anchor text that is healthy? I am thinking that 10% exact match and the rest should be partial match. Am i off? Is there a better ratio? Thanks in advance -Vaibhav Methuku

    Reporting & Analytics | | vaibhavm1

  • For my site I have keyword relevant category urls and want to have my navigation also match the keyword for the page. By default my web platform places all of my navigation anchor text inside of a see the example below. Does this present any issue? Are there concerns I should be aware of? In the past I've just placed the anchor text not within a span in my navigation. Keyword 1 Keyword 2 Keyword 3

    Technical SEO | | sellmoreonline

  • Of course this happened without my intervention, i don't know why but seomoz is reporting 0 errors.

    Moz Pro | | iFix

  • We have an underscore in a lot of our links. My question is since it is difficult to change existing site architecture, is an underscore really that negative? Here is an example: Eventually we want to change this to but it is a big project.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | roundbrix

  • I've listed an example below.  I see these all the time, where a directory pulls it's listings from DMOZ.  So you would naturally assume that if you're in DMOZ, you would get these links, but that's not the case.  This particular link was picked up by OSE so I'm wondering what the quality of these links really are and if they're legit?  Also, if you go to the main subdomain the page just says "Buy shirts".  What is the deal with these types of so-called "directories"? Another example:

    Link Building | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I'm interested in gathering some further data for my site. What I would like to do is as well as collecting the search Keyword for users coming to my site, I would also like to gather the search engine position for that keyword LIVE - IE what is the current position of that keyword in the SE at the time the user put in their search. This data will be really useful when digging down on my analysis. Does anyone have any simple ideas of how you would go about implimenting this? Many thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • New to SEO and want to stay clean, What are white hat incentives you can offer in exchange for links? Giveaway for their readers? Give them helpful advice? Record video of me drinking a gallon of milk within 5 minutes?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 10JQKAs

  • How do you think, does the anchortext penalty exactly work? Keyword domains obviously can't over-optimize for their main keyword (for example for the keyword notebook). And a lot of non-keyword-domains do optimize especially in the beginning for their main keyword to get a good ranking in google (and it always works). Is there any particular point (number of links) I can reach, optimizing for one keyword, after what i'm gonna get a penalty?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | TheLastSeo

  • A client's site has HTTPS versions of every page for their site and it is possible to view both http and https versions of the page. Do the search engines view this as duplicate content?

    On-Page Optimization | | harryholmes007

  • We're investigating a mobile version of our e-commerce site.  Is it worth the investment regarding search engine optimization, or is this something that wouldn't have a big effect?

    Algorithm Updates | | 9Studios

  • When using GA on my Website do I need to have a disclaimer that 'We are using Google Analtyic to Track information'?

    Reporting & Analytics | | daracreative

  • Hi, I have seen significant SEO benefits from owning exact match domains and was wondering whether exact match subdomains hold the same (or some) of these benefits? eg. vs. halloween [dot] Many thanks.

    Technical SEO | | martyc

  • I've nearly set up three of my 5 campaigns so far and have found the populating the keywords is very time consuming. Is there a way for, say, Campaign #2 to use the same keywords as Campaign #1 without populating the new campaign manually? After all, the only reason I am setting up this second (and beyond) campaigns is because I want to compare the same keywords against additional competitors. Also, I was mid-way through setting up this third campaign when I ran out of keywords because I only get 300 per account? Is this correct? That is fine if I can replicate the same set of keywords per account, but it appears to have tallied each list of keywords, in each of my 3 campaigns, at 300 and I ran out before finishing this third campaign. I'll work with whatever the number is, but it seems strange that there isn't an option to have a single set of 300 keywords applied to each campaign that you set up. Am I misunderstanding something? Looking for help ...

    Keyword Research | | amandahx2

  • Hi there, I have noticed several sites now display 4 lines of meta description in Google. Has anyone else seen this? Any help would be appreciated...thoughts? Barry

    Technical SEO | | HaymarketMediaGroupLtd

  • Hello SEO MOzzers,  I am today wanting your feedback on a site that I recently went live with.  My Google rankings for the main keywords are doing very well considering the site has been live for 3 weeks now.  I of course have a list of items that i'm still working on, completing meta description tags, title tags, adding copy content to category pages, updating h1 tags, working on our backlinking campaign, etc. Is there anthing any of you SEO Mozzers can see that I may have missed? the web domain is Keywords "body Panels"
    "car body panels"
    "Car Make body panels"
    "Car make Model body panel" Im sure you get the gist of the keyword structure. Your feedback is much appreciated as always. shiv

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seohive-222720

  • I setup Facebook comments on my site using the iframe setup.  I thought FB would notify me whenever someone comments on my website, but that is not the case.  Now people are commenting and I would have to look through hundreds of pages on my site to reply to their questions. I searched the web on how to do this, but I am lost when looking at the steps.  Can anyone help provide clear instructions on how to notify me of my website comments on my FB page or by email?

    Social Media | | TheDude

  • Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to SEO, and I have a question on a link building strategy for a holiday resort I am working on. The resort has a paintball arena and zorbing facilities at their premises. I want to use this in the link building strategy and the owners have agreed to have an open day for bloggers. Basically the resort will invite 20 local bloggers for a day to their resort. They get to play paintball, zorbing and get to see the resort in exchange for an honest write up about their day at the resort. I am looking at asking the bloggers to write about the event twice (Once before, and once after they visit the resort) with a minimum of 4 links to the website. I want to know how I can identify the top bloggers? What factors should I consider while making a list of 20 bloggers, and how do I measure these factors? Also, is this a good strategy for link building? And please feel free to add anything else you think I am missing out on, or will help in the link building. Cheers! Arjun

    Link Building | | ArjunRajkumar

  • Could anybody explain what does it mean anchor_partial_atpiu in ranking factors

    On-Page Optimization | | PeterSEO

  • Hi there, I've got an interesting case that I've not seen before and can't find anything about online.  Some of our SERP listings are not getting through to the correct website.  Instead they go to a domain called "" (doesn't resolve), which is not affiliated with our business or  the website the listings are actually for.  This only seems to happen 50% of the time.  For example, if I click on the listings once I'm taken to, go back and attempt again and I am sent to the correct website. Has anyone encountered similar issues and know how to resolve?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pethealthinc

  • Hi, I have to block unwanted urls (not that page) from being indexed on google. I have to block urls like not the exact page . Is there any other ways other than robot.txt? If i add this to robot.txt will that block my other url too? Or should I make a 301 redirection from to Because some of the unwanted urls are linked from other sites. thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VipinLouka78

  • With regard to the proximity to the city centre if you google 'chartered accountants swansea' you will see that the 2nd google places listing 'drpaccountants' are located way out of the city centre and they have no photos, reviews etc Where as on my listing it has a 100% completed profile but am way down the results, when many of the top places results are very basic What else needs to be done apart from getting reviews?  I have added lots of local citations to the likes of Yelp, Qype, Hotfrog etc but none are showing under the listing on google places? Also is there a reason why the description field is not being populated in the google places account? As from some of the other top places listings it seems to be picking this up from their website? The other issue is under the dashboard it displays 0 impressions and 0 actions is this normal? What is my places listing missing or have I done everything I possibly can and just have to wait for Google to re-rank the places results? I

    Image & Video Optimization | | idv

  • Hello all, I would appreciate any help in identifying the following bots: Vagabondo/4.0 TwengaBot-2.0 FatBot 2.0 Googlebot/2.1 bingbot/2.0 Baiduspider/2.0 Yahoo! Slurp SeznamBot/3.0 ShopWiki/1.0 MJ12bot/v1.4.0 YandexBot/3.0 Sosospider+ Ezooms/1.0 Gigabot/3.0 Thanks Shehzad

    Technical SEO | | Gareth_Cartman

  • I want to solve mysteries regarding disabled products on my eCommerce website. I want to give one example for my one product to know more about it. Product URL: Product Name: Floor Lamp in Monterey Bronze Finish Before 3 Months, This product was live on my website with In Stock status. Google have crawled that product, added in XML sitemap, added in Google merchant center, added in too many external website during link building campaign. Before 15 Days, This product was live on my website with Out of Stock status. Now, visitor can visit this page but, can not add in shopping cart. Now, This product is disabled from website and not available for sell. I have done lot of work to compile content, image, page rank and many other SEO stuffs to get rank with specific long trail keyword. This product is suddenly disabled from website so, it's shows 404 error and redirect to custom 404 error page. But, I am not satisfy with 301 redirect to set 302 redirect. But, is it really good? Is it require to set 301 or 302 redirect on disable products? I will never sell this product again on website. But, what about my indexing, external links, page authority? This is creating too many up an down in webmaster tools data, merchant center data, xml sitemap data and impression data. What is best solution for it? Can any one share good example for eCommerce website.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | CommercePundit

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