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  • anyone have expirance with google rel author and google profile. I have set up my profile page on my site, and i have added a link to my google profile, this all seems to be working according to Rich Snippet tool.Other profiles, contributer to and recomended link but the tool reports the error below. any ideas? I have aded a link to my prifile in all 3 areas, Error: Google Profile does not link to article site

    Industry News | | AlanMosley

  • Hey people, I'm sure many of you applied changes to the URL structure of a client's or your own website before. So did I for obvious reason: The structure before was like (ranked 20). This was changed to 
    Edit: Also on-page it was optimized, but only taking out worthless links like "keyword-link to other page" and adding a relevant SEO text (also valuable for the user) Now, for the targeted short-tail keyword, the outcome was great - ranking increased by 17 landing the page on the first SERP. But: Before this page garnered a wide range of long-tail keyword traffic.To be exact: 2600 different keywords generated traffic for that page in a period of 1 month. Now the newly structured site (also on-page optimized) only receives traffic from around 100 keywords. You can imagine that the absolute amount of visits also dropped. So I'd like to know if you observed similar results. Another question that's coming up in this context: How regularly does Google refresh the keywords associated with a page? Like: Is this page really relevant for this one keyword we associated it with 5 years ago? Because it is clear, when I'm looking at the aforementioned 2600 KW in detail, most don't have anything to do with the site, i.e. are not mentioned at all. Still they generated valuable traffic though. All of this is really crucial to this project, because soon the whole website's supposed to be relaunched with optimized URL structure and of course everything else that's need SEO wise... I'd love to hear your experiences. Thanks!!

    Reporting & Analytics | | dumperama

  • I remember a few years ago, bolding text was important for the search bots, is this still the case?

    Content Development | | TheVolkinator

  • With the Pro tools at SEOMoz, how do you know if your going after the right keywords on your website and do any of the tools suggest keywords you should be going after?

    Moz Pro | | TheVolkinator

  • Any downsides to having multiple (similar) eCommerce sites linked to the same Google Analytics account? Traffic splitting or other penalties? I've heard a range of answers from "Yes, traffic was split between my two first-page ranked sites, it was awful" to "no, Google couldn't care less/ they'd be able to tell if your sites were related outside of having them in the same account anyways" Any info would be much apprecaited 🙂 Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | apo11o177

  • Hello everyone, thank you in advance for your suggestions. I have a new product rolling out that will require a monthly fee from my customers. In return, they get a daily email/video on a particular topic. I want this to go viral, meaning, I would like a program where it's easy for the customer to buy into, easy for them to promote with incentives and as hands off as possible for me to manage. Are their any good tools out there that have already been developed? Any ideas about the best way to make this grow?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | TheVolkinator

  • I am revamping my website ( It's going to be major and I am concerned about the potential traffic loss since over 60% of my overall traffic comes from organic search results in the military basic training area. Are there any good SEO website templates I can start from? I see a lot out there but would prefer the advice of professionals. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | TheVolkinator

  • Hi, We have a site It's a pest control company here in Sydney Australia. Now I've just renamed it to yesterday for SEO purposes. I'm doing 301 redirects. My question is, is it worth it to do this? Will we have any advantage in the long run with just this URL change? Or would it be better to just leave it as is as Any comments would be appreciated. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter.Huxley59

  • Hello wise ones, We have been working with the charity Volunteers of America to create a new site for their car donation program at They are a national charity with extensive local programs run by regional affiliates, so the site is divided into a small national section linked to Regional Affiliate sections. You get to the regional sections either by entering your zip code or clicking on your state in the bottom nav of the national pages. Right now we have developed regional sections for Michigan, Nevada, Maryland, Washington D.C., New Jersey, Delaware and the Philadelphia area. The site is about 2 1/2 months old, and while our conversion rate is pretty good (7%) our organic search ranking isn't improving as quickly as we'd like to see. Car donation is a very competitive space, and we would appreciate any advice on how to improve the SEO of the site. Thanks so much.

    Web Design | | Phibnax

  • Someone hacked my Wordpress site, wiped out all my content and changed my login status to a subscriber. Years of hard work gone, I can't log in to fix anything. Is there anything I can do. Is there a way to prevent this from happening ever again. Is there a way to catch these people?

    Content Development | | ArenaS

  • Hi When looking for our site 'mpn windows' on Bing it brings back no results for the site?  It has been registered in bing webmaster center with pages starting being indexed on the 3rd October as we only recently included it in Bing. In Google it is showing up ok however?

    On-Page Optimization | | idv

  • It is important for me to get good search results for keyword + city name For instance: tulips amsterdam What would be better: renaming index.php or adding the cityname to the URL? OR

    On-Page Optimization | | svdg

  • Hi, We have a site with lots of repeat customers. Now that Google Analytics has been gathering keywords for years, I want to do an overhaul on the site incorporating keywords we're not incorporating presently. But I'm afraid that repeat customers are going to search for their term that they find us with and we wouldn't be in the same spot so they'd go somewhere else. How do we refine the on-site SEO without jolting return customers? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | BobGW

  • There's a site that contains "+" signs in the URL in order to call different information for the content on the page.  Would it be better to change those to hyphens (-), or not that much value will be gained, so leave them as is? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | MitchellStoker

  • So, There are no stupid questions right? I am thinking about adding my website to a number of business directories and websites. I have added it to several sites which do not charge a listing fee. There are several sites out there which  charge anywhere from 10 dollars to hundreds of dollars. My question is: Is there a way to figure out ahead of  time the cost/benefit relationship between the price paid for several listings....... and the likely increase in page rank due to the increase of links to the website. Or what number and quality of links I may need to aquire in order to increase my page rank? I appreciate all the help this community has provided in the past.  While my website is not ranking the best.........  its a solid contender! Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter.

    Algorithm Updates | | APICDA

  • I just finished watching the mozinar on "The End of Search Without Social" mozinar, and I have so many points that I want to implement for our agency.  The problem I see is that we have clients in about 20 different industries.  How do you create strong social relationships in each of these industries for your clients?  It seems that you could have more influence if you built all into your own personal profiles or your SEO company's to create that great fan base.  Anyone have success in doing it across the board? Thanks!

    Social Media | | esztanyo

  • Hi, My press release section is showing pagination issues (duplicate pages) I know they are showing 27 duplicate page titles which would be a easy fix. Do you recommend pagination? Let me know if u see any other issues.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • I recently did a crawl test and it listed over 10,000 pages, but around 282 of them generated 404 errors (bad links) I'm wondering how much this hurts overall SEO and if its something I should focus on fixing asap ? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RagingBull

  • Hi There, My IT colleagues are trying to improve performance on our homepage, and they suggest to use Json. They were inspired by Facebook that uses json. Now they ask me if this can have an impact on SEO. Most expert readings point to this page Fine. Can anyone explain me in a few simple words how I should proceed when I want to optimize my homepage for both performance and crawling when using json. Do i need 2 separate pages (ugly/pretty)? Kind regards Pieter

    Technical SEO | | TruvoDirectories

  • Google has been on a conquest taking them down online but I would really like to take a look at it if you have a copy! [moderator note - please use the PM system and exchange email addresses there. We've removed emails from this thread before it gets indexed and exposed to the world]

    Industry News | | altecdesign

  • I recently submitted an XML sitemap on Webmaster tools: Once Webmaster tools downloads it, how long do you typically have to wait until the pages index ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | znotes

  • I'm curious how people use the OpenSiteExplorer Advanced Reports tab. It seems very powerful. What do you use it for? In particular, I see that it has choices for 'same C block' and 'different C block'. Those seem useful to find C blocks that my competitors have links from that I do not, but I'm not totally clear on how to construct the query. Any help or best practices would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | scanlin

  • My Wordpress traffic has hit an all time high over the last few days - in the last 48 hours I've had as many views as the last two months combined. This huge spike in traffic has coincided with a great piece of exclusive content that went up, but I wouldn't expect the traffic to be nearly as high as this. The strange thing is that all the extra traffic seems to be referred from, however, I cannot drill down to a more specific URL. Also, the referrals do not seem to translate into page views of the homepage, nor a particular article. Can anyone offer any insight into this situation? Thanks

    Content Development | | pugh

  • Hi Mozzers, I am working with a website with very decentralized ownership. There are two different languages, each with a different owner. Owner A keeps linking to crap sites, that hurt the entire site. My question is this: Is there a way - through .htaccess or robots.txt - that Google can be asked NOT to crawl the links to external crap sites? The problem is that Owner B cannot control Owner A's html, and thus not implement rel="nofollow" on links. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I have a different problem then most. My international website ( is showing number one in english for "SOL MELIA" in the Mexican google search engine. Plus the 3rd listing on is our homepage in spanish but it is showing up as a 401. We need to redirect the ccTLD ( to our current spanish version that is actually a subdomain ( Please let me know how I can fix both issues.

    International SEO | | Melia

  • Hi I would really appreciate any advice or guidance on what my site needs to move onto the 1st page as I am at a loss on what else is required? On a search for chartered accountants swansea according to the SEOMOZ campaign ranking report the site is down in 27 position for this keyphrase in Google. However when looking over the ranking analysis my site has a stronger authority, more root domains, more domain authority and linking root domains than 4 out of the top 5 listings.  Also the onpage analysis of some of the top 10 results is very poor, with no blogs, social features etc I have been building links based from competitor analysis which should be more than what is shown in the ranking report, but is my site missing any kep ingredients that would propel it up onto the 1st page - as the keyword difficulty is only 25% so I am struggling to work out what key elements/improvements are required for this final push.

    Link Building | | idv

  • Hey all, I'm about to setup a 301 on a website that has pretty good SEO rankings and I have the ability to change all the old inbound links that point to the old site, to the new site - should I leave them pointing to the old site that has the 301 on it or change all the old inbound links to the new domain name? Which has better SEO value? Thanks for helping, Anthony

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Grenadi

  • We've been racking our brains over this since the recent search engine changes (the notorious and non-cuddley Google Panda update) and have, within reason, corrected as many of the problems that we possibly can yet still our traffic drops further. used to rank fairly equally with it's competitors however since the update (and a number of suggestions from another SEO company), the traffic has dropped by about 90% and it's dropped almost completely from the search results (unlike the competitors who are breaking many faux-pars yet remain well ranked). I don't think we're seeing the wood from the trees anymore so I'd be grateful if someone could take a look and see if we've missed anything glaringly obvious? Any thoughts welcome. Thanks Tim Big changes around the same time/since that might be worth noting: Setup a canonical domain name of and (using IIS7) 301 redirect all other traffic over. Setup canonical URL meta tag for all results pages so they point to a single page Moved the redirect page (the one which sends users to the B&B's site) to another subdomain. Redesigned the URLs where possible to use "friendlier" and more keyword rich urls and 301 redirecting for the old urls Added XML sitemaps to the various tools (we found out they weren't there before) Added a robots.txt file Lowercased all urls Where possible removed duplicate results pages and pointed them at a single page Restructured the page titles to be more relevant Setup nofollow on the external urls

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TimGaunt

  • I'm just wandering is there any difference when we use "Cheap Holidays to Egypt" or "Cheap holidays to Egypt". It is easier for users to read first option but would the second be more relevant for crawls?

    Algorithm Updates | | fleetway

  • Hi, I am creating an e-commerce website and will obviously have a number of category pages i.e. T-Shirts. Each category then has a number of products with the word t-shirt mentioned in the name i.e. red t-shirt, blue t-shirt. Now obviously I would like to search engine the category page with the keyword t-shirt but how do I go about avoiding keyword stuffing as well as self-cannibalization?

    On-Page Optimization | | PIXUS

  • Hi guys, New guy to SEO and new site, need some help. I've got a really good article (Deal Guide: How to Pay $50/mo (or nothing) for Unlimited Everything on AT&T), a few days old and it's already going viral on StumbleUpon and is getting shared on Facebook and Tweeted. My question is, now what? What can I do to boost it's value?  I feel like I should be doing something to further push my article and build recognition for my new website. Should I run a Facebook sponsored story and further increase "likes" and shares? Blog/Forum commenting? I've done a little bit of this but there's so many iPhone 4s articles out there, that I don't know where to start. Should I be hitting the high PR pages? How can I find out if comments are follow/no-follow? Any other ideas?

    Link Building | | 10JQKAs

  • There is a blog and someone creates 2 mobile versions: they are the perfect copy of (articles, tags, links, etc etc) How Google will manage them? Right now, my article gets backlink by three sites

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Greenman

  • Aloha, I do a small study of 302 redirects. I wonder if you have any examples of sites where the use of a 302 is made.
    For example, to ski resorts: where there is a summer version and a winter version. In this case, the field of 302 will return the version of the relevant season. ex: >> 302 >> I wonder if the use of 302 is the right solution.
    What do you think? D.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | android_lyon

  • I've been working in digital marketing for a few years and over the past 2, I've concentrated on getting my head around (or trying to!) the world of SEO. Everything from reading this forum, listening to webinars and re-reading the beginners guide to SEO has provided me with the confidence to put in actionable insights into my work such as on page optimisation, keyword research, link build and passing this knowledge onto co-workers However, one area I am beginning to realise is just as important is having the ability to code for yourself. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction of where to start, what I program I should concentrate on? and what I shuld focus my energies on? Any help would be great Simon

    Technical SEO | | simonsw

  • As the .htaccess file cannot be worked on, I added this php code 301 redirect if the URL does not contain a www on all the pages (small website - 10 pages) : header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); header( "Location: $location" ); I want to know if this is ok for SEO? Has anyone done this on a windows server? Or if you have any better methods, it would be great if you can share. Please help. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | ArjunRajkumar

  • On one of my campaigns the ranking in SEOMoz for a search term at Google UK is 34, but when I run an analysis using different software it gives a ranking of 8. Search the term on Google and 8 is correct, not 34. Why should this be?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Beemer

  • The link above takes you to a SERP for a general phrase with no hint of locations involved (Coach Hire). However oddly enough there is a single google places listing that has pooped up at #4. Liverpool Minibus Coach hire <cite></cite> Now if this was "Coach Hire London" I would expect places, and indeed there is a list of places. But how do you get a places listing ranking for a phrase without a place name? Also of interest is the fact that this website doesn't even exist! It is a 301 redirect to another site. Google seems to be picking up the 301 since it shows the redirected site in the page snapshot and has no pages indexed for this domain. So an un-indexed site with a 301 redirect is #4 for the top phrase in this industry. I have no doubt that this will only be a temporary thing but it would be interesting to know how it was possible.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PPCnSEO

  • When selecting which search engines to monitor for a campaign both Google and Yahoo offer 2 very similar options. "Great Britain" and "United Kingdom" Bing only offers "United Kingdom" From a technical point of view, what is the difference between these options and which is the better to use?

    Moz Pro | | PPCnSEO

  • If you search any number with "co" after it you get Continental Airlines flight information of the corresponding number. So you if you search "4co" you get the current flight details for Continental flight 4. Is there any chance if you have a company called 4CO and you own that you could get the number one spot for that term or will google flight results always trump the "organic" results? Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | 2comarketing

  • I have a different problem then most. My international website ( is showing number one in english for "sol melia" in the Mexican google search engine. Plus the 3rd listing on is our homepage in spanish but it is showing up as a 401. We need to redirect the ccTLD ( to our current spanish version that is actually a subdomain ( Please let me know how I can fix both issues.

    International SEO | | Melia

  • seems https sites cannot go through campaign diagnosis

    Moz Pro | | AussieWebmaster

  • Hello, I am about to change my sitewide template from a table based one to a div based one.  I am obviously worried about losing ranking and optimistic it hopefully may improve rankings. Any thoughts/experience on this? I have done my best to keep all content, tags (H, alt, title, etc) the same but figured I would see if anybody had any good tips/suggestions? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | JohnHerrigel

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