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  • Hi, Is there any means of posting new content for my companies various social profiles in the one go rather than having to log into each one? This would save a lot of time. Thanks

    Social Media | | fdep

  • To run my campaigns on SEOmoz or google or other search engines, i need to have some clarity on what exactly a keyword means. firstly, how do the comibnation of different words work? Example : Buy apple laptop in india, 2) Buy apple laptop india 3) apple laptop india Are 1, 2, 3 considered as keywords OR Apple, laptop, India, Buy, considered as keywords? to run campaigns in SEOmoz how do i use the tool more effectively, should i chose how my users would search in the search engine or use certain keywords. in the above example the only difference between 1 & 2 is the word "in", and i see a significant difference in the search results. How do use/target my keywords?

    Algorithm Updates | | NikhilM

  • Hi, Today our business has no social presence so we are starting from the ground up. We have implemented the Google +1 button across the site, but nothing more. The social sites I'm considering targeting are: Linked In Twitter Facebook Google +1 I already have personal accounts used personal sharing on Linked In, FB and +1. I'm unsure whether I need to create a new facebook account for each of those and then create the business profile on each one or whether I should use my existing personal account. Further, for Google +1, there was no requirement to create any business page of any kind, all I had to do was take the code and insert it into the website. That confused me as for Facebook and Linked In, I was sure you must have an account up in order to have the social Like or Share button working Given I'm at the very start of this process, it would be great to get others input into how they went about this, and perhaps share any pitfalls they may seem obvious to avoid in hindsight. Thanks.

    Branding | | fdep

  • I am going to edit my theme myself so I don't need something like thesis for that.  But people say that the thesis framework is amazing for seo, and it's hard to edit it manually.  Does using the thesis theme do anything for you if you are going to use yoast anyway? Thanks William

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | willie79

  • When I did a google search for (my website) I noticed that google is indexing all of the https versions of my site. First of all, I don't get it because I don't have an SSL certificate. Then, last night I did what my host (bluehost) told me to do.  I added the below to my htaccess file. Below rule because google is indexing https version of site - OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^443$RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L] Tonight I when I did a google search for all of those https pages were being redirected to my home page - not the actually page they're supposed to be redirecting to. I went back to Bluehost and they said and 301 redirect shouldn't work because I don't have an SSL certificate. BUT, I figure since it's sorta working I just need to add something to that htaccess rule to make sure it's redirected to the right page. Someone in the google webmaster tools forums told me to do below but I don't really get it? _"to 301 redirect from /~kisswedd/ to the proper root folder you can put this in the root folder .htaccess file as well:_Redirect 301 /~kisswedd/" Any help/advice would be HUGELY appreciated. I'm a bit at a loss.

    Reporting & Analytics | | annasus

  • I've noticed two things that are going wild on Facebook this week: and In the first scenario, you supposedly just click share and they'll send you a $25 Tim Horton's gift card.  (For those who don't know Tim's it is a very popular coffee shop in Canada).  There's no way this is happening...they claim to have something like 5000 cards to give away. In the second one they're apparently giving away 1000 ipods. Yeah...OK. So, they're obviously scams that are just trying to get a few zillion facebook shares.  But why?

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi- I have a client who has setup a new criminal law firm in the last few months. The URL is like: ['somename' is the same # characters as their company name] I have run a successful AdWords a/c for them and many of the big traffic and conversion keywords include 'criminal lawyers'. From a SEO perspective, the long goal is to get traffic for 'criminal lawyers' and keywords that phrase match that. So I am considering migrating them to I have researched this issue and understand the technicalities involved in moving. My question here is 'is this change worthwhile'. I think it is worthwhile because it really is in a sense rebranding them to be more clearly in a specific business domain, ie. criminal law. Also, they are a new outfit so they don't have a lot of backlinks yet. And mainly, they will get a SEO boost to their core keywords 'criminal lawyers'. Thanks in advance for your thoughts- Jules

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Juller

  • I am going to be switching my current site from a standard html site to a wordpress site.  I'm kind of paranoid of losing my top spot for the keyterms.  If I keep the content the same, and keep the same amount of image alt tags, the same anchor text etc, nothing should change right? Grateful for any advice. Thanks Will

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | willie79

  • So I have been noticing that a lot of my competition is leaving a lot of non sense comments on high ranking blogs. What they are doing is either A. Linking the username they are using back to the page they want to link or B. Within their comment on that blog leaving their URL in the text or end of comment. Question is does this even work to get links back to your page? Is this that even ethical SEO? Might be a dumb questions but how am i suppose to fight this when its already hard enough to come up with unique content for a e commerce site and then i have to battle my competition doing this?

    Link Building | | Horrific_ending

  • We know that a major backlinking strategy is to create web 2.0 articles linking to your main money site. But these web 2.0 articles also need to be recognized by google, so people tell me I need to ping them? What does that mean?

    Link Building | | sleepmaster

  • Hey Mozzers! I'm a bit confused by a site that is showing a 0 for home page MozRank and MozTrust, while its subdomain and root domain metrics look decent (relatively). I am posting images of the page metrics and subdomain metrics to show the disparity: Is it normal to see this type of disparity? The home page has very little inbound links, but the big goose egg has me wondering if there is something else going on. Has anyone else experienced this? Or, does anyone have speculation as to why a home page would have a 0 MozRank while the subdomain metrics look much better? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | ClarityVentures

  • Hello, I was wondering, does it help if I publish a link to a new page on my website on my Facebook-, Google + and Twitter-Account - even if noone reposts it? Thanks Polyniki

    Social Media | | polyniki

  • I've played with the keyword tool a bit. Some keywords have 43% difficulty and some have 55%. What do these difficulty levels mean? I don't really know how to go about it.

    Keyword Research | | sleepmaster

  • After running a crawl diagnostics i was surprised to see 336 duplicate page titles. But i am wondering if it is true or not. Most of them are not a page at all but a .php variation. for example: The following are all the same page, but a different limit on viewing listings. Limiting your view to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 as you choose. .com/?lang=en&limit=5 .com/?lang=en&limit=5&limitstart=10
    .com/?lang=en&limit=5&limitstart=25 Same type of things are going on all over the site causing 228 duplicate content errors and the already mentioned 336 duplicate pages. But is "crawl diagnostic telling the truth" or is it just some php thing? I am not a php expert so any input would be much appreciated. What should i do?

    Technical SEO | | nahopkin

  • All I want to know how google treats RSS fetcher. I want to push my blogs to my own website. Both are there on the same domain . But I want them to be updated automatically on the home page of my website through RSS fetcher if i create it on my blog page. My site name is and my blog site name is

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SangeetaC

  • Hi, The page in question is: The problem is that this and most of the other 10,000 pages used to rank well but now are really struggling.
    I am begining to suspect that I have some sort of Google penalty but I cannot know for sure.
    I believe I comply with all Google guidelines and I think the SEO is good.
    Possibly the eBay affiliate links are the problem but they form a large part of the content and user experience.
    The page gives a price guide for items in different conditions and has various other tools for the user. Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks for your time in advance. Alan

    Reporting & Analytics | | ToyMart3

  • I signed up SEO Moz about a month ago as i'm currently rebuilding my site from scratch and wanted to learn from current mistakes. At present I use the forum software Invision Power Board to manage my site and one thing i've learnt is that it is terrible for SEO, there are so many thousands of errors listed by the crawler that it's not even worth trying to fix it. However because it has 5 or 6 years worth of content alot of which is on Google I don't want to totally remove it, rather I would prefer to archive it of with a big banner at the top letting anybody that visits it know that it's no longer in use and pointing them to the frontpage. I should note that it is in a subfolder already so the location of any of the links won't be changed. So the few questions I have are: The forum index has alot of link juice and I would like to redirect that to the new forum index, however for archive purposes the old index still needs to be accessible. Some topics are very popular and appear high in Google and have alot of backlinks. The important information in these forum topics will be available elsewhere on the new rebuilt site. Again I would like to redirect both link juice and users to the new page, however being a forum topic there are tens or hundreds of pages of old comments that need to still be accessible for reference. There are bound to be duplicate meta title and description issues with new similarly named categories appearing both on the new site and the old forum, is this going to be that much of a problem? So really what i'm asking is, how should I go about archiving this of without destroying content and rankings, but still making sure that the new stuff is getting the right exposure both to users and search engines alike?

    On-Page Optimization | | freezedriedmedia

  • I have numerous print ads running and I would like to see which ads are sending traffic to my site.  What is the best way of doing this?  Redirects? Is this a recommended practice?  Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | Lael

  • If i attempt to split the blog and main site, how can Google  recognize they are both owned by the same person.

    Content Development | | seoug_2005

  • Is there an advantage/disadvantage to adding an .html suffix to urls in a CMS like WordPress. Plugins exist to do it, but it seems better for the user to leave it off. What do search engines prefer?

    Technical SEO | | Cornucopia

  • Hey Mozzers, So I've been reading somethings lately and some are saying that the top search engines do not use ror.xml sitemap but focus just on the sitemap.xml.  Is that true? Do you use ror? if so, for what purpose, products, "special articles", other uses? Can sitemap be sufficient for all of those? Thank you, Vadim

    Technical SEO | | vijayvasu

  • I have a client who recently expanded to New York from Miami, so now they have 2 active locations. They currently rank very well for local Miami terms both organically and on local maps. Any specific recommendations as to how to go about optimizing for the New York terms without compromising the Miami terms? BOTH organically and on Local map listings.

    On-Page Optimization | | First

  • I'm just entering the process of switching web developer companies, and I was wondering what process would be best for redirecting our old product (new and used cars) pages.  Our current design leaves much to be desired seo wise (, and redirecting all of them seems like it would be pretty complicated. In addition to that, we currently have 35,000 pages.  Is there a practical way to do redirects with this many pages?

    Technical SEO | | ResslerMotors

  • Suppose you have had a great month of linkbuilding and significantly increased the number of linking domains (say by about 10%). How long does it typically take to see a noticeable uptick in traffic based on your experience?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • I signed up for pro last night and in the set up process it asks for 5 keywords. After it ran those, I added another 75. How do I get it to run for those new keywords?

    Moz Pro | | annasus

  • I just discovered a competitor in the insurance lead generation space has completely copied my client's site's architecture, page names, titles, even the form, tweaking a word or two here or there to prevent 100% 'scraping'. We put a lot of time into the site, only to have everything 'stolen'.  What can we do about this?  My client is very upset.  I looked into filing a 'scraper' report through Google but the slight modifications to content technically don't make it a 'scraped' site. Please advise to what course of action we can take, if any. Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seagreen

  • My proposed URL: detail Puts my products 4 levels deep. Is this too deep to get my products indexed?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hello, I have a twitter account. Do I need to make a 2nd twitter account for my business? My current username is BobWeikel If I need a 2nd account, what would my username be? My company is called Bob Weikel & Associates. Thank You!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • Hi, I asked this in another post, but didn't get a solid answer. For several websites I manage, I have access to their Google Webmaster Tools. When I put the site through there, or the link:// or SEOMoz's OpenSite link reporter, I get not even a fraction of the links that I know are pointing to the websites in question. Some of these links are from home pages or side columns, and some are from articles keep within a website, like at I wondered if the links in question were not themselves being indexed, but if I do a very specific search, I can pull them up in the search results. Is it just common knowledge that these link tools are not accurate? And to assume that somehow, search engines really do see all of the inbound links, even if our reporting tools don't. Thanks in advance!

    Moz Pro | | lilactree

  • I would like to see if there is a way to add conditional logic to the robots.txt file so that when we push from DEV to PRODUCTION and the robots.txt file is pushed, we don't have to remember to NOT push the robots.txt file OR edit it when it goes live. My specific situation is this: I have, and and somehow google has indexed the and and I'd like these to be removed from google's index as they are causing duplicate content. Should I: a) add 2 new GWT entries for and and VERIFY ownership - if I do this, then when the files are pushed to LIVE won't the files contain the VERIFY META CODE for the DEV version even though it's now LIVE? (hope that makes sense) b) write a robots.txt file that specifies "DISALLOW:" is that possible? I have only seen examples of DISALLOW with a "/" in the beginning... Hope this makes sense, can really use the help!  I'm on a Windows Server 2008 box running ColdFusion websites.

    Technical SEO | | ErnieB

  • I'm doing a Wordpress project that will feature about 100 products and am thinking of using WP e-Commerce but am concerned about SEO. Does anyone have any comments on SEO strength/weakness of WP-eCommerce plugin for Wordpress?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • My website has a QnA site - a bit like this one except  it's not private to premium members. It is a page with a left colomn for category links and it has a list of recently asked questions, each question is a link to view the full question and answers etc. Does google know this is a QnA ? Or will it say - hey, there are far too many links on this page, tut tut. Is there anything I can do to help it understand what the page is.

    Technical SEO | | borderbound

  • Is there a tool on here (or anywhere else) where you can upload a list of sites (say 500 sites) and be given things like mozrank on it?

    Moz Pro | | thefresh

  • Hello, we have 2 questions, regarding reviews from rating websites. 1. Reviews on google Search We have several reviews for our website from various rating sites (e.g. qype, yelp, remotegoat, etc.). When searching for theprintspace on google, only some reviews and only some rating website are shown, most are not. For qype, for instance, we have 8 reviews, but google only indicates that we have 3. The yelp reviews (and many others) are not shown at all. According to google, it takes a maximum of 2 months for the correct number of reviews to be shown on google, but the reviews have been online for over 2 months now. Is there any way this problem can be solved, so google shows the correct number of reviews? 2. Seller rating extensions on google adwords We would like the reviews to be displayed in our google adwords as a seller rating extension. These will include the merchant star rating for advertisers that are highly rated on Google Product Search. We are setting up a google merchant account to do so. Google says: "Ratings are based on the user reviews collected by Google Product Search, which aggregates reviews from a broad base of sources across the web, including Reseller Ratings, Bizrate, and Viewpoints." Do you know if the following rating website are in google's "base of sources" and will thus be recognised and used in google adwords as rating extensions? Yelp Qype Scoot Remotegoat viewlondon tipped Or does google only source from big e-commerce rating websites? How do we get the ratings into our adwords? Thank you for your help!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Waplington

  • I built a blog on my root domain while I worked on another part of the site at I was really careful not to have any links go to alpha - but it seems google found and indexed it. The problem is that part of alpha was a copy of the blog - so now soon we have a lot of duplicate content. The /alpha part is now ready to be taken over to the root domain, the initial plan was to then delete /alpha. But now that its indexed I'm worried that Ill have all these 404 pages. I'm not sure what to do.. I know I can just do a 301 redirect for all those pages to go to the other ones in case a link comes on but I need to delete those pages as the server is already very slow. Or does a 301 redirect mean that I don't need those pages anymore? Will those pages still get indexed by google as separate pages? Please assist.

    Technical SEO | | borderbound

  • Hello: I've been the publisher and SEO for Indie Rock Cafe since starting it in 2007. It's done great, and has #1 - #5 positions in Google for many strong keywords like "best new albums", "best new bands", "top new bands", "popular indie rock songs", and so on. However, for many of the results, the homepage keeps popping up over and over again. I thought I'd done everything right to get other pages on the site to rank for top keywords. Another potential issue is that I expected the homepage to have a 6 PR by now, but it seems stuck on 5. Any ideas? Insight from SEOs and experts is always enlightening and helpful, so thank you in advance for your thoughts and advice.

    On-Page Optimization | | holdtheonion

  • Mornin' In your experience, how much constitutes duplicate content? A sentence, a paragraph, half a page, etc? What about quotes - are they considered duplications, too, if there aren't quotation marks? Over the years, the client has been a bit bad in taking a paragraph from here, a sentence from there, and coupling it all together as daily news on their site. I'm now in the middle of a purge. Oh boy! All hail originality.

    On-Page Optimization | | Martin_S

  • Hello; Every week when I see my stats I notice that RogerBot has crawled 10000 form my website, even pages with a no index or not allowed in the robots.txt. Is it possible to avoid him from crawling the these pages? They are form pages in my site, with are not indexed by google, they have a noindex and they are not allowed for crawling in the robots.txt. Thanks everyone for your help!!!

    Moz Pro | | jgomes

  • Hi SEOMozzies, Love the Q&A resource and already found lots of useful stuff too! I just started as an in-house SEO at a retailer and my first main challenge is to tidy up the complex URL structures and remove the ugly sub sitemap approach currently used. I already found a number of suggestions but it looks like I am dealing with a number of challenges that I need to resolve in a single release. So here is the current setup: The website is an ecommerce site (department store) with around 30k products. We are using multi select navigation (non Ajax). The main website uses a third party search engine to power the multi select navigation, that search engine has a very ugly URL structure. For example www.domain.tld/browse?location=1001/brand=100/color=575&size=1&various other params, or for multi select URL’s www.domain.tld/browse?location=1001/brand=100,104,506/color=575&size=1 &various other non used URL params. URL’s are easily up to 200 characters long and non-descriptive at all to our users. Many of these type of URL’s are indexed by search engines (we currently have 1.2 million of those URL’s indexed including session id’s and all other nasty URL params) Next to this the site is using a “sub site” that is sort of optimized for SEO, not 100% sure this is cloaking but it smells like it. It has a simplified navigation structure and better URL structure for products. Layout is similair to our main site but all complex HTMLelements like multi select, large top navigations menu's etc are all removed. Many of these links are indexed by search engines and rank higher than links from our main website. The URL structure is www.domain.tld/1/optimized-url .Currently 64.000 of these URL’s are indexed. We have links to this sub site in the footer of every page but a normal customer would never reach this site unless they come from organic search. Once a user lands on one of these pages we try to push him back to the main site as quickly as possible. My planned approach to improve this: 1.)    Tidy up the URL structure in the main website (e.g. www.domain.tld/women/dresses and www.domain.tld/diesel-red-skirt-4563749. I plan to use Solution 2 as described in to block multi select URL’s from being indexed and would like to use the URL param “location” as an indicator for search engines to ignore the link. A risk here is that all my currently indexed URL (1.2 million URL’s) will be blocked immediately after I put this live. I cannot redirect those URL’s to the optimized URL’s as the old URL’s should still be accessible. 2.)    Remove the links to the sub site (www.domain.tld/1/optimized-url) from the footer and redirect (301) all those URL’s to the newly created SEO friendly product URL’s. URL’s that cannot be matched since there is no similar catalog location in the main website will be redirected (301) to our homepage. I wonder if this is a correct approach and if it would be better to do this in a phased way rather than the currently planned big bang? Any feedback would be highly appreciated, also let me know if things are not clear. Thanks! Chris

    Technical SEO | | eCommerceSEO

  • I have installed the chrome extension "Check my links". Now how do i run this extension to check links. Which button should i click on ? Thanks a lot for your patience !  I know this is a very simple question.

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Say I create my own original content for my website. If I want to build backlinks and promote to  web 2.0 websites, do I need to spin my articles to submit to them or can I just send them a direct copy?

    Link Building | | sleepmaster

  • I work with a real estate agent and he uses strings from another tool to populate the listings on his site. In an attempt to be able to track traffic to both the framed pages and the non-framed pages he has two sets of analytics code on his site - one inside the frame and one for the regular part of the site. (there's also a third that the company who hosts his site and provides all these other tools put on his site - but I don't think that's really important to this conversation). Not only is it confusing looking at the analytics data, his bounce rate is down right unmanageable. As soon as anyone clicks on any of the listings they've bounced away. Here's a page - all of those listings below " Here are the most recent Toronto Beaches Real Estate Listings" are part of a frame. I'm not really sure what to do about it or how to deal with it? Anyone out there got any good advice? And just in case you're wondering there aren't any other options - apart from spending thousands to build his own database thingie. We've thought about that (as other agents in the city have done that), but just aren't sure it's worth it. And, quite frankly he doesn't want to spend the money.

    Reporting & Analytics | | annasus

  • When I ran the SEO Moz report it says that I have a ton of duplicate content. The first one I looked at was my home page. All of the above 3 have varying internal links, page authority, and link root domains. Only the first has any external links. All of the others only seem to have 1 other duplicate page. It's a difference between the www and the non-www version. I have a verified acct for in google webmaster tools. The non-www version is in there too but has not been verified. Under settings for the verified account (, "Don't set a preferred domain" is checked off. Is that my mistake. And if so, which should I select? The www version or the non-www version? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | annasus

  • Majestic SEO and even yahoo sitemap see's it... why not SEOMOZ? The website is a few months old already.

    Reporting & Analytics | | sleepmaster

  • Is there anything like Followerwonk for Facebook that I can use to look for link prospects?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi, We are thinking of moving a domain from a   .net  extension to a .com because of internal political reason. It's a french website with 3 000 pages.The organic trafic is  65 % from France and 35 % from Canada. We have decent rankings and we have around 150 000 organic visits/month. For sure,if we move the site, we will do all the rigth 301 redirect. We will also use Google Webmaster Tools to tell the new location of the site. But even if we do all the best practices. What would be the impact of changing the extension. Is anyone had some experience with this ? I will really like to have your opinion on this. Thanks Rick

    Technical SEO | | Adviso

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