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  • I run an ecommerce site with close to 2000 products. Nearly every page in the catalog has a too many on-page links error because of the navigation sidebar, which has several flyout layers of nested links. What can/should I do about this? Will it affect my rankings at all? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AmericanOutlets

  • Hey Roger, In the posting etiquette it states that users should 'find out if someone has already posted your question before adding it' but we all know that is never really going to happen. So, we tend to see the same questions asked again and again when there are already top class answers in the Q&A. So, could you not implement some kind of suggested answer system? So, user posts a question, you analyse it, list potential answers that may provide the answer based on the content of the question itself. If nothing matches, the user can then go on to post the question but in many cases, they would get a top notch answer instantly. I have seen this on other sites and it would certainly cut down on the amount of duplicated questions and the suggested answers could all be hand picked to some extent (good answers, lots of thumbs up etc). So, the Q&A would have less duplication and users would get directed to the best possible answers for a given question in a shorter time frame. Good for those that do the answering, good for the people who have questions - everyone is happy. Just a thought,  my tuppence, 5 cents, etc. 🙂 Marcus

    Moz Pro | | Marcus_Miller

  • Hi there, I got some 404-errors in crawl diagnostics. How can I get the URLs where the broken links were found?

    On-Page Optimization | | fleetway

  • We are a pro member of SEOMOZ.  I know that we have not used it to its full potential.  Now our marketing department is considering using I need to have a comparison and contrast of SEOMOZ vs springMetrics.  Also, can you include how google real time fits into this.

    Paid Search Marketing | | Darden

  • SInce Panda, We have seen our home page drop from #2 in serp to page 3 but it  has been replaced in the same position @#2 by our relevent sub page for the keyword that we ranked#2 for. Is this a good or bad thing from and seo point of view and is it better to have deep pages show in serp rather than the homepage of a site and what is the best line of action from here in relation to seo. Is it best to work on subpage or home page for that keyword and should link building for that phrase be directed towards the subpage or the homepage as the subpage is obviously more relevent in googles eyes for the search term. It is clear that all areas of the site should be looked at in relation to link building and deep links etc but now that google is obviously looking at relevancy very closely should all campaigns be sectioned into relevent content managed sections and the site likewise and treated on an individual basis. Any help that you may have would be very welcome. Paul

    Algorithm Updates | | mcintyr

  • I've recently come across this: A site changes the URL of one internal page to something more search friendly, and 301's the old to the new as you would expect. They don't change the link on the homepage in the navigation. Instead they keep it to the old URL so they go through the 301 to get to the page even though it's internal. They say if they change the URL it will reset the internal flow of link equity to that page. I've not come across this before and so am not sure what to think. I mean I can see what they're saying but I would have though that it being internal would mean it's different and that the flow to internal pages would just kind of resume as-was quite soon afterwards. Any views?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveOllington

  • could anyone explain the difference between Page Authority and Domain Authoity to me or give me a link to a site where it is explained? Sorry if It's really obvious and I'm just too stupid to find out, but I've searched and haven't found anything.

    Reporting & Analytics | | mtueckcr

  • Hi everyone, I am a digital marketing intern at a small marketing business.  They have a really horrible, 1990's ish website which I am currently working with them on a plan to completely redo within a few months. Until then I am fixing some issues on their current site which includes SEOing their current content that will be moved to the new site.  They have a ton of issues which include, but are not limited to, missing meta descriptions and title tags, no official keywords incorporated into their content, no analytics or tracking of keywords, a poor use of social media, and duplicate content. My plan was to fix all these issues first, then when the site relaunches really start focusing on the more advanced bits (which include link building). The previous intern spent 99% of his time posting on forums building "backlinks". I've been going through his posts and saw he posted on mainly marketing forums on topics but never included any type of link back to the site in his posts or on his forum profile (his reasoning was he wanted to gain a reputation with the forum first so the admin would not delete his posts or so he'd be able to put a link in his signature).  He and the owner of the business say that this is the best and most effective way to help SEO and the owner is questioning whether or not I concentrate on that instead of the other issues. So what do you think? Do you think I should be fixing all these issues first and waiting until the site relaunches to concentrate on forum backlinking? Or do you think it would be more effective to just focus on my energies on forum backlinking? Also - the previous intern also told the owner that Wordtracker was a poor investment and is not useful. I have always thought that was sort of an industry standard. Do you think he's right? If so could you recommend something else? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks 🙂

    Link Building | | Grow

  • Hello, I have a lot of low quality pages on my site, many of which have very similar URLs and cover similar topics. I want to tidy up my site by using 301 redirects as Rand suggests here: 1. As a rough rule of thumb, how many internal 301 redirects is too many? 2. Can lots be to the homepage if they're relevant?  (I could have as many as 30) Thanks, Kevin

    On-Page Optimization | | KMack

  • My friend and I are launching a website used to track alcoholic beverages.  It has over 115k pages, three tier site structure.  I am curious about the keyword strategy for the homepage.  I know I will get a lot of long tail search traffic for drink names and how to mix drinks. Do I need a Keyword Strategy for my homepage with so many internal pages? Its a new brand we created, not a keyword domain.  We would like to rank for how to mix drinks, etc...  However with the number of pages we already have a lot of internal link juice.  Where should link building be focused?

    Link Building | | getbigyadig

  • Hi everyone, just a quick question, what are your views on the use of strong tags in content? how many is too many? What is you have strong tags around every keywords for a sentance etc?

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • Hi. I was speaking with my designer last night (we are setting up a new website) and we were discussing the design of our homepage, now the designer said he wanted the first page of the website to be a sort of landing page page were the visitor has to click and enter, im sure everyone has all come across these before. However, I am concerned as to the SEO implications of this? Any help guys?

    Web Design | | CompleteOffice

  • Hi everybody. One of my clients is looking to move their e-commerce site to a new platform in the next few weeks. However, they been told by several sources that traffic will drop after a migration, which they want to avoid in the run up to Christmas. I've not heard this before, and I thought as long as you pay attention to structure, indexing and redirects a migration should have no impact. We'd be moving to a site with cleaner code, so surely there wouldn't be some kind of penalty for that? Your thoughts would be great! S

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • Two weeks ago we changed our urls so the correct addresses are all lowercase. Everything else 301 redirects to those. We have submitted and made sure that Google has downloaded our updated sitemap several times since. Even so, Webmaster Tools is reporting 33000 + errors in our sitemap for urls that are no longer in our sitemap and haven't been for weeks. It claims to have found the errors within the last couple of days but the sitemap has been updated for a couple of weeks and has been downloaded by Google at least three times since. Here is our sitemap: Here are a couple of urls that Webmaster Tools says are in the sitemap:
    Redirect error unavailable
    Oct 7, 2011
    Redirect error unavailable
    Oct 7, 2011

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTheScot

  • Hi, I have alot of notices about webpages that are apparently blocked by no index robots, I look through the code on the site and cannot see any coding for this and am confused how to fix the problem. Help anyone?

    On-Page Optimization | | Vetshopgroup

  • I added Goals to my Google Analytics tracking. It's working; I get visitors who have completed Goals showing up in the reporting. My question is: Is it possible to trace backwards from a completed Goal to the original search phrase a user entered in Google to come to my site (for those who entered from via organic search result)? I'm trying to answer the question of which search phrases are resulting in completed Goals (as opposed to bouncing off the site or just any behaviour other than completing a Goal). It seems like this should be one of Analytics' default reports -- help identify which search phrases are converting well. It's probably there and I'm just not seeing it... Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | scanlin

  • SEOmoz's Crawl Diagnostics is complaining about a duplicate page error. I'm trying to use a rel=canonical but maybe I'm not doing it right. This page is the original, definitive version of the content: This page is an alias that points to it (each month the alias is changed to point to the then current issue): The alias page above contains this tag (which is also updated each month when a new issue comes out) in the section: Is that not correct? Is the https (vs http) messing something up? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | scanlin

  • How do i get rid of a duplicate page error when you can not access that page? I am using yahoo store manager. And i do not know code. The only way i can get to this page is by copying the link that the error message gives me. This is the duplicate that i can not find in order to delete.

    Moz Pro | | tom14cat14

  • I have a large forum and I'm trying to figure out how to leverage it for SEO. Hopefully it'll help. Any advice? Does google ignore forums?

    Content Development | | RamseySolutions

  • Hypothetical Situations: You get a guest post on another blog and it offers a great link back to your website.  You want to tell your readers about it, but linking the post will turn that link into a reciprocal link instead of a one way link, which presumably has more value.  Should you nofollow your link to the guest post? My intuition here, and the answer that I expect, is that if it's good for users, the link belongs there, and as such there is no trouble with linking to the post.  Is this the right way to think about it?  Would grey hats agree? You're working for a small local business and you want to explore some reciprocal link opportunities with other companies in your niche using a "links" page you created on your domain.  You decide to get sneaky and either noindex your links page, block the links page with robots.txt, or nofollow the links on the page.  What is the best practice? My intuition here, and the answer that I expect, is that this would be a sneaky practice, and could lead to bad blood with the people you're exchanging links with.  Would these tactics even be effective in turning a reciprocal link into a one-way link if you could overlook the potential immorality of the practice?  Would grey hats agree?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AnthonyMangia

  • We've never syndicated content or done "article marketing". Another site contacted us and requested to use the content on several of our webpages.  The other site is a fairly prestigious nonprofit in our industry.  We don't mind them using our content, but we want to get the most benefit out of it. There are two ways the occur to me: Have them create pages with the exact same text as on our pages, but put in the header of those pages Just have them create pages with the text from our pages with embedded links back to our other pages.  Each page they create will say "Content courtesy of XXX" Does anyone have opinions on which way is best, or another approach?

    Content Development | | DanCrean

  • What is the final opinion about how (and if) cufon affects keywords in H1 tags?

    Web Design | | Court_LOQUA

  • Currently our website is being redesigned into a CMS for our Headquarters in the US. We have three other locations. Germany, UK and Australia. Each Location has there own domain and hosting in there designated country. How safe will it be to upload our New Headquarters site to each of our different locations? I would like to stay uniform throughout. The content would be similar, but translated to the correct language. And some of the products would be different. Will this be a pretty easy process and will this cause any duplication issues? Are there any suggestions or MUST DO's for localization websites? The website is being designed with Wordpress and Magento as a custom CMS.

    Web Design | | hfranz

  • I'm looking to see what sites my competitors are linked from via the open site explorer and all I see are web directories and when I visit these sites it seems they want you to part with $20 in exchange for a link. It obviously works as the sites I am researching are on page one for the keyword I am targeting. For example Site 1 Has 18,222 followed links and 1,089 no followed links Has 243 linking root domains and 17 NoFollowed linking root domains Site 2 & 3 are very similar My site is only 2 months old and has 85 followed, 10 NoFollowed and 4 linking root domains and 3 NoFollowed. My domain Authority is 15 my 3 competitors I'm tracking are between 30 and 45. In spite of this huge gulf I still rank half way up page two! I'd be really grateful if someone could explain to me what the followed links, NoFollewed links etc all means and also the opinion on getting links from web directories. Thanks for your time - Jay

    Competitive Research | | JasonHegarty

  • Hi Mozzers, Quick question, Does anyone know of a tool that can search Twitter bios for a URL then match the URL to the asscoiated twitter handle? For example, my twitter handle is @rosstav and the URL in my bio is rosstavendale(dot)com. I want a tool that searches bios for a list of URLs and returns the twitter handle. I tried Followerwonk but no joy. Any thoughts?

    Social Media | | rtavs

  • On my site I have the error message as per the question title. The conflict is coming from these two pages which are effectively the same page: I have added a htaccess file to the root folder as I thought (hoped) it would fix the problem but I doesn't appear to have done so. this is the content of the htaccess file: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index\.html\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^index\.html$ [R=301,L] AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JasonHegarty

  • Let's say you are doing seo for a company that sells  5000 widgets. Let's call their site ... They have already set up ( purchased ) many domains such as which is one of the widgets they have on their main site. so they might have several hundred of these domains. What is the best use of these domains? Would it be : Have those pages be landing pages with content and pictures and optimized with a link to their main site widget page? Or have that domain have a 301 redirect to go  their main site, to the particular page showing that widget for sale off their main site? Miscellaneous sidebar question - Since both the main site widget page and the widget domain might be in competition and might have duplicate content, what are the ramifications of not using the canonical tag, and what other considerations might there be? How much must be duplicate content before considering using the canonical tag?

    Technical SEO | | highersourcesites

  • Still one week left for my trial. I did not get the result I wanted to have on my ranking, I know it takes time and patience to get there. Even if I consider myself as tech savvy, I have the impression that even if you have the best tools to monitor what is going on that you still have to spend to much time to get better ranking. I would prefer to give the contract to someone else rather than spending time trying to figure out what is going on. I am in some sort of a catch22. I need to increase my ranking, I know my competitors have more backlinks then I can possibly reach ( we have 55 and they have around to 78000). I am wondering how they got all these backlinks in just 2 years. We've been in business much longer.. I could confirmed that my On-page SEO is very good, it's really on my backlinks that I have problems. I see already some of you saying that I have to create rich content, but for a B2B companiy, it's not as easy to generate the proper content and get the backlinks needed. Is there a very quick way to increase backlinks very quickly ?

    Technical SEO | | processia

  • Google is randomly displaying the alt image tag as the page title for my homepage.  It happens when you search for the brand name, but the page title appears as "BrandName Logo" (obviously not "BrandName").  Has anybody seen this happen before?

    Search Behavior | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • We recently acquired a company, and now we are going to redirect all of the pages on their site to their respective pages on our site. Do we need to keep the original pages on their site active? For how long? Ideally, we would like to redirect everything and remove the old site entirely so we don't have to pay to keep hosting it. Is this possible? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pbhatt

  • Hello everybody, I used the open site explorer to check where my competitor has links and try to put mine there too. However I am extremely confused with the results. Eg the first link to my competitor coming from a domain with authority 91, is a download file. The other one is a link from ups, the courier service. When I click on it I get an access denied.The other one comes from samsung and when I click on it, I download an swf file. Next one, and it downloads a wp file. If I keep clicking on these links, in the end I am going to get a virus or something and learn nothing about what my competitor does. Any one have a clue how they managed to get linked like that?

    Technical SEO | | polyniki

  • We switched over from our standard XML sitemap to a sitemap index. Our old sitemap was called sitemap.xml and the new one is sitemapindex.xml. In Webmaster Tools it still shows the old sitemap.xml as valid. Also when you land on our sitemap.xml it will display the sitemap index, when really the index lives on sitemapindex.xml. The reason you can see the sitemap on both URLs is because this is set from the sitemap plugin. So the question is, should we change the plugin setting to let the old sitemap.xml 404, or should we allow the new sitemap index to be accessed on both URLs?

    Technical SEO | | Hakkasan

  • Does the SEOmoz toolbar show nofollow attributes as well as nofollow meta tags?

    Moz Pro | | ibex

  • Hello, I have around 100,000 Error pages showing in Google Webmaster Tools. I want to block specific components like com_fireboard, com_seyret,com_profiler etc. Few examples: I tried blocking using robots.txt. Just used this Disallow: /com_fireboard/
    Disallow: /com_seyret/ But its not working. Can anyone suggest me to solve this problem. Many Thanks Shradda

    Technical SEO | | TheMartingale

  • I am using Open Site Explorer to measure some metrics. The Facebook Shares, Facebook Likes, Tweets, and Google +1 metrics make no sense to me. Where and how are these being pulled? Is there a timeframe attached? Can I assign a timeframe to them? I have a ShareThis account that states one of my pages was liked over 3000 times but the metrics say 1 like. Very confused. Thanks for any help! Ari

    Social Media | | aricom

  • What page is attached to if it is not the index.html ? Should I do a redirect from the index page to something more descriptive?

    Web Design | | FreightBoy

  • Hi, Our site got demoted by Google all of a sudden back in early July. You can view the site here: and you may read the discussions I posted in Google's forums here: Those discussions chronicle what happened, and what we've done since. I don't want to make this a long post by retyping it all here, hence the links. However, we've made various changes (as detailed), such as getting rid of duplicate content (use of noindex on various pages etc), and ensuring there is no hidden text (we made an unintentional blunder there through use of a 3rd party control which used CSS hidden text to store certain data). We have also filed reconsideration requests with Google and been told that no manual penalty has been applied. So the problem is down to algorithmic filters which are being applied. So... my reason for posting here is simply to see if anyone here can help us discover if there is anything we have missed? I'd hope that we've addressed the main issues and that eventually our Google ranking will recover (ie. filter removed.... it isn't that we 'rank' poorly, but that a filter is bumping us down, to, for example, page 50).... but after three months it sure is taking a while! It appears that a 30 day penalty was originally applied, as our ranking recovered in early August. But a few days later it dived down again (so presumably Google analysed the site again, found a problem and applied another penalty/filter). I'd hope that might have been 30 or 60 days, but 60 days have now passed.... so perhaps we have a 90 day penalty now. OR.... perhaps there is no time frame this time, simply the need to 'fix' whatever is constantly triggering the filter (that said, I 'feel' like a time frame is there, especially given what happened after 30 days). Of course the other aspect that can always be worked on (and oft-mentioned) is the need for more and more original content. However, we've done a lot to increase this and think our Guide pages are pretty useful now. I've looked at many competitive sites which list in Google and they really don't offer anything more than we do..... so if that is the issue it sure is puzzling if we're filtered and they aren't. Anyway, I'm getting wordy now, so I'll pause. I'm just asking if anyone would like to have a quick look at the site and see what they can deduce? We have of course run it through SEOMoz's tools and made use of the suggestions. Our target pages generally rate as an A for SEO in the reports. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Go2Holidays

  • I saw that the website outranks for the therm "comunicate de presa" in SERP even though .ro beats .net in every seo indicator (links, domains linking, fb likes, g+, onpage etc) I saw that returns a lot of *.doc files with a title that contains the kw ("comunicate de presa"). Ex: It seems a little suspicios to me.Did anyone see this before (google giving higher importance to doc files)? Does anyone know why .net site is ranking better?

    Technical SEO | |

  • Hello Friends, thank you for helping in advance. My website gets a lot of traffic and with our Google Adwords campaigns we have very good click through rates(percentages from 1 percent to 4 percent). So I know that I am getting people to my site, but I can't get them to spend money. It seems like they get there ready to buy, but something turns them away at the last moment. My Partner feels like we should put more pictures of people on the site so that people feel like there is a face to our company. I am also in agreement with this, but I would also like to know if anything else is wrong with our site that perhaps maybe another set of eyes could perceive. Thank you again Moz friends. Justin Smith Frontline Mobility

    Reporting & Analytics | | FrontlineMobility

  • I have a client that's setting up a section of his site in a different language, and we're planning to geo-target those pages to that country. I have suggested a sub-folder solution as it's the most cost effective solution, and it will allow domain authority to flow into those pages. His developer is indicating that they can only set this up as a sub-domain, for technical reasons, but they're suggesting they can rewrite the url's to appear as sub folder pages. I'm wondering how this will work in terms of geo-targeting in Google Webmaster Tools. Do I geo-target the sub domain or the sub folder i.e. does Google only see urls or does it physically see those pages on the sub-domain? It seems like it might be a messy solution. Would it be a better idea just to forget about the rewrites and live with the site being a sub domain? Thanks,

    International SEO | | Leighm

  • Hi all, I have read that a title tag and description tag length of 69 and 156 characters respectively, should be used as this is all that Google will show in the search results, but that search engine robots will read longer titles and descriptions and additional characters will have an effect on ranking algorithms. However, is there any SEO benefit in making title and description tags longer to include more keywords to aid ranking, even though the latter part won't be visible in the results. I have read elsewhere on this forum that there may be concerns with regards to keyword dilution, but what about keyword reinforcement, i.e. by a repetition of the main keyword at the end of the title/description (I mean in a readable manner here, not 'stuffed')? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    Technical SEO | | gdavies09031977

  • Hi all, I am managing the SEO for my company. We operate in a small niche market in the UK, and so our online optimisation is proving fairly successful for our main key terms as there is not a vast amount of competition and our website is well established. However I am noticing a difference in ranking position (and quoted search volume - as per Google Adwords) depending on whether the optimised terms is in its singular or plural version. Now I can understand this where the difference in the plural or singular version may lead to a different search requirement by the user. E.g. as quoted by Rand elsewhere on this forum "Microsoft Office" and "Microsoft Offices" are quite different in what the user is looking for. However for our terms the users search requirements must be identical for the singular or plural. One example is "stainless steel shower tray" versus "stainless steel shower trays", we have optimised for both now, but still rank differently for each, by a couple of places. Why does Google treat these terms differently, when users entering the terms can only be looking for the same thing? Also, Google (in Adwords) seems to show different search volumes for the singular versus the plural. For most of the search terms, the singular seems to have more volume. Does anyone know how this is working in Adwords - i.e. is Google saying, for example, 150 searches per month for "stainless steel shower tray" and 100 separate searches for "stainless steel shower trays" (i.e. 250 in total), or 150 searches per month using a search terms that contains "stainless steel shower tray", of which 100 are "stainless steel shower trays" (i.e. 150 in total)? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | gdavies09031977

  • Has anyone met this meta tag? <meta name="ranking" content="Top10, Page=1" /> I imagine it has no effect but I'm curios where did it came from, i saw it on many sites

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • Hi: I have a dilemma and have not been able to find a good answer anywhere - and I have looked. 🙂 Gather up a bunch of keywords from Google's Keyword Tool that have tens of thousands of queries per month for local and global. When I plug the same keywords into Google's Traffic Estimator, even with a high bid (over $2) and a high daily budget ($50-100), I get all zeros returned from Traffic Estimator for columns Estimated Average CPC; Estimator Ad Position; Estimated Daily Budget, etc. Can someone please explain why this is the case? Is it because the keywords themselves, despite in some cases having hundreds of thousands of monthly searches, are low competition and therefore have no real value in Adwords? Thanks for your input and views, Phil

    Keyword Research | | holdtheonion

  • This is really silly question to set custom crawl rate in Google webmaster tools. Any one can find out that section under setting tab. But, I have confusion to decide number for request per second and second between requests text field. I want to set custom crawl rate for my eCommerce website. I checked my Google webmaster tools and find out as attachment. So, Can I use this facility to improve my crawling? 6233755578_33ce83bb71_b.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

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