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  • I have been trying to find information on how to market a forum for a client.  Since there isn't really any static pages how would you start? How different is it versus a normal website?

    Branding | | purch

  • I've looked through the Open Site Explorer documentation and can't find the answer so am posting here... I noticed a web page I work on showing a PA 30 but OSE is showing 0 links from 0 root domains. It is a page that has no internal links to it and no external links to it (that I know of) but has stumbles, tweets, and Diggs. Are these social factors the reason it has a PA of more than 0 or 1? If so, is there a link to documentation that shows how OSE handles social signals? Thanks, Evan

    Moz Pro | | eBoost-Consulting

  • Isn't this scraping Google results on a massive scale? Is this legal at all?

    Keyword Research | | jest

  • Hi One of my web site has been banned from Adsense. I am looking for I alternatives. The web site is in French and most of the traffic comes from Canada and France. Any good program to suggest? Thanks a in advance!! Nancy

    Affiliate Marketing | | EnigmaSolution

  • Hello, I have ran Link Analysis report in Site Explorer for my client These competitors are the top 3 that consistently appear in the Local
    Search top 7 or the Local Search Blended SERP. I don't understand why I have No Internal Followed Links, no Internal Links, and only 2 external followed and external links.  This doesn't make sense to me because I know there are links internally and that there are some sites that link back to us: I'm not sure how this can happen when we have the following sites that
    link to us: Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Lyn

    Technical SEO | | CohesiveMarketing

  • I need to prioritize fixes somehow. It seems the best way to do this would be to filter my exported crawl report by the Page Authority of each URL with an error/issue. However, Page Authority doesn't seem to be included in the crawl report's CSV file. Am I missing something?

    Moz Pro | | Twilio

  • Hi all, Speaking to an SEO company at the moment about doing some link building for me but I just can't shake this suspicion that they are a bunch of cowboys. My budget is £1000/month and they are promising 500-1000 high quality links/month. Common sense dictates that  surely that would trigger an unnatural link building pattern and at £1-2 /link doesn't sound like they are going to be quality. Is there any scenario where these figures might  stack up. Personally I think it's bullshit but thought I'd check it out before telling him to piss off. Thanx

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • How come there's no reference to link velocity in the Search Ranking Factors, 2011 or prior? We know that we have to continue building links for a client even if they're already doing well, not just because of the competition nipping at their heels but because if we stop they slip down anyway, so we know that stopping link building will often times have an adverse effect... meaning link velocity right? So how come there's no mention of it? Just curious 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveOllington

  • Hi, I'd like to increase website's speed with Amazon CloudFront CDN. I created some CNAMEs and i've something like this: (my website) But i've a lot duplicate content now ! One per subdomain and one per content (gif, css, html, and so one). Have you any feedback in order to not have SEO penalty ? Does Google detects CDN ? Can I help him to understand my CDNs ? Thanks, Best regards, Maxime

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Max84

  • How to change "votes" to "reviews" in the search result while implementing microdata / rich snippet?

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • Hi I asked a question a few weeks ago regarding the linkings being shown in opensite explorer showing crazy stuff like psds and odd file formats as being  the source of the links. I was told it was being repaired , the results were almost useless and I stopped using , I have just logged back in to check again and see even more random odd results with sites that would have no reason to link to us. Is this tool ever going to be repaired ? Is there a ETA for the fix ? How come you are launching new tools when the existing ones dont work ? Kind Regards

    Moz Pro | | jbloggs

  • Any thoughts on the EzineArticles plugin for WordPress?  I read that it provides "the ability to simultaneously publish new posts to the web and submit them as articles to"  Could this lead to duplicate content penalties?

    Technical SEO | | martyc

  • I have many articles and blog posts on my site.  How should I interlink them for the MOST benefit to my root domain.  For example, should I consider pointing pages with higher SEOMoz page rank or trust to those with lower rank?  Or does that not matter?

    Link Building | | the800dj

  • What factors contribute towards the authority of a page ? No. of links to a page  ?

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, I've discovered that Googlebot's are voting on products listed on our website and as a result are creating negative ratings by placing votes from 1 to 5 for every product. The voting function is handled using Javascript, as shown below, and the script prevents multiple votes so most products end up with a vote of 1, which translates to "poor". How do I go about using robots.txt to block a URL with specific parameters only? I'm worried that I might end up blocking the whole product listing, which would result in de-listing from Google and the loss of many highly ranked pages. DON'T want to block: WANT to block: Javacript button code: onclick="javascript: document.voteform.submit();" Thanks in advance for any advice given. Regards,

    Technical SEO | | aethereal

  • OK, I find the courage to ask this because there is not supposed to be a dumb question. Like all of us, I want my website to rank great with a particular keyword. Do I have to use this keyword only on my home page (the start page which I want to appear on top Google results), or does it make a difference if I use the keyword on several articles that I post on my website. These articles all have seperate links. Eg i want the to be found by Google, but this website contains, etc. Will keyword usage on link1.html, link2.html etc be relevant so that is found by Google? Or is every single page for itself? Hope I have explained that well and I would really appreciate your feedback.

    On-Page Optimization | | polyniki

  • Another problem SEOMOZ reported is that my title tags are too long. However, when I type in the title and the description for a particular page on Joomla, the description later appears not only as the meta description, but as part of the page title as well, thus the title appears to be too long. I have no idea how to seperate those two. Anyone?

    Technical SEO | | polyniki

  • Hi there everybody, I am a total SEO newbie and i am burning with questions. I had my site crawled and found out that it contains too many links. The reason is that it is a site where I constantly write news and articles and each one of them is a new Joomla item, thus a new link. I actually thought lots of content is good for SEO. How am I supposed to reduce the link amount?

    Technical SEO | | polyniki

  • Good morning all, As part of the analysis of our website, we have realised that we are diluting our keyword strength in a particular area by having multiple zones all targeting the same keyword. We have decided to combine these zones into one, and set up 301 redirects so that the remaining zone gets the benefit of the other zones' link juice. When setting up a 301 redirect from zone "X" to zone "Y" say, do I need to keep all of the content in zone X, or should I remove all content before the redirect is set up? Does zone Y still get the benefit of zone X's link juice if the content is removed? Many thanks Guy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Horizon

  • 1 of the sites i work on  ( keeps having its home page "de-indexed" by google every few months, I then apply for a review and they put it back up. But i have no idea why this keeps happening and its only the home page I have no idea why and have never experienced this before

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GMD1

  • Hi, I was wondering on your thoughts, or if any tests had been done on the best format of "near" perfect keyword domain matches. Suppose I am not really interested in branding, and I am principally after the bonus given to exact keyword matching, but all the exact match high level extensions have gone - whats the next best solution? Suppose I am after the term "car hire", and on my website I want to target many different location keywords such as - "Car Hire London" My main extensions are gone, but I have the options to go for:: Additional Word at the FRONT:
    Number - eg 4:  -> gives me ->
    Geo association - eg uk:  -> gives me ->
    Info term - eg compare: -> gives me -> Additional Word at the END: Number - eg 4:  -> gives me ->
    Geo association - eg uk:  -> gives me ->
    Info term - eg compare: -> gives me -> Which of the domains would be best to benifit when a term like "Car Hire London" is typed in ?? If you were to choose a domain which would you go for and why?

    Search Behavior | | James77

  • Okay, so have used video to both get my pages to rank and have Google see the Youtube result as another result for the same keywords as our page(s). All good. Now I'm thinking, "Self, am I better off embedding the video on our site with a third party service other than Youtube or continuing to embed the video from Youtube?" Would I be more likely to have our page show up higher and with a little player icon in Google SERPs if I hosted it outside of Youtube? Your thoughts? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • A site with a high PA/DA links to all of their advertisers on their home page using nofollow.  The advertisers generally have high quality sites and none of them are spammy.  Having read this forum for the past couple months, it is my understanding that nofollow should be used to control spam links, and is commonly used in the forum section where site owners can not control or vouch for the outgoing links.  However, as I understand the topic, there is no benefit to using nofollow for high value sites for which you can recommend, and in particular, when the site is receiving money from the advertisers.  The link juice is divided by all the links on the page, both follow and nofollow, and the juice for the nofollow is discarded. I ask this question because we are one of the advertisers on the site.  I want to contact them about this issue, and request that they remove the nofollow from the advertiser links. Comments? Best,

    Link Building | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • How do I avoid duplicate content on the index.htm page . I need to redirect the spider from the /index.htm file to the main root of and hence avoid duplicate content. Does anyone know of a foolproof way of achieving this without me buggering up the complete site Cheers Freddy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fatfreddy

  • Hey there guys, I was recently hired to do SEO for a big forum to move the site to a new domain and to get them back up to their ranks after this move. This all went quite well, except for the fact that we lost about 1/3rd of our traffic. Although I expected some traffic to drop, this is quite a lot and I'm wondering what it is. The big keywords are still pulling the same traffic but I feel that a lot of the small threads on the forums have been de-indexed. Now, with a site with 260,000 threads, do I just take my loss and focus on new keywords? Or is there something I can do to get all these threads re-indexed? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | StefanJDorresteijn

  • Hi all For various reasons some of our pages were renamed from: to: We have made proper 301 redirects and also updated sitemap.xml accordingly. The change was done about 5th of September. The content on the pages remain identical. This page, and all pages below it in the structure now get very low or no page-rank at all. Much lower than it was before the name change. Any ideas to how long, if ever, it will take for Google to transfer the page-rank from the old page? Any suggestions to what we can do to make the process faster?

    Technical SEO | | Resultify

  • Hi, I have a website geared towards an international crowd. It is written in English on the .com TLD. We are currently having it translated to Japanese on the .jp TLD and to French on the .fr TLD. Is getting a TLD for each country/translation a good way to go? Not only in terms of SEO, but is this the best way to get found in these other countries? Second questions: Would getting TLDs in other English speaking countries do any good? Like or or .ca? Again, both in terms of SEO and reach for users in those countries. Last question, since I'm not going to change the content much (or any...) for the other English TLDs, how should I go about them? 301 redirect to the .com website? Show same content without a redirect? Other idea? Thank you in advance! -Elad

    International SEO | | Eladla

  • I just ran a crawl report on my site:   The result report shows results for just one page - the home page, but no other pages.  The report doesn't indicate any errors or "do not follows" so I'm unclear on the issue, although I suspect user error - mine.

    Moz Pro | | b1lyon

  • Hi.. Our Link Builders at office collects the lists for directories, social bookmarking websites and press releases, article directories. But Im not sure, which all are good links, etc, since I dont get time to check. Is there a way, I can train them to know, which is a bad link, so they can just ignore that link ?

    Link Building | | qubesys

  • Hi.. We have got two SEO and link builders working here in the office, putting in efforts is not a problem. And we have been doing SEO for our websites since a long time and they all rank well. Since, I have signed up for SEOMOZ, which is the one stop with all the heavy duty SEO guys, so we would like to get some suggestions from the experts. Ok here is the question. We have launched a new website this week and we have got a new SEO client, whose website is 6 months old. 1. What should be a proper SEO plan for a new website ?  Got any Plan PDF or Buleprint, which you can send me ? 2. For the client website , he is ranking on 4-7th pages for his 4 keywords. Whats should be the correct way or plan to start doing SEO for them and get them to the first page ? 3. I feel like, doing competitive analysis is lacking with us and we are not good at evaluating that step. Whats the bet way to do competitive analysis ? 4. We are looking to build more and more links to the website . Whats the best way to make links ? Got any SEOMoz Blog post link, which explain this better or any forum thread which has got the tricks for this ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | qubesys

  • Is there a good way to do this? Does the Open Site Explorer have an ability to screen by when the link was found, or help by picking up on potentially shady links? Thanks much..

    Link Building | | jim_shook

  • If nofollow keeps link juice from leaking from a site, why not use nofollow on all external links? What would be the benefit of an external link that does not use nofollow? Best, Christopher

    On-Page Optimization | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • I have a budget of about $10,000 over the next 2 months and I would like to raise my Domain Authority from 28 to past 50. What should I do with this money? I am looking for suggestions and ideas. If anybody wants to work on this, please PM me. I also need an On Page SEO expert to make corrections and suggestions. I can PM the actual domain to anybody interested.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | trickyzoo

  • I recently Received a PR-8 Backlink from  a very authorative site. Its been 3 weeks now and it seems ALL my rankings are actually down .As i continue to check my rankings for the top 10 keys every day,I see the ranks jumping from 09 down to 42 and back up to 09,This is every day it seems the last week ...It just seems that in 3 weeks the bouncing would stop by now. The keyword i am speaking of actually gets about 250,000 searches a month. Prior to the pr 8 link i was solid at #11 Google. BUT now im at #12 - #13..Does anyone think that maybe something else is going on here??

    Algorithm Updates | | consumers

  • My website has thousands of pages and I have so many keywords on the bottom of page 1 and on page 2 of SERPs. I am considering making the site smaller to lessen the dilution of the overall domain authority and in theory the remainder pages should get pushed up in rank. Do you feel this theory is flawed? Is it better to 301 or remove the pages if they don't have backlinks directly to the internal page? These are pages I would re-enable down the road once overall domain authority is increased. thanks, David

    Technical SEO | | CouponCactus

  • Hi All... I have had an SEO guy doing some  work for us (link building etc) over the past few months. In the last week or two, I have been receiving emails from a few website owners complaining that our SEO guy has been spamming their sites (either through blog comments or forums posts etc). Now, to clarify, it's not spam as in "come and buy our awesome product" - it is spam as in he makes (for example) blog post comments that are relevant to the topic, that sometimes don't make perfect sense (due to his english skills). So, they do seem perhaps, extra spammy... (it is all hand written... not an automated scripts) My questions Im not out to do the wrong thing, so, is this approach bad news? Apart from annoying people, are there are other downsides? If I were to pre-write him comments/posts that actually made perfect sense, would that be a better approach? I don't want to annoy people, and I don't want to do the wrong thing, and I don't want our rankings to be effected, so... what is the consensus?

    Content Development | | blitzna10

  • All right mozers... What do you think? Apparently Google has just realized the next wave of "Panda" .... I'd love to hear your experiences with the new Panda Update. Have you experienced any decline in organic traffic?

    Algorithm Updates | | NerdsOnCall

  • HI, So how long does it take for ose to index a link ? Say from a pr 9 site like yahoo cheers, vishal

    Moz Pro | | vishalkhialani

  • Hi, I am new to seomoz and I would like to follow the q and a section using my rss reader. After searching a could only fine one feed for the sites blog but not for the q and a. Please advice how I can get it. cheers, Vishal

    Moz Pro | | vishalkhialani

  • When building menus and other internal links, should the link to the home page be or or does it matter? Best,

    On-Page Optimization | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi all I have a number of duplicate content issues arising from a recent crawl diagnostics report. Would using a robots meta tag (like below) on the pages I don't necessarily mind not being indexed be an effective way to solve the problem? Thanks for any / all replies

    On-Page Optimization | | joeprice

  • Hello I do not know if it is a panda but my traffic was divided by two between September 27th and 28th... The concerned site is have you an explanation? Thank you.

    Algorithm Updates | | elitepronostic

  • I have a site I have never really promoted, but it used to
    rank ok, the other day I decided I should spend some time on it as its my own
    site and potential customers expect to see my own site rank well. I did a bit
    of checking and in Bing I come up in first 4 for Web Development Perth, that is in
    the .au TLD for Australia,
    but in Google I am like 700+. If I take this line out of my home page and put it in quotes “a local Perth web development company”  I see I am the only person in the world to have
    this long tail query in both Bing and Google. If I search for the same without
    quotes in Bing I come up first. If I do so in Google, I come up absolutely last.
    I thought I must be flagged, but Google have replied that there is no manual
    action taken on my site. I have no answer for this, It is hard to believe if I am the only person in
    the world to have a long tail term that I would come last for it. Any ideas? I hope Matt Cutts reads this, and can come up with an explanation
    besides write good and useful content.

    Technical SEO | | AlanMosley

  • Google Web Master Tool reported me that I have several 404 staus code., First they were 2, after 4..6 and 10, right now. Every time I add a new page. I've got a no CMS managed website. After old website was been deleted, I installed Wordpress, created new page and deleted and blocked (robots.txt) old page. Infact all page not found don't exist!!!  (Pic: Page not found). The strange thing is that no pages link to those 404 pages (All Wordpress Created page are new!!!). Seomoz doesn't  report me any 404 error (Pic 3) I controlled all my pages: No "strange" link in any pages No link reported by Seomoz tool Bu why GWMT reports me that one? How can I risolve that problem?
    I'm going crazy!!! Regards
    Antonio BgelG.png eCaDU.png ZIi2f.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Greenman

  • We have a compeditor who we are in a legal dispute at the moment, and they are using under hand tactics to cause us to have bad links and crawl errors and i do not know how they are doing it or how to stop it. The crawl errors we are getting is the site having two urls together, for example and other errors are pages that we do not even have or pages that are spelt wrong or have a dot after the page name. We have been told off a number of people in our field that this has also happened to them and i would like to know how they are doing it so we can have this stopped Since they have been doing this our traffic has gone down by half

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I recently changed the settings in Google Webmaster Tools so that and are the same.  Several quick questions. About how long will it take for Google to list and stop listing The .htaccess file uses a 301 to redirect all paths.  Now that Google has been informed these two are the same, are the 301 rules to add www necessary? The default page is index.php. so gets 301 to gets 301 to  Is this the correct way to do things? Are there SEO consultants who will help on small projects such assist on issues like this? Best,

    On-Page Optimization | | ChristopherGlaeser

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