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  • Excuse my sitemap ignorance here. I've got a site and it's got a blog in a sub-folder. The blog gets updated frequently, the main site does not. Is it best to; a) Have 2 sitemaps.. one in the root and one in the /blog folder. b) Have 1 sitemap that is regularly updated The reason being, I know there's various plugins that create blog sitemaps on the fly, so that would be much easier than updating the main sitemap every time a change was made. If the answer is 2 sitemaps; Would you stop the root sitemap from detailing the contents of the blog folder or just update it every so often with the contents of the blog folder?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • (Note: main question in bold) I know this post basically establishes that Facebook shares are not a strong cause of increased rankings. But what about likes? I've searched and read through the forum and YouMoz blog but haven't really found this question answered. We just redesigned our site and we're implementing sharing options in the booking and order completion processes - should we point the Facebook Like button to like our URL or our Facebook brand page (currently with 3,800+ likes)? Seems that a like of the URL would be more direct ranking value (what we're going for), but according to that same post mentioned above, Google doesn't crawl or index FB wall pages... so is all Facebook activity - shares, url likes, brand page likes - for naught? (at least for now, till Google starts using that info)

    Branding | | DanielH

  • I have some pretty strong links from relevant sources linking to the homepage of a site I deal with. The links are usually from a PR3-5 pages and display specific result about the linking site. Sometimes they come from badges. We offer several services, so sometimes the page is about one service and next time about the other. Currently all of my pages link to the homepage. Would it not be better to link to the specific product page related to the page I have? Also I can do a canonical to the service pages? Which would be best?

    Link Building | | Svetoslav

  • Dear Mozzers, who can help me on this. I'm looking for a (PRO) Shortener, that will work with my personal domain, where I can directly add the Google Anatocy Tagging (utm_source / utm_medium, etc..) Do you know a service that provides this? Thanks, andre

    Social Media | | viventuraSEO

  • I have a website with a couple of domains pointing to one IP address. Let's say I have two domains and I also see during my SEO analysis that the and the (same for the and the are triggering server responses. How do I deal with this issue for best SEO. Canonical links? CNAME, or 301 redirects?  thanks

    Technical SEO | | casper434

  • Hi, Whats the quickest way to find pages with a high authority using SEOMoz? Cheers Mik

    Link Building | | increation

  • I am in the following situation: 1. Homepage is designed to target one main keyword. 2. All current pages link to the homepage with the image/logo, nowhere on the site do we link to the homepage with the target keyword. 3. It is an established page (Moz rank of 58) If I suddenly added text above and made the homepage link targeted anchor text, would Google consider this spam? We are ranked #13 in Google and our looking for ways to move up, but I do not want to risk any type of Google penalty.

    On-Page Optimization | | MattAaron

  • IA few years back I noticed that Google Webmaster Tools returns 404s from regular text containing a URL, but no anchor tag. I came accross this again today. Is it worthwhile to create those URLs and 301 redirect them to proper pages.

    Technical SEO | | Svetoslav

  • After having our site up for over a year and gaining PR 3 and more than a dozen page 1 rankings on Google for most of our competitive terms, we have realised we have to transfer to .com from our current URL for legal reasons. What would the best way be to carry out such a move in an SEO perspective?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | qtasad

  • Hello SEOMoz community. I work for a website that runs a collectibles news service and sells collectibles online. I recently renamed one of the pages from "Stock for Sale" to "Collectibles for Sale" anticipating this would help our ranking for the term "collectibles for sale". This changes the Title, URL and h1 to Collectible for Sale. A few days later we were up to 5th on Google UK for that keyword. But now after the weekend we've dropped off the face of the earth... Or at least somewhere low down in the rankings. I imagine there could be multiple reasons for this, but what are the most likely causes? There is not much text on the page, it contains an iFrame with image boxes that link to relevant collectibles categories. Website:

    On-Page Optimization | | PaulFraserCollectibles

  • Hi I am looking to revamp my website and would like to know your views on the best product layout for SEO - in particular if it better to have tabulated content like or non tabulated content like Amazon. Are there any pros or cons to each approach?  I believe tabulated looks better and is easier to navigate but do the engines see this as hidden text? I have been told this is an issue with expandable divs. Many thanks David

    On-Page Optimization | | DavidLenehan

  • Suppose a site has two pages ( Page A ) and Page B. Both of them have pagerank, but duplicate content. The page A is ranked for keyword "seo india" and page B is ranked for keyword "seo services". If i implement canonical tag on page B, does 1. The pagerank of page B will be transfered to Page A ? 2. Does the site A now ranks for keyword "seo servicies " ( for which Page B was ranking earlier )

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, I find I will no longer require the SEOmoz PRO service that I took out on the 12th Septemer (it is now the 26th September - well within the 30 day period).  However I can't find any instructions on exactly how I do this. Please can you advise me on this? Thanks Matthew Fisher [email address removed by staff]

    Moz Pro | | CaptainNemo

  • I have just ran an Open site explorer query on our site due to having one of a constant ranking keywords drop, and found that we have 48 new links appear on the report under the anchor text 'home' These are not normal links, and I cannot see where or how these have been connected to our site for example: <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | | <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | | My question is how and why are these appearing on the seomoz open site explorer report? What are they? How can I get them removed, and let google know this was nothing to do with us? Thanks S |

    Moz Pro | | hickboy5

  • Hi All, We lost a lot of good rankings over the weekend with no obvious cause. Our top keyword went from p3 to p12, for example. Site speed is pretty bad (slower than 92% of sites!) but it has always been pretty bad. I'm on to the dev team to try and crunch this (beyond image optimisation) but I know that something I can effect is the number of 301 redirects we have in place. We have hundreds of 301s because we've been, perhaps incorrectly, adding one every time we find a new crawl error in GWT and it isn't because of a broken link on our site or on an external site where we can't track down the webmaster to fix the link. Is this bad practice, and should we just ignore 404s caused by external broken URLs? If we wanted to reduce these numbers, should we think about removing ones that are only in place due to external broken URLs? Any other tips for safely reducing the number of 301s? Thanks, all! Chris

    Technical SEO | | BaseKit

  • Hi.. Our page URL is : And our keywords are : PSD to Joomla PSD to Joomla Template We need to get to the 1st position, and thats why, we have been doing a lot of social bookmarking and blog posting since 4 months. It was on 9th Page, but for this 4 months work, it now in the 1st or 2nd page. We need to get the #1 position, since from all of our competitors, we have the best website and everything in order . All others are either incomplete or doesnt look and work in a professional way. So, what are we lacking behind ? Got any recommendations, like what should be the plan and how to go about it ?

    Social Media | | qubesys

  • I am expecting answers/views from social SEO experts. Should i encourage people to "like" my main page of my website OR FB profile page of website? Which one works better and why?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShoutOut

  • I am running an e-commerce business where I sell fashion jewelry. We usually have 500 products to offer and some of them we have only one in stock. What happens is that many of our back links are pointed directly to a specific product, and when a product is sold out and no longer is in stock the URL becomes inactive, and we lose the link juice. What is the best practice or tool to 301-redirect many URLs at the same time without going and changing one URL at a time? Do you have any other suggestions on how to manage an out of stock product but still maintain the link juice from the back link? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ikomorin

  • I've been reading the docs for using this site and am puzzled by the on page optimization reports, and the tactics for creating the reports. In no place can i find that you first must use the keywords you have identified to track in the campaign on pages on your web site. Am i missing something? From just reading how to do your campaign, it would appear that you never have to touch your pages with the keywords you want to track, all 500 of them for one page, if that's what you want to do. Not knowing how the application works, it is possible to imagine anything, including not needing to do the obvious steps of writing a well optimized page first. I want to presume that first you optimize your pages with the keywords you want to track, then go ahead and run your campaign. Although this is the obvious thing, I don't see that part of the seo puzzle being mentioned in any of the docs. Where do i hunt for that part of the equation?

    On-Page Optimization | | highersourcesites

  • We manage a lot of sites that are around pharmaceuticals and lawsuits. I was checking a couple of the sites around the keyword: Actos Lawsuit using the keyword difficulty with serp analysis. Our sites have done very little Adwords except for first month about a year ago and we have always ranked well and the client is very happy with the results. Tonight I notice a site that is They are ranked fourth on Google. Our url which is is ranked 9th?? Frankly there are several sites ranked ahead and when you look at the parameters all the way across some we are killing. But Wiki, everyone is killing  and it is still fourth. I ran it in OSE and the metrics came back better, but there is at best 3 to 4 real links out of 30 domains. This is a commercial site with a contact form in right sidebar and my guess is they are selling leads to lawyers. So they are about as Wiki as Hooters. That said, we see all the talk about quality links and I am seeing a lot of sites with few quality links and lots of junk links. Should we still believe it matters? Or, is it that it matters when the sites are huge (JC Penny), etc. but not if the site is under some critical number of poor links? Looking forward to a moz Fest on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobertFisher

  • Hi guys: i just any one have some idea of how to find the mainly reasons of the listed position on google search original result decrease and the procedures of fixing those problem. Appreciate for any feedback. David

    Reporting & Analytics | | skyten

  • I have a client with a well aged, high DA site. They rank well for their wedding photography business in several cities. They are launching a new service which is related to photography (photobooths and flipbooks) which they built and developed content on a new domain. The existing domain has 0 links with a DA of 1. The site is brand new.. Is there any drawback to moving the existing content on the new domain to a sub directory of the high authority domain? EX: The look, feel, and design of the new site / service is much different than the high DA site. My thoughts are that this will give them an automatic step up, especially since they will be marketing this in several major cities. Also, since the design will be different, if it is good to move to the subdir, should we put the new company name in the subdir folder or something keyword friendly like as opposed to Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | itrogers

  • I am very very worried as my organic traffic suddenly came to pretty much a halt last Friday. We have been working very hard on content in the last 2 years and have 0 duplicated content with many  thousand travel guides, tips and other travel related info. We are also publishing a successful travel blog which used to get quite a bit off traffic. Everything stalled last Friday and since we are operating in the travel industry which is very competitive, this will be very hard on us. In fact, I fear that we will not survive this drop for more than 2-3 months. How do we find out about what happened and what can we do to get our SERPs back? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | madsuh

  • Hi, I am using a plugin in wordpress that make auto link for some certain keywords in my site suppose: My site is My important keyword is: sample and across the domain through out the content if there is the word: sample it is linked automatically to I like your opinion about this practice, if it may carry any kind of punishment by SEs? Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Pooria

  • Few things I can't figure out My campaign shows I have 62 back links and 62 followed links. Majority of these links are from completelt different Websites (e.g. Blogger,, etc.) But my analysis shows I only have 7 linking root domains Further, from one of your videos I learned that linking C-blocks are
    important for rankings. Is there a way to tell if sites are on the same C-Block so I can get more C-Block links?* Thanks, Derek

    Link Building | | websiteready

  • Is it even worth getting a link from PR0-2 , unrelated themed sites like or to my PR4 health training site that has been around since 2007? Can getting a sitewide blogroll link do more harm than good?

    Link Building | | gundogs

  • Hi All, Have 3 seperate questions all relating to global/international SEO from a domain strategy point of view so will try to make them all short and 'to the point'. The current URL is The site's content strategy and all marketing activity has always been for the UK. We're now launching in US with also long term plans to launch in other countries. Each country will have their own webmaster/conternt strategy/marketing team. 1st question Which is better and why? verses The US team are leaning towards (and rightly so) the folder approach as it will help the US section of the site benefit from existing domain authority, link profile and off-page SEO work already carried out to a route domain level. This will also not be regarded as a new site as it's On the flip side however the sub domain option although has no short term SEO benefits; will have a more sustainable SEO campaign for each country as they can be treated as individual sites/SEO campaigns. This also reduces some risk elements involved as each geo-specific team will only be concerned about their own sub-domain and not have route domain level control. I'm also aware that sub-domains will be treated as individual sites and therefore certain updates (such as Panda) will treat each sub-domain individually. So a possible negative impact on would not necessarily have an impact on unless content strategy was the same. 2nd question Assuming we decide to go for (folder option). The site's current geo target market is currently set to UK on Google Webmaster Tools to route domain level. If was set to UK and was set to US on GWT, would there be a conflict? We want to ensure that the route domain level settings does NOT override any settings on folder level within the same domain.  Based on an answer from a top contributer of Google Webmaster Central, setting to US would not be in conflict with settings within route domain level but I would love to hear/read from somebody that had actually gone through the process. 3rd question We're considering implementing geo DNS so a US visitor accessing will be redirected to (or based on their location from their IP address. Reason being is we're trying to avoid a splash page with a choice of countries (UK or US) on route level (homepage) which is very commonly used by most sites with multiple geo specific target markets. We would be assuming that somebody from North America would be looking for the US site and therefore redirecting the visitor automatically to The SEO implications are however that a 302 redirect will be used and therefore redirects used based on the visitors location will not pass link value from the homepage towards landing pages. The homepage currently has very strong link juice and the site's general navigational structure is pretty good allowing the link juice to flow through from the homepage.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MoRaja

  • My question sounds stupid . But I had a good Moz rank for my Domain also Moz trust.It was in the high 400s for both..I was very happy with this score  My DA also dropped considerably. There was not much of a reason i could see,In fact my page scores still were up there and never moved. But the domain scores plummeted. I had added a Blog to my site once i added the blog there were roughly 13 pages involved.Of these 13 pages i had problem errors ,notices ,and warnings for all the blog pages.I did not notice this until a couple days ago . The 13 errors were mostly duplicate description tags ,302 redirect ,and other small stuff like this .. like fl** Could these items listed above actually be the problem behind my scores all dropping like flies??** And with the update being only 3 days away if i repaiir these right away do you think i will get my scores back ?? Or will i have to wait for another 30 days ...I really dont want to be left standing with such a low score ..I already started making the repairs. Thank you all...

    Moz Pro | | consumers

  • My two websites were unaffected by the original and 2.0 panda updates, but istring in June my traffic has been down around 30%. In analyzing it appears that my long tail searches have been greatly impacted. So it looks like I am a victim of the mighty panda.My main site,  is in my opinion a decent looking site, with unique content and no ads, etc., but for whatever reason it has been negatively affected. There might be some duplication of content between certain pages and also my links are all or practically all directory links, though a lot are pretty heavy duty directories. I see a lot of stuff written giving advice on how to recover from Panda. Has anyone actually done so? How did you do it? thx Paul

    Algorithm Updates | | diogenes

  • I've got an idea for a widget and I'd like to give webmasters in my niche the option to embed it on their sites using javascript. I know I can get a link back by including a link that displays after the widget such as "Provided by".  However, many webmasters don't want to link back for a number of possible reasons.  I can see that some webmasters would be ok with using the widget as long as there is no obvious advertising or links to draw users off of their site. So, if someone embeds a widget which calls on javascript code that is hosted on my site, do I get any seo benefit from this?

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

  • My client has been interviewed by one of the top 3 networks and the interview will appear on the evening news. My immediate task list: Social media including YouTube have the interview on the home page construct a Press Release try to gain a link from the network using a personal contact link build using the interview (good opportunity for higher authority sites) If you were in my shoes, how would you best leverage this unique opportunity? Thanks Mozzers!

    Social Media | | hawkvt1

  • We started out as a Canadian site targeting Canadian users. Now our site has a lot of international buyers and sellers and .ca TLD doesn’t make sense anymore, as we are not performing well on We are doing a complete site redesign right now, which will address a lot of coding and content specific issues, but we suspect .ca domain will always hold us back in achieving good positions on Since Google doesn’t allow ccTLDs to set geo-targeting, what are our options? a) Migrating to a brand new .com site and setting up 301 redirects for all links from Would we lose all rankings in this example and pretty much start building them from scratch? Or would PR be transferred page by page from one domain to another through 301 redirects? b) Setup a separate .com site with mirrored content to target global audience and keep .ca site to target Canada. Not sure if splitting PR for the same pages between 2 sites is a good idea. Also, how would you address duplicate content properly in our situation?
    In this video that I found here on forum Matt Cutts says that it’s ok to have duplicate content on different ccTLDs, but he says - make sure you localize your content on those domains. What if you can’t? Most of the content on our site is meant for anyone, not just Canadian users. So, for the most part, we’d have exactly same content on .com site, as we have on .ca site. We could display prices in different currencies on product pages, but the rest of the content – blogs, forum etc. are not country-specific and can’t be localized easily. Also, it’s not clear from the video if all mirrored sites should sit on the same domain name for each country, like and or is it ok to have and c) Is there a better option? Thanks for your help!

    International SEO | | MarinaUX

  • I often check Open site explorer to see if I increased in linking root domains to my site after getting some backlinks on it. I have a concern about the number it is displaying: How does this statistic get updated?  If I spread backlinks on some sites do i have to do anything else like ping it so google can crawl it so OSE sees it and counts it towards my linking root domain statistic? Is this current figure OSE is reading from cache and giving me an outdated number? NNzAn.jpg

    Moz Pro | | lafurniturestore

  • I'm looking for some clarity... Looking at using Shopify for an existing online store that we have to migrate. Setting up the store with shopify means we will be using a subdomain such as instead of The following are points to consider when responding The client currently has an online store, however it's a proprietary shopping store and CMS that has since gone defunct and they need to migrate to an alternative in order to survive online against new CMS systems that allow the site and its content to be better optimized. There is a lot of existing SEO done on the current site that we don't want to loose PR on. There is roughly 2000 products Client has a fixed budget, dealing with checkout issues, custom work and various other "bugs" seems to be easier controlled with Shopify...thus budget can be used more on content/strategy and migration We want to run the main site in Wordpress and are wanting to use Shopify since it supports a gateway, has great features and seems like it would allow us to get more bang for the buck and can focus more on the main site and content strategy and drive traffic to the subdomain store if needed Or main concern is the effort of migrating 2000+ products to shopify and the traffic and PR it gives the current site will have a negative effect on the main domain itself. Should we really be considering this path? The domain is One main benefit to the subdomain is the ability to clearly segment products from the service portion of the site in the analytics and focus 2 clear strategies and track it in a very defined manner. We're really on the fence with this...any thoughts are welcome.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MAGNUMCreative

  • We've been doing a lot of building and work on just  one category page, but when i try to put it in the campaign it won't let me do any url that has a sub folder like I can only do, and when i select the other campaign options like root domain or sub folder, roger pops up with an error. Is anyone else having this problem?

    Moz Pro | | anchorwave

  • We are creating a mobile site in html5 to serve smartphones only. On a seperate domain, From what I have read Google treats smartphones as desktops due to thier advanced web browser capabilities. So no need to bother with right? Googlebot should index the site once I create a normal sitemap.xml. My concern is that the mobile site pulls the same content as the main site which is already indexed. Would this not create duplicate content?

    Technical SEO | | sfseo

  • This is more of a technical question than pure SEO per se, but I am guessing that some folks here may have covered this and so I would appreciate any questions. I am moving from a blog (hosted on WordPress) to a WordPress installation on my own server (as suggested by folks in another thread here). As part of this I want to move from the format blog.<mydomain>.com to\blog. I have installed WordPress on my server and have imported posts from the hosted site to my own server. How should I manage the transition from first format to the second? I have a bunch of links on Facebook, etc that refer to URLs of the format so it's important that I redirect.</mydomain> I am running DotNetNuke/WordPress on my own IIS/ASP.Net servers. Thanks. Mark

    Technical SEO | | MarkWill

  • Hi, I know that pagerank is not of that much importance but still I got few question regarding pagerank that I wish to be answered by senior seomoz staff! I heard that the pagerank is used in determination of original content by different ways i.e higher pagerank site get indexed faster and have low chance of easily penalized Higher pagerank website entitles you to get your newly written content indexed/ranked well without any backlinks just based on internal links. I would like to know in detail about above two statements, and lastly I would appreciate if I can get help regarding dmoz listing or any other listing that worth it in terms of pagerank optimization. Most high pagerank websites are quite strict in linking to other sites, and those who sells link on the site doesn't seems worthfull! Detailed insight is appreciated on each and every point. Thanks in advance

    Link Building | | salmann

  • I couple weeks ago I switched my website from Drupal to a Wordpress CMS: Martial Arts Austin   My rankings have  remained the same, but the Domain Authority has plummeted from like 29 to 21. I know this is small fry, but I don't want my business to drop in ranking. The URL's were kept exactly the same, with the internal links and copy also kept the same with few additions. Also, according to Open Site Explorer, the site's stronger pages have now averaged out with the weaker and unused pages so they all now share the same Page Authority - that doesn't seem right. Is there reason for concern? Did I screw something up, or am I making too much of this? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | OhYeahSteve

  • What is the best way to post an article jam - i think it will appeal to article writing people who are kinda bored with,  well,  writing content?

    Content Development | | GardenBeet

  • Thanks Mozzers in advance for any insight into what I'm sure is a basic SEO question. I'm working with a resort in the great state of Maine.  Their home page title reads Maine Resorts, Resorts in Maine, (company name). The site has about 400 URL's and over half of the URL's utilize the first keyword phrase of the home page title, "Maine Resorts."  Predominately, I find them used on the Accommodations pages (pages that describe each room with a picture) which I would label as deeper pages and non-conversion type pages.  The page titles themselves are not exact duplicates of the Home Page Title but might read something like "Maine Resorts, Company Name, Accommodation Listing." My concern is that the heavy use of "Maine Resorts" as the first phrase in over 200 plus pages might be competing against the home page and pulling the home page ranking down. Thanks for any help given!

    On-Page Optimization | | hawkvt1

  • My website has 3 services and its price will be different for US/EU/Developed world and Asian/African countries.Apart from pricing page, all other things remain same. I want to use IP based redirect .I heard this thing is called cloaking and used by black-hat guys. What kind of instructions should I give to my web developer to look best to Google/Search bots and correctly show visitors the intended prices.Is there any caution to be taken care of. Thanks for your time

    International SEO | | RyanSat

  • Hi, has anyone used this firm for their link placement and content syndication services? Thanks!

    Link Building | | partnerworks

  • I am checking my competition with all the metrics available and I have no clue why we are not coming up higher in  ranking on Google. It's been 3 months and we've been bouncing between 9 and 7 position. One competitor just came out of nowhere with almost 600 internal links and few external links and occupied 3rd spot. I've built pretty good portfolio of links with links even coming from Google for crying out loud. My on page optimization is very good, we've even passed W3C with no errors. At least 3 of our competitors above us have less Domain Authority, Page Authority, Back links for external domains, number of external domains, etc... Not sure what is going on. We are not really trying to be the top dog in Google all the time, but it is the principle of a thing. Keyword is Laser Marking. Our domain starts with cms. Don't want to type the whole URL because Google might crawl (maybe a bit of paranoid at this point LOL) Any suggestions?

    Reporting & Analytics | | DmitryP

  • Hello, At times a theme would include small images that are part of the design layout, but the images have links and also show up on moz bar, which means alt tags can be added. My question is should they be added? Also sometimes the theme layout hides images in css or flash in those situations is there still a way to link alt tags to those images? For reference see where the logo is hidden and the slider images. Thanks Moz community, V

    Technical SEO | | vijayvasu

  • I have someone who's come to me and said that they have lost all of their organic keyword rankings.  They did launch a site redesign a few months back so that could be a reason as to why.  But after looking at the site, link profile, etc.  It doesn't look like they could have been ranking for the terms they say they were.  They have never implemented any SEO on their sites btw.  I did not build this site and have not done any SEO, they are coming to me to solve the problem.  I did notice in SEM rush that a couple months ago they were ranking organically for more terms (20 in July vs. 5 now), so they did lose some.  Is there any way to see what terms they WERE ranking for?

    Algorithm Updates | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I am working with an affiliate website which has many product listings but the "Buy Now" button on each product listing is an external link (affiliate link) to the appropriate product page on the actual website where the product can be bought. Each of these external links passes through an internal redirect, which is implemented as a 302. Consequently, when SEOmoz crawls that site, it gives me a warning that there are hundreds of 302 redirects on the site. Do you think this will hurt the site's potential to rank? Should I remove the redirects and leave them as direct links to the external site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AlexFusman

  • We all get a little sloppy at times. Just yesterday , someone pointed out that I accidentally blocked  the robots from one of our primary pages, because it was being included in a wildcard match on one of the disallow commands in  robots.txt. Sometimes the mistakes are very basic. The one below is just too funny. I thought I would share the love. Search Google for "MD care" MD Care Inc. - Welcome<a id="LXPLSS_979677678U1"></a> <cite></cite> This is an SEO description that will be seen by the search engines and used in the search results. The meta keywords tag is even funnier: <meta name="keywords" content="spam,the,keywords,here,like,this,and this,good" />

    On-Page Optimization | | irvingw

  • Hi all, I've been asked if I want to exchange links with  and I'm tempted but fearful that its link profile looks spammy. What do you guys think? I'm basically starting from scratch with my own site and have a Page Rank 0 and Domain authority 32. The guys that want to link to me are Page Rank 3 but Domain authority 35. Their content would be of interest to my site's users and vice versa but my biggest concern is their link profile looks awful because the sites that link to them don't appear to be very relevant. I've done a lot of reading on this and have found the resources on this site to be a goldmine. The generally message is avoid easy links to spammy sites because they could hurt credibility. I just want to check I've actually learnt something and my instincts about this site are correct. i.e leave it alone!! Thanks, Andy

    Competitive Research | | getzen56

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