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  • Hi Guys this is really strange, i am using yoast seo for wordpress on two sites. On both sites i am seeing meta name='description' instead of meta name="description" And this is why google is probably not reading it correctly, on many other link submission sites which read your meta data automatically say site blocked. How to i fix this? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SamBuck

  • A national newspaper wrote an article about our product and included a link to our site.  I'm sure that's a good thing, but what exactly are the benefits to our site when they use a no follow? Best,

    Link Building | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi i have a site that i want to re build because it has moved away from what i wanted it to do and deleted a lot of the site and due to this has caused a lot of errors. My site is built in the old joomla and i want to build a brand new site in the new version. My site which is a lifestyle magazine runs very slowly and what i want to do because it has a lot of problems under the google webmaster control panel, is to rebuild the site and turn it back into the site it should be instead of trying to make it into so many different things. The problem i have is, i have thousands and thousands of great links going to the site and i am worried about losing these links. It would take me about a day to turn it into the site it should be and improve it. My hosting company have said that i can put it under a sub domain the new site and then when i have built it, they can then move it under the correct name. But what i am worried about is, the site is very slow at the moment, and i am worried that by doing this that it would not solve the problem of making it faster even though i have a dedicated server. I want the site to be brand new with no errors and i am worried by doing this that the site will run slowly because i am still working off the old script. I have tried migrating the older version into the new joomla but it could not be done and caused problems so this could be my only other option. Any advice would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • A long time ago I created a forum (Invision Power Board) and it got full of spam. Massive amounts! /forum/ I've now deleted the forum but the spam pages are still indexed on Google. Can I do something else to hurry up the process to get ride of them?

    On-Page Optimization | | ocarlsson

  • My website has a link to our help desk. I was considering a 'do not follow' since I don't think it should be included. However, are there any benefits to including it since there are A LOT of articles and pages on our help desk (though it's aimed at our curent customers, not new or potential customers)?

    On-Page Optimization | | flightoffice

  • I have done the keyword research for my target and will do the copy writing in-house suited for both visitors and bots.Like suitable headers and mention of keyword in the content,mention of keyword in link,having video in the page if possible etc. I need some help for a proper interlinking strategy and main question is, what are the things to be taken care of in coding/development SEO wise,which should be told to developer. I am going for custom development in .NET platform( if it matters anyway ) My site will have 3 products/services page and rest are resources and Q&A community. I am targeting the keywords for 3 products. Q&A community and resources should help me in long tail keywords. Any kind of advice,suggestion is welcome. Thanks

    SEO Learn Center | | RyanSat

  • Hey folks! Newbie here, tried searching for it, but couldn't find a definite answer. I run a large video sharing site and recently started battling the duplicate title and meta description tags issues GWT reported. Here's an example: 2 different members upload a video described as "My BMW". Since the site is running on templates, both videos have the same meta title and meta description. Everything one the page is different, except the meta title and description. The only way I can make it unique is to insert the current VIEWS count in the meta title and description and they would look like this: Video 1 meta title/desc - My BMW video in Cars category | X views Video 2 meta title/desc - My BMW video in Cars category | Y views The problem is that the value of X and Y is changing all the time! Does this matter? Sincerely, H.Marinov

    On-Page Optimization | | mlqsko

  • Hi experts, I created a new worth guide about food. Its purpose it to improve backlink by adding website's URL on PDF's footer (spider crawls that one, is it true?). I want send my guide to trusted blogs so users can download new pdf guide on the web. Is it the best way to gain popularity and let my backlinks grow? I've seen that seomoz published is guide such as html pages.
    Could it be the worth way for me? Thanks a bunch in advance! G.

    Link Building | | Greenman

  • Hi Seomoz'ers, Currently I am analyzing the best possible strategy which situation is as follow: I am having a blog with a great EMD about a specific product we are selling. The blog is currently ranking in position 1 for different keyword phrases. However I would like to make a switch from the current Wordpress blog to Magento webshop. Simply because the product should be sold through a professional webshop with many related products. Only the homepage of is optimized. I am affraid I will lose my #1 ranking when I put my webstore online on this domainname. Most likely I will lose my PA and keep my DA. Which actions should I take in order to keep the ranking in Google position 1 with the new webstore? My best possible option I guess: 1. Replace the Wordpress blog with the Magento webstore and optimize the homepage with on-page seo of the webstore for the targeted keywords. Will this work? As the backlinks I've built are pointing all to the (homepage). Thanks in advance. Any more suggestions are welcome 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | Falcopa

  • Does it serve any purpose if we omit robots.txt file ?  I wonder if spider has to read all the pages, why do we insert robots.txt file ?

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • I am the in house SEO/Web for a multi-branch/multi-state company and I am having a hard time tracking the amount of calls that are coming off of our site to the many branches. I am wondering if there are any tips for use call tracking numbers without negatively impacting my local SEO results? In one of the webinars they touched on image replacement and also that it some situations it might be out to just use the tracking numbers.

    Technical SEO | | mmaes

  • Say we have a subdomain with resources ( and a partner site ( and have an agreement to share content (I know - this isn't ideal but it's what I've got to work with). Please comment on the following: the use of cross-domain canonicals on "shared" articles an intro and/or conclusion paragraph that is unique on the site that re-publishes that could say something like "our partner over at recently published the following report ... yada, yada....." other meta tags to let Google know that we are not scraping, e.g. author tags any other steps we can take to ensure neither site gets "dinged" by the search engines. Thanks a bunch in advance! AK26

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | akim26

  • So if I am linking to someone's twitter account should I use the ajax code #! or not?**/#!/**thos003 vs Bonus Question: I have also seen in the past that google splits a domain that has as a secure protocol. vs Does does that split link juice?

    Social Media | | Thos003

  • We own 2 websites.  Website "A" has 100 external followed links pointing to it.  I put a 301 on that domain and pointed it to Website "B".  Shouldn't Website "B" now get credit for the followed links originally pointing to Website "A"?   I'm hoping my external followed link count for Website "B" increases. Please advise... Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | WhiteCap

  • We are building a report for a customer and want to do an independent analysis of the domain to see if it is sketchy.  Where sketchy is defined by artificial content, link building activity, etc?

    Link Building | | greg36

  • I noticed that one of my sites has a significant amount of traffic being referred by  I have no idea what this site is and it seems a little fishy.  Does anyone else have the same problem or know exactly what is?  Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ericc22

  • I ran an SEOMoz keyword difficulty report for the term "interim CFO services" and found that all of the websites that ranked really well for that term have good page authority and domain authority scores and plenty of incoming links.....except 1. result #5 has a page and domain authority of 1 and no incoming links, however it's ranked #5 in google SERP for this highly competitive term. see screenshots: Is this ranking based solely on the domain name being 100% relevant? Did they just get lucky and hit the google rankings jackpot? If this is the case, by the same logic I am trying achieve high rankings for the keyword "outsourced accounting firm" and purchased the domain name and am not even ranked in the top 50 with google for that keyword. (it's very new though) any feedback on either questions above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | texmeix

  • Do you need a HTML sitemap on a HTML5 website?

    Web Design | | Melia

  • Has anyone ever done any testing on setting "priority' and "frequency" in their sitemaps? What was the result? Does specifying priority or frequency help quite a bit?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Lets say there are 50 businesses who have their website on the same server and are on the same c-block but the owners of the individual sites are different (i.e. they are all completely different sites not relevant to each other). Each of those sites are linking to each other due to a feature on the sites. This obviously increases the number of total links to each site but does it also increase the number of linking root domains? Or does this just show up as one linking root domain due to all of them being on the same server and the sharing the same c-block?

    Link Building | | cinternicola

  • Hi Everyone, I am really new to the SEO world (having come from paid search), so if this is a stupid question, I apologize. I noticed in Webmaster Tools that the top 25 keywords or so that Google thinks my site is about are keywords pulled from our references pages. Our site has a ton of authoritative content, most of which have corresponding reference pages with overlapping sources. Is this a problem? I am a little concerned that the keywords Google thinks are the most relevant to my site are really the least relevant. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks! nina

    On-Page Optimization | | dirigodev

  • We are getting some duplicate content warnings based on our blog.  Canonical URL's can work for some of the pages, but most of the duplicate content is caused by blog posts appearing on more than 1 URL.  What is the best way to fix this?

    Technical SEO | | Marketpath

  • Hello everybody, I’m new to SEOmoz and I have a few quick questions regarding my error reports: In the past, I have used IIS as a tool to uncover broken links and it has revealed a large amount of varying types of "broken links" on our sites. For example, some of them were links on my site that went to external sites that were no longer available, others were missing images in my CSS and JS files.  According to my campaign in SEOmoz, however, my site has zero broken links (4XX). Can anyone tell me why the IIS errors don’t show up in my SEOmoz report, and which of these two reports I should really be concerned about (for SEO purposes)? 2. Also in the "errors" section, I have many duplicate page titles and duplicate page content errors. Many of these "duplicate" content reports are actually showing the same page more than once. For example, the report says that "" has the same content as "" and that, of course, is because they are the same page. What is the best practice for handling these duplicate errors--can anyone recommend an easy fix for this?

    Moz Pro | | EnvisionEMI

  • I need a tool that does the following: Find exact matches for keywords in content of sites and report keyword density by URL.  Then identify the value generated by a particular keyword.

    Competitive Research | | MotionPoint

  • Is it important to "cover your tracks" when searching for links? For example, would be it be a better idea to search for valuable links off of my companies network? If so, what are your strategies for stealth searching?

    Link Building | | TRICORSystems

  • I'm looking for a website survey tool so I can get more targeted feedback from my users. I've looked at a few (4Q, KISSInsights) so far but I think I might need something more robust. There are specific actions that users are taking on our websites that we would like to investigate deeper so I need a tool that can either only survey users who perform that action (users who bounce, users who enter via a specific page, users who visit a landing page but don't convert, etc) or at least let me segment after the fact so I can identify feedback from a specific type of user. I would appreciate any specific tools that you know of that can accomplish this type of targeting. You don't even need to describe it, just provide a link and I'll give you a thumbs up. Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | kimwetter

  • We recently changed the url of a client's website.  Is there a way to change the url on the ga account instead of creating a new account so that we don't lose comparative data? Thanks!  Sorry- I know this is a novice question.

    Reporting & Analytics | | marketing1234

  • Hello there! A Google-AdWords-guy call me for give me advice about how to optimize my last campaign in google Adwords. He told me to “Capitalize Each KeyWord of the Title” of the ad to catch the attention of the users in it. Does it make sense to apply this “rule” in the title tags? Does Google interpret this like “hey, you are trying to manipulate the SERP click-through! You are cheating, now go down in the SERP!”. Do you think this rule works also for the tweets? Ok, I hope I’ve been clear enough to expose my issue. Any comment, advice, test or experience that you share about this is appreciated. Thank you! — YESdesign team —

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | YESdesign

  • Hello Mozcommunity, I would like opinions regarding potential spammy inbound links from others . In theory you would want excellent useful content on your site that other web properties would link to in a natural bait. But what if links were pointing to your site with malicious intent. For example a competitor bombs yours site with spammy/black hat links. This is clearly a dilemma for search engines since anyone can link to your site...even though you can block incoming with .access I don't believe many smaller in-house seo teams (or do it yourself small business owners) use Google analytics to routinely monitor referring sources.

    Link Building | | johnshearer

  • Hello We're going to upload a bulklisting to Google Places for multiple locations. However, there are existing Google places listings for these locations. The bulklisting is being used to undertake a refresh of all the existing data. How do we go about updating the existing data i.e. do we have to delete the existing information prior to submitting the bulkload, or does a new submission over write the existing data. In addition, how does Google Places verify a bulkload submission i.e. do they make contact with the designated business owner. How long does such a process actually take (roughly!). I know some of this is touched on in the Goolge Places help section, but it is not clear and I don't want to get this wrong for obvious reasons. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Rgds Neil

    Image & Video Optimization | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi, Is there a way of setting up multiple users under one account? Ideally I need to be able to provide access to different users without access to billing/account settings. If this isn't available, is it something that could be developed? This would be a very useful feature. Thanks Joe

    Moz Pro | | j_brickell

  • We are UK based web designers who have recently been asked to build a website for an Australian Charity. Normally we would host the website in the UK with our current hosting company, but as this is an Australian website with an .au domain I was wondering if it would be better to host it in Australia. If it is better to host it in Australia, I would appreciate if someone  could give me the name of a reasonably priced hosting company. Thanks Fraser

    Technical SEO | | fraserhannah

  • I'd like to upgrade to Pro Plus for the white label / own branding option. However, I have just noticed that the "white label" pdf reports still feature "Powered by SEOMOZ" at the bottom of each page. Is this a mistake? $2400 / year should be enough to remove SEOMOZ branding completely, surely?

    Moz Pro | | AndieF

  • I use traditional methods for keyword discovery, but occured to me that perhaps competitive keyword software should be applied to competitor's sites for further possibilitites. Any opinions or experience using this strategy? I know it used primarily for PPC, but value for SEO KW discovery? Any personal recommendations on which programs considered most effective? Thanks. Alan

    Competitive Research | | ahw

  • Hello, I have just discovered that a company in Poland is directing their domain to ours We have not authorised this, neither do we want this. I have contacted the company and the webmaster to get it removed. If you search for the domain name we ( come up top. My biggest worry is that we will get penalised by Google for this re-direct as it appears to be done using some kind of frame. Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing? Many Thanks Rob Martin

    Technical SEO | | brightonseorob

  • The amount of requests I get for links is mind numbing. Yet few respond to my request for blog submissions. What is going on?? People want links yet they dont want to write - its not that hard! Rather than ignore all these requests for links i have decided to write the articles for anyone who now requests a link on my website (providing I like the site and its related to my niche area). I charge £9.99 to cover my admin (It will need to go up). I do not want any links back I just want inspiration to write and unique content for my website. So these are my questions to link builders - what do you think? Would you be interested now all the hard work has gone? SEO experts - is this risking my overall site strength?

    Link Building | | GardenBeet

  • Hi can anyone recommend any news sites that you can gain links from submitting your news. I did find a really good one where you can write a whole news story or share a news story and it generated a lot of traffic but shockingly i have lost the address of the site. Any recommendations would be great

    Link Building | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi good folk of SEOmoz, I've recently updated a number of place pages for my client who is an estate agent. I have to admit that they were a little keyword stuffed, but at the time my competitor; who ranks first, was filled with keywords. For example in their title it states "[company name] estate agent [location]" I thought that this was a big no-no and it should not be done? They also have keywords stuffed into categories and description. Im confused on how they are getting away with this? I have searched on the Google place page support forum and can not find a definitive guide on the exact rules. Could anybody be so kind to help me out? i.e Where to put keywords and locations in the title and categories Thankyou.

    On-Page Optimization | | Lakeside

  • We're trying to make sense of Google's new parameter handling options and I seem unable to find a good answer to an issue regarding the NoUrl option. For ex. we have two Urls pointing to the same content: Ideally, I would want Google to index only the main Url without any parameters, so To do this, I would set the value No Urls for the zoom, x and y parameters. By doing this do we still get any SEO value from back links that point to the URLs with the parameters, or will Google just ignore them?

    Technical SEO | | propertyshark

  • Hi, My website is coming up in omitted results for search term. Now I have heard before if this is the case then its mainly due to a duplicate content penalty. But the content I used is unique and produced by a copywriter so its good. Its a new site and was in the results for about 2 weeks, I changed the non www to www in webmaster tools 1 day ago and now its sitting in omitted results. In webmaster tools I had to add the domain twice one non www and one www. Both accounts I hooked up a sitemap. Is it just because the site is new and its just working out where to rank me? Just so you know the non www was indexed for the 2 weeks changed it in webmaster tools so I wanted the www one indexed and now gone into omitted results. Cheers

    Search Behavior | | activitysuper

  • Chrome supports prerendering whereas Firefox supports prefetching. So, can i include both of them to speed up the performance of the website in Chrome and Firefox? Is the below code right?

    On-Page Optimization | | SoftzSolutions

  • I want to track comparison shopping engine traffic with keywords in Google Analytics. So, How can I get it done? I am using Google Analytics URL Builder to track traffic which are associated to comparison shopping engine. My product page URL load with following format when some one click on comparison shopping engine. Please, see format of product page URL Now, I have problem with tracking as follow. Please, see this Google Analytics traffic sources screen shot to know more. Comparison shopping engine traffic is going to track with other section and not indicate keyword. I want to track keyword which help me to understand more about my product feed performance. It will help me for better understanding regarding keywords which was searched by my customers to land on my website.

    Reporting & Analytics | | CommercePundit

  • Hi I wondering if there is a tool that can search multiple all in title exact keyword phrases searches say 250 - 300 terms at a time. I like to compare exact phrase search results to all indexed pages that google has indexed, trust me when I say It sucks doing this one at a time Marc

    Other SEO Tools | | marcreece

  • I am wondering what my fellow mozers think. Pretty set about my direction but want to get any other input to aid in my decision. Have an ecom site with a The blog is fairly new and no major rankings. There are only about 30 posts. This isn't a super competitive market and the blogging won't be a huge part of our content strategy but I would like to use it for passing juice etc. Would you go through the trouble to move the blog to and redirecting all the old content to new?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PEnterprises

  • Hi everyone, First time post - what a great community! On a trial at the moment but will definitely be signing up to PRO. The situation I'm helping to promote an event in Australia (lets call it "myevent"). The event also goes by a nickname "myev" (which isn't searched as much as "myevent"). The event for the most part is promoted offline as As it currently stands (and appears to have been the case for a number of years), and 302 redirect to The event is pretty much number 1 for keywords around "my event" and "myev", despite little attention being paid to on page optimisation and issues around duplicate content which I intend to fix. The domain being indexed by Google is . Open site explorer stats Open Site explorer shows as having a strong domain authority, and hundreds of backlinks. and have domain authorities in the 20s and about 30-40 backlinks each. The conundrum I've had a chat with the IT guys running the site(s) and they mentioned they'll be switching the way the redirects work, so everything goes to NOT the URL. I've done a bit of reading on the forums and understand that 301s should be used in order to pass the juice/authority from the existing domain (in this case I understand not all of this will be passed. What I'm not sure about is which URL should be the final preferred destination. I may not have a choice - has been the preferred URL for a long time - but want to know if this will affect the performance in search results if the isn't used as the final destination (even though we would be redirecting from it)? Any suggestions / ideas / help would be most appreciated. I hope this all makes sense - I'm relatively new to the whole SEO world! Best wishes and many thanks.

    Technical SEO | | hergs

  • Frist time question, so excited! 🙂 We are hosting videos on Wistia for a new series we're calling Tatango University  - Very similar to Whiteboard Fridays as you can tell - thanks Rand for the idea. My question, should we also be uploading the videos to YouTube or will this somehow we looked at as duplicate content or video spamming? Also, if we host them on YouTube will they always come up before our videos on our own site, therefore driving all the traffic to YouTube? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Image & Video Optimization | | Tatango

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