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  • Hi all, I'm quite new to the SEO space so I apologise if all the information below isn't technically perfect. I ran the SEOmoz pro tool for the first time a month ago (fantastic tool). It picked up a wealth of errors on our site that we are now working on. the problem: we use dynamic pages to display job listings pulled from our database that have picked up many duplicate page titles and content. For example: _Landing page: _ _Page 2: _ _Page 3: _ Following the results of the Moz tool we have now 'no indexed' and 'no followed' the dynamic pages and the errors have dramatically dropped, great! However, on reflection we generate quite a lot of traffic to individual job's listed on our website. By no following the pages we have restricted passing on any 'juice' to these pages, and by no indexing we may be taking them out of Googles index completely. These dynamic pages and individual job listings do generate a lot of traffic to our website via organic search. We do submit the site index to Google that should index the individual jobs that way. So, the question is (I hope this is making sense), are the gains of reducing errors picked up in the moz tool (to improve the overall site performance) likely to outweigh the traffic generated on these dynamically generated pages by being indexed and followed by Google. Ultimately we would like the static landing pages to retain a stronger page rank. Any guidance is very much appreciated. Best Regards,

    Technical SEO | | ARMofficial

  • One of our clients has seen significant decreases over the weekend for a number of keyword variations. There have been no significant site changes, no crawl errors reported and our competitors don't seem to have been affected. The decrease has coincided with the launch of a display campaign, but surely this is just coincidental? Any thoughts would be appreciated...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zealmedia

  • We rank in the top 5 consistently for our keywords on However, the ranking report (set to Google UK) shows that we don't appear in the top 50. When looking in more detail at the keyword in question, it shows the top ranking sites to be all US sites with .com domains that don't rank at all on Can anyone shed some light on this or tell me if there is any way of getting accurate ranking reports via SEOmoz tools for UK sites, so I don't have to do it manually? Thanks in advance

    Moz Pro | | heatherrobinson

  • Hi All, One of my clients recently requested my team at our agency to do a bulk up load of business locations. We did the bulk upload and it came to around 652 or so locations in the form. I have done some serious bulk uploads in the past  around 500 locations but never this high. My question is to SEO moz what is the largest bulk upload or single upload you have done on Google Places?

    Image & Video Optimization | | JamesNorquay

  • How can we  check with the Google Keyword Tool to figure out which keywords are getting significant traffic. Needs explanation for the bolded part. I am referring to the Q and A at - The best way to see the information you're looking for is to take all keywords that sent you an organic search visit for a given time period in your analytics and run them through a rank checker. You can then cross-check this data with the Google Keyword Tool to figure out which keywords are getting significant traffic.

    Keyword Research | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, i have a question. For example, we have a website domain.IT / italy. in italian language. But, we are contracted to do link building, to down it in italy, its not easy for us, but we have down 70% from backlinks from english websites, and 30% from italy websites in italian language. Is this any danger from google, to hire any penalty, or it's not danger but only pass link juice less! btw, i see lot of brands in italy, they have mroe than 70% of backlinks from non-italian websites. the backlinks from english websites, are editorial, press release, blogposts, best of the web directory, etc.. from maybe mroe than 80% of backlinks are frmo strong english domains. danger, or not? tell me your answer if have experience on this please. thanks

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • Hi, We have an existing site done in DNN and we recreated it on a new platform (EPiServer) and now we're going live. However, there are 2500+ page URLs from the old site which is not exisitng on the new site. What do you reckon is the best way we can address this? Do we create a 301 redirect individually for each of these pages? These 2500+ pages have a domain authority 34-35 and I think it's best that we retain those. We'll be using the same domain name. Suggestions for ways to approach this issue would be greatly appreciated. I have access to the server and IIS. *Also, how do I create a virtual page in IIS? and redirect it to another URL within the site? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter.Huxley59

  • How would you suggest writing a homepage title tag which needs to target both state and city? We are targeting these two phrases: Lincoln personal injury lawyer
    Nebraska personal injury lawyer Any thoughts on how you'd write the title tag? I know targeting Nebraska will be challenging but it's what the higher ups want to do. Would you suggest: Lincoln Nebraska Personal Injury Lawyer  ?

    On-Page Optimization | | blueroom

  • I have decided to give my website a boost by outsourcing some of my SEO. Especially looking for building quality backlinks and help with Google Places. Any good recommendations?

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • Does anyone know of a good SEO company for Spanish speaking sites besides BeyondROI? Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | geekdesign

  • I read this post and have been seeing a lot of results with this feature, but can't figure out exactly why some results get them and others dont. of the results I've seen, many have information in lists or tables (as the article suggests), but some simply have their information listed in separate divs. Does anyone have any further insight on this? The above article is the only one I can find on the subject.

    Algorithm Updates | | Hakkasan

  • See example: car rental - sedans - bmw car rental - sedans - audi car rental - sedans - ford (internal links to sedans - audi, ford) or (internal links to suv - bmw) car rental - suv - bmw car rental - suv - audi car rental - suv - ford (internal links to suv- audi, ford) or (internal links to sedans- bmw...) Should I cross link only between the product page under each category or can I link between different products under different categories? From a user point of view, I think it will give him more options if he wants to choose the same brand but a bigger vehicle although I have read numerous posts saying that we should be internally linking most of the time within the same category. User experience  or SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | echo1

  • There are penalties by Google for the purchase of links? If yes which are the penalties ? When we buy links how to see if the site is considered as salesman of link by Google? Thanks you

    Link Building | | elitepronostic

  • There are a number of clients that I have that want to syndicate either posts or video content to other websites via RSS feeds.  Each of these are built on a WordPress platform, fyi.  Two that this applies to are: and Many of the sites that would pick this content up would be higher Domain and Page Ranks than the original sites.  Those that have video content put it up on multiple sites, including YouTube. What can I do in the configuration of the RSS feeds to ensure the credit is maintained to the original website, and are there any other considerations I should be concerned about? Perhaps things that I would ask the other site to do in their incorporation of it to their site? Thanks for your help.

    Content Development | | skipshean

  • I am looking into signing up with for conversion testing.  They put scripting on my site which will then redirect half of my site visitors to an alternate home page.  The site I want to test on is ranking quite well with Google and I do not want to hurt my rankings. And with this set up,what Google will think is my home page is not and so I am essentially sending visitors to a different page than Google reads as my home page in source code. So, my concern is whether this will have a negative impact on my SEO rankings to redirect 50% of site visitors to a different page using this testing tool? I would use Google Web Site Optimizer, but many of my sites are in Wordpress and it seems that Wordpress and web site optimizer are not so compatible. Advice would be appreciated. Thank you, Robert

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Robertnweil1

  • I would like to find all of the keywords not just the keywords that I specified in the tracking section.

    On-Page Optimization | | Court_H

  • I stumbled across Twibbon today - it's a service that basically creates an easy way for you to brand your Twitter/Facebook pictures, and to allow others to promote your cause as well. I'm not sure if I'm late to get on board here or if this is a relatively new thing, but it seems pretty cool.  I can definitely see this really working out for promoting philanthropic causes.  It would also work really well for events - imagine if every speaker at an SEO conference used Twibbon to brand their Twitter/Facebook?  I think it would really help with branding, for both individuals and businesses.

    Branding | | AnthonyMangia

  • Do a Google search for: opensiteexplorer . The 2nd (may vary) result is an seoMOZ blog post, "Brand New Open Site Explorer is Here (and Linkscape's Updated, too)". Google is displaying Rand's pic and google profile link in the search result. How? Can't find the Google profile link in the seoMOZ page source.

    Technical SEO | | questfore

  • SEOMoz community, I wanted to get your guys' ideas around what I would consider an unorthodox but potentially effective approach: I am currently internationalizing a brandname domain by building up different CCTLD domains and assigning them to local server resources. In order to push the brand of the project, all international CCTLDs share the same root domain, however the main key word for each CCTLD is different. My question is essentially if it would make sense to configure the root landing page of each international project as http://www.<brandname>.<cctld>/<market_keyword></market_keyword></cctld></brandname> rather than the typical approach http://www.<brandname>.</brandname> This would allow me to get the market specific keyword into the landing page URL. The root domain would have a 301 redirect to the keyword landing page. Anyone has any experience with this approach? Does a true root domain URL get some sort of SEO bonus that would not justify the above approach or will the URL with the keyword in the path will have higher SEO power. Looking forward to your responses - even if its just projections/SEO gut feeling. Thanks /Thomas

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tomypro

  • I recently started working on a site that is 8 years old and the currently URLs/ site structure is not SEO friendly. We are concerned that in re-structuring the site, we may loose our rankings. Has anyone ever completely re-structured their site? Was it worth it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We are thinking of restructuring the URLs on our site and I was wondering if there is a penalty associated with setting up so many 301 re-directs.

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • First of all, I would like to provide some background information. Our company is small. We are just now getting into SEO research and have been improving over a couple months of research. We are somewhere in the 500,000's in the world rankings. From what I understand, the title tag provides a great amount of weight to whatever keywords you set up. The words in the title tag are supposed to represent keywords that you want to be high in the search engines for, correct? Well, in our title tag, we have the name of our company. To me, this is a waste of space. No one is going to go to Google and search for our company's name because we are not that widely known. Looking back at our search history for customers, there has not been a single search for the company name. What someone is telling me, is that when we put our link somewhere, having the name of our company in the title tag strengthens the "link juice" we get from those links. Is this correct, or is it worth trashing the company name for another keyword to optimize?

    Branding | | FrontlineMobility

  • We currently sell our products to Australia customers via Google Adwords marketing and are keen to achieve good organic serps. What steps do you recommend taking? Are any of you working down under and interested in helping on this project? Thanks

    Link Building | | seanmccauley

  • If I wanted to get rid of a batch of low quality pages from the index, Is the best practise to let them 404 and remove them from sitemap files? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • In SEO terms, what would be the best method: High number of items per page or low number with more pages? For example, this category listing here: It has 10 items per page.  Would there be any benefit of changing a listing like that to 20 items in order to decrease the number of pages in the category? Also, what other ways could you increase the SEO of category listings like that?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • Oh great mozzers, I fall at your feet... I feel like I'm going insane... My client, 35 Degrees ( is quite the mystery.  I handle SEO and paid search for them, and we're doing great in those areas... however, we're just not seeing the conversions once I deliver these folks to the site. The people are targeted, the keywords are sound, and from what I can see, the checkout process isn't a mess... but they are just not getting the sales. We're currently starting to test some price points with some newer, lower cost "intro packages", so we'll see if that's one of the pain points.  I'm also in the process of convincing them to include a Verisign or some other logo in the checkout process. However, I was hoping the great minds here could take a quick look and see if I'm missing anything else. Thanks in advance! Jeff

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | fangdigital

  • Does anyone have any links to information about external links on a front page ? I am advising a client that this is not the best idea and that they could be put in a different place but can't find any proof of this.

    Technical SEO | | marcelo-275398

  • Sure we all know about oDesk or textbroker but is there a place people can go to hire higher quality writers?

    Content Development | | joseph.chambers

  • Hello Moz community, I have my own ideas...but what are your opinions on best practices for landing page width size in pixels 900px 720px What is a common pixel height for "above the fold" target is North America

    Web Design | | johnshearer

  • I am working on developing goals for 2012. I will be doing several SEO projects, including one on a website for study abroad programs. Currently, nonbranded organic search is 15.49% of our visits and in 2010, it was 15.02%. I am wondering if anyone has any advice or knows of a benchmark percentage that could help me set an attainable goal. Thank you!!

    Reporting & Analytics | | CIEEwebTeam

  • My number one client is migrating a formerly HTML/Dreamweaver site to an open source CMS (CMS Made Simple.) We have execellent rankings right now, and I am concerned about what we will lose, and how to ensure the rankings stay. Any guidance? I have already asked the developer to maintain the page names and structure, and tag the CMS output pages.htm . I've run a few weak spiders over the staged CMS site, and all the pages are being picked up. What else can I do, we are getting ready to launch. THANKS!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jayt

  • We're doing a guest coulmn here -, how do we re-use/rewrite this for our blog? Whats the best practice if the column comes first?

    Content Development | | FirePowered

  • Hi, I have a blog on the blogger platform from Google and it currently sits on a sub domain which can be added into the settings. But I got a feeling Google wont see this as part of the website because when I add the sub domain into the main websites sitemap it kicks an error for it. So basically what I got is a website and an external blog. The external blog gets a post a day with an anchor text link back to the most relevant page on the main website but I have read on the SEOMOZ website that smashing one external blog is not anywhere near as effective as syndicating the content across a range of blogs. So I have an external blog with pr4 and 100 backlinks, I have to say I did not set this up it was handed over like this and I cant move the blog onsite either. I'm thinking it would have been better to have 10 blogs with pr2 with 10 backlinks on each instead. I need to double check this before I action this from now on.

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • We currently have some 301 redirects set up on our site however sometimes a page will redirect twice before reaching the final location.  Is this OK from an SEO perspective to have a page redirect twice or should we concentrate on reducing it to one?

    Technical SEO | | JohnHillman

  • Hi, I'm about to start guest blogging for the first time, I have a particular keyword I want to push up, it currently sits page 2, position 1 and I would like to push this up into the top 5 results. The 5 results I need to jump past also happen to be my main competitors, but I don't think they are activity link building for this keyword as url's are not SEO friendly (containing query strings), meta descriptions don't have the keyword word exact. So the solutions is link building with anchor text links from relevant, auth websites. The method I want to use to achieve this is guest blogging but as I am just starting out on the guest blogging front does anyone have any tips on how to find good blogs which will help? I found a website called but the blogs on there dont seem that great, I have been doing a few queries in Google to try and find them instead such as; "write for us" keyword then researching the blogs with the SEOMOZ tools. Cheers

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Hi guys, We have a video section on our site containing about 50 videos, grouped by category/difficulty. On each video page except for the embedded player, a sentence or two describing the video and a list of related video links, there's pretty much nothing else. All of those appear as duplicate content by category. What should we do here? How long a description should be for those pages to appear unique for crawlers? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | lgrozeva

  • Is there anyway of clearing the 'Tool Reports You've Run' list on the Pro Dashboard, or setting certain reports not to be saved here?

    Moz Pro | | BigMiniMan

  • I rank decently on local search for some of my keywords but find that the traffic coming to my site is not from those keywords. I also find that they never convert to sales queries. Is someone able to help me out with that? Thanks My domain is

    Competitive Research | | Skwtayler

  • I've been working on a site since it launched in April and the rankings for all targeted keywords have been creeping up in that time. For example the site was position 5 for "satchel" and 6 for "satchels". I've just had the latest rankings report from SeoMoz and it is showing "not in top 50" for both keywords and big drops on most other keywords. What is the likely explanation for such a big drop? The website is Z

    Moz Pro | | MulberrySqCraig

  • how to enter the competitor domain? on feedback i get: may not have a /path after the host. what is to do? Thanks Christian

    Moz Pro | | cnort

  • Hi there, We've been doing well in the SERPS over the past few weeks. Our previous meta title was displayed as: "Hunter Original Tall - Buy Original Tall Online Here" However, recently we've seen the title in the SERP switch over to: "Hunter Original Tall -" This has occurred on several of our product pages which display a particular style of a certain brand. So for example: "Ugg Bailey Button -" Has anyone else experienced these changes or can explain why this may have happened?
    There is not change to the source code and our Titles have proven to have good click through rates in the past. Any ideas mozzers?

    Algorithm Updates | | NigelJ

  • Hi, I have been reading about affiliate links - links with a tracking code in the URL (i.e.: and I can't find a definitive answer. Does Google count them as natural links or maybe they do not even pass any link juice? And if they don't, what if I get a natural link from a website (without tracking code) and later that website becomes my affiliate? Would the first link still count? I guess that there can't be any certainty about all this, but I would love to know your expert opinions 🙂 Thanks!

    Link Building | | jorgediaz

  • When you say site speed, does it mean speed of loading of each of the pages of the website or speed of home page loading. What do site speed tools measure ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

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