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  • We have a website that has run under the same domain name for the past 10 years. We have built up a decent amount of SEO "mojo" (and traffic) over time, however, the original domain name no longer applies to the business model. A little over 1 year ago we started using a new brand name for the website and created a landing page for that domain name. Everything on that landing page links over to pages on the original domain name (to preserve the SEO value that we have built up over the years). We would like to move all (or most) of the pages/content to the new domain name. Would using 301 redirects be the safest, most effective way of doing this? I have heard of other people doing it this way, and often they will see their traffic drop for a few weeks before it eventually comes back. Anyone else had experience with this? What worked? What didn't? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seo-mojo

  • For a new website/blog how many links per week looks suspicious or hurt the rankings?

    Link Building | | aaran

  • I'm in a situation where I am trying to improve an ecommerce site that sells about 10-15 products, and a few variations of each. My main headache is coming from the fact that we sell New, used, and refurbished products that are often overlapping. I'm not really sure if I am categorizing the products/structuring the site the best possible way. Here is an example that shows the current structure of the site: New Fruits
    --> Bananas
      ----> Banana Model 1
      ----> Banana Model 2
    --> Apples
      ----> Apple Model 1
      ----> Apple Model 2
    --> Oranges 
      ----> Orange Model 1
      ----> Orange Model 2 Refurbished Fruits --> Bananas
      ----> Refurbished Banana
    --> Apples
      ----> Refurbished Apple
    --> Oranges 
      ----> Refurbished Orange The business, however, specializes in the refurbished models because they make significantly more money for each one that is sold. Because of this, it's way more important to get the refurbished models ranking up for the terms. I've been struggling to get good results from my SEO efforts and I think that this strange site structure could be holding me back. Would it make sense for me to use canonical on the "New Fruits" pages, pointing toward the "Refurbished Fruits" pages? Should I be trying to build links to the category pages or the actual product pages. IE: To "Refurbished Fruits --> Bananas" rather than "Refurbished Fruits --> Bananas --> Refurbished Banana?"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | heroiceric

  • I've recently hired a company that publishes my press releases for me. One of them is on Yahoo! Finance. When I went to the Yahoo article, my keyword link was dofollow, but had a very long Yahoo redirect link instead of just a direct link to my page. Am I still getting link juice out of this Yahoo redirect?

    Link Building | | Shawn124

  • Hello there, we are national junk removal company and have franchises in most major cities in the US.  We wanted to check to see if anyone else has seen a drop in organic traffic with the changes that Google has done with the amalgamation of Google Places with the organic rankings. All our places pages are ranking quite well and we are ranking higher organically but it appears that people go to the Google Places page and then either leaving or picking up the phone and calling our 1800 number to book a job instead of going to our website to make the booking. The interesting thing is that although Google started these changes back in October 2010 we have seen the drop in organic traffic mostly starting in April, even though we have seen a steady increase in organic ranking across the board. Has any other franchise based company seen this happen as well? Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Algorithm Updates | | imspecialistgotjunk

  • Quick question in regards to link building and OFF PAGE SEO... Why isn't Articles distributation via wire services considered a "Duplicate Content" issue by Google? i.e.  If take the one article and post it accross 50 (do follow) websites, Press release sites, and blogs. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this. Regard, Sammy

    Algorithm Updates | |

  • Hello all! I'm new to SeoMoz and would like to introduce myself and say thanks for all of the great content. This is definitely the premium website I have been looking for. My question is regarding a new URL structure that will be implemented with our website redesign. We are looking to make our URL's more user and SEO friendly. We will be using 301 redirects to reroute our existing structure when the site goes live. Background
    I work in a company that retails automotive tires. I would consider class (performance, off-road, highway, etc.) to be the most important category, but based on our analytics we receive much more traffic from brand terms.  This is most likely because our customers are not educated on specific tire classes and generally do head term searches or search by brand / product name. Ultimately the will have to buy from a certain class based on driving habits. Link and URL Structure
    (Parameters) The model page includes links to individual tire size specific pages. We are using the model page as our primary SEO page because the only difference from the 5 - 60 tire size specific pages per model will be the tire size itself. This means that all of the remaining content will be duplicated multiple times over. All links to the tire size specific page from the model page will have a rel="nofollow" attribute attached to it. All tire size specific pages will have a rel="canonical" tag pointing back to the model page Out of the following structures, which would you consider to be the best format: 1.
    3. We will append the specific tire-size to the URL on the item specific pages. Any other options or strategies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Web Design | | kauffmantire

  • When I view source, and view as Googlebot it's showing as 1 long page of content = good. However, the developer uses some redirects and dynamic page generation to pull this off. I didn't see any issues from a Search perspective but would appreciate a second opinion: Click here Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | 540SEO

  • We put up a new site for an attorney and changed his url along with total redevelopment. We used a 301 for the old to the new and it does resolve to the new. It has been one month and the old site in OSE still shows DA of 37 with PA for homepage of 15. The new site has come a DA of 6 with homepage at 1 still. For any who might wish it, the referring site is and the new site is Would love to know of any experience with the timing on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobertFisher

  • I have been playing with the 30-day trial of Kissmetrics: Anyone using this? I like their "person-focused" approach. Wanted to get mozzers' opinions. Thanks

    Search Behavior | | Gyi

  • I've been a big believer in SEOmoz's TAGFEE tenents since stumbling on them a while back: **Long version: ** **TL;DR? Here's a shorter version: ** (scroll down) TAGFEE stands for "Transparent & Authentic, Generous, Fun, Empathetic, and Exceptional".  It's the core set of guiding principles that makes SEOmoz great... and a great place to work. And even though I don't work for SEOmoz, I find TAGFEE inspiring and something that I want to implement in many aspects of my own life and work.  It has occurred to me more than once that TAGFEE is, in and of itself, just as much a tool for developing your work as Open Site Explorer, the browser toolbar, or the Linkscape Index. So I'm curious: do folks outside SEOmoz use these principles at their workplaces?  Or do Mozzers use them outside of work in their community/communities of practice? tagfee-transparent.jpg

    Moz Pro | | jcolman

  • Today is  8/29/11.  Why does my traffic data still show data from 8/8/11?  It says last data update 8/15/11 but there is no 8/15 data showing.  I should be able to view 8/22 by now.  This is way behind.  I'm a newbie so hook me up.  What am I missing?  It was updating every Monday but not anymore.

    Moz Pro | | ranger00

  • I am in the last weeks of my 3 months paid subscription with SEOMOZ and very sad to go. The main reason is that my website design business site is delivering no business to me at the moment.  Zero - zip - nada.  It has been live for the past 4 years and cumulatively it has probably paid for few beers and pizza.  Most of my business has been through word of mouth and not through direct traffic to the site.  I had really hoped the site would be the sweet 25% extra.  Now the overall website business is reasonably healthy but I cant understand what I am doing worng with the site. I have tried and failed to optimise and am at my wits end what to do with it.  If anything my ranking is dropping over the past months. Could any of you guys give me some ideas and tips before I literally hang up the shingle on this site and start from scratch with a new design and revision. I want to rank for website design and as we all know you need to be above the fold on page 1 to do this but I think my overall design and strategy for this site is flawed and I should start again.  But if you have ideas then shout before I head over the high Irish sierras for better lands. is the site - feel free to check it out and give tips -

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kdaly100

  • We are considering purchasing an existing website in our industry with a domain authority of 52 and 20K inlinks and redirecting it to our new website with a domain authority of 26 and 1,000 inlinks. Would this be the best way to improve our new site's authority and inlinks? Would Google penalize us for doing that or would it effectively transfer the old sites authority to us?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | pbhatt

  • With all of the updates/changes to Google's algo, I assumed that paid listings & links like those on would have less merit.  Is this an incorrect assumption?

    Link Building | | PropelMike

  • I currently use SEOMOZ Campaigns and Advanced Web Ranking for monitoring our KW rankings and those of competition. AWR is a brilliant tool with so many different reports, methods of viewing etc. SEOMOZ campaigns are good but don't come close to the monitoring power of AWR (EG I monitor over 50 competitors on over 1000 KW's on a Daily basis with AWR and recieve a variety of set emailed reports on the data). However, one thing that SEOMOZ campaigns have that is useful is the traffic data - but this is still a bit basic and I think could be improved. The problem with AWR is that it doesn't integrate with your Analytics / Adwords / Google WM Tools - so it is only showing you half the picture. Knowing how your site ranks for each keyword is helpful, but it would be nice to understand the value of each keyword.  For example, being able to see your rank position and how much traffic that keyword has sent you over time would be helpful. It would also be nice to see the number of searches that are performed for that keyword each month .  For example, lets say I saw that I was ranking at number 11 for “hover mower” and getting 500 hits per month.  Two months from now, if I was ranking at position 7, it would be nice to be able to immediately see how that changed the amount of traffic I was receiving for the term.  Is a position of 11 (first item on page two) better than position 10 (last item on page one)? If you can link it to your analytics, you could then link it to your goals, and goal values to get a complete picture of where your keywords rank the value of the rank, and the improvment on that value when rank changes. If browsed around for such software but can't find anything like this - does anyone know of any software that can do this - or something close to this? Many thanks

    Moz Pro | | James77

  • In theory: If i have a page with only two outgoing, do-follow links,
    and both have the same target,
    only the first one will be counted.. right? Will that link pass 100% or 50% of the link juice? (if the anchor text is the same or different does not make any difference i think)

    On-Page Optimization | | elgoog

  • Hi Guys I am new to this community and finding loads of informative stuff here. The keyword difficulty tool looks very interesting. I think google keyword tool competetion field is based on PPC competetion? Will i be right in saying that the moz keyword difficulty tool measures top 10 ranking pages, their age, backlinks etc?

    Reporting & Analytics | | SamBuck

  • I have a customer who runs campaigns on adwords and we have had real problems with his ads being taken down due to certain ingredients being present in supplements. Now we move towards his SEO campaign and we wondered if the natural listings are effected by sites that list banned substances or pages listed on the adwords policy as being banned ? Has anyone experienced a site being downgraded by link being present from sites that provided products or services that are banned from being advertised on Google adwords ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • we have two different content perlanguage (Fr. EN )) they are not Duplicated and they are completly different. what is better for the URL a language sub domain or a folder or

    Technical SEO | | omarfk

  • Which bacllink will be most useful and gives me most juice? -link from all pages on the website (in footer), such as menu
    -link from all pages on the website (in footer, display:none;), such as menu
    -link from home page (footer)
    -link from the page which have highest PR (PA) (footer)
    -contextual-link from most relevant page on the site

    Link Building | | ATCnik

  • Hi Guy's Is it better to have articles on our own website under a news section, with keyword phrases that point to relevant pages or is it better to post them on our blog (that is seperate, we use blogger) and point them to relevant pages on our site? or maybe a bit of both? Thanks Daniel

    On-Page Optimization | | LushDuck

  • I have read the seomoz post at -   before asking the question We recieved a query from one of our client regarding targetting his site in 3 different countries namely - US,UK and Australia. Specifically, he has asked us- 1. Whether i should buy ccTLD like - and write unique content for each of the above. or 2. or go for subfolder approach will it affect SEO if the subfolders are in CAPS. Would like to have advice of moz community on what advice will be the best. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi All, Decided to do something a bit different and run a SEO Auction for kids with Cancer over at eBay, 100% of proceeds from the sale will go to charit, bidding is currently at $36 with around 7 hours to go: The auction includes the following: 1 x YouTube Note Pad1 x Google Pen (Black)1 x Google Necklace with clip1 x SEOmoz shirt Grey (Size Small) - You need 1000+ Reputation on the SEOmoz to get one!1x 1000th Tweet on my twitter account.So yeah Dig deep all =)I plan on running a few of these Charity Auctions each year, as I want to give back a bit.

    Industry Events | | JamesNorquay

  • Is there anyway i can change a campaign setting once it has been established from root domain to domain? I could just start a new campaign but that seems a bit of a pain.

    Moz Pro | | pancakes

  • Of course, SEOmoz rules big in the world of SEO. However, I'm not sure which blog on Paid Search is currently worth following, so I'm looking for tips here. Which blog do you think provides decent content on AdWords / PPC?

    Paid Search Marketing | | DeptAgency

  • Will updating each page often for example everyday or few days, rank the page and/or website better in google. The reason I ask is that I made 18 websites about three months ago and the traffic initially was alot higher and has fallen little by little thru the 3 months. Also how well my pages rank has also fallen. I just put out the websites, have done nothing else. No linking, etc. No updates. It is evident that without new links coming in, the website will fall in rank ie., link aquistion velocity But my question is if I update the pages and change content frequently will this improve my position in google and other search engines. The traffic on websites over the three months if graphed sort of looks like a stair case going down.

    Technical SEO | | mickey11

  • If you a symbol in the title of a webpage will this dilute the keywords in the title
    thus making it rank worse in search engines here is an example <title><br /> Black Shoe Polish<br /></title> versus <title><br /> ▶ Black Shoe Polish<br /></title> will the extra symbols count as words and thus the dilute the effectiveness of the Black Shoe Polish keyword. sort of making like 4 words instead 3. By the way, The reason to use a symbol is to make it stand on in the search engine results

    Technical SEO | | mickey11

  • Ordered 5 reports last 24 hours, none received. Anyone else with this problem ? I do expect better from an expensive subscription. C'mon Moz, fix this new OSE report system please.

    Moz Pro | | blocker0408

  • I've been playing around with OSE and found one of my competitors has a decent link coming from a post created in 2008. It only has two comments, one from my competitor with a link back to his site. The page has a PA: 55, it seems like an easy link but since the post is 3 years old im not sure its appropriate even though commenting is open. Any thoughts?

    Link Building | | nbeske

  • I am in the process of researching this further, and wanted to share some of what I have found below.  Anyone who can confirm or deny these assumptions or add some insight would be appreciated. Option: 1 If you're starting from scratch, a good approach is to build your site's structure and navigation using only HTML. Then, once you have the site's pages, links, and content in place, you can spice up the appearance and interface with AJAX. Googlebot will be happy looking at the HTML, while users with modern browsers can enjoy your AJAX bonuses. You can use Hijax to help ajax and html links coexist.  You can use Meta NoFollow tags etc to prevent the crawlers from accessing the javascript versions of the page. Currently, webmasters create a "parallel universe" of content. Users of JavaScript-enabled browsers will see content that is created dynamically, whereas users of non-JavaScript-enabled browsers as well as crawlers will see content that is static and created offline. In current practice, "progressive enhancement" in the form of Hijax-links are often used. Option: 2
    In order to make your AJAX application crawlable, your site needs to abide by a new agreement. This agreement rests on the following: The site adopts the AJAX crawling scheme. For each URL that has dynamically produced content, your server provides an HTML snapshot, which is the content a user (with a browser) sees. Often, such URLs will be AJAX URLs, that is, URLs containing a hash fragment, for example, where #key=value is the hash fragment. An HTML snapshot is all the content that appears on the page after the JavaScript has been executed. The search engine indexes the HTML snapshot and serves your original AJAX URLs in search results. In order to make this work, the application must use a specific syntax in the AJAX URLs (let's call them "pretty URLs;" you'll see why in the following sections). The search engine crawler will temporarily modify these "pretty URLs" into "ugly URLs" and request those from your server. This request of an "ugly URL" indicates to the server that it should not return the regular web page it would give to a browser, but instead an HTML snapshot. When the crawler has obtained the content for the modified ugly URL, it indexes its content, then displays the original pretty URL in the search results. In other words, end users will always see the pretty URL containing a hash fragment. The following diagram summarizes the agreement:
    See more in the....... Getting Started Guide. Make sure you avoid this:

    Here is a few example Pages that have mostly Javascrip/AJAX : This is what the spiders see: view-source: This is the best resources I have found regarding Google and Javascript - This is step by step instructions.

    Some additional Resources:

    Industry News | | webbroi

  • The SEOmoz CDN appears to have a "pull zone" that is set to the root of the domain, such that any static file can be addressed from either subdomain: The risk of this configuration is that web pages (not just images/CSS/JS) also get cached and served by the CDN. I won't put the URL here for fear of Google indexing it, but if you replace the 'www' in the URL below with 'cdn', you'll see a cached copy of the original: The worst-case scenario is that the homepage gets indexed. But this doesn't happen here: That URL issues a 301 redirect back to the canonical www subdomain. As it should. Here's my question: how was that done? Because can't do it. If you set a "pull zone" to your entire domain, they'll cache your homepage and everything else. googlebot has a field day with that; it will reindex your entire site off the CDN. Maybe the SEOmoz CDN provider (CloudFront) allows specific URLs to be blocked? Or do you detect the CloudFront IPs and serve them a 301 (which they'd proxy out to anyone requesting One solution is to create a pull zone that points to a folder, like but this doesn't help a complex site that has cacheable content in multiple places (do you Wordpress users really store ALL your static content under /wp-content/ ?). Or, as suggested above, dynamically detect requests from the CDN's proxy servers, and give them a 301 for any HTML-page request. This gets complex quickly, and is both prone to breakage and very difficult to regression-test. Properly retrofitting a complex site to use a CDN, without creating a half-dozen new CDN subdomains, does not appear to be easy.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mcglynn

  • I'm a developer with little SEO / Marketing skills. I've recently redesigned my site ( ), I think the site is great but it doesn't get a lot of organic search traffic (about 30 visits a day). I have $1000 available to spend in next couple of weeks and am wondering what the best way to use the money would be. I realize SEO is a long term process not a one time job, and I realize $1000 isn't a big budget. So far I am considering : Finding someone on ODesk to create blog content, say a post a day for a month Finding an SEO company to analyse the site and create a link building strategy for me to execute. Surely there are a lot of other ways I could spend my $1000 that would help grow organic traffic. Any suggestions appreciated. Cheers Sam

    Link Building | | samh

  • I typically append &pws=0 to my Google queries when I'm gathering results to share with a client. I recently sat in on another digital marketing firms presentation to the client, and they made a big deal about how their search engineers had conducted all the searched by "painstaking logging out of google, using a fresh browser, etc..."  In my mind I was thinking that it was either a search engineer wasting time, or some hyperbole to impress the client. But I didn't really know for sure.  Is &pws=0 actually equivellent to using a completely annonymous browser.  For fun, I ran some queries under incognito on chrome running off a thumbdrive, and compared them to &PWS=0 results from my everday browswer while logged into google. I couldn't see any difference, but in my quick informal test, I also didn't find any difference between a personal SERP and a &PWS=0 SERP, so maybe I just didn't try the right query. Any thoughts?

    Keyword Research | | crvw

  • I just ran the Site Explorer on my site ( and it reported that there are no internal links on or  However, there were 20 internal followed links on I'm guessing this is hurting my SEO.  Any suggestions?

    Reporting & Analytics | | lance-174449

  • Our site is new. So far we have a 534 pages. Our competitors have around 5000. I'm working on building more, but that's a lot of catching up. The report says we have only 174 internal followed links. Why is that? I have all links set in the site to be nofollow links, but not the inside links. I also have lots of landing pages, which are not added to the main menu, obviously. But the the main menu shows up on all landing pages. Just wondering if either the nofollow has anything to do with it  or the landing pages set up, or the numbers are accurate. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | FinanceSite

  • What is the optimal image naming strategy for the following?  Should it be A or B or something else? a) disease name-topic name-treatment-studies by age b) diseasename-topicname-treatment-studiesbyage Thank you.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Mont

  • Hi I paid for a listing on the page below about 3 months ago, I still haven't received a listing. Any suggestions on what sort of action to take?

    Link Building | | dantmurphy

  • A couple of months ago, I read about a new web stats application that is real time but more importantly let's you track user actions on a page (i.e. which buttons were clicked for example).  This information would obviously be very helpful in continuing to improve site performance.  Anyone have suggestions or know the name of this application?  I do not mind paying but am not looking for an enterprise class application.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Mont

  • I'd like to see if anyone could potentially shade a light on this rather strange scenario: Basically yesterday I noticed that we are no longer to be found for 'certain' keywords that we had page 2-3 ranking. Yet, for other keywords we still appear on page 2-3. These keywords are very competitive and our rankings has constantly improved in the course of 5-6 months. Now my question is that what could or may have contributed to the fact that for only some keywords we are no longer to be found? Another question is, can Google remove you from their SERPs for certain keywords 'only'? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | micfo

  • Hi, When the update of Open Site Explorer was released I noticed that the new version was missing a huge amount of links that the old version previously found. This still seems to be the case and it's pretty frustrating as we use the tool for our clients. Is this something that everybody is seeing and if so SEOMoz when do you think you'll have a solution? Many thanks

    Moz Pro | | JonathanSmith

  • It says last updated 19/08 and is updated every Friday but nothing has changed.

    Moz Pro | | JasonHegarty

  • Hi all, In July I started to re-energise my link building efforts by getting a proper campaign together to build links. Despite building about 20 new links my traffic has actually fallen. Here a a breakdown of what happen: 1)Late June I noticed my toolbar page rank up at about PR4 which, despite only being a small part of the algo, was nice to see. Early July I started my link building campaign by getting together a massive list of potential link partners by using Open Site Explorer on my competitors sites. 3)Because I'm a bit pressed for time I decided to go for the easier links first. I sorted my link list by Domain Authority and started to list on  high DA directories used by my competitors. I listed on about 20 of these directories. I also livened up an old links page I'd previously hidden from the SE's because I was planning to do a bit of Link exchanging too. A few days after I started building links from these directories I noticed my traffic start to drop off gradually. I also noticed the toolbar PR go down to PR3. I decided to stop at 20 submissions because it looked like this was effecting traffic. I also removed the links page I'd livened up which produced a temporary improvement in traffic but it's since gone on to get a bit worse. Traffic is now down by about 10% on when I started buying submissions to directories. I must add that during this period we have also been taking on new clients which, as a a real estate listing site, means we put loads of content on our site for the client. That content is also on the clients website and on other competitors sites. So there would be lot's of a content that appears elsewhere on the net. Not really sure which of the two has caused the problem and not really sure how to progress. Do I remove the links on the directories? Do I wait for this newly added content to bed down so that new fresh can take it's place in our results which we rank from? Any help would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • I am currently registered with google places for 'video conferencing in Melbourne australia' however I don't show up on page 1 of the places sesrch results for this search term. How can I improve it. I do note that my office address is in a residential area and not Melbourne CBD. Thanks Dan

    Technical SEO | | dantmurphy

  • My name is Benny, i am writing here from account of my uncle, because he is a pro member, and i am a student dont have money to pay premium package. Now, I have placed some ads/links on a strong domains, for about 8 months, i paid always, but about 6 weeks i was sick, on hospital, and i have forget to renew the links, and now are removed, and ranking down too. My question is, can i restore the links with same anchors on the same places again on the same sites, or what to do? it's this danger if a link was for a 6 weeks down, and now again to re-place, some of them are 3-4 weeks,and some 6 weeks, it's this danger to replace again or not? What do you suggest me?

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • I am looking into buying traffic for a website and I'd like to know if anyone has had a positive experience doing so.  What are the best companies that sell traffic? I also want to buy video views.  This is a trickier question.  I upload the videos to YouTube and use the embed code on my website.  I want the paid video views on my site so I get the traffic and YT gets the video view. Any suggestions?  Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Storitz

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