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  • Can anybody recommend some good sites for submitting graphic design/photoshop tutorials for link building? Ones that host the content themselves instead of linking to the tutorial would be best. Thanks!

    Link Building | | neooptic

  • What's the best way to find blogs? Any search engine or blog catalog you recommend? I"m trying to find blogs with specific topics/articles.

    Link Building | | SoulSurfer8

  • Hey, What are some great tips for gaining social shares on ecommerce product or category pages? I understand great images and video will go along way, but it's difficult on a large scale ecommerce store. Receiving an offer for sharing something is great - I honestly cant think of a way to track this strategy in a large scale manner. I can send an email after a purchase making an offer to go back to the page to share, but how would I track this? Thanks.

    Social Media | | LukeyJamo

  • Hi, I would like to save space in my website and do not want my other products to be pushed down below the first fold. In order to do that, I have decided to add content inside inline javascript or using collapsible. For collapsible, I may be using "show/hide" button or "read more" button to show the whole content. So does content in Javascript and collapsible considered hiding from Google? If it is, then I have to think of other options. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I have 2 questions about canonicalization. 1. Will Google ever visit Page A again if after it has been canonicalized to Page B? 2. If Google will still visit Page A and found that it is not canonicalizing to Page B already, will the original rankings and traffic of Page A returned to the way before it's canonicalized? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi, One of our clients has a store with over 30,000 indexed pages but less then 10,000 individual products and make a few hundred static pages. Ive crawled the site in Xenu (it took 12 hours!) and found it to by a complex mess caused by years of hack add ons which has caused duplicate pages, and weird dynamic parameters being indexed The inbound link structure is diversified over duplicate pages, PDFS, images so I need to be careful in treating everything correctly. I can likely identify & segment blocks of 'thousands' of URLs and parameters which need to be blocked, Im just not entirely sure the best method. Dynamic Parameters I can see the option in GWT to block these - is it that simple? (do I need to ensure they are deinxeded and 301d? Duplicate Pages Would the best approach be to mass 301 these pages and then apply a no-index tag and wait for it to be crawled? Thanks for your help.

    Technical SEO | | LukeyJamo

  • So - being photographers, we have our main website, but also, we use a hosted service for all our client galleries ( So, in effect, we have two websites: Our main informational website Our client gallery/proofing website The client gallery has back links to our main website - so, when people are viewing their gallery, they can easily get back to our main site. We also have thrown a few of our preferred keywords in there for SEO purposes. The gallery has thousands of pages which link back to the main site. So.. the client gallery URL can either be: OR we can have it so it uses our own domain, such as: The question is, which domain name will benefit the back links more? Our custom subdomain (which links to our main domain) or, using the Zenfolio domain (which is external to our site). Or, is there no real difference either way? Or.. do I make no sense?

    On-Page Optimization | | blitzna10

  • Is there a search engine that reads a title tag longer than 70 characters? What is the harm in writing a title tag longer than 70 characters?

    On-Page Optimization | | rarbel

  • Is it weird to remove the View Cart page from being blocked in robots.txt if it has links pointing to it?

    Link Building | | poolguy

  • Hello folks, I made some links to my website: , but on OSE it doesn't appear. Such as: Why this above link does not appear on OSE? Probabbly its a newbie question, but my knowledge about link building is not that much. Thanks.

    Link Building | | augustos

  • Hi Guys We run a marketing company based in the Uk and rank well for internet marketing on google but conversions and bounce rates are quite high. The site is one of those constantly in progress due to Time and budgets so we are well aware of the short comings. I wanted to however get some other peoples opinions on why our site doesnt convert very well and is there anything you can suggest. You never stop learning I have been in internet marketing for 10 years so willing to listen to any suggestions. Thanks here is the site -

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • I've heard the term used in some of the webinars hosted on SEOMOZ and tried googling the term with no results. What the heck is this?  And how is it good for SEO?

    Link Building | | NaHoku

  • I suspect something possibly black-hat is going on with the amount of inbound links for   ( ) mainly because they have such a large volume of links (for my industry) with their exact targeted keyword. Can anyone help clear this up for me?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | theChris

  • Hello, Some of my hosted clients don't mind if I put a footer link on the bottom of their website.  I would like to put a footer link that looks like Seomoz's - Basically it would look like so: "Powered by "my company name".  The world's #1 "keyword" provider (LOGO goes here) Here are my questions: 1. Would this hurt or help my rankings? 2. Should the logo be hosted by my clients so that a different ip is hosting my logo (where my image name will get picked up)?  Or is it best to host it myself? 3. If my company name and keyword are getting linked, is that one link too many? 4. Is it a good idea to use a different keyword so that other keywords get picked up by SERPs, or should I set myself up on one keyword ? Thank you so much! Shawn

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Shawn124

  • Hopefully this makes sense. So I am working on a site that uses a 302 re-direct for logins. As in it goes from a profile page to the login via a re-direct, most of the time I see sites use this as a meta refresh, but in this case I wasn't sure. Obviously when I run a crawl diagnostic I'm getting a lot of errors as in over 100. Now I know there is no link juice with this, but I was just wondering what other people thought on using 302's for logins? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | kateG1298

  • I have a large list of URL's that need to be checked for a specific keyword. I've been doing them one at a time and it's painful. Is there a web based tool out there that can search many different URL's at once?

    Keyword Research | | billnet

  • A news website I'm working on has pages for various sectors, much like any major news site  (in this case for example - defence, energy, trade & finance etc.). I've been asked to add content of 150 words or more to each sector, containing keywords we're targeting. I can see the value of this SEO-wise but can't see how we can write anything that adds value for the user. I don't want to add some rubbish for the sake of keywords, I want the information to be useful.The best idea I can come up with is to write an overview of the challenges and topics making the news in each sector, perhaps a bit of historical detail - but I don’t think this will add much value from a user-perspective, and it's not something where there will be the resources available to update often (or to provide some 'best on the web' type info). Any other ideas? Or do you think my idea is a great one? ;-)The pages in question are like the majority of news pages; each item with a synopsis and the usual extra things like a poll and 'most read' box. I've looked at other news sites and can't see one that has any extra content in the way we require.Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | Alex-Harford

  • Hello Seomoz! I have strange behaviour at google places with one company. I have submitted company Air Condition SPB to goole places and it was on the 13th page at google places (keyword "продажа кондиционеров Санкт-Петербург"), and after some days it disappeared from google places at all for that keyword and many others. After that I did changes in company name at google places and that company appeared at google places again. And I was watching this strange behaviour at google places for that company many times. Could you tell me what can cause that strange behaviour? Thank You, Dmitri

    Image & Video Optimization | | zhuk

  • What do you do if you have a client that never implemented a 301 redirect on their domain?  For example here are the OSE stats for the URLs; PA: 48 DA: 50 LRD: 65 TL: 1,084 FB: 178 FB: 14 T:5 PA: 51 DA: 50 LRD: 165 TL: 2,271 FB: 178 FB: 14 T:5 G+1:3 My first instincts are to redirect the first one to the second one, but is it too late for that?  Will that screw up all of their established stats?  Any input or examples of past experiences with this would be great.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi there, Been trying to use the Competitive Link Finder off-and-on for about an hour now. It keeps telling me it's busy. Is there something known going on right now? And if so, do we know when it comes back? Best Regards, Daniel @ Path Marketing.

    Moz Pro | | PathMarketing

  • Hi mozzers Just looking for opinions on They seem very affordable so thinking that post panda this level may not be good any experiences shared would be appreciated. Thanks 🙂

    Content Development | | TrevorJones

  • Anyone know of a good plug-­in that reduces the amount parameters used in URLs? I need one for an ASP based system and a PHP based system

    Technical SEO | | matmox

  • Does anyone have authoritative information on how Google determines which links to use as sitelinks? I thought I saw that Top Landing Pages was a metric Google used (in part).

    Algorithm Updates | | joshfialkoff-77863

  • I have an ongoing issue with porn showing up in my crawl error report from Google Webmaster Tools. They show up like so… _ ads/adtrack.asp?id=monsterselfemp&type=2&redir=// Domain name not found 0008-05-11 I have no idea what is, and it doesn't show up in search. Would this negatively impact my rankings and what can I do about this? I receive A LOT of these, most of which I cannot repeat in this forum.

    International SEO | | BeTheBoss

  • I have a website that is almost 2 months old and during this period I have built 477 links to my website.. however when I do a backlink check on Google.., it says that there are no matches. How is it possible that none of my back links are indexed by Google?

    Link Building | |

  • Hi, I'm creating an infographic for We're thinking of doing it on "What is NLP?" This is the most common question, and "What is NLP" it's a small but good search term There's not a lot of statistics if we do "What is NLP?", but there are drawings about the different parts of NLP. What recommendations do you have? I still need to go through all of our competitors' info and look at the content of competitors and make sure we've got the right topic Thanks.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • I have a client that is expert in her field and is great at writing detailed articles but am not sure exactly how to use this to her advantage. I would greatly appreciate advice from any expert in this field on how to use this to build links and improve on the popularity of her site. Thanks for your help!

    Link Building | | cbare

  • Our ecommerce site is currently set up with an SSL on each page.  My understanding is that these would need to be removed on the pages that I'd like a 301 redirect to be placed on.  As of now, we have 302s due to the SSL. Do I need an SSL on every page or just the checkout pages?  Any real benefit to having the SSL on every page?

    On-Page Optimization | | NiallTom

  • Hi everyone, has anyone had any experience with Getshopped eCommerce plugin for Wordpress and it's permalink structure? Currently the permalink reads something like I would like to modify it to be but the SEO Plugin I am using All-in-One SEO only allows me to edit the "product-description" part of the permalink and not the "products-page/product-category/" part of it The permalink structure is set to /%postname%/ under Settings in Wordpress. Any help/comments will be greatly appreciated Thanks

    Technical SEO | | webseoservices

  • I know that people have developed inhouse tools with the OSE API that can analyze thousands of URLs and pull metrics like PA, inbound links, etc. I need to analyze about 80k URLs and sort them by authority and I was hoping that someone could point me to a tool that can do this or let me use their tool. I'm willing to pay for access to it. We could build it inhouse, I imagine that it would be pretty easy, but our IT resources are stretched too thin right now.

    Moz Pro | |

  • Mozzers, I work in-house for a large lead generation for matchmakers. We do really well with PPC and that will always be there. They will always do PPC but have hired me to do SEO. We're ranking really good for some competitive key phrases as well. I believe in good content. I feel we should have a quality control for content just like we do before we run a a/b or a multivariate test. However there are people here who would rather pay $3 on oDesk for a article than a much higher price. How have you convinced your bosses or your clients that good quality content is the way to go? I've hassled for good links and got in contact with some bloggers who are ready to let us Guest Blog who have never done so before. What would you do?

    Link Building | | eljetfan

  • Ok, after the panda change, everyone is telling to me to ask to be a guest blogger on other people's blogs. So, how do I find the highest ranking (most popular) blogs in my industry? I own a real estate brokerage. Thanks for your help!

    Link Building | | DanManCastro

  • Why googlebot indexing one page, not the other in the same conditions? In html sitemap, for example. We have 6 new pages with unique content. Googlebot immediately indexes only 2 pages, and then after sometime the remaining 4 pages. On what parameters the crawler decides to scan or not scan this page?

    Technical SEO | | ATCnik

  • Dear SeoMozers, My website ist around for about 6 months. It performed quiet well the first months and for the main keyword "Buy Hosting" it went continously better, until #7 in SERPS of Google. Then, some days ago, it suddenly disappeared and traffic went down to nearly zero. It is not even in the Top 100 for "buy hosting" anymore. Can anyone please advice me, what could be the reason for that and what I could do about it? I'am desperate, beacuse I worked about 8 months nearly 100% of my time on that project... Thank you and kind regards

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ie4mac

  • Hello! I'm an Online Marketeer who's taking on some SEO responsibility internally (after months of researching - information overload) and will be working with an external agency. I'll get to the point here. The difficulty I have is in getting my head around approaching our SEO strategy. I have what I would class as a beginner-intermediate understand of SEO and the tools and techniques available for assistance (many great articles available on this forum and others). I feel that there are some real opportunities for our company that has already placed investment into SEO previously. The difficulty I have is working out how to approach the whole campaign. We are a recruitment consultancy with many many vertical markets, the sheer amount of keywords could be staggering. For some short insights we have a homepage PR 4, Alexa 338,361, PA 56, moz Rank 4.61. I've started by using the SEOmoz pro tool to identify problems with our sites optimisation and improve them. On reflection our site is doing OK, but we really need to show some significant results in search rankings, increases in traffic, and ultimately conversions. I'm a keen user of G-analytics and love the SEOmoz tool (a selection of the tools I will use to measure results). Are there any basic frameworks to devising a strategy that could help point me in the right direction? E.g. Keyword Research
    Identify Keywords
    Optimise Site for keywords
    Setup campaign to measure keywords SERP's
    Perform internal & external SEO techniques
    Wait and see what happens and continuously improve I appreciate there could be no simple answer to this project. If you would like any more information about who we are please let me know by comment. Best Regards,

    Technical SEO | | ARMofficial

  • Is there particular place to get quality links?

    Competitive Research | | 1step2heaven12

  • Hi, I have a website currently on the domain (.com is not available) I'm looking to enter other markets such as Brazil, Russia - obviously content will need to change to suit the desired market / language. I'm looking for some information on the best practice to enter foreign markets. I was thinking maybe to create individual sites for each location eg: This way I could localise each site in terms of business directories, content, language etc. Or have my with various languages on it Experience, suggestions are welcomed - thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Our blog posts are typically indexed rather quickly, sometimes within 10 minutes or so.  Lately it seems like it is taking much longer, and a post from yesterday afternoon isn't appearing in any of the search engines.  Can anyone give me an idea why this may be happening?

    Content Development | | 360ryan

  • My blog is showing in search results instead of my homepage and this is fine, but less than ideal. Any idea on how I can fix this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChrisClever

  • How do I increase my MozRanK? Thanks Laila

    Moz Pro | | 1step2heaven12

  • the crazy things we do mid week. But after reading Cyrus' post on beating Panda I went back to my website design site which I had set up a plugin which had all my posts setup as Website Design - %%title%% So basically every Title tag had Website Design in front of it.  REadingthis post now it suggests that this is bad practice so I just changed it to %%title%% which now of course means that I should perhaps look more closely at the titees I have been using. Was embedding   the Website Design in front of the post overkill? thoughts appreciated...

    Content Development | | kdaly100

  • I'm working on basic SEO for Google has indexed the non-www verions of the pages and these are what the SERPS return SEOmoz toolbar shows that all of the incoming links juice goes to the www. versions of the pages, none to the non-www version. Yesterday I set up GWMT for the site, submitted a sitemap with the www version of the pages and set the default address to the www version. I had to verify both versions of the site in order to do this and in looking at the non-www version I saw that Google had all the incoming links there and none in the www.version, the opposite of what SEOmoz shows. Is this just because Google only has the non-www versions in its index? Will they show the links to the www version once they get them in the index? I'm worried about losing Google Page Rank value or SEOmoz DA by making this switch.

    Moz Pro | | bvalentine

  • Recently I discovered an opportunity for a link on the Better Business Bureau, but it cots $600/yr. In my niche I want the link for nothing more than link building. Is the link worth paying for? (I read the YouMoz post on the subject, but still no definitive answer).

    Link Building | | redfishking

  • How come links sometimes show up in OSE or Yahoo Site Explorer and then when you go to the page, they're not there anymore?  Why is a link indexed or considered active but is no longer on the page?

    Algorithm Updates | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi just wondered what other people's experience is with a new domain. Basically have a client with a domain registered end of May this year, so less than 3 months old! The site ranks for his keyword choice (not very competitive), which is in the domain name. For me I'm not at all surprised with Google's low ranking after such a short period but quite surprsied to see it ranking page 1 on Bing and Yahoo. No seo work has been done yet and there are no inbound links. Anyone else have experience of this? Should I be surprised or is that normal in the other two search engines? Thanks in advance Trevor

    Technical SEO | | TrevorJones

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