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  • Hi, in the last couple of days I've seen the following changes in my analytics: about 35% increase in overall traffic(both organic and ppc) new visitors dropped about 20%(both organic and ppc) bounce rate increased in about 10%(both organic and ppc) I haven't done any changes to the analytics code nor any other big change to the website. I'm obviously pleased with the increase in traffic but worried about the fact that it is mostly from returning visitors. I just want to make sure that nothing went bad so I can catch this on time, any advice on what to look for would be great.Thanks, Asaf

    Reporting & Analytics | | AsafY

  • I setup a few tiny urls last week to test if the pass on any page authority. Is this something you have tried and tested ?

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • How are directories ok for buying links ? How can the funds be claimed to be used to review your submission when everyone knows you are basically buying a link ? What experiences have you had god and bad with directories ? Is it a free for all any directory will do or should you be more selective in your approach. If so what are the signs to look out for on a top quality directory.

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • SEO Gurus, There seems to be a tendency that whenever you need to optimize a project for a multi-word key phrase, lets say for example "hostels in boston" SEOs see it as a best practice to refelct the key phrase in the domain without dashes yet when being used in a directory/page name context dashers are being used? Does anyone have any experience to share on this topic what works better? From my experience using dashes has been quite successful in the past but I am questioning this approach for a new project I am about to start. To clarify the question, in your eyes what would work better for the keyphrase "hotels in boston" Thanks /Thomas

    Technical SEO | | tomypro

  • I'm trying to build links from more local blogs at the moment and considering a huge list of blogs that are in my city, of which many do accept guest posts. I'm trying to discover a metric to thin this list down further.  Is there any way of finding out if google considers a specific blog to be local to a certain area?  What signals does google consider when it is making this analysis?  Is it the content? or is it the "about the blog author" section? Thanks, Storwell

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Is it ok to add the SEO Moz logo to the homepage of your website  ? We are a UK based Internet Marketing company and we are looking to inform our audience that we use SEO Moz to manage our SEO clients campaigns. here is our site - I am looking to add it on the SEO section to the left of the page.

    Content Development | | onlinemediadirect

  • I recently had a discussion with a fellow SEO on the importance of older domains. The guy said he uses a lot of auctions to dig out old domains and use them to setup sites. I considered this as a potential way of generating incoming links. He did mention he had been punished with the google Panda update. What are peoples opinions on this as a way of generating incoming links. A domain may cost around $10 plus the hosting could be found quite cheap -  it seems a good idea ? Plus if you get lucky and perhaps get a domain with existing authority it could really be a good investment. In research I do come across these sites quite a lot a basic wordpress install with pages added linking into other sites. They type that have no contact details and you have to find the whois info to gain any contact with the webmaster.

    Competitive Research | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi! I'll jump right in to my question. There's a webpage with the following stats:
    PA 80, mR 4.70, mT 5.00. Pagerank ZERO. Now, these are some beautiful stats for every webpage, except for the pagerank. The reason to why the pagerank is so low is that the inlinks to this site is partial spammy (hidden links and other bad naughty black-hat stuff that I hate). (It's not my webpage, I don't even know whos webpage this is..) I happen to have a backlink from this page. A clean dofollow, in-content link to my site. The total amount of external links on this page is five and there's no spam on the page or hidden anywhere else. My question #1:
    Is this particular inlink to my site harmful? Will I get penaltized for getting a backlink from this site? I mean, Google have figured out the spam factor of the links to the page that is linking to me. But I'm innocent, the link to me is just lying there... (Why or why not?) My question #2:
    IF (and only IF) the link to my webpage is harmful. Are links from my page harmful? (Why or why not?) Thank you very much for using you awesome knowledge to answer this 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mozalbin

  • Hi, I am new to seomoz and i was very much impressed with the stuff here in seomoz. The tools here in seomoz are very helpful to me . And i was doing good with the help of seomoz. But due to recent google's algo panda 2.0 update. I was bit confused about new ranking factors that google has released. I can see here in seomoz also that page level link metrics has good importance than backlinks now. Earlier google algo gives main importance to backlinks now i can see in the list it went to bottom. Can you help in explaining these things, on which things i need to concentrate on and does backlinks really count now?? Many people stopped concentrating on backlinks now and are going for facebook likes and tweets. Here is the good example that i can see: which is a flle search engine. He was one of the competitor for me . He ranked very good in a short span of time, all he did was he bought some really good paid links and within 6 moths he was on top. Now i can see he was dropping out every link he has. But though he was ranking pretty good on the web. I really in need of your suggestions to optimize my site. Awaiitng for your reply.. Regards Dheeraj

    Competitive Research | | achillies000

  • In other words I'm wondering if someone built up an internet presence for their company through multiple websites over the years and then decided to move to another part of the united states, would it work to change all the keywords to the new location? Would that work toward getting them ranked in the new area or would you have to create entirely new websites? Thanks guys.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | whorneff310

  • I have an interesting question, it's more to see other peoples opinions than looking for an exact answer, as I know noone can give that. If you had a good link on how many very low quality links on low DA domains that are full of junk, would you need to match the harvard link... if all other factors were equal. I'm gonna go for 500.. I've had great results with a few high DA/trust links. I'm not looking for anyone to give me a definative answer, just curious as to the views of other SEOs 😄

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • If i have a keyword rich domain name, but i redirect it to a brand domain name, will doing seo for the keyword rich domain name be effective in showing up on google under that domain, for the keyword i do SEO for? or does this cause a conflict for spiders/robots as soon as they realize the page they want to check out is getting redirected to another domain name?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lafurniturestore

  • can anyone recommend solid directories (paid) to submit websites to? maybe a directory you've already submitted to and have gotten results. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulDylan

  • Hi gurus from SEOville. Have any of you used VoltRank and if so, have any comments about them? they make it sound like being better than a link exchange but then again sometimes it is hard to see past the marketing spin. Cheers!

    Link Building | | hectorpn

  • We are launching in a number of international markets and I am trying to figure out if I should be launching them as folders, e.g.: /es (spanish), /br (brazil), /in (india) or whether they should be subdomains, e.g.,, etc. In brazil we managed to secure the tld ( but not in other regions. Whats the best strategy for us? I was thinking of doing folders as I understand that this strengthens the main domain, while subdomains are considered as separate sites. For Brazil, should we also use a folder, or launch on the I assume that using the means we will have to build up authority from scratch, and in addition, the authority we build up on the will not help to grow the .com In addition, is there value in interlinking between verions  (the versions will have the same content but in different languages)? Thanks!

    International SEO | | medico

  • The section for buying your dvd training lists the price for everyone at $119 and the special price for pro members at - $119. Then the text says that the special price will be shown when the item is added to the cart where the special price is - $119. Am I missing something here?

    Moz Pro | | IanTheScot

  • Across our site, we have canonical tags in place for URLs that contain duplicate content and for URLs without a trailing slash since we are using URLs WITH a trailing slash for all URLs across our site. We also recently added a no index, follow tag to all non-canonical URLs since we noticed a high number of duplicate content URLs in Google Webmaster Tools. The first part of my question is: How does a canonical work? Does the robot read the canonical and immediately go to the canonical URL or does it continue to read past the canonical tag and get to the no index, follow tag if there is one present? The second part of my question is: Is it necessary to have both a canonical tag and no index, follow tag in place? Or should the canonical tag be sufficient to avoid duplicate content? And lastly, if both a canonical tag and no index, follow tag are in place, should they be in a specific order? Canonical tag first then no index, follow tag second or no index, follow tag first then canonical tag second? I would appreciate any insight you can give. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kbbseo

  • Are there any free tools to learn traffic data (especially organic traffic data) from a site or blog?

    Competitive Research | | nicole.healthline

  • ... or do you actually have to wait a week for the next scheduled crawl date on a particular campaign? We've just made a ton of changes to our site, and it would be helpful to know if they will generate any warnings or errors sooner rather than later. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | jadeinteractive

  • In 2009 we peaked in organic site traffic. During that time we received traffic for 276,000 different keywords. Since then our organic traffic from Google only has fallen almost 45% and our unique keyword traffic has dropped to 195,000. During that time I thought we were doing everything right: We wrote over 300 articles on our site We got on Facebook and started posting regularly. We got on Twitter and tweeted several times a week both about our niche topic and our store We launched a new product review site and took on bloggers as product reviewers The reviews the bloggers write link to our store, the product and some valuable keywords in every post and there have been a couple of hundred written We've done about 20 Youtube videos And yet, here we are with our organic Google traffic down 45%.Alexa has dropped us 200,000 spots. At this point I feel like the house is burning down around me and really don't know where to turn to get this trend reversed. Any suggestions on a clear path forward?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTheScot

  • We understand the PA, DA, trust and all of that.  My question is, is there a process or formula anyone uses that shows an individual links value as to the link juice it passes. The old Domain Juice seemed to be that, but after further investigation (And Rand setting me straight)  I now understand it's not a good metric. Today, we use PA  divided by the number of external links on that page to get some sense of an individual links actual value to the site or page we link to. I understand this is a very sloppy system, but seems to be the only choice we have? It's based on this simple thought.  If you get a back link on two different pages, and both are equal in every way,  except one has 3 outbound links and the other has 30, the link from the page with 3 will be significantly stronger as far as passing juice. So...  anyone using something to determine an individual links value?  I did ask the SEO staff, and they do not current have it.

    Moz Pro | | MBayes

  • I am wondering how much time it takes to grow a new site's domain authority. More so, based on a consistent stream of links, syndication, and content, how fast can a website grow from 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, etc. in terms of domain authority?

    Moz Pro | | NickEubanks

  • Should I want people facebook liking my website or my fan page? Is there a way to link the two? Here is my dilemma... People liking my website will obviously have an effect on rankings within bing and google possibly. BUT - People liking my fan page will allow me to engage with them in the future about givaways, sales and so on. I'm stuck, is there a way to link these? Or if not, which do you recommend?

    Branding | | Hyrule

  • Trying to see which one has more relevance when looking at back linking, if it;s what more important, Domain or Page Authority?

    Link Building | | rvillanueva

  • I installed All in One SEO Pack widget, as recommended by SEOmoz a while back, and my Notices for this are higher. To fix the Connicalization issues with my Blog, on WP, but it keeps adding the page name in the URL, as displayed <meta name="description" content="Get more information from Gary!(602) 386-4415 or Also known as Web 2.0, social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are the advertising" /> <link rel="canonical" href="[](view-source:" /> Any advise?

    Content Development | | smstv

  • I've seen Rands video on subdomains and best pratices at I have a question/theory though and it is related to an issue I am having. We have built our website, and now we are looking at adding 3rd party forums and blogs etc (all part of one CMS). The problem is these need to to be on a seperate subdomain to work correctly (I won't go into the specific IT details but this is what I have been advised by my IT guru's). So I can have something like: Obviously after reading Rands post and other stuff this is far from ideal. However I have another Idea - run the CMS from root and the main website from the www. subdomain. EG Now my theory is that because so many website (possibly the majority - especially smaller sites) don't use 301 redirects between root and www. that search engines may make an exception in this case and treat them both as the same domain, so it could possibly be a way of getting round the issue. This is just a theory of mine, based solely on my thoughts that there are so many websites out there that don't 301 root to www. or vice versa, that possibly it would be in the SE's self interest to make an exception and count these as one domain, not 2. What are your thoughts on this and has there been any tests done to see if this is the case or not? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | James77

  • I am in the somewhat unique position of owning and administering around 300 websites that each have their own unique domain names.  We have a corporate website and then many individual websites for hospitals and nursing centers that we operate.  My question is how would you recommend using these sites to build good incoming links between all the sites?  Should I take every opportunity to find as many places to link from each site to all the other sites that are owned?  Is there anything I should avoid that Google would penalize me for or discount the links all together?  Sorry this is a such as long question... but wasn't sure where to start.  Thanks!

    Link Building | | KHCreative

  • Ecommerce site. I am optimizing for each producer of products on a separate page. Atm my provider does lack some functions(i cant put in H1 , title and can put text only product pictures) on the product pages - like here . The are updating within 1-2 months to allow me do this. This has led to actually some of the products themself ranking higher that the producer page. what Ive been doing is to put anchor text and link back to the producer page for all 9 products on this page. Is that a problem or should i just do it like this ? thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • I have two sites I can get a link to my site on. The first has 10 outbounds all to facebook. The other has ten links to ten different sites. Assuming the sites are in every way equivalent apart from in that way which site gives me more juice if I add a link to my own site?

    Social Media | | Turkey

  • Our site <cite></cite>  seems to be having real issues with being picked up with Google. The site has been around for a long time but no longer even ranks on google if you search for the word 'Skaino'. This is odd as its hardly a competitive keyword. If I do a then it shows all the pages proving the site has been indexed. But if I do it shows a blank cache. I'm starting to worry that Google isn't able to crawl our site properly. If it helps to clarify we have a flash site with a HTML site running underneath for those who cant view flash. Im wandering if I've missed something glaringly obvious. Is it normal to have a blank google cache? Thanks AJ

    Technical SEO | | handygammon

  • Dear SEOMOZ Community, Our portfolio of around 15 internationalized web pages has received a significant, as it seems IP-wide, Google penalty starting November 2010 and have yet to recover from it. We have undergone many measure to lift the penalty including reconsideration requests wo/ luck and am now hoping the SEOMoz community can give us some further tips. We are very interested in the community's help and judgement what else we can try to uplift the penalty. As quick background information, The sites in question offers sports results data and is translated for several languages. Each market, equals language, has its own tld domain using the central keyword, e.g. <keyword_spanish>.es <keyword_german>.de <keyword_us>.com</keyword_us></keyword_german></keyword_spanish> The content is highly targeted around the market, which means there are no duplicate content pages across the domains, all copy is translated, content reprioritized etc. however the core results content in the body of the pages obviously needs to stay to 80% the same A SEO agency of ours has been using semi-automated LinkBuilding tools in mid of 2010 to acquire link partnerships There are some promotional one-way links to sports-betting and casino positioned on the page The external linking structure of the pages is very keyword and main-page focused, i.e. 90% of the external links link to the front page with one particular keyword All sites have a strong domain authority and have been running under the same owner for over 5 years As mentioned, we have experienced dramatic ranking losses across all our properties starting in November 2010. The applied penalties are indisputable given that rankings dropped for the main keywords in local Google search engines from position 3 to position 350 after the sites have been ranked in the top 10 for over 5 years. A screenshot of the ranking history for one particular domain is attached. The same behavior can be observed across domains. Our questions are: Is there something like an IP specific Google penalty that can apply to web properties across an IP or can we assume Google just picked all pages registered at Google Webmaster? What is the most likely cause for our penalty given the background information? Given the drops started already in November 2010 we doubt that the Panda updates had any correlation t this issue? What are the best ways to resolve our issues at this point? We have significant history data available such as tracking records etc. Our actions so far were reducing external links, on page links, and C-class internal links Are there any other factors/metrics we should look at to help troubleshooting the penalties? After all this time wo/ resolution, should we be moving on two new domains and forwarding all content as 301s to the new pages? Are the things we need to try first? Any help is greatly appreciated. SEOMoz rocks. /T cxK29.png

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | tomypro

  • I have installed Google plus button on my homepage. My GA report is being displayed like this - 7 total events were recorded Total Events              Unique Events 7                                    2 Event action                    Total Events on                                           4 off                                          3 My questions are - 1 ) Is someone clicking on Google plus button considered an Event ? 2 )  What is meant by 2 Unique Events 3 ) Why does GA report shows   on  4 and  off  3

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hello, I started my first campaign on SEOmoz and my keword position do not match the results I receive by using google search or by using another SEO program. For example - Ingersoll Watches should be on position 6 on - SEOmoz shows me Ingersoll Watches is on 16. Why does SEOmoz show different results? Thank you for your attention!

    Moz Pro | | JasonMGreen

  • Hey, I have recently come across a client that wants link building services. It's a lead generating 'side business' that has no physical address (nor do they want one associated) They will 5 or 6 static pages They have no resources to spare for social media activity What would you do in this situation? Thanks.

    Link Building | | LukeyJamo

  • Dear All, I am kinda of stuck and need your helps, I have major client's site which is located in subdirectory. Instance: and as you can see domain name is already localized and they are not planning to make any english version of the site, So there will be no /eng/ folder but  clients whole website is /cn/ subdirectory which is totally unnecessary and i would like to 301 whole site to ** ** But the problem is that this site has been /cn/ folder forever since the beginning and lot of trusted links are pointing to So should i move it or just configure 301 to leave it there and don't bother. Help?

    Technical SEO | | DigitalJungle

  • Hey, A few new clients have blogs hosted on blogger & blogspot, the first advice of mine is to set up a blog hosted on their company domain. It's usually easy to convince them of the benefits. What should happen to all the content on the existing blog? One blog in question has over 100 entries, good content with a lot of links back to the business domain. The blog itself has less than 10 links pointing in but a domain mozrank 3.5. In this example, my gut is telling me to leave it as is, and start fresh on the own domain. What about if there's less then 10 posts? At what point should the content be moved over to the new blog? Thanks for your thoughts.

    Content Development | | LukeyJamo

  • For lack of a better way to describe what I'm looking for: Can anyone recommend a SaaS application that provides a secure client portal where a company and its clients can upload and share files, send messages, and that allows invoicing and online bill payment? Security is important as some files contain sensitive information, SSL required. I feel like I'm sort of looking for a CRM or something, but not really; and it's almost like base camp, but not quite. Ideas?

    Web Design | | jaysan

  • Hi I didnt quite know what I was doing in start when I started linkbuilding. Links were spread btw and . A couple of the strongest links were to the non www. version. So that one was ranking highest atm. I got it redirected 2 weeks ago. All links that are added know goes to www.version still the non www. is ranking highest. Should i worry about this or will simply the otherone overcome it in time ?

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • Hi Guys, While redesigning existing websites that will have page name changes such as: to be called to be called should I 301 the old url to the new url. In the past I have not done this & I'm just wondering from an SEO point of view how bad is this? (On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is this not 301ing urls, 10 being really bad & 1 being fine), Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • I cannot find the blog post that I read earlier this month.  I thought I had bookmark it, have checked my browser history and the link seems to be broken.  The blog was 'Search Engine Marketing Tactics and Strategies'.  Can anybody please provide the link?  Thank you.

    SEO Learn Center | | angie_corel

  • I have 15,000 pages. How do I have the Google bot crawl all the pages? My site is 7 years old. But there are only about 3,500 pages being crawled.

    Technical SEO | | Ishimoto

  • To improve SEO on a particular keyword, should you use that same keyword in the title tag of multiple pages within your site?  Will that help or would it actually hurt by causing pages within your site to complete against each other for that keyword?  Does it make a difference if that keyword is truly used on all those different pages?

    On-Page Optimization | | KHCreative

  • As part of my company's ongoing SEO effort we have been analyzing our link profile. A colleague of mine feels that we should be targeting at least 50% branded anchor text. He claims this is what search engines consider "natural" and we should not go past a threshold of 50% optimized anchor text to make sure we avoid any penalties or decrease in rankings. 50% brand term anchor text seems too high to me. I pointed out that most of our competitors who outrank us have a much greater percentage of optimized links. I've also read other industry experts state that somewhere in the range of 30% branded anchor text would be considered natural. What percent of branded vs. optimized anchor text do you feel looks "natural" and what do you base your opinion on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DeannaTallman

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