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  • We're seeing "Duplicate Content" warnings / errors in some of our clients' sites for blog / event calendar tags and category listings. For example the link to provides all event listings tagged to the category "Whistler Events". The Meta Title and Meta Description for the "Whistler Events" category is the same as another other category listing. We use Umbraco, a .NET CMS, and we're working on adding some custom programming within Umbraco to develop a unique Meta Title and Meta Description for each page using the tag and/or category and post date in each Meta field to make it more "unique". But my question is .... in the REAL WORLD will taking the time to create this programming really positively impact our overall site performance? I understand that while Google, BING, etc are constantly tweaking their algorithms as of now having duplicate content primarily means that this content won't get indexed and there won't be any really 'fatal' penalties for having this content on our site. If we don't find a way to generate unique Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions we could 'no-follow' these links (for tag and category pages) or just not use these within our blogs. I am confused about this. Any insight others have about this and recommendations on what action you would take is greatly appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | RoyMcClean

  • We tend to put a a lot of links in the footers of some of our websites (e.g. Our CAMPAIGNS report is showing that several pages on such sites have "too many on-page links". We understand the logic that having more than 100 links per page is "too much". Does this also apply to footer links?

    On-Page Optimization | | RoyMcClean

  • I have a business that works in many cities across Texas.  Our home base is in Austin and i have a Google Places page set up for Austin.  I have a page dedicated to each major city in Texas talking about clients we've worked with in each city, etc..  I am placing social icons on each page and Google Places is one of the Icons and i was concerned that if Google sees a link to our Austin places page on our Houston page that the Houston page might be considered less relevant for a Houston search being as Google takes note of addresses on pages to consider relevance.  Will my page suffer in the serps if i link to our Austin local page on our other city pages in the google places icon? Second question:  What are the best social icons to put on my web pages for the best traffic? Take care,

    Social Media | | Ron10

  • Now, we will forever not know what is in the Google Directory. I just clicked on the link..... and everything is dead and points you to DMOZ. What does this mean for us? Is DMOZ going to get more editor juice, so submissions are actually reviewed for once? The Yahoo! directory has also been glitching - new submissions have been disabled for over a week now. Any comments?

    Industry News | | antidanis

  • I have some neat ideas for calculators and fun tools that I'll implement on one of my sites from time to time.  I'm not convinced that I am getting the most SEO value out of them however, and would love to discuss what others do. Let's say I create a calculator that let's someone "cartoon themselves"  (fictitious example).  So, I'd create the tool and then I would put a button in a prominent place on the page to encourage people to share to FB.  I configure my page so that the title and meta description are enticing for others who would see the story in their friend's news feed, so something like: I just cartooned myself on! Upload a photo and see what you look like as a cartoon!  You won't believe the results! So, this gets me some traffic, but nothing has gone super viral yet.  I have a few pages like this that have garnered a few links, but not nearly as many as I would like. I promote the page on digg and other sites as well but this brings very poor returns. When you make a tool like this, do you do a lot of promotion?  Have any tips for me? ('s possible that my tools are just not as "shareable" as I think!)

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi Guys, Am I write in saying google will take / create many variable from your title tag? Graphic, Web Design and Online Marketing in Ireland | Company Name results: Graphic Design, Web design, Web design in Ireland, Online Marketing in Ireland, Online Marketing, Graphic and Web Design, etc etc. (plus lots of long tail there as well). Would this be considered the optimal way as 'Design' is the common denominator for Graphic & Web. Then Ireland can be common to every other keyword such as Graphic design, Web design, Online Marketing. (in ireland) The reason why I ask is: lately I've notice title tags being stuffed with keywords and don't actually read correctly in the SERP My suggested way could have more benefits plus it reads well. Your thoughts, thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • I've just downloaded the Moz toolbar for chrome and noticed that some website I'm visting have a dollar figure range next to the Bold/Strong section.  What exactly is this? If you go to and use to the toolbar you'll see what I mean. Thanks, JMM

    Competitive Research | | blogging4jobs

  • how often does this system update ? Its seems to stash very old results ?

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • I created ad #1 in facebook ran it for a marked time frame. Target audience 1200. Reached 248. Created ad #2. Wanted to test it against ad #1 for same audience, but now Facebook says the target audience is less than 20 people. Huh? Facebook can't be loosing people that fast. Why would this happen? Is it simply a glitch?

    Social Media | | Thos003

  • Hi Guys, I am picking up responbility for the SEO work for a company and I need some advice please. The current link stratgy involves a lot of single backlinks from the home page of variious sites. There is also a very big proprtion of the anchor text which is for the exact keyword and also finally there is very little deep linking. The result of this strategy is some 1st page ranking, but it has required a lot more links than some of the competitors with more natural link structure, Question is this.... is it worth contacting the webmasters of the existing links and asking then to move some of the links onto subpages and ammending the link tex to be move natural. Or alternaitvely, I could concenrate on adding some new article links, with a variety of keywords, which would be subdomain links. The problem with the 2nd approuch is that I can't easily add enough article links to balance out fully the effect of thecurrent problem. However, I'm nto sure if changing the position and the anchor text of the current linking could affect the current main site ranking... Can you see my problem? Any advice would be gratefully received. Cheers, Ed.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eddiesteadygo

  • seomox is telling me that I am getting a page that is not being indexed or crawled and since the crawl status code is 200 and there are no robots the meta-refresh url must be the problem. the meta refresh url is different than the on page report card url as it's the nojavascript url which my developer says should be ok. see his comments below. The is redirecting to only in case if the JavaScript is disabled in the client browser. This is the right way to do it, I don’t understand  why this might be a problem, otherwise MM has to implement Noscript pages that have a real content. I didn’t get what’s wrong about accessibility. The code 200 means it is accessible, and yes there is nothing to access if JavaScript is disabled on browser. I think there are no modern retail sites that would do any sensible business with the scripting disabled in browsers.The H1 is really present 2 times and second occurrence can be removed, though I highly doubt about importance of this change.Regarding duplicates – what URLs are considered duplicates? Can you please send me examples?I am not aware of canonical URL problem for MM site unless we consider old .asp links as duplicate links of the canonical product pages. I would appreciate if SEOMoz gave us an example what they mean.I suspect that the page is not getting indexed as a result of this or I'm just not getting a good score. Which is it?

    On-Page Optimization | | mastermindtoys

  • We have been playing catch up and noticed that in between March and April, one of our sites has seen a drastic decrease in traffic for "city + keyword". All of the other keywords are doing very well. The site has a page for each location. The traffic for these pages dropped by 33% between March and April. And page 1 rankings dropped by 30% as well. No drastic updates were made during this time. The traffic and rankings have not came back. This isn't for every location either. It seems very random as far as the drop in rankings. Did anything happen with local rankings at this time? Did anyone else see this? This is only affecting the Google traffic. Let me know your thoughts.

    Reporting & Analytics | | lavidge

  • Recently, 196 404 errors appeared in my WMT account for pages that were never created on my site. Question: Any thoughts on how they got there (i.e. WMT bug, tactic by competitor)? Question: Thoughts on impact if any? Question: Thoughts on resolution?

    Technical SEO | | Gyi

  • Hi, I wrote a blog article on another site. I would like to add the article to my site as well and would like to know the best way to do it. If I duplicate the article that I wrote would I then risk getting a penalty for duplicate content? If so, then what is the best way for me to include the article on my site for the benefit of my readers, but not lead to the duplicate content problem? Would it be better to use a canonical tag? Or to noindex the page? If I use the canonical tag, am I helping to make the article on the external blog stronger? Where is I use the noindex tag I am not helping my site nor that article I think, is that right? Last question, if I offer the copy of the article on my site and use the canonical or noindex tag then my site does not receive any direct benefit from the article for SEO. In other words the article wont appear in the search index with a link to my site. What about the comments that people write on the article on my site? That is unique content which may have great questions or points. I want to ensure those can be indexed properly. If I noindex the page I lose out. If I canonicalize (is that a word?) the page then I don't know if will send search results based on those comments to the external blog where that information (the comments from my site) does not exist. Thank you for any help to better understand this part of seo.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NikkiGaul

  • Hi. I wanted to ask about having multiple text links to an internal page from the same page. So I have a section title on my home page which will vary with each article. It may say "Healthiest Cat Foods" as the title then offer a snippet and finally offer a "continue reading..." anchor text. The title is a great link to the article while the "continue reading..." is another link to the same article. I like the to keep the title link because it is perfect anchor text. I like to keep the "continue reading..." because it seems helpful for users. I have read that search engines will only count the first link to an article which is fine as I only want the first one to count anyway. What I am wondering is do I lose any page rank because I added the second link? Does that second link hurt me in any way?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NikkiGaul

  • Do ampersands in the title tag hurt your site's ranking?

    On-Page Optimization | | ydop

  • We are launching our site in Russia - and basically I have no experience in Russian SEO! Could you please recommend me some good English sources with news, tips and hints about Yandex? Basically I am looking the Russian SEOmoz 🙂 Thanks!

    International SEO | | jorgediaz

  • Hello again! The other day I was asking about my blog which is on Based on the answer, I decided I wanted to move it within my website. So I emailed Photobiz saying I wanted it to become: They want me to make it: They say the benefits (re: SEO) would be the same but that there would be more downtime if I wanted it done my way. Are they right in saying the benefits would be the same for as it would for ? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | IoanSaid

  • The SEOMoz toolbar is displayed very differently in Chrome as compared with Firefox. It 'overlaps' the page, showing on top of the content instead of offsetting the page/window. In other words, the footer or the header of the page (depending on what toolbar location is chosen in the Settings) is eclipsed by the Toolbar. This was not an issue in Firefox. Has anyone experienced the same problem with the toolbar? How can I make the toolbar integrate into the browser window itself rather that popping up on top of the rendered webpage? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | MaratM

  • We have a pretty simple blog I've noticed our articles arn't showing up in Google blogs on "web", we've submitted to a month ago. Anyone have some insight here?

    Content Development | | Aviawest

  • One of my sites is getting a major refresh on the home page, which is good and bad. The legacy homepage was very long, and had a lot of text (thousands+ of words) in the body, with about 450+ links (internal/external) on the page. A ton of graphics, etc etc. Yuck. The revamped homepage is much improved. Very short, visual, fast, and SEO optimized.  It's more of launching pad into the rest of the site. But, the text in the body is much less, perhaps a 100 words or so. The worry is that with so little text, matching the target kw count will appear as stuffing. The 'solution' was to include a visible text box at the bottom of the page, with about 300 words, basically what would typically appear in an 'about' section of a site. But instead, its located on the bottom of the homepage to beef up the pages content, and to avoid looking too 'stuffed'. Visually, its unattractive IMHO and while the text is good and informative, its under the fold and will likely not change that much going forward. This all seems very 10 years ago to me, but I'd like a second opinion. Is this box of text a good strategy?

    On-Page Optimization | | EricPacifico

  • Whats the best software to use to protect against click fraud?

    Paid Search Marketing | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi, Matt Cutts says that 301 redirects, including the ones on internal pages, causes the loss of a little bit of link juice. But also, I know that keywords in the URL are very important. On our site, we've got unoptimized URLs (few keywords) in the internal pages. Is it worth doing a 301 redirect in order to optimize the URLs for each main page. 301 redirects are the only way we can do it on our premade cart For example (just an example) say our main (1 of the 4) keywords for the page is "brown shoes". I'm wondering if I should redirect something like to In other words, with the loss of juice would we come out ahead? In what instances would we come out ahead?

    On-Page Optimization | | BobGW

  • Hi guys, how do you guys really use social bookmarking for seo? in terms of lets say really trying to optimize the domain in general for authority, etc, do you submit blog post to diff social bookmarks, etc? Whats the best strategy you've used?

    Link Building | | PaulDylan

  • How far into a page will a spider crawl to look for text? I've heard a spider will only crawl the first 3kb, but can't find an authoritative source for that information.

    Technical SEO | | crvw

  • Hi. We are launching a new website and our .html page extensions will be replaced with a .php page extension. Example:  (current url)  (new url) Will this require any special treatment to maintain the page SEO ranking?  Does it make a difference if you use a .html or .php?  Thank you for your help and insight! Jay

    Technical SEO | | theideapeople

  • I am running a dating site, I am trying to focus on 5 keywords on the index page. My Search page is one of the 4 other pages on the site. My question, is it wise to target different keywords on these pages or am I better off focussing on the same 5 keywords as the index page? Thank you,

    On-Page Optimization | | debeenus

  • Any body hear anything about this new feature in adwords? (see image) srqN9.png

    Paid Search Marketing | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi all, I'm looking to put together a presentation on SEO and I'm wondering if anyone knows any good quotes that relate to the importance of having content on your site that people want to use and share. I'm looking for something like this: “Today’s marketing success comes from self-publishing Web content that people want to share. It’s not about gimmicks. It’s not about paying an agency to interrupt others.” David Meerman Scott “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” but ideally something that illustrates in terms of numbers how much more traffic and seo benefits a site can expect from having good guides, pdfs and news stories that people want to share. Thanks so much for any helo you can offer. thanks, David

    Link Building | | AnthOrange

  • I have a client with a waste removal business who had multiple listings on his Google Places account for different service locations. Over the last four months I have been creating separate listings for each separate service location, each under a different Google account and with a unique business name, address, phone number and website URL. They have all been verified by postcard and listed separately in local directories so that they have citations. As I have been creating the new listings I have also been deleted the old ones to make sure they are not flagged as duplicates. 2 months ago all the listings in the client's Google Places account were placed under review. I made some changes and submitted it for re-review but no go with Google. Now all the new listings I set up have also suddenly been placed under review. About a week ago I noticed that information in two separate Google Places listings was being mixed up - for example, the website URL for one listing was being shown in another listing. There is no connection between these two listings other than that they were both set up from the same IP address so this seems very strange. I reported this to Google and asked them to sort it out, then all of a sudden I found that ALL of the new listings had been placed under review. So now my client has no active listings at all. He can't afford to wait another 2 months for Google to review all the listings again so I am wondering whether the best course of action would just be to delete everything and start over. Any advice would be most welcome!

    Technical SEO | | EssexGirl

  • Hi guys, I have, for the first time, set up a Wordpress blog. I'm moulding the overall theme of it to relate to the industry we operate in. I'm new to this, so looking for any advice, help and info etc on how best to utilise it that you can offer. My initial plan is to write articles as often as possible on what's happening in the markets, and link back to our site where applicable. I'll also do content exchanges with other relevant sites (using My Blog Guest as one means to find relevant bloggers), and give access to contributors as well (felt a bit weird about doing it initially). Sound like a decent blogging strategy? Any and all ideas welcome. Thanks

    Link Building | | Martin_S

  • Please take a look at This landing page contains links to: and our US website which is also It is programmed so: If you are a first time user and type you go to the landing page above. If you then click on AMERICAS, it sets a cookie and directs you to .  When you revisit in the future as the cookie is set you will be automatically sent to the AMERICAS website i.e Our US websites is nor performing well on organic ranking compared to other regional website.  Is the above technique hindering our organic ranking in the US. Also, I have been led to believe that you get a higher ranking if the domain is specific to a country. Is this true? Does receive higher ranking than if I created it as for example? Many Thanks Mark

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | markc-197183

  • I've been thinking about personalisation and PPC.. If you have a PPC campaign and a vistor comes to your site and has a look around, if that user doesn't clear there cache etc then that visit via PPC will start to effect their personalisation search results? It would almost be worth maintaining a high level of PPC spend and counting on personalization bias in SERPs in the longer term.. What do you think about this? Are there any safe guards in place to make sure this bias doesn't happen?

    Branding | | robertrRSwalters

  • Is it true that  If there is a huge number of links from the source page then each link will provide very little value in terms of passing link juice ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • The site in question is The site is perfectly optimized (or even over optimized) for keyword "Bikin Website Murah" (in Indonesia it means "develop an affordable website") currently if you search on both AND, it ranked on #10 (on and it ranked on #7 (on, and both term only return 1.3 million results I have A LOT OF pages that started with 'bikin website' , or 'website murah' ... there are a lot of them, and i have had a lot of backlinks on those pages too (have been manually building a lot of links, starting from creating a tutorial article and blog submission and many other way) .. the site has been perfectly optimized for that keyword For example we have (for newest promotion) (for discount 40% promo that lasted untill 31 juli 2011) AND YET, if you search on for keyword "2000 likes facebook" , our lone page that i created when our facebook likes reached that amount, RANKED #1!! , and please let me tell you this term return 400 million results++ (on this keyword ranked #19, on 500 million results++). And let me tell you it take that SINGLE page (which has absolutely 0 backlinks) 2 days to ranked #1 .... and her brother if you searched "1000 likes facebook" also show similar result (though not better then the sister) How ?!? and Why ?!? , i dont understand this at all.... my domain does not contain any keyword, they uses the same engine and yet that lone pages which have absolutely no backlink ranked so well on a very competitive keyword, while my Target Keyword ranked poorly.... And what is even more bizzare? "Bikin website murah" might not rank good, but "bikin website" ranked better x_x ... arghh i dont get it... why my site ranked poorly on easy keywords and ranked high on difficult keywords :(( .... Why I am not smiling because those easy keyword is actually my primary keywords 😞

    Competitive Research | | IKT

  • Hello, How can we optimize a site like this - . The whole site is in flash. What are the alternatives ?

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hi, I have on-page optimised a client's website Now take a look at the Title Tag & Meta description of the front page. This is the correct updates I have made - Title: Practice Management and Financial Consultants to the Health Industry
    Description: Award winning Health and Life have been providing accounting, tax and practice management services for Medical, Dental, Allied Health businesses. Now, take a look when the business name is Googled. Notice how the Title Tag switches back to the original, yet the Description Tag is Correct. Now, take a look when the owner's name is Googled. The Title Tag is now correct, but the description is incorrect. Ive set the preferred URL to be the www version Ive spent ages in the custom CMS trying to find what could be causing this The developer says it's a "Google Thing" Anyone have any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | LukeyJamo

  • Howdy Local Experts, I'm hoping you can clear up something for me.. I'm setting up some places for a company that's spread across 5 cities. I am creaitng 5 separate locations for this. The company name is not the same as the website name. All the SEO efforts are for the website name ( the brand ) not the parent company name., so... 1. When creating the places do I enter the business name in "company/organisation" and put the brand name in the web site field? Or is it better for seo to have the brand name here as the company name too? 2. Are all 5 listings more or less going to be the same except for the address and phone numbers? I suppose unique photos etc for each location is better here? 3. When creating citations i am essentially going to be building 5 separate "links", one for each place is that correct. So adding the specific location details into the matching state and city business directories etc? 3. The exact business category doesn't accurately show up in the list. Do i select the closest thing here or create custom categories to better match the business. Apologies for the lenghty question, Derek

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClickValueMedia

  • I am running a campaign for a client that has 86 pages via Google and SEmoz is up to almost 10K pages. I am really confused. Any ideas?

    Moz Pro | | LaurieK13

  • When you do a Google image search for one of my client's products, you see a lot of first-generation hardware (the product is now in its third generation). The client wants to know what they can do to push those images down so that current product images rise to the top. FYI: the client's own image files on their site aren't very well optimized with keywords. My thinking is to have the client optimize their own images and the ones they give to the media with relevant keywords in file names, alt text, etc. Eventually, this should help push down the outdated images is my thinking. Any other suggestions? Thanks so much.

    Technical SEO | |

  • I recently moved over from html to wordpress. I have the google sitemap plugin on the new wordpress site, but in webmaster tools, it's only showing 71 pages, and I have hundreds, but many are html. Is it okay, to submit an html sitemap as well as the wp sitemap that's already in there?

    On-Page Optimization | | azguy

  • I have putting to use some great advice I have gotten on here for my Google Places page. I just noticed, however, that my page isn't showing almost all of the information that I have submitted directly in Google Places.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1416&bih=744&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=uykmTpDtPIfGsAPD75jmCA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CB4Q4gkwAA Description not showing Reviews from 3rd party sites not updating Details are only from Dex Knows - NONE I have written within Google Places are showing up More About This Place section has not been updated since I took over the page 3 months ago (still showing old URL for our website as a citation and not our new one) What is going on? Any ideas? -Brant

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • I know using css in subversive manners gets you dinged for points. I didnt know if JS counted the same since you are essentially hiding parts of the content and showing it in intervals as slides. The goal would be having key items for a client in divs and rotating those divs via a slider plugin as slides. I was just curious if that effected things in any way. Thanks! ~Paul

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peb7268

  • I'm almost ready to launch a website redesign. We are going to move what's currently being hosted on to We want to do this early to avoid error and to have redirect to until the new content is ready. Once the redesign is complete, we'll push the new content to (as it holds a higher SEO value) and take away the redirect. A. Does this sound like a good idea? B. What kind of redirect should I use? 302? 307? Thanks, and sorry for the confusion 🙂

    Web Design | | kylesuss

  • If we are removing 100 old urls (archives of authors that no longer write for us), what is the best option? we could 301 traffic to the main directory de-index using no-index, follow 404 the pages Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

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