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  • If Google knows about our sitemaps and they’re being crawled on a daily basis, why should we use the http ping and /or list the index files in our robots.txt? Is there a benefit (i.e. improving indexability) to using both ping and listing index files in robots? Is there any benefit to listing the index sitemaps in robots if we’re pinging? If we provide a decent <lastmod>date is there going to be any difference in indexing rates between ping and the normal crawl that they do today?</lastmod> Do we need to all to cover our bases? thanks Marika

    Technical SEO | | marika-178619

  • We've inherited some sites from another developer that had the following tag: All references I can find to it are from 2004.  What is the purpose and is it worth including in pages/sites we build?

    Technical SEO | | wcksmith

  • Does anyone know how recipes are treated by search engines? For example, I know press releases are expected to have lots of duplicates out there so they aren't penalized. Does anyone know if recipes are treated the same way. For example, if you Google "three cheese beef pasta shells" you get the first two results with identical content.

    Technical SEO | | RiseSEO

  • For duplicate pages created by the "print" function, seomoz says its better to use noindex ( and JohnMu says its better to use canonical What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Today I met with a firm called Localeze that provides local directory submissions.  I understand the importance of this service if your site is competing locally, however I'm not sure the effects of local SEO for a national brand. Our firm gets most of our traffic from across the country, not just one location, and our business is scattered (which is a good thing).  We rank for service related keywords that are not tied to a location. We do not show up for local results so our business in our immediate location is weak.  We would like to increase our local presence in search engines but I want to make sure that this will not take away from our national presence. Will optimizing a site for local search negatively affect general rankings? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | KevinBloom

  • Note: This is KILLING my customer experience. Here is my webpage: Here is a speed test that may help you (look at the poor ratings in the upper corner) I have an F on "Cache Static Content" - anyone know how I can fix this? Also, it is a e-commerce website hosted through core commmerce. I have some access to code but not all of it. Some of it is dynamic. However, if you tell me specific things I can forward it to their very awesome tech department. They are very willing to work with me and are now considering implementing a CDN after I schooled them. Any help is greatly appreciated. Don't be afraid to get very technical - I may not understand it, but the engineers there will.

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • when viewing urls in google's index, is it more accurate to refer to or google webmaster tools (urls in web index)?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Is there a way to export an exact list of urls found in Google's index?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • In the google webmaster forums, google specifically states that you should not include search results in the google index. What is the best way to make dynamic, great content show in search results without receiving a penalty?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Howdy, I was looking at the maximum lenght of url for ntfs and they told me it was 255 character for url and/or folder ect. Does that mean that i could use the full lenght of 255 filled whit keyword for the url on my site ? Thx.

    Keyword Research | | Promoteam

  • Im moving a website that was .php to wordpress with a few static HTML pages. Which is better use permanent 301 redirects and delte the old pages, leave the old pages and use canonical urls and 301 redirects or something else?

    Technical SEO | | senith

  • If I have a homepage with category links, is it alright for those category links to appear in the footer as well, or should you never have duplicate links on one page? Can you please give a reason why as well? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dkamen

  • I'm trying to expedite my research by using the concatenate function. How should the search URL be modified to trigger a google places search as opposed to a normal search. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | BlueFountainMedia

  • First off I am VERY new to his SEO stuff and If you guys could be so kind as to help. I was setting up my first campaign for my web site and when i entered it into the URL search it came back with having 2 web sites that it searched. Both are mine but one has the "" and the other just has the "" how can i fix this so i just have one? thanks in advance for your help

    Technical SEO | | madabouthats

  • Anyone have a good reference for implementing a content delivery network? Any SEO pitfalls with using a CDN (brief research seems to indicate no problems)? I seem to recall that SEOmoz was using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for CDN. Is that still the case? All CDN & AWS experiences, advice, references welcomed!

    Technical SEO | | Gyi

  • We've jumped up in our rankings, page authority scores, and our toolbar PR over the past year, but our domain authority score remains the same as it was this time last year. I have noticed that for most people's sites, domain authority is typically higher than page authority, and my suspicion is that our domain authority score staying static is capping our page authority potential to some degree. Our SEOmoz scores are quite low for our toolbar PR. I've looked at the SEOmoz page relating to domain authority, and it rather vaguely says 'improve SEO generally across your site'. Other than age, the only thing I can think of is that maybe we have backlinks ranging across too broad a spectrum of topics. Being a web hosting company, we get a lot of links from our customers' sites that aren't related to our industry. Anyone got any specific advice? To provide some context, it's a PR7 website that's around a decade old with links in the hundred thousands. We score just 59 for domain authority. Thanks in advance, Jenni

    Moz Pro | | Jenni_HeartInternet

  • Currently in the process of redesigning a site. What i want to know, is what is the best way for me to restructure the url w/out it losing its value (page rank) other than a 301 redirect?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marig

  • Hi there, i'm having some trouble understanding why I'm still getting duplicate page title warnings on pages that have the rel=canonical attribute. For example: this page is the relative url and is the second page of this parsed list which is linking back to the first page using rel=canonical. i have over 300 pages like this!! what should i do SEOmoz GURUS? how do i remedy this problem? is it a problem?

    Technical SEO | | fourthdimensioninc

  • If yes what is the trick because we can't figure it out. (no black hat techniques please) Thanks

    Social Media | | OlivierChateau

  • We manage a couple of sites with 100s of pages... Most of the sites have content that is not helpful as landing pages but obviously has relevent content related to our desired search terms. Some of links go off site to another domain. I am trying to understand the issue of "link juice" and if I gain it or lose it by putting "nofollow" designation on some of the page links. Specifically, do I increase the value of my pages if I put no follow tags on lower tier links off of these pages. Here is a page in question - Is there a best practice or SEO rule for using "no follow"? Thanks, Bob Nance

    Technical SEO | | impressem

  • After the PR update the other day, some of my domain names gained PR (from 0 to 3 or 4) but the kw rank they held previously dropped off the map. Its clear the term pagerank is ill defined. Does anyone have any insight into this?

    Moz Pro | | getbigyadig

  • Is google still updating the algo on a daily basis or for the most part are you other mozzers seeing your rankings stick?  I ask because the rank tracking software I use locally on my laptop shows me inaccurate rankings, as well as the SEOMOZ tool (which was just updates yesterday). I am not sure why this is happening, but as of yesterday I lost four page one rankings, which I didn't deserve anyway, and was apparently a fluke until they did the PR update.  So I dont mind, but I am curious if they are still tweaking on a daily basis or if its safe to continue link building.  I dont want them to make another change and have it affect my rankings in a negative way.

    Algorithm Updates | | getbigyadig

  • Looking to make gains in page rankings with out persuit of links and social networking ................Any thoughts or suggestions are appretiated.  At this point I will be working on fresh content and generating more pages.  The site address is below.

    Web Design | | APICDA

  • Hi Guys I desperately need help on this one.......I have taken over the management of a Brand's facebook page and have some concerns as to how it was setup.  The account was opened by an individual that has a personal account but they did not open the brands page from their personal account...instead they used a slightly different email address and opened a new page business account.  I am not able to comment on any comments on this account and i am assuming it was as a result that there is no "profile" (not sure). Should i go ahead and create the profile with the details of someone at the brand? or how should i proceed to rectify i not able to comment as a result of not having a profile?? help! UpDate: The comment issue has been resolved and it seemed to be browser / firewall related...never happened before...very strange

    Social Media | | nomad-202323

  • I'm trying to find out if there's a way we can combat similar content on different pages on the same site, without having to re write the whole lot? Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | indurain

  • Is this gonna be a game changer for SEO Regards, Shailendra Sial

    Industry News | | IM_Learner

  • We have just made a yellow pages site n in 3 weeks Google has just indexed 1700 pages out of 18000, so what can we do that Google index all the pages or how the process works? Regards

    Moz Pro | | razasaeed

  • Can anyone explain the rows of 0 values for the majoity of anchor text reported in the Anchor Text Distribution section of OSE ? e.g I ran a report for a website which has around 2,500 inbound links and when I looked at the CSV file, there are about 1,500 anchor texts showing as 0.  I'm sure there's either a simple explanation for this or its just a glitch. Can anyone help?

    Moz Pro | | Websensejim

  • We have been asked to provide a link on our website to a website which provides us with recycled computers to use (our company brand is based around recycling). They have agreed that we will get a reciprocal link back to our site. However the comparisons show that - perhaps this isn't worth it? Our page authority: 39, theirs 26. Our domain authority: 41, theirs 14. Our linking root domains: 41 theirs 7. Finally their links are in the # [li] list [/li] # format I guess my question is threefold: 1 - Will they get significantly more out of this linking opportunity than we will? 2 - Is it worth having the link anyway? (Can it hurt us in any way?). 3 - Does having links in the  # [li] list [/li] # format effect the power of the links contained? Thanks.

    Link Building | | Benj25

  • I have a new client that is using Word files on their site, downloadable press releases. They feel that reporters prefer downloading press releases as Word .doc's instead of .pdf's since they can open and edit the content. Do these files offer any SEO?

    SERP Trends | | ringstonmedia

  • For you guys which one is the best SEO BOOK?? Maybe this one? Thanks in advance!

    Industry News | | augustos

  • Hey Guys, So in the past when I would build links for a client I would create a new email account or have them create a new email account for their website which I can use for email outreach for building links. Also I would try to use their twitter user accounts to get in contact with other niche bloggers for a potential link back or a social mention. Is this how you guys suggest I should continue going about building links for a client?  Or do you suggest using my email (agency email) or a random gmail account for email outreach? Thanks

    Link Building | | asimahme

  • All, Strange occurrence: My WM Tools shows 0 URLs in the web index. It was 930 something yesterday. Any ideas as to why? Any fixes? I recently changed the preferred domain. Any help would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JSOC

  • We have undertaken a very aggressive in-bound linking campaign.  I have a whole team of people working to get in-bound links to our site.  But I dont want to cause any red flags to the search engines on how quickly we get all of these in-bound links.  Will they notice or flag our site if they see a quick rise of in-bound links? Thanks.

    Link Building | | findachristianjob

  • Hello, people. I have a quick question regarding search in Google. I use search operator [site:url] to see indexing stauts of my site. Today, I was checking indexing status and I found that Google shows different numbers of indexed pages depends on search setting. 1. At default setting (set as 10 search result shows) > I get about 150 pages indexed by Google. 2. I set 100 results shows per page and tried again. > I get about 52 pages indexed by Google. Of course I used same page URL. I really want to know which data is accurate. Please help people!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Artience

  • Ok... I will try to explain as clear as possible. This issue is regarding close to 5000 'Warnings' from our most recent seomoz pro crawl diagnostic test. The top three warnings have about 6000 instances among them: : 1. Duplicate Page Title 2. Duplicate Page Content 3. 302 (Temporary Redirect) We understand that duplicate titles and content are "no-no's" and have made it top priority to avoid duplication on any level. Here is the issue lies... we are using the Volusion eCommerce solution and they have a variety of value add shopping features such as "Email A Friend" and "Email Me When Back In-Stock" on each product page. If one of these options is clicked, you are then directed to the appropriate page. Now each page has a different url with the sole variable of each individual product code. But with it being a part of Volusion's ingrained functionality... the META title is the same for each page. It takes from the title of our store homepage. Example below: Online Beauty Supply Store | Hair Care Products | Nail Care | Flat Irons Online Beauty Supply Store | Hair Care Products | Nail Care | Flat Irons The same goes for the duplicate content warnings. If you click on one of these features, it directs you to a page with pretty much the same content except for different product. Basically each page has both duplicate content and duplicate title. SEOMOZ description is Duplicate Title: Content that is identical (or nearly identical) to content on other pages of your site forces your pages to unnecessarily compete with each other for rankings. Duplicate Page Content: You should use unique titles for your different pages to ensure that they describe each page uniquely and don't compete with each other for keyword relevance. Because I know SEO is not an exact science, the question here is does Google recognize that although they are duplicates, it actually is generated from a feature that makes us even more of a legitimate eCommerce site? Or, from seomoz description, if duplication is bad only because you do not want your pages to be competing with each other... should I not worry because i could care less if these pages don't get traffic. Or does it effect my domain authority as whole? Then as for a solution. I am still trying to work out with Volusion how we can change the META title of the pages. It's highly unlikely but we'll see. As for the duplicate content, there is no way to change one of these pages. It's hard coded. Solution... so if it is  bad (even though it shouldn't be) would it be worth it to disable these features. I hope not. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of Google trying to provide the most legitimate, value add sites to searchers? As for the 302 (Temporary Redirect) warning... this is only appearing on all of our shopping cart pages. Such as the "Email A Friend" feature, there is a page for every product.  For example: The description semoz provides is: 302 (Temporary Redirect): Using a 302 redirect will cause search engine crawlers to treat the redirect as temporary and not pass any link juice (ranking power). We highly recommend that you replace 302 redirects with 301 redirects. So the probably solution... I do have the ability to change to a 301 redirect but do I want to do this for my shopping cart? Does Google realize the dead end is legitimate? Or... does it matter if link juice is passed through my shopping cart? And again, does it impact my site as a whole? It is greatly appreciated if anyone could help me out with this stuff 🙂 Thank you

    Technical SEO | | anthonyjamesent

  • I feel kind of stupid asking this, but if i use one it would speed things up quite a bit. It is for a ecommerce website, any guidance on this would be awesome!

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • I attended the Bruce Clay training at SMX Advanced Seattle, and he mentioned link pruning/sculpting (here's an SEOMoz article about it - Now during his presentation he mentioned that if you have one page with multiple links leading to another page, and one of those links is nofollowed, it could cause all links to be nofollowed. Example: Page A has 4 links to Page B: 1:followed, 2:followed, 3:nofollowed, 4:followed The presence of a single nofollow tag would override the 3 followed links and none of them would pass link juice. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and Is there any evidence to support this? I'm thinking this would make a great experiment.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brycebertola

  • Hi there. Currently we have our blog (WP site) URLs setup this way: However, it's hard to analyze blog's (only) content in Google Analytics now (since all posts have their own unique URL). I want to change the structure to**/blog**/post-name Question: Is there a way to do it safely? Will I have to 301 all the old links to the new structure or is there any other way to do the switch without losing any links? Thoughts or any (other) suggestions? 🙂 Thanks much! 🙂 `Helen

    Content Development | | CuMarketing

  • Is there a way I can refresh the reports manually instead of waiting for it to pull the updated data?

    Moz Pro | | RBA

  • I've tried several times to use GWO, and I can handle copy-pasting some code etc... yet despite this, it seems that I can't get GWO right. Furthermore, it appears to me that a lot of the things you'd like to test require fancier manipulation of GWO than the standard setup allows for. Do you guys also find GWO to lack user-friendliness? Are other platforms easier to use and get right?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Gab-Goldenberg

  • Hello Mozers- I am targeting the keywords "liposuction scottsdale", "liposuction phoenix", "liposuction mesa", "liposuction arizona".  Out of the following two Titles below, one would you consider the better one? And Why? I am leaning towards the second example.  If you have any more ideas that would be great. 1). Tummy Tuck Scottsdale, Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona 2).Tummy Tuck Scottsdale | Tummy Tuck Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona. Thanks!!

    On-Page Optimization | | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • Hi everyone, I've used crawlers like Xenu to find broken links before, and I love these tools. What I can't figure out is how to find specific pieces of code within my site. For example, Webmaster Tools tells me there are still links to old pages somewhere on my website but I just can't find them. Do you know of a crawler that can search for a specific link within the html? Thanks in advance, Josh

    Technical SEO | | dreadmichael

  • What is the best web chat software and why? I'd like to implement web chat softwae that will ACTIVELY ask the visitor with a pop-up if they'd like to chat.  Other than that, I'm not sure I have any other needs.

    Content Development | | TheDude

  • I have a project with 8 domains and each domain is showing the same content (including site structure) and still all sites do rank. When I search for a specific word-string in google it lists me all 8 domains. Do you have an explanation, why Google doesn't filter those URLs to just one URL instead of 8 with the same content?

    Technical SEO | | kenbrother

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