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  • With Rands latest Blog post about social media linkage and sharing, and upon the discovery of in his post, I was wondering what other important ones I might be missing? There are certain obvious ones: Facebook Foursquare Twitter Linkedin Merchant Circle Do you guys know of any others that you find important, or see as useful in the near future?

    Social Media | | dignan99

  • I have been doing SEO for the University I work at. We are optimizing our degree pages on a page-by-page basis. So hypothetically we have a page optimized for "online accounting degree" and another for "online marketing degree", etc. Although our focus is on specific page optimization, we hope the by-product is that the whole domain will   start to rank better for "online degree". First of all, is this a reasonable expectation? Second, if this IS the case, will pages full of irrelevant keywords hurt the overall strategy? For example, our registrar and financial aid PDFs that are full of legal/financial mumbo-jumbo. Are these lowering our keyword density of relevant keywords across the domain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SNHU

  • Hi, I'm currently working on improving rankings for a web design company.  I think i'm possibly getting a bit hung up on this but I'm a bit stuck!  The company has offices in 2 locations in the UK - in both Leicester and London.  Do I need to include the 2 different locations in my keywords to improve ranking for both locations, say someone searching in Leicester searching for say 'web design Leicester'?  ie one of my page titles (with keywords) is currently: Web design agency, Graphic design, Branding, Leicester & London Am I going about this in the right way? Hope this makes sense!

    Keyword Research | | CWseo

  • I have a client who is expanding his business locations from 2 cities to 3, and working towards having 10+ locations across Canada. Right now we're building location based landing pages for each city, as well as keyword targeted landing pages for each city. For example, landing pages for "Vancouver whatever clinic" and "Calgary whatever clinic" as well as for "Vancouver specific service", and "Calgary specific service". This means a lot of landing pages will need to be created to target each of 10 or so desirable "service" keywords for each city's location. I've no issue with this, however I was wondering how other companies go about this? What's the best way to be relevant for certain "service" based keyword searches in each city? Many of the "service" keywords are 'localized' meaning they will show Google Places results for local brick and mortar businesses for each location. I'm quite good at optimizing locally for this type of thing. However, many of the "service" keywords are not yet 'localized' by Google, I'd want to have my client webpages show well in the SERP's. for these 'non-localized' "service keywords" as well. the new site will be built in WordPress

    Web Design | | AndyKuiper

  • Found a .gov link to my website The url it links to is which does eventually redirect to kars4kids. Will search engines see this as a link?

    Technical SEO | | Morris77

  • I was just wondering why Facebook and now Twitter have added "#!" into the url structure? Does this mean we should link to a twitter profile like this - -  anymore? Should we now be linking like this:!/kevinbarnes Kevin

    Social Media | | KevinBarnes

  • Dear Mozers, Recently I added a new language to one of my sites in a new folder ( but for some reasons many links got broken or were simply sending to a  wrong page. This caused a bad indexing and it also showed a lot of duplicate content. I know how to fix it but my question is this: Is it better to remove the second language folder, fix it and then put it back up after a few months or just fix it now as it is and wait for G to come back and index the new links?

    Technical SEO | | Silviu

  • When I search the seomoz site for "flash and seo" I only see older articles, 2008.  Is there anything newer you can point me to for a current discussion on the impact on SEO of flash sites?

    Web Design | | panderson321

  • Hey Guys and girls, i have a question, i want to disallow all robots from accessing a certain root link: Get rid of bots User-agent: * Disallow: /index.php?_a=login&redir=/index.php?_a=tellafriend%26productId=* Will this make the bots not to access any web link that has the prefix you see before the asterisk? And at least google and roger will get away by reading "user-agent: *"? I know this isn't the standard proceedure but if it works for google and seomoz bot we are good.

    Technical SEO | | iFix

  • We're constantly on the lookout for site speed, and Google's Webmaster tools are saying that we're really really slow (on the order of 5-15 seconds per page). But the site NEVER feels that slow, and lots of other tools say we're in the 3-5 second range. Further, we've implemented literally 100% of Google's suggestions, and all we have are ad units that now render using Googles Async ad loader, further reducing time to interactivity. Could Google be dinging us in search results for this? Here's an example page that they said loaded in 200+ seconds (!?!) Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | TheIronYuppie

  • Based on bits and pieces of information I've read on SEOmoz, am I correct to state that:
    "Keyword-rich footer links effect pages negatively in terms of the keyword referenced in the anchor text?" This means footer links in Thanks in advance fellow Mozzers!

    Web Design | | Partouter

  • So if the metag is not longer used by the search engines should I keep them in my html ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lomastravel

  • My newly parked domain name, (our main website had to switch primary domains) is not redirecting properly and is causing our blog to be duplicate content. My 301 redirects work for everything else, but our parked domain /blog directory is not redirecting. I can type in both urls and then the blog appears on both sites. Not good. If I delete my blog .htaccess file, then it redirects fine. However, then our blog links are broken. So it has to do something with our .htaccess files. I do have a .htaccess file for our website, saying redirect everything to correct location, so i think this is interfering, but I cannot pinpoint it. this is the .htaccess file for the blog. BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress main sites .htaccess (i am trying to pinpoint the issue here) Options +Includes
    AddType text/html .htm .html
    AddHandler server-parsed .htm .html
    Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)? [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newdomain/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /([^?]*)? RewriteRule (.*) /$1? [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.php RewriteRule ^(.*)index.php$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.htm RewriteRule ^(.*)index.htm$ http://www.newdomain/$1 [R=301,L] RedirectMatch 301 /index.php/(.*) /$1 Is there something obvious here, that does not look right?

    Technical SEO | | hfranz

  • Hi guys, This is my last attempt to work out what is up with this site before it goes to the big Flipper in the sky (and even then I doubt it will make much more than £1!) This site was a successful site, then one day Google decided it didnt like it, and I have not had much joy with it for nearly a year now. I must admit I tried to forget about it for a while, but it has always been a thorn in my side due to the fact it used to be a nice little earner. I have SEOmoz crawled it and I cant find any issues that would cause such a severe penalty, I removed many of the affiliate links, clocked the rest of the affiliate links and tried numurous other ideas, but now, as a last ditch attempt I am looking for some help! I tried to avoid the typical thin affiliate site by adding relevant content, but I have seen sites with much poorer design and content rank higher than this one. Any ideas welcome! Thanks in advance My site

    Technical SEO | | mozUser1469236629285

  • A website that is very image heavy and would like to enhance the user experience with a photo gallery. How will this affect the indexing of these photos? Can I still add alt. tags and title tags to these images?

    Image & Video Optimization | | Unidev

  • Hello all, Been happily using HARO for some time now, but was looking for some supplemental ideas/locations for hooking up some of my clients as sources.  Any ideas/suggestions are definitely welcome. Thanks!

    Link Building | | NetvantageMarketing

  • Hello I m interested in some first data or studies about how often the new google quick flight search application is used/clicked compared to the organic or ppc results. Would be awesome, if anybody knows more about it thx 5766285218_b588a1eb4e_z.jpg

    SERP Trends | | Aris

  • Out of these two competitors, who should receive the #1 spot on Google for Furniture Stores in Delaware and why or why not? [see attached images] fb-url-data.png cohen-url-data.png fb-anchor.png cohen-anchor.png fb-on-page.png cohen-on-page.png

    Algorithm Updates | |

  • Why does this website not appear ranked on google what so ever? bit clueless, thanks for any responses! Ewan

    Technical SEO | | ewanstevenson

  • When I started the campaign I used but now I have an external blog at and is hosted on tumblr. This site gets lots of errors showing on the campaign because insists on following no-follows. If I change the campaign to then will not be part of the campaign. It does say in the help that it will NOT track sub-domains, but it does and hence my problem. So, I am not sure if the rest of the info there is old. 'Does the Web App track the subdomains of my campaign’s domain?
    A.  Unfortunately we do not currently track subdomains as a part of the
    domain you enter. Instead, you must create another campaign slot for any
    subdomains you wish to track.' Any ideas on where or how to do this?

    Moz Pro | | oznappies

  • Hello, I have set my WP blog to a page so new posts go to that page making it the blog. On a SEOmoz campaign crawl, it says there are too many links on one page, so does this mean that as I am posting my blog posts to this page, the search engines are seeing the page as one page with links instead of the blog posts? I worry that if I continue to add more posts (which obviously I want to) the links will increase more and more, meaning that they will be discounted due to too many links. What can I do to rectify this? Many thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | mozUser1469236629285

  • there is a website that i am competing with <cite> for the term gastric band hypnotherapy and for some reason it is now ranching higher than me.</cite> I have been number one in google with for the term Gastric Band Hypnotherapy but for some reason in the past few days it has ranked number one and pushed me down to number three. i do not understand it as there is not much relevant content to gastric band hypnotherapy and also it does not have many links pointing into it can you please help with this question

    Algorithm Updates | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hey Everybody Im fairly new to SEO and would like to ask which blogs would be beneficial to follow to keep ahead of the ever changing algorithms and methods. I'm already a avid reader of the SEOMOZ blog which I find a invaluable source of information. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    SEO Learn Center | | CPASEO

  • My client's website has a box of text on each page that is spammy and horrible to read and stuffed with keywords. The text boxes are there only for search engines as they mean nothing to humans. I say remove them as it must be doing more harm than good. However, my client is scared to remove them as the text has been there on each page for ten years and he is worried about a drop in visitor numbers if they are removed. Is he right to be worried?

    On-Page Optimization | | mascotmike

  • We are working on a SEO project for a client with a bilingual site. We have already started with the link building task for the English domain. However, for the Arabic domain the URLs for the inner pages are not yet finalized and it would take around 2 months to do so. I would like to know whether we could start with link building for the main Arabic domain although the inner pages URLs are not yet finalized?

    Link Building | | Francis_GlobalMediaInsight

  • Hi all I am a bit unsure of something and would appreciate it if someone could clarify (without the sad trombone hinting that my question is stupid like the last time i asked a question) Our Newsletter was recently posted on a website and i am not sure if the link pointing back is actually passing link juice. When clicking the link, a Java pop up box appears saying "click here to go to authors site" I am wondering if this was implemented to avoid google passing its juice? Or if google can index the pop up and give us credit for the link? Please have a look at the article, and let me know what you guys think? Thanks in advance Regards Greg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndreVanKets

  • Either there is some amazingly good SEO work going on here, or Google has an amazingly large hole in their metrics. The "nottowait" page has a PA of 85?! and a DA of 82?! The page is HORRIBLE. The page itself is an image of another page. The nav bar does not function, nor does any of the "click here" links. At the bottom there is a paragraph of keywords and broken english. This page is pure junk and should simply not have any value at all with respect to DA nor PA. It has a ton of incoming links from various sources which seem to be the source of all this value, which it passes on to other pages. This page really is an affront to the "content is king" concept. I suppose I should ask a question but all I can think of is, what is Matt Cutts' phone number? I want to ask him how this page has gotten away with being ranked so well for so long.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | RyanKent

  • I did a quick search in SEOmoz keyword difficuilty tool and found out most of the keyword I pick with some nice traffic are all 70%. Keyword list: How "difficult" is 70%? If someone ask you to optimize and rank a (very) new website for a keyword with 70% difficulty: Will you take the challedge or you think mission impossible? Why? How do you relate this reletively abstract "number" to the real world? Thank you!

    Competitive Research | | johnzhel

  • It's always frustrating to do a search for something like "do-follow social bookmarking sites", find a list and then find out through trial/error that many of them have switched to no-follow, are no longer around, etc. That's why I thought a crowd-sourced list might be more interesting and up-to-date. Any thoughts?

    Link Building | | davegr

  • In terms of links to one's site helping your position on Google, if your site defaults to (automatically adds "www." even if it isn't typed), does Google count links that appear as (without the www.) with the same "weight"?  Thanks.

    Link Building | | celife

  • I'm curious as to how long Google updates take these days?  I'm just getting back into SEO after 9 years and I recall back in the day there was a monthly "dance" during which page results were updated.  Is it more frequent now?  Thanks

    Industry News | | celife

  • We are considering moving some thin content from our site to a subdomain as a potential "panda" fix. But, we are unsure if Google will treat the subdomain as a completely separate domain or not. Does anyone have any data / Google info that might answer this question? Thanks in advance for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hello SEO Community! We are launching an affiliate program and for CMS flexibility the preferred, development solution, is putting the affiliate program on a subdomain. Financial incentive affiliate programs "don't pass link value." Lets pretend they do for this situation 🙂 Here is the example: company website= affilate website= Proposed affilate program: -->301 redirects --> There are multiple business services so sometimes the 301 redirect looks like this: -->301 redirects ---> -->301 redirects ---> note: The business services provided are very different. As a result, these links will be placed on very different types of website. To keep contextually relevant links in the 301 redirect should the affiliate look like this?: -->301 redirects ---> -->301 redirects ---> Thanks in advance for your feedback! If anyone can point me in the direction of an ideal way to set up affiliate programs that would be great. Especially regarding: canonical tag, # in url, 301 Any arguments about keeping the the affiliate off a subdomain are also very welcome. Thanks!

    Affiliate Marketing | | Katharine

  • So which is better for SEO, Tweets or ReTweets? We have a tweet button on our blog which seems to work pretty good.  But I have noticed a few sites that instead of tweeting, they have a ReTweet button where you are actually ReTweeting an original tweet. Any thoughts?

    Social Media | | Trupanion

  • we've noticed over the last few months that Google is not honoring our main website's robots.txt file.  We have added rules to disallow secure pages such as: Disallow: /login.cgis Disallow: /logout.cgis Disallow: /password.cgis Disallow: /customer/* We have noticed that google is crawling these secure pages and then duplicating our complete ecommerce website across our secure subdomain in the google index (duplicate content) Our webmaster recently implemented a specific robots.txt file for the secure subdomain disallow all however, these duplicated secure pages remain in the index. User-agent: *
    Disallow: / My question is should i request Google to remove these secure urls through Google Webmaster Tools? If so, is there any potential risk to my main ecommerce website? We have 8,700 pages currently indexed into google and would not want to risk any ill effects to our website. How would I submit this request in the URL Removal tools specifically? would inputting cover all of the urls? We do not want any secure pages being indexed to the index and all secure pages are served on the secure.domain example. Please private message me for specific details if you'd like to see an example. Thank you,

    Algorithm Updates | |

  • I have had several new clients come to me after Panda and Panda 2.  Lots of audits.  The client who had the worst problems, and has since corrected the worst issues based on my audit just bounced back in an epic way, and while it could be a short-term thing, I don't believe that's the case - it's just too big of a jump back - full recovery. I'm curious to find out if anyone sees a similar recovery on your sites. FYI the biggest problems (most of which have been resolved now) include: Content organization - it was a mess of a site Extreme over-use of ads on the page and in the content Topical focus - there was so much going on across every page of the site that confused Google Major site speed issues 5ewacr

    Technical SEO | | AlanBleiweiss

  • I'm still having issues with this's referencing my tags as links that are doing this... should i remove the tags on my posts that are exact keyword matches to my article? for example, this post generates an 'a' through the on-page optimization tool for the keyword 'kw cares'...they only thing i receive a warning on is the self-cannibalization. Cannibalizing link - "kw cares" is it best practice not to have your tags match your primary keywords? any guidance is appreciated!

    Moz Pro | | brentmitchell

  • I'm finding major discrepancies between SEOMOZ's google api exact match search volumes and Google's own keyword tool, why? For example, 'bridge loans' gets 1300 searchs according to Google's keyword tool, but SEOMOZ says it only gets 210 (both on exact match). So which one do I believe? I know one is the average over 12 months and the other is for last month alone but still that's a huge difference.

    Keyword Research | | Gmorgan

  • Hi everyone, I am new to SEO basically learning as I go and trying to catch up on all of the information needed to successfully move a website up the search engine ranks. The website I am trying to optimize is Right now I have determined which keywords I want to use, I have saturated them into the website in an organic way and have submitted the sites to various engines, also I have created a Facebook fan page which has 606 active monthly users in it's first month ( I don't know if that's a great number), as well as started writing a blog where I am putting links to the page in each relevant blog. My question has 3 parts 1. what else should I be doing to improve my ranking? 2. how do I find quality relevant websites that want to link exchange? 3. What is the best way to really get volume/ quality links to a relatively unknown site?Any advice or Ideas help and are very appreciated. Thanks

    Competitive Research | | Future13

  • Is there a way to "rule out" a subfolder in the pro dashboard site crawl? We're working on a site that has 500,000+ pages in the forums, but its the CMS pages we're optimizing and don't want to spend the 10k limit on forum pages.

    Moz Pro | | DeepRipples

  • If I have 10 links coming from 10 Tumbler blogs.. Do they count as 10 linking domains or 1 linking domain coming from Does the authority of links coming from tumbler decrease the more I get links from tumbler blogs? Thanks

    Link Building | | KevinBarnes

  • Hi, I'm opening this topic here, to discuss about brand domination, but maybe more concentrated for europe countries than Write here your suggestions,tactics, and more about social profiles and mini-blogs. For example, if we like to dominate for keyword "seomoz" than we will take some social profiles and miniblogs with seomoz, but write mroe about tactics to rank this profiles and miniblogs higher. Not only to create, but what kind of things to do regularly to have this profiles on top #10. ( miniblogs i mean like,, etc.. ) Write here your tactics, but only if you are experienced on this! Thanks.

    Branding | | leadsprofi

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