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  • We have been working on local SEO quite a lot for our small business, trying to understand why we are consistantly outranked by our competators.  I understand there are many factors at play here. I realize that DA & PA, Places page optimization, and on page optimization also play a role, but for the purpose of this question i would like to focus on just one factor: citations. From your experiance with local SEO do you find that a citation that is located closer to the top of the page holds more weight than a citation buried further down a page? Here is an example: in this case the people paying for the priority positions on that page are right at the top of the page, rather than buried 5 pages into the results.  in fact they are right at the top of each page of the results, so over and over again they are above the free listings. I have heard that google considers the value of a link based on its position on the page.  So would it be safe to assume that google also considers the value of a citation based on its position on the page? Thank you for your time,

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Hi there, really new to seo and loving being able to research everything on seo moz. I have a question about the ip address of my site: I use a company that sells templated real estate websites (I'm a realtor) and I'm noticing all of their websites show as having the same ip address. There are probably 100's of sites on their server targeting the same keywords as I am, would this affect my ranking at all? I'm just considering switching to a Wordpress site with a unique IP address, so I'm curious to find out how the seomoz members would answer this question. Cheers, Adrian

    Competitive Research | | adrianaldous

  • I have a two-part question: 1.  I know that bold and italicized font can help keywords rank better.  I have a block of regular text on my site that is really more for SEO than anything else.  If I reduce the font size, will it have an impact on the importance of the text? 2.  If you reduce the size of font enclosed in header tags, such as, reducing h1 text to 8 px font, does that have an impact on the importance of the text within that h1 tag?

    On-Page Optimization | | BradBorst

  • I have a PHP website that produces an actual page when /index.php/GarbageURL/MoreDirectories/Page.suffix/DirectoryAgain is typed in a browser. Why? How? For what purpose? The content and HTML is produced in the source, but the images and css are broken due to the location of the file, obvi. I don't understand what this default tendency is for.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bombbomb

  • I am having a large amount of errors in the not found section that are linked to old urls that haven't been used for 4 years. Some of the ulrs being linked to are not even in the structure that we used to use for urls. Never the less Google is saying they are now 404ing and there are hundreds of them. I know the best way to attack this is to 301 them, but I was wondering why all of these errors would be popping up. I cant find anything in the google index searching for the link in "" and in webmaster tools it shows unavailable as where these are being linked to from. Any help would be awesome!

    Technical SEO | | Gordian

  • I am seeing major movement in my keyword positions leading me to believe that Google made a major algorithm update this morning

    Technical SEO | | irvingw

  • Ok, I am getting a lot of conflicting information about press release sites. i have been doing press release's for a while (mostly manually), I have also tried a few companies that claim to do it well (never do). After the Panda update the PR sites I have been using are just not as effective. Does anyone else have this problem or are there better PR sites that can be recommended.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TomBarker82

  • Now that facebook has different types of pages and no FBML anymore apparently, does anyone have up to date instructions of how to set up a landing page for when you use Facebook as a page? I have my account with a number of client pages in it. I don't appear to get the ability to ad apps to these page Cheers S

    Social Media | | firstconversion

  • I have a site that uses the contact 7 plugin for its contact form sitewide in a sidebar and on a contact us page. I've set up a goal in analytics and tracked using the "on_sent_ok" hook but the number of goals GA is creating is far outweighing the number of times the form is actually completed. I figured my initial mistake was to use the contact-us page as the page tracker variable for the goal but wondered if it was counting all form completions AND anyone who went to the contact page. So I amended it to a contact-us/thank-you page that no site visitor could navigate to, and since I have no goals completed, even though we're getting enquiries through the form. Am I being dumb here and missing something quite simple?

    Reporting & Analytics | | PerchDigital

  • Example: Let's say I sell whiteboard markers (I don't) and I have a chance to get a link from one of these pages: Assume all anchor text is the same -A PA 70 page about a completely unrelated topic (not a directory, or a spammy site, let's say it's a friend's blog for example) -A PA 30 page about office supplies, that maybe mentions whiteboard markers once. -A PA 18 page that is ALL ABOUT whiteboard markers - they live and breathe whiteboard markers and their entire blog is about them. If, hypothetically, you had a choice of only one of the three which will give the biggest boost in rankings? Is it all about DA/PA or would a fairly low authority but HIGHLY RELEVANT link be better?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seanmccauley

  • Hi All I'm looking for some feedback regarding a site architecture issue I'm having with a client. They are about to enter a re-design and as such we're restructuring the site URLs and amending/ adding pages. At the moment they have ranked well off the back of original PPC landing pages that were added onto the site, such as,, etc The developer, from a developer point of view wished to create a logical site architecture with multiple levels of directories etc. I've suggested this probably isn't the best way to go, especially as the site isn't that large (200-300 pages) and that the key pages we're looking to rank should be as high up the architecture as we can make them, and that this amendment could hurt their current high rankings. It looks like the trade off may be that the client is willing to let some pages be restructured so for example, would be However, although from a page basis this might be a solution, is there a drawback to having this in place for only a few pages rather than sitewide? I'm just wondering if these pages might stick out like a sore thumb to Google.

    Technical SEO | | PerchDigital

  • We have a site that we want to break up into mini sites but keep the old site for the major brands. is the major and we want to break it off into Empire Truck Covers and Empire Boat covers. What I am thinking of doing is linking from the home to instead of a mini page on the site and 301 redirect the mini page to Than (there wont be duplicate content) making a small page for truck covers on empire just so people do not get confused. Is this the best way to go or what do you suggest? We are doing this because I feel there is seo value in having mini sites and also the user experience will be cleaner and people will trust it a lot more than inside a big site. The other problem is I have some great rankings on the pages so I want to do it so there is as little damage as possible. I guess once I start I will do all the free directories, yahoo directory and try to get links as fast as I can. Any suggestions would be great. I am going to do a/b testing to see if my adwords convert better on mini site or on the big site for certain keywords too

    Technical SEO | | goldjake1788

  • Hi all, I have a website, which provides products in three different currencies, $, £ and Euro. Currently a user can click on a flag to indicate which region they are in, or if the user has not manually selected the website looks at the users Locale setting and sets the region for them. The website also has a very simple content management system which provides ever so slightly different content depending on which region the user is in. The difference in content might literally be a few words per page, like contact details, measurements i.e. imperial to metric. I dont believe that GoogleBot, or any other bot for that matter, sets a Locale, and therefore it will only ever be indexing the content on our default region - the UK. So, my question really is if I need to be able to index different versions of content on the same page, is the best route to provide alternate urls i.e.: /en/about-us
    /eu/about-us The only potential downside I see to this is there are currently a couple of pages that do have exactly the same content regardless of whether you have selected the UK or USA regions - could this be considered content duplication? Thanks for your help. Al

    Technical SEO | | dotcentric

  • I'm almost ready to launch a redesign of a client's website. The new site has over 10,000 new product pages, which contain unique product descriptions, but do feature some similar text to other products throughout the site. An example of the page similarities would be the following two products: Brown leather 2 seat sofa Brown leather 4 seat corner sofa Obviously, the products are different, but the pages feature very similar terms and phrases. I'm worried that the Panda update will mean that these pages are sand-boxed and/or penalised. Would you block the new pages? Add them gradually? What would you recommend in this situation?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cmaddison

  • Hi, Please tell me how to make the mobile website availabe: htp:// or i.e. to render different content based on user agent but on the same URL

    Technical SEO | | IM_Learner

  • I have been asked to review an old website to an identify opportunities for increasing search engine traffic. Whilst reviewing the site I came across a strange loop. On each page there is a link to printer friendly version: That page also has a link to a printer friendly version and so on and so on....... Some of these pages are being included in Google's index. I appreciate that this can't be a good thing, however, I am not 100% sure as to the extent to which it is a bad thing and the priority that should be given to getting it sorted. Just wandering what views people have on the issues this may cause?

    Technical SEO | | CPLDistribution

  • A journalist contact of mine was asking whether we were getting close to the point where 'developers' (for which I read Google) can take account of opinions/interests/actions of people who don't use the Internet (the example I was give was 'poor' people and 'rich' people). This got me thinking about what (if any) offline signals that Google/Bing etc. use as signals for ranking. I understand that some household demographic data may be used for ad targeting (I think I read that Axciom do that) - but are there any others?

    SERP Trends | | JaspalX

  • Hi everyone! I know this is is not the standard SEO question, but I hope you can help me with your knowledge. I set some goals in GA for the thankyou page that appears when a client requests more information on a property for sale. Problem is I have been testing them and the goals don´t get registered. I don´t know what am I doing wrong and I would really appreciate if you could help me through some light on this. I have attached an image of the option for the goal in GA. Can anybody help me? Paroa.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | inmonova

  • I'm working with a lawyer client who has a table-based, outdated site. Her nav links consist of a jumble of topics and static pages in one long sidebar list on the home page. I'm moving her site to Wordpress and I've recommended that she organize the site based on categories that roughly match the topics/keywords she wants to rank highest for in Google. The site will be much better organized and coded and the URLs for the new launch will be much stronger for SEO by being targeted and coded properly. So the site should rank better after, right? Right??? I know that when Google crawls the new architecture, it's not going to find the expected long sidebar list of internal nav links. It'll find better, more keyword targeted internal nav links. But will that keep the site from getting dropped off page 1? I'm speaking w/ the client tomorrow and if she's going to drop or get bounced around, I feel like I should prepare her and let her know roughly what might happen. I'm thinking based on my current understanding that I should tell her to expect to be bounced around for a few weeks, but in the end she should rank higher than before. What would you do/say?

    On-Page Optimization | | bvrob

  • There are a lot of local directories that i have seen google pull citations from.  Quite often i see people putting listings in these directories prefixed by several "A"s, so that they will appear on the first page of the list. Just how deep does google crawl through the pages of these lists? will google actually crawl through all the pages? Some of these directories offer paid listings that appear at the top of the directory.  We have been considering purchasing some of these paid positions, so that google would be more likely to pickup our citations. In one case i have noticed a directory: do something that spiked my interest.  Basically, if you start clicking through the different pages of a category, the site will block you after 3 or 4 pages in.  It serves you an error saying that you are not human.  In my mind this is to prevent google from fully crawling their whole list, so that the people who pay for the top positions are picked up, and the people who don't pay, even though their profiles are listed there, never get crawled by google. So would you pay for position on these directories? here are some examples: Or would you just throw a whole bunch of A's infront of your business name so you appear on the first page of listings? Or do you belive it doesn't matter how deep you are in the listings, and with enough time google will find it regardless and credit it as a citation?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Hi All, Lets assume there is site A and site B, both sites are live on the internet today as standalone businesses, but they sell very similar products. Site B has built up some link equity and will eventually become the domain for site A due to an organisational re-brand. For the time being however site A will remain, but site B needs to disappear temporarily, but not lose the link equity which has been built up against it. My current thinking is to 302 redirect site B to site A such that users and search bots accessing site B will be redirected to site A whilst leaving the link equity that exists against site B fully intact and allowing us to continue to grow it should we wish to. The question is, does anybody have a view on how long it is safe to use a 302 temporary redirect for? i.e., is 8-10 months to long. Thanks, Ben

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BenRush

  • I used this tool once and noticed it provided nice links to where listed keywords were posted in articles, forums, blogs, etc..., since that time @3 weeks ago... it lists an "error" to links and/or doesn't provide them in a linkable list below to access. Is this tool being worked on or will it be available in the future? Thank you.

    Moz Pro | | tylersmcc

  • Hi, I have a little issue with a client site whose programmer seems kind of unwilling to change things that he has been doing a long time. So, he has had this dynamic site set up for a few years and active in google webmaster tools and others, but is not happy with the traffic it is getting. When I looked at webmaster tools I see that he has a sitemap registered, but it is /sitemap.php When I said that we should be offering the SE's /sitemap.xml his response is that sitemap.php checks the site every day and generates /sitemap.xml, but there is no /sitemap.xml registered in webmaster tools. My gut is telling me that he should just register /sitemap.xml in webmaster tools, but it is a hard sell 🙂 Anyone have any definitive experience of people doing this before and whether it is an issue? My feeling is that it doesn't need to be rocket science... Any input appreciated, Sha

    Technical SEO | | ShaMenz

  • I have a client who provides three distinct, although related, services. Some of his competitors only provide one of those services, and thus their sites are more saturated with that particular service. Would it be best to develop three different sites optimized for each particular service, or could I achieve the same effect by optimizing different sections of one site for each service?

    On-Page Optimization | | kscotbarr

  • I'm working on a PPC campaign for a client who provides a luxury service. He has very little search volume in general, and there's one product that has no volume at all. I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to run a campaign for this product using the general keywords. I estimate that 95% of the population has no intention of using our service and can't afford it even if they did. For example, say we're a concierge doctor service. When people search for 'medical doctor' or 'medical treatment' they are looking for doctors, and we probably could help them, but they won't want us when they could go to the doctor's office down the street and pay a fraction of the price. Obviously I'd tailor the keywords so it would be as relevant as possible. Yay: If my ads are clear, then whoever clicks them is interested in my product, so my money is being well spent. I'll just have a very low CTR. Nay: Spend the money on advertisement tailored to the target market, both people with existing interest, and those who would want it if they knew we existed. Yay or nay?

    Paid Search Marketing | | 5225Marketing

  • I have a competator that has literally hundreds of sites like this: that don't have a huge amount of page authority, but he is getting citations out of all of them.  The site is obviously useless, and just a place for some SEO company to keep adding more links to their various clients, and creating google citations for them at the same time. Once you have filled out your information on every single local database and obtained all the legit citations you can, your competitors are still beating you by having more citations, from various sites like the one above. Is there any way to stay whitehat and actually succeed? or should i just follow suit, and make 100 crappy websites full of crap and put links in them.  seems silly, but it seems like the only way to compete these days.

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • We're renaming all of our Product URLs (because we're changing eCommerce Platforms), and I'm trying to determine the best strategy to take. Currently, they are all based on product SKUs. For example, Bacon Dental Floss is: Right now, I'm thinking of just using the Product name. For example, Bacon Dental Floss would become: Is this strategy the best for SEO? Any better ideas? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JustinStupid

  • Hi <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym> pro's, how are you doing these days? Hope everything is fine... Let's get down to business: I've got a little question about ecommerce sites with duplicate content (product descriptions). I'm already ranking top #1 for exact keyword matche's (did a lot of backlink work with exact keyword). That's fine. The question is: long tail keywords still getting lower results than the competitors, because they published the content first. How to beat them? What I need to do/work to outrank competitors on long tail keywords? (I really need this because almost keywords/products from my niche only have 10% of exact search's). Hope someone can give me a word of light on this! Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | azaiats2

  • Looking for a great article on implementing customer based review system with the ability to feed that data to Google with rich snippets.

    Search Behavior | | WebResource

  • Hey guys, 1- In the On-Page Report the "Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical" is not checked and it says <dl> <dt>Canonical URL ""</dt> <dt>We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank.</dt> <dt>the domain points to the right page... Im not understading why its checked off..??? could it be because the canonical url has the ".com/" instead of just ".com" ???</dt> <dt>2- it also shows that the Total Keyword Usage for this Page = 33 , is this good or bad? too little or too much?</dt> <dt>3- Also when building backlinks should I include the ".com/" or ".com" ??</dt> <dt>Thank you in advance! </dt> </dl>

    Link Building | | onyx808

  • We are experiencing a problem in which category pages do not appear to be passing Page Authority to subcategory pages.  See the example below: Home page has PA of 47 The next level category page down has a PA of 34 The next sub category down has PA of 1, and shows no links at all in spite of the fact that we got to it from a category link The page in question is crawlable, is indexed and has nothing that we can see that would be prevent it from showing Page Authority and a link profile using your tools. Do we have a site architecture problem?

    Moz Pro | | smines

  • Hey guys, I been trying to use the Juicy Link Finder... tried with 3 words keywords and 2 and 1... waited and waited... and it doesnt return anything... Its it broken?

    Link Building | | onyx808

  • Has anyone re-run the correlation data for webpages' LDA Score since Google's Farmer/Panda update?  I still have my writers use the LDA Tool and I am curious to know if there was a significant change in correlation now that "quality content" is touted as a more important ranking factor by Google.

    Moz Pro | | costume

  • I have been trying to find the tool that provides the campaign data the linking C-block data.  Does anyone know which tool it is?  Or is that just part of the campaigns?

    Competitive Research | | purch

  • Hi All Anyone any experience with using Headway Themes for wordpress. How does it compare to Artisteer 3 for ease of use for a non-coder. Does "Headway Themes"  really allow for the designing of sharp business wordpress websites for people with no coding skills as it claims. Thanks Peter

    Web Design | | peterds

  • We are in the process of completely rebuilding our web presence.  We went ahead and started a blog using Hubspot while we are redesigning everything and writing all new content.  The new site will be live in early August.  The question is when do we start making a big push with Linkbuilding?  I am currently trying to promote the Blog but I'm wondering about linkbuilding for the rest of the site?  Do we wait until the new site is live or do we start doing it now?  The new site will be completely different from the old site?

    Link Building | | emcadoo

  • Why does new Keywrod tool show incorrect domain linking to root domain count?  Why does the "Root Domain Linking Root Domains" column show "4,764" for  yet when I run OpenSiteExplorer for it shows "2,963" Linking root domains. Why are these two numbers different?

    Moz Pro | | homefinder

  • I am just starting with the SEO and I have a client in the travel industry whose website is not ranked well on the search engines. After doing the seo audit we see that the website's on-page optimization (meta titles, meta description, meta keywords and h1, h2, etc tags) is bad. At the same time there are very few incoming links into the website. These are the key 2 issues we found. In order to proceed most effectively, what do you think would be more effective to focus on first? Doing the on-site optimization or focusing more on the link building? Do the search engines, in particular, google - weight more either of these parameters? thanks so much for all your advice! all the best egle

    Link Building | | queenz

  • I was wondering if there is a way to track information about the individual order in google analytics. Currently I can see all of the organic traffic, rev, transactions, etc, but I would like to be able to know what those individual order numbers are, as well as be able to place test orders to see if organic tracking is correctly working. Does anyone know of a good blog walkthrough for this, or have any suggestions? Thanks (again individual organic order data not all data from a specific search engine or keyword).

    Reporting & Analytics | | Gordian

  • Hi there, We have some keywords that are ranked so far apart on the search engines its puzzling. For example we have keywords ranked at say 10, 9, 7 etc  on Google, not in top 50 on Bing or Yahoo.  Stuff like that. Surely the algorithms can’t be that far apart?  Is this indeed normal?  Does anyone have the same issues? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | inhouseninja

  • I believe, sometimes you may 'deserve' the first position, but get #3. And of course, sometimes you may deserve #3 and instead be #1. All due to a 'randomness factor' in search engine algorithms. I've been holding this hypothesis for quite sometime. Really, it started when I learned about SEOmoz using machine learning to better investigate SEO best practices. I suddenly found myself wanting to learn more about machine learning, and the implications of using it for SEO. I'm by no means able to utilize machine learning myself, but I it appears unsupervised learning would have a real chance of cracking search engine algorithms. Hey, even Stuxnet was cracked! Surely Google/ Bing would know (and account for) this, right?  We can agree they'd obviously prefer a highly skilled mathematician not be able to crack the code. Therefore, I'm led to believe that search engines use some sort of randomness in their rankings. Maybe not much. Perhaps not all the time. But if a random percentage of search results, had a random variable of sorts included in their calculations... wouldn't that be enough to prevent the vast majority of cracking attempts? Thoughts, opinions, criticism? Thanks.

    SEO Learn Center | | DonnieCooper

  • If I type into Google, are the results listed by what Google considers to be the most important pages of the site? If I change my sitemap should this order change? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Seaward-Group

  • Hi All, How do I know if people are using an addthis widget setup on product pages. The widget seems to be in an annoying location for me personally and I want to move it or replace it with just a few social media buttons. How do I track its effectiveness? Would you use Addthis widget or manual buttons on ecommerce? Thanks in advance!

    Social Media | | seoninja20

  • I noticed in wordpress code that the <title>and <description> are not at the top of the code and rather located a ways down the code and not displayed how previous sites used to be.</p> <p>Does this still matter for SEO.</p> <p>I thought it should have been,</p> <div id="syn_row5" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">title</span>></span><span class="HTML_TAG"></<span class="HTML_ELM">title</span>></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_ROW"> <div id="syn_row6" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">meta</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">name</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">"Description"</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">content</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">""</span> /></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"> <div id="syn_row6" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">meta</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">name</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">"Keywords"</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">content</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">""</span> /> (if still needed ?)</span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"> </span></span></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG">Is there a way to do this in Wordpress? Or does placment not matter anymore?</span></span></span></span></span></span></div> </span></span></div> </div></title>

    Content Development | | hfranz

  • I am working on a website that has a regularly updated Wordpress blog and am unsure whether or not the category and tag pages should be indexable. The blog posts are often outranked by the tag and category pages and they are ultimately leaving me with a duplicate content issue. With this in mind, I assumed that the best thing to do would be to remove the tag and category pages from the index, but after speaking to someone else about the issue, I am no longer sure. I have tried researching online, but there isn't anything that provided any further information. Please can anyone with any experience of dealing with issues like this or with any knowledge of the topic help me to resolve this annoying issue. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Paul

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulRogers

  • Notice how Amazon has the reviews for the Kindle showing up right in the Organic Results; Is this a rich snippit example? If you have an ecommerce store and lots of reviews, how do you go about getting the same thing? Is Google just going to let Amazon do this, and other huge brands or is it fair game for everyone?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

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