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  • Hi, I am looking for a good link building agency or freelance to execute a link building strategy for the next months. The content is in Spanish. Could anyone recommend me a good agency or a good link builder for Spanish content? Thank you very much! Jorge

    Link Building | | jorgediaz

  • I have looked around and only saw older and contradicting responses to this question but what effect does having a domain with forward to or forward to in terms of SEO and is it considered spammy or looked down upon

    Technical SEO | | treytt

  • I have heard from a couple of people that my overly dynamic URL's hurt my SEO tremendously.  Can anyone verify that?  Of course my provider says it doesn't matter but I take what they say with a grain of salt. Another thing, my web crawls show a TON of errors for duplicate page title and overly dynamic url and duplicate page content.  How big of a deal is this?

    Algorithm Updates | | sviohl

  • Hi there, i am trying to clean up some duplicate content issues on a website. The crawl diagnostics says that one of the pages has 8 other URLS with the same content. When i click on the number "8" to see the pages with duplicate content, i get to a page that says "no urls with duplicate content to report". Why is this happening? How do i fix it?

    Moz Pro | | fourthdimensioninc

  • SEOmoz's crawl tool is telling me that I have duplicate content at "" and at "".  Do you think this is just a glitch in the crawl tool (because obviously these two URL's are the same page rather than two separate ones) or do you think this is actually an error I need to worry about?  Is so, how do I fix it?

    Technical SEO | | MyNet

  • My Web Site has two sections with overlapping, or redundant articles on the same topics. Google is only listing one or the other article in Search Results. What should I do to have both pages (similar but unique content ) to be listed? Example:

    Content Development | | docjamesmd

  • Our site's IP address is being indexed in addition to the canonical domain. As soon as it was flagged a 301 was implemented in the .htaccess file to redirect the IP address to the canonical. Does this usually occur? Is it detrimental to SEO? In my time in SEO I've never heard of this being an issue, or being part of a list of things to be checked. It sounds more like a server that wasn't configured correctly when hosting was set up? It didn't seem to be affecting the site at all, but is it more common and I've just never heard of it? 😛 Should it be something I'm usually looking for in future? Responses are greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mikeimrie

  • When our Canadian users who search on for our brand (e.g. Travelocity, Travelocity hotels, etc.), the first few results our from our US site ( rather than our Canadian site ( In Google Webmaster Tools, we've adjusted the geotargeting settings to focus on the appropriate locale, but the wrong country TLD is still coming up at the top via What's the best way to ensure our Canadian site comes up instead of the US site on Thanks, Tory Smith

    Technical SEO | | travelocitysearch

  • Hello, I am terribly confused by Google Webmaster Tools. I am looking at my inbound links, to see which content on the site is strongest. However, the results from GWT under Links to your site, and the results from doing a link: search in Google yield very different results! For example, in GWT, this page on our site apparently 2237 links from 29 different domains. But when I search, I get just three results, two of which are from our site. What is the cause of the disparity between the two results, or is it just my (lack of) understanding of what I am seeing in the Links to your site report in GWT? Any help clearing this up gratefully received! Many thanks, Sophy

    Link Building | | sophycolbert

  • Hi, Our site was originally created with a very flat folder structure  - most of the pages are at the top level. Because we will adding more content I want to tidy up the structure first. I just wanted to check what the best way to go about this was. Is it best to: First configure all the new 301 redirects to point to the new pages, while leaving the actual links on our site pointing to the old pages. Then changing the links on the site after a few weeks. Configure the redirects and change the actual links on my website at the same time to point to the new locations. My thinking that if I go with option 1 route then I will give Google a chance to process all the redirects and change the locations in their index before I start pointing them to the new locations. But does it make any difference? What is the best wat to go about making this sort of change to minimize any loss in rankings, page rank etc? Thanks for the help.

    Technical SEO | | Maximise

  • Hi, Would really appreciate some input on this. My client is aiming primarily at United States in terms of audience as this is where predominately the clients come from. I set the geographic target as this is a .com site to United States in google webmaster tools, is that the right thing to do or should I have left it unassigned? I am finding it hard to see the results that I get from SEOMOZ as I am in the UK and am wondering if by setting the geographic target to the United States I am narrowing the potential search results from google. thanks very much Tracy

    Keyword Research | | dashesndots

  • Hi all, What would be ( highlights ) your strategy in order to rank and compete with a new domain against competitors that have an average of 50% domain authority and around 2000 root domain linking to them, if you would start with a completely new website/domain? How long would you estimate the new site to be competitive? In the retail area. Working on it a month full time I would go with On page SEO off course, detailling each products and building the internal link structure Get back links, backlinks, backlinks and... backlinks... Build the social media network feed a blog Thanks for your input Considering working on the site for a month full time, I would estimate a ranking after a month or 2 although the competitions very high. Your thoughts ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Derek_A

  • We are a franchise with over 80 locations. We have bulk uploaded all our places pages and all but 15 of them have been approved...this was over 2 months ago!!! Any idea why the final 15 will not stop "Pending Review"?? Google has been no help!(of course) It seems the information is correct across Yelp! CitySearch, and Yahoo Local... Any ideas?

    Branding | | AustinBarton

  • In other words, do those items fall under the category "SEO".

    On-Page Optimization | | noeltock

  • Okay, So yesterday I asked a question about setting up custom error pages in IIS 6.0 to properly do a 24 hour 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. With no answer, (not to the despair of the community as the question has NO simple or easy answer 🙂 So after a night of dreaming about solutions 🙂 I realized that we have the ability to just clone the site.... So basically it would just become a redundant server or mirror site for 24 hours. With all that being said the question is..... What SEO pitfalls might I encounter from this if any I suspect none as load balancing and redundancy is a fact of life in the WEB world, especially since it will be a MAX of 24 hours downtime for maint.

    Technical SEO | | Jinx14678

  • Hi Mozzers, What variables could be used to calculate the value of a Twitter follower? I m thinking something of Click through rate Conversion rate Retweets Number of followers Something else?

    Social Media | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Hi, We all know that Link building is a tough job which  requires persistent effort  , and for a content creator it takes focus away from his job , which is "creating content". So content producers resort to "outsourcing" their link building. Now, unlike business/ enterprise , professional SEO's cost a fortune and beyond reach of an upcoming content creator. So he/she resorts to cheaper link building mediums like Forum Posts , Blog Comments , Article submissions , automate bookmarking site submissions etc. All the above software relatively do not cost much ($50-$100) BUT create links which do not have much value and hence not desirable. ============ My question is - ============= How can a content producer (like me) with a budget of meager $200 spend his money to get "most value" out of his link building activities

    Whiteboard Friday | | krishru

  • For a company with a limited budget, is it worth spending money on paid for directories which a high authority to boost your page rank? Thanks

    Link Building | | f1plustraining

  • I current have a site that when run though a site map tool (screaming frog or xenu) returns a 404 error on a number of pages The pages are indexed in Google and when visited they do 301 to the correct page? why would the sitemap tool be giving me a different result? is it not reading the page correctly?

    Technical SEO | | EAOM

  • Hi SEOmoz folks We're getting a lot of 404 (not found) errors in our weekly crawl. However the weird thing is that the URLs in question all have the same issue. They are all a valid URL with a backsalsh ("") added. In URL encoding, this is an extra %5C at the end of the URL. Even weirder, we do not have any such URLs in our (Wordpress-based) website. Any insight on how to get rid of this issue? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | GPN

  • Hi everyone! After reading about pagination practices, a few days ago we introduced the <meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW,NOINDEX" /> tag, to prevent duplicate content. You can find an example below: I have been checking yahoo site explorer and result pages still get indexed. My question is: Am I doing something wrong? Is the code incorrect (follow,noindex - noindex,follow)? Or does it just take some time to have effect? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | inmonova

  • Hi, I have placed meta descriptions in a CMS for a client and afterwards checked with the SeoMoz tool "Page elements" that these are embedded correctly. However when checking the SERP for certain pages Google has "composed" the listing from other content than the meta description. What may be the reason, and how to avoid this?

    On-Page Optimization | | vibelingo

  • Hi, I am using a CMS that generates dynamic urls that according to the SeoMoz tool will be indexed as duplicate pages. The pages in questions are forms, blog-posts etc. that are not crucial to achieve ranking for. I do worry though about the consequences of having 20 (non-duplicate)pages with static urls and about 100 pages that are duplicates with dynamic urls. What consequences will this have for the speed that the robots crawl the site and could there be negative effects on ranking for the entire domain?

    On-Page Optimization | | vibelingo

  • Hello, We're looking to use a subdomain for a bookings engine that will also host the majority of our site content as it wil house the details of the courses that we'll be selling online. All content is currently available on A few pages will remain here but the majority will ultimately be hosted on a different IP address under a subdomain: I am a little concerened about search engine reaction to this content separation. Would this approach dilute the rankings of Is there anything else we need to be mindful of? We have alternative options if this is a real SEO faux pas. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Urbanfox

  • Having a website designed for a car dealership and deciding what attributes to use in the URL. Should I include the city name in the URL? Or does that help for SEO purposes? Other ideas of what to research or try are appreciated too. Thanks 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kylesuss

  • Has anyone done any experimentation on how Google treats links that are on a page that is being "rel canonical'd" to another page? For eg, has a canonical pointing to How does Google treat the internal links that are on page

    Technical SEO | | Burgo

  • I have the SEOMoz toolbar installed. In the settings I have a tick next to Display SERP Overlay. When I first activated this it showed up but with no data just continually searching for a long time. Now it is not showing up at all. This is such a great tool, how can I get it working? Thanks, Daniel.

    Moz Pro | | iSenseWebSolutions

  • I searched the current questions and found similar questions but nothing as specific as what I wanted, so... We are a graphic design school in Melbourne Australia. We have a website - - that ranks fairly well in Google for our particular search terms. We have rebranded the organisation and want to change the website domain name to the new branding - - but obviously do not want to lose our hard earned SEO and rankings. We only have two strategies so far, and are not sure what the pros and cons to either strategy are, or whether there is a better way. The two ideas we have are: Option 1) Just swap the domain name. We were thinking about swapping the domain name and setting up 301 redirects to tell Google that the old page that ranked well is now this page 'x' on the new site. I've read that you lose all your valuable links doing this because they are domain specific and the 301 doesn't forward your links. Option 2) Build a second website. This idea is that we would build a second website with our new domain name and branding and build up that site until it ranks as highly as the first site and then start to remove the first site. We're planning on completely redeveloping the current website anyway and changing and adding lots more content as well so this option is not out of the question. Any help, thoughts, suggestions or further options would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to discuss. Can I also please suggest that a new category is added under 'The SEO Process' - something like 'rebranding / migration' Cheers, Anthony

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Grenadi

  • Hi guys, i am currently creating a local business directory and was deciding when we first start there will be a lot of business listings without a business decription until the owner of that business come to submit a description. so when if a business listing have no business description would it be better to have an automatic generated business description like this: the automated genrated description for this listing on that page is:
    Scene Magazine is a business that is based in Kingston, 7050, TAS: Hobart And South. Scene Magazine is listed in 2 categories including: Magazines and Periodicals Shops and Book Stores and Shops. Within the Magazines and Periodicals Shops category there are 5 businesses within 25 km of Scene Magazine. Some of those businesses included within the radius of 25 km are Island Magazine, Artemis Publishing Consultants and Bride Tasmania Magazine. would google panda affect this or not and would it be wise to use this auto content when there is no description for a business?

    Algorithm Updates | | usaccess608

  • I have a couple of sites using 3dcart, the ecommerce platform.  Their tech support recently told me that they do not list sub-categories in the XML sitemap, only products and top-tier categories. Am I the only one that sees a problem with this? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • So, AddThis just added a cool feature that attempts to track when people share URL's via cutting and pasting the address from the browser. It appears to do so by adding a URL fragment on the end of the URL, hoping that the person sharing will cut and paste the entire thing. That seems like a reasonable assumption to me. Unless I misunderstand, it seems like it will add a fragment to every URL (since it's trying to track all of 'em). Probably not a huge issue for the search engines when they crawl, as they'll, hopefully, discard the fragment, or discard the JS that appends the fragment. But what about backlinks? Natural backlinks that someone might post to say, their blog, by doing exactly what AddThis is attempting to track - cutting and pasting the link. What are people's thoughts on what will happen when this occurs, and the search engines crawl that link, fragment included?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BedeFahey

  • I will  be quick and to the point.  I am clearly a novice. I received a notice on my seomoz  account that I had 12 pages with a Rel Canonical issue.  It seems serious.  Can this be a quick fix?  Any thoughts?  Below is the site address. Thanks in advance for any input on this!      Dave

    On-Page Optimization | | APICDA

  • I did a 301 redirect to another domain and I would like to change the domain name in SeoMoz campaigns tool to continue to track the keywords, is it possible ?

    Moz Pro | | mhenriques

  • Is it OK to repeat the Meta Title as the H1 - word for word?

    On-Page Optimization | | GardenBeet

  • Hey Guys, I'm wondering which URL is preferable when targeting the keyword phrase "ski goggles" a)  or b) URL a includes the keyword phrase exactly with a dash but also repeats the word "ski" and feels redundant.  Any research/ testing to support either case? Thanks a bunch. Will

    Technical SEO | | evoNick

  • Hola Is there any consensus as yet as to whether people plan to use as the content markup standard rather than RDFa and microformats? There are some arguments flying around about the benefits and disbenefits, but the pragmatic answer to this question IMHO lies in how many people take this up rather than any arguments on what is best. Thanks to any and all who reply. Thanks Neil

    Algorithm Updates | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hello, here something interesting I'm Using Rank Tracker from SEOMOZ And from the link-assistant's Rank Tracker as Well... I need to track and (venezuela) so I did... i got my keyword an here are my results. 1 Keyword A at (united states) Rank Tracker SEOMOZ = pos 6 Rank Tracker OTHER = pos 6 Manual Query on = 9 (I used the exact url seomoz tells me its using) 2 Keyword A at Rank Tracker SEOMOZ = pos 8 Rank Tracker OTHER = pos 7 Manual query on = pos 8 So.... Why it's that?, so far I think that for me down here (it actually says "Español") it's a different index? for latinamerica? only spanish pages? maybe it's because there's a couple of minutes between looking with one tool and the other... any help, would be great... Dan

    Technical SEO | | daniel.alvarez

  • Has anyone ran into SEO issues with sites utilizing load balancing systems? We're running into some other technical complications (for using 3rd party tracking services), but I'm concerned now that the setup could have a not-so-good impact from an SEO standpoint.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BMGSEO

  • A client with both a web and brick and mortar store is ranking well for normal web searches locally for many terms but less so nationally. I'm aware that results change due to location and other factors. Specifically, client is wondering if his retail location and corresponding places page are hurting his web results in non-local areas.

    Algorithm Updates | | AliveWired

  • My site is It has a few different areas of "Free" and "Premium" content. 1. We have a first click free program for Google visitors, where they can read the first news article in full. 2. Other visitors and subsequent news article views have a content preview, which includes headline and first paragraph of content, and then asks for a name and email address in order to consume the rest of the free news. 3. We have premium content (paid), and all of those folders are currently on our robots.txt file My questions are as follows.... a. How much content is needed in front of the "pay/reg wall" in order to still get proper juice from linkbacks/pagerank crawls b. Should I make the premium content a robots meta noindex tag, or because you can't see the article at all without logging in, is a proper place to include on robots.txt

    Technical SEO | | Yun

  • Which facebook like button code is better for seo. iframe or XFBML

    Social Media | | hfranz

  • Hey everyone... just seeing who's going to MozCon next month?  It would be nice to connect some usernames and faces when I get there!

    Industry Events | | blu42media

  • I have 3 years of SEO experience and am an SEO Manager. I am well versed, though much room for growth and education.  I want to find an SEO Seminar or training program that best suits my needs.  It seems most are a one size fits all seminars.  Any recommendations, thoughts or ideas?

    Industry News | | dkamen

  • Currently we have 300+ products. We do not have a CMS or Ecommerce site at the time being for certain reasons. Currently our site is set up with content on almost every single page. The main catagory page, explains everything on the main page, then our products page has a lot of text too. But right now, it seems as if our main pages are only ranking. In the near future I will be using a cms and purchasing a template. I noticed most Ecommerce style websites have just the product with the name and price, then when they click on the product it brings you to that page with a brief product description and some photos. My question is, does each page need content? Or can just the product page itself have content? For example, say we have a link to SHOES. Then the shoes page displays dress, casual and athletic. Then the athletic page brings you to a page with, running, tennis, cross training shoes, and so forth. Is it best to write content on this main catagory page? If so, how much? Or should we focus on putting content on the actual page of the individual product? Along with pictures and specifications? I know Content is Key and we are doing pretty well at that, however, I am starting to wondering if we have to much content or too similar content. What is the best structure to try and recieve GREAT organic rankings?

    On-Page Optimization | | hfranz

  • This website is done in CMS. Will having lightbox pop up with content be SEO friendly? If you go to the web page and click on the images at the bottom of the page. There are lightbox that will display information. Will these lightbox content information be crawl by Google? Will it be consider as content for the url Thanks, John

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VizionSEO99

  • Can someone tell me the significance of the following items under my Competitive Domain Analysis?  Total Links / Ext. Followed Links/ Linking Root Domains/ Followed Linking Root Domains and Linking C-Blocks?  Also, what is the absolute best way to determine how many backlinks I have to my site?

    Reporting & Analytics | | leonenobleseate

  • Hello there, We have a lot of PDFs that seem to end up on other websites. I was wondering if there was a way to make sure that our website gets the credit/authority as the original creator. Besides linking directly from the PDF copy to our pages, is anyone aware of strategy for letting Google know that we are the original publishers? I know search engines can index HTML versions of PDFs, so is there anyway to get them to index a rel="canonical" tag as well? Thoughts/Ideas?

    Technical SEO | | Tektronix

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