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  • I wanna a opinion a seo review for this website,, the content is in Romanian ... i cant get to the 1st page, idk why... i tryed evryting

    Link Building | | Alexsmenaru

  • We've got a one-page, 10+ year old domain that has a 65/100 domain authority that gets about 10k page views a day (I'm happy to share the URL but didn't know if that's permitted). The content changes daily (it's a daily bible verse) so most of this question is focused on domain authority, not the content. We're getting ready to provide translations of that daily content in 4 languages.  Would it be better to create sub-domains for those translations (same content, different language) or sub-folders? Example: or We're able to do either but want to pick the one that would give the translated version the most authority both now and moving forward.  (We definitely don't want to penalize the root domain.) Thanks in advance for your input.

    Technical SEO | | ipllc

  • For many years our top keywords hve ranked in top 5. Usually top 3 for a few in particular. The last few months those particular keywords have dropped to 25 +.  Our other rankings are doing pretty decent and are remaiing the same.  We are members of about 6 forums since they relate to our website and sometime we have contests on them. I do know that the forums are based on those particular keywords and are linking to our website, as well as other forum members linking to us.  Each forum has roughly 300 links to our website.  It does not seem as if our competitors are affected by this, as they are members of the forums as well. What could be causing this for these certain keywords? If those forums were affected by Google's new algorythm would this have an affect on our website?

    On-Page Optimization | | hfranz

  • My company has developed a detailed white paper/buyers guide for a specific type of widget that we sell, and we're looking for creative ways to market this content.  We will be marketing it on our blog, plus via our ecommerce store's navigation.  Any other suggestions?

    Branding | | stevenmusumeche

  • What is the shelflife of a blog post SEO wise and Google wise?

    Content Development | | sarenausa

  • I have specified the following in my robots.txt file: Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/ Yet Roger is crawling these pages = 1,357 errors. Is this a bug or am I missing something in my robots.txt file? Here's one of the URLs that Roger pulled: <colgroup><col width="312"></colgroup>
    | Please let me know if my problem is in robots.txt or if Roger spaced this one. Thanks! |

    Moz Pro | | MeltButterySpread

  • Hi, I read few opinions over the potential value of implementing Facebook Comments on internal pages and I got that search engines don't crawl the content generated7written by Facebook Comments. So do you confirm that from a SEO prospective this is not valuable at all? Would you suggest to implement this for example within every product page like Yelp has? Imagine all the value of UGC lost and not read by search engine crawler... In which case would you suggest to implement FB Comments and why? Thanks a lot! Cheers, Nino

    On-Page Optimization | | printi

  • Good Day, I am looking for .2 cents regarding which SEO conference we should attend. Our main aim is to gain further insight into organic search. We can only attend one this year and so far are looking into: SMX Advanced SES San Francisco SEOmoz MozCon Any comments are appreciated. Regards.

    Industry Events | | Questionmana

  • Hi! I've already done some research on redirects, but I still have a question concerning a 302 redirect implemented at the homepage of a website. The Website has a 302 redirect to Also all subsequent pages have the /content/ directory in their URLs: e.g First thing I was wondering about, was the use of a redirect to a new site using an additional directory /content/... Why would anyone do this? Would it be enough to replace the 302 with a 301 redirect, or would you recommend to change the entire structure and eliminate this /content/ directory? The most logical structure would be, and not, right? Second thing: Given that 302 means temporary redirect, what are the actual implications when redirecting from to I've heard that 302 redirects don't pass linkjuice and are detrimental for the site's rankings... What are the actual implications concerning the example above (302 redirect from to ? Would be great to get some advice about the first problem and maybe some insights about the second one concerning 302s in general. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Chris

    Technical SEO | | adwordize

  • We are working with a company on re-platforming our website.  On a call yesterday they outlined a strategy to use 200 redirects for our top keywords instead of 301s.  I am not familiar with this type of redirect and was wondering if anyone could provide some more insight.

    Technical SEO | | EvergladesDirect

  • Hello, I noticed that this onepage website: ranks at #11 for web design London so I did some research using SEO Moz Pro. Turns out that alll their links are from Chinese directory style sites. Does this demonstrate black hat SEO? If not, how do I go about getting links on Chinese sites with .gov urls. Many thanks, Martin Hofschroer

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MartinHof

  • We are currently working on a project which involves 3 separate .com domains in relation to a UK company selling/renting residential, commercial and investment properties within the UK. We are now working on producing a .hk site for the overseas customers. Can anyone advise what the best practice is for a .hk domain and where best to start? Should the domain be hosted in that geographical location for example? We are relatively new to this so any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    International SEO | | SoundinTheory

  • Hi, I have a small number of exact match domains, both country specific TLDs and also the Generic TLD dot com and dot net. They are: ExactMatch**.Com**
    ExactMatch**.Net** ExactMatch**.Co.Uk**
    ExactMatch**.Co.Za** We have already successfully launched our UK site using the exact match and this is currently number 2 in the UK SERPS for the Google, Yahoo and Bing. They are/will be niche specific classified ad sites, which are Geographically targeted by country (to Engish speakers in the main) and each region is likely to have a minumum of 2,000 unique listings submitted over the course of a year of so. My question (FINALLY) is this: Am I better to build one large global site (will grow to approx. 12,000 listings) using EXACTMATCH.Com with .com - targeting US users and then geo-targeted sub directories (ExactMatch.Com/Nz etc)  - each sub dir targeted to the matching geographic area in webmaster tools, or use the ccTLDs and host each site in the country with perhaps (each site growing to approx 2,000 listings) I could use the ccTLDs just for marketing/branding  onlyand redirect these to the specific sub directory of the .com site? I am aware that there is one main ccTLD that I cannot get .Com.Au (as I am not a resident of Australia - and it is already in use.) so I was wondering if the single site with .Com/AU/ etc might help me better target that country? If I use each ccTLD as separate sites I suppose I could use the largely redundant .net to target Australia? Your thoughts and advice would be most welcome. Thanks! An additional bit of intormation (or two) the .com is circa 2004. The product advertised is a reasonably bulky (perhaps 6kgs boxed) physical product and therefore the seller is unlikely to want to ship globally - will this make them shy away from a global site - even one divided into global sub sections? FYI Seller can specify in their listing Will Ship To ....... I would be open to looking at using the front page of the .Com site as a page which visitors select the country they wish to buy/sell on.  (IF it is the general consensus that it is better to create one large site.) Consider also please how the end user is likely to percieve the benefits to them of one LARGE SITE versus TARGETED SITE - I know the .Com would be divided into geographic sub directories, but I am not sure if they won't see an additinal benefit to the ccTLD - Does this add a degree of reassurance and relevance that a .com/ccTLD cannot provide? I suppose I am biased by the fact that ebay use ccTLDs? Thanks again - and please forgive my tone which may suggest I am playing devil's advocate here. I am very torn on this issue.

    International SEO | | Hurf

  • Each week I've been looking at my crawl diagnostics and seomoz still flags a few pages with missing meta description although they are definitely in there. Any ideas on why this would be happening?

    Technical SEO | | British_Hardwoods

  • I am viewing my Crawl Diagnostics Report. My report is filled with data which really shouldn't be there. For example I have a page: This is a main forum page. It contains a list of many threads. The list can be sorted on many values. The page is canonicalized, and has been since it was created. My crawl report shows this page listed 15 times. and so forth. Each of those pages uses the same canonicalization reference shared above. I have three questions: Why is this data appearing in my crawl report? These pages are properly canonicalized. If these pages are supposed to appear in the report for some reason, how can I remove them? My desire is to focus on any pages which may have an issue which needs to be addressed. This site has about 50 forum pages and when you add an extra 15 pages per forum, it becomes a lot harder to locate actionable data. To make matters worse, these forum indexes often have many pages. So if I have a "Corvette" forum there that is 10 pages long, then there will be 150 extra pages just for that particular forum in my crawl report. Is there anything I am missing? To the best of my knowledge everything is set up according to the best SEO practices. If there is any other opinions, I would like to hear them.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • Dear SEOmoz, Thanks for all the stuff in this pro account. I tweak my websites everyday and do a lot of linkbuilding. But I noticed the statistics don't change weekly. I've been using SEOmoz tools now for maybe two months and there has been one update in stats since. Am I too impatient or is it a monthly crawl? ^^ Thanks again! PS: Mostly talking about the statistics

    Reporting & Analytics | | erikwigman

  • The crawl report tells me "Notices are interesting facts about your pages we found while crawling". One of these interesting facts is that my blog archives are "blocked by meta robots". Articles are not blocked, just the archives. What is a "meta" robot? I think its just normal (since the article need only be crawled once) but want a second opinion. Should I care about this?

    Technical SEO | | GPN

  • Recently got handed off a .org site for a quasi state agency here in Michigan.  Turns out the developer had the site live for the past six months but left the noindex, nofollow tag on everything so the site was invisible to search engines. Obviously we wiped all of those things a couple weeks ago when we got started, added all of our sitemaps to bing/yahoo/google webmaster tools and we've already started getting indexed by yahoo and bing and showing up for branded terms...but NOTHING from Google.  WMT says our pages are all indexed, but we aren't showing up for anything in search and we don't seem to be indexed at all. Granted, if this site was brand new and didn't have any links I could see us taking a little time to get found, but this site has very good .gov and .edu links, plus we've built some other solid links to it since we've launched and Google continues to ignore it.  I haven't seen this before, but could Google still be ignoring us from the months of noindex, nofollowing?  If so, any tips on how to get back in teh Google's good graces here?

    On-Page Optimization | | NetvantageMarketing

  • Is this ok to do?. It will be alot of keywords. we are talking about 20 different communities surrounding Dayton, Oh.

    Keyword Research | | MarkBolin

  • Checking at I can see that: has has DA 26, linking root domains 1, total links 22 has DA 26, linking root domains 31, total links 89 The 22 links to the non-www domain come from the same site, which I would be able to convince to change to the www domain. Is it worth doing it? Will it add up to better DA? Thanks J PS: with only 32 root domains I think I have to do some serious link building...

    Link Building | | TIBA

  • My website is a Joomla based website.  My designer is good, but I don't think he knows that much about SEO . . . so I doubt if he added any extensions that can assist with SEO.  I assume there are some good ones that can help my site. Does anyone know what/which Joomla extensions are must haves?

    Technical SEO | | damon1212

  • site: On the bottom of this homepage there is an seo content area, basically right under where it says "orange county nissan" welcomes you. The internal links in this area are very long and I'm wondering why they would do this - is there any benefit to making anchor text longer? The longer the anchor text, the less each part of that anchor text passes link juice. For example, for a page about their reviews, the anchor text of the link is "See what Cerritos Nissan customers have to say about their experience at this great Orange County Nissan Dealership.". If I would have done this the anchor text would be "Cerritos Nissan Reviews" or just plain "reviews" as the anchor text. Why would they be using such long keywords as anchor text?

    On-Page Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • can someone give me their take on this site and the packages? Thank you I am looking to get links to this url

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • Due to acquisitions over time and the merging of many microsites into one major site, we currently have 20+ TLD's  pointing to the same IP address as our "preferred domain:"  for our consolidated website They are all set up as 301 redirects on apache - including both the www and non www versions. When we launched this consolidated website, (April 2010) we accidentally left the settings of our site open to accept any of our domains on the same IP.  This was later fixed but unfortunately Google indexed our site under multiple of these URL's (ignoring the redirects) using the same content from our main website but swapping out the domain.  We added some additional redirects on apache to redirect these individual pages pages indexed under the wrong domain to the same page under our main domain  This seemed to help resolve the issue and moved hundreds of pages off the index.  However, in December of 2010 we made significant changes in our external dns for our ip addresses and now since December, we see pages indexed under these redirecting domains on the rise again. If you do a search query of : you will see a few hundred examples of pages indexed under the wrong domain.  When you click on the link, it does redirect to the same page but under the preferred domain.  So the redirect is working and has been confirmed as 301.  But for some reason Google continues to crawl our site and index under this incorrect domains.  Why is this? Is there a setting we are missing?   These domain level and page level redirects should be decreasing the pages being indexed under the wrong domain but it appears it is doing the reverse. All of these old domains currently point to our production IP address where are preferred domain is also pointing.  Could this be the issue? None of the pages indexed today are from the old version of these sites. They only seem to be the new content from the new site but not under the preferred domain. Any insight would be much appreciated because we have tried many things without success to get this resolved.

    Technical SEO | | sboelter

  • My site is aimed primarily at the UK, 90% of the traffic is from the UK and most of my links are from other UK based and UK targetted websites. The content is actually fairly international (apart from certain terms like Plasterboard instead of Drywall, etc). My question is: Should I concentrate on gathering links from the UK, or should I widen my search and try to get links from US and European websites? Are there any particular advantages or disadvantages to keeping links "local"?

    Link Building | | Jingo01

  • Hey everyone, Trying to improve my Google Places page for the Pet Medical Center of Las Vegas but am having trouble knowing where to start. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot that can be customized. Maybe I am missing something.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1370&bih=718&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899 Does the small description act like the SERP in Google searches? Trying to rank for Vet Las Vegas. Any ideas?

    Image & Video Optimization | | PMC-312087

  • I've completely disappeared off Google - what happened? Even my brand name keyword does not bring up my website - I feel lost, confused and baffled on what my next steps should be. ANY advice would be welcome, since there's no going back to the way the site was set up.

    Technical SEO | | JeanieWalker

  • If you have video on your YouTube channel that someone else downloads and then reuploads to their channel, is it duplicate content (even though right now video cannot be crawled)?

    Image & Video Optimization | | DragonSearch

  • My competitor have changed, so I want to alternate a new one instead. But I dont see where is the button or something to delete the old one!

    Moz Pro | | seomasterbrasil

  • Dear Friend, We representa a major national brand in the auto care industry, and they have locations in both US and Canada.  There is a primary content site at  .com that we have duplicated at .ca. We are hosting the .ca site on a separate IP on a server in Canada - but by in large it is the same site. (there are some minor changes we made to change US English to Canadian English - though minor. When we search we generally see strong search results for the .com site, but rarely, if ever any evidence of rankings for the .ca site. The .com site was launched several years ago about 18 months before the .ca site. Why doesn't show the .ca site?  Is this an issue of duplicate content, and simply shows the .com version which it knew about first?  Are we wasting our time, money and efforts having both? Thanks, Tim ps. this isn't about location. We use a separate site to locate local shops, and have coordinated that well with Google Places, and when looking for local auto care - we do well in both US and Canada. The sites described above are largetl content sites.

    Technical SEO | | lunavista-comm

  • Hello, currently has approx. 194k pages in Google index. (approx. 30k suppl.) We have many thousands of old product urls which have gone out of stock, never to "see the light of day" again.  14 years worth! Should we be 301'ing all old products pages that go out of stock, if we know for certain we will never carry that SKU again? If we were to do a "mass" 301 of 30k+ urls how would google or other SE's react to that? Could there be any negative implications to doing so? What is considered best practice for eComm sites, as I imagine we are not alone with this type of situation. Thank you in advance. Michael B.

    Technical SEO | | JustinGeeks

  • I have a friend with a site that has a lot of content. Some of that content has affiliate links with no follows to affiliate urls. Those pages also have a disclosure on them about the affiliate relationship. Now, he's talking about taking some of the existing under-performing affiliate links and renting them out to another site that wants them for the link juice. He says he'd have an on-page  disclosure, a display ad for the advertiser on the page and something in the text like "you might check out our advertiser..." and then some keyword targeted link. He was asking me how risky I thought this is for him and really I don't know.Do you think Google would find this and s**t a chicken over it?  I really don't know, given that I see really blatant undisclosed rented links all the time.Of course, my easy answer to him is "don't do it," but it does make me wonder how risky that is. Also, is that a realistic site-wide penalty kind of thing or it just doesn't pass any link juice to the advertiser kind of thing? So, I'm posting here for others to weigh in on. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 94501

  • Hello, I have a crawl diagnostic warning that says 302 (temporary Redirect).  My site is set up with HTTPS - is that the main reason I am getting this warning?  I don't have a strong need for higher security SSL on my site, which is what I understand the main purpose of HTTPS to be so, to improve SEO, would I be better off getting rid of this and going with HTTP?  Or would 301 redirects be a better option? Thanks for your help! Niall

    Moz Pro | | NiallTom

  • I've come across a lot of SEO tools in the last 5-6 years. And there are many great tools out there! I don't believe in the one-tool-fits-all. Among the tools I make use of are Raven Tools and Searchmetrics (great audit and market analysis tool!), and the tools in here, of course. In my search for a better ranking report tool I came across Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite. That seems like a great tool in category with AWR; but I am not able tell so as I am not a power user. Well, here is where I am going: I then tested the rest of the PowerSuite and it seems as a great product. But searching for the tools in here, and nothing shows up. Silence. Also elsewhere in other serious places. Why is that? It is a collective secret, shhhh, don't tell 🙂. Or is it is just crap? I know they have a bad reputation in regard to prices and updates. What do you guys think?

    Moz Pro | | Danni

  • How do you gauge setting your initial max cost-per-click for specific keywords? For example, you have a keyword that has an estimated "first page bid" at $6.25. If you are wanted your ad to show competitively with your competition, how much should you start at? Two times the "first page bid?" Three times? I'm working on revamping some ad campaigns to help with our paid marketing expenses. I do have quite a budget to work at, but we are hoping to cut down some of this cost. We just spent the past few months trying to spend our way out of some poor quality scores and CTR's. Our metrics have improved drastically, now I want try and cut down our CPC, which is over $19! Our ROI is hard to calculate due to the fact that it can take a few years to obtain profit from the market we are in. Our conversion rates are over 9% from paid advertisement to leads (which is pretty decent for our market). I am all eyes and ears on this subject... I am ready to start playing around with prices tomorrow to see how we fare, in hopes I get some solid responses before then. Thanks in advance!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | TKIGWebTeam

  • Hello, I was wondering as to how much a bigger impact a backlink has when its linked site-wide as opposed to homepage only? What if the PA/DA of the homepage was good enough (mid 80s), would just a homepage link give a decent result? I just want to mainly know the difference in the impact of each, regardless of the DA/PA, as long as it comes from one domain. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | micfo

  • We have a "secondary main menu" on a site that displays some popular pages of the site. They are in the main navigation of the site as subpages but we wanted to highlight them on every page of the site through this secondary menu. so this secondary menu is the same on every page of the site. So we have the main menu on the top of the site, subpages on the left and this secondary menu below the subpages (in a blue box so they stand out). Is this secondary menu confusing for the structure of the site or negative at all (in relation to robots, not UX)? Should we nofollow these links in the secondary menu? thanks for replies!

    Technical SEO | | Motava

  • love this seo tactic but it seems hard to get people to adopt it Has anyone seen a successful badge campaign for a b2b site? please provide examples if you can.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Quick question, can Googlebot (or other search engines) follow meta refresh tags? Does it work anything like a 301 in terms of passing value to the new page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kchandler

  • I have a number of 404 error pages showing in webmaster tools and some of the url's have numbers, % symbols, and some are pdf's.  My usual 301 redirect in my htaccess file does NOT redirect these pages where the url's have special characters.  What am I doing wrong?

    Technical SEO | | BradBorst

  • Hello, Our site has a very high bounce rate, which in part is down to a slightly old fashioned design, and also because we are a retailer and I imagine many visitors are simply quickly comparing prices and then leaving. However, having had a look in Google Analytics, I think that there is another issue that is contributing to a very high bounce rate. When I look in Content > Top Content, and order the pages in order of Bounce Rate, high to low, there are hundreds of instances of pages with just one or two visits in the last month, and a 100% bounce rate.  The links are the same as our home page or pages on our website, but with extra letters and numbers at the end of the url. We have an affiliate scheme, which provides our affiliates with unique codes for the products they want to link to, and my guess is that these urls are getting indexed. I've looked at a few other links, and they go to translated versions of a page from our website, generated by Google. Other urls seem to have been generated by search results from our own search on the website. What worries me is that there are lots and lots of versions of the same page, with slightly different urls. I am by no means an SEO expert - I work for a very small company and am basically learning as I go - but I know that duplicate content is bad news. If the pages were on our own site, we could use 301s to redirect, but what about translated versions, or urls generated by affiliate schemes, or search results? Many thanks, Sophy

    Affiliate Marketing | | sophycolbert

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