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  • Hi, Our web site is designed using a template, which means the header and footer is consistent across all pages. Only the body content is unique on each page. Is the google bot able to see that the header and footer content is defined by the common template? Will this have any impact in terms of duplicate content? For example, we have a two line text in the footer that summarize the services we provide. Because the same text is in the footer of all pages, i am concerned about creating duplicate content. Finally, does it make sense to include keywords in header and footer of the template? Will it have any positive or negative SEO impact?

    On-Page Optimization | | petersen

  • Is there still any SEO value of paid press releases services, such as PRWEB which let you embed keyword text links? Or would the associated cost be better spent elsewhere? Thanks

    Link Building | | WCR

  • Hi All, Question around the site: query you can execute on Google for example. Now I know it has lots of inaccuracies, but I like to keep a high level sight of it over time. I was using it to also try and get a high level view of how many product pages were indexed vs. the total number of pages. What is interesting is when I do a site: query for say I get ~748,000 results returned. When I do a query for "/dp/" I get ~845,000 results returned. Either I am doing something stupid or these numbers are completely backwards? Any thoughts? Thanks, Ben

    Reporting & Analytics | | BenRush

  • Social media about Facebook and Twitter, which one is most friendly for google Ranking or Increase your website vs opponents?

    Reporting & Analytics | | diyawards

  • My site is Google analytics shows many more (though more than a handful of links that we have gotten recently still don't show up there). Definite newbie here so please be kind... Thanks!

    Link Building | | TheSquareFoot

  • The client is already on /en and in my opinion there is not much to be gained by switching to /uk

    Technical SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • I know there has been discussion on using expired domains in the past.  This is not so much a question as to how to do it or whether it works, but rather I would love to see how many of you use this in your backlink strategy. I have a domain in a low to moderately competitive niche that ranks really well, mostly on the power of a couple of expired domains.  I bought the domains, created a quick wordpress site and pointed some anchor texted links to the site.  It took some time for the expired domains to regain their PR, but when they did, the benefit was great. I'm considering whether I want to do this with another domain of mine.  On one hand, it's a relatively inexpensive way to get some good quality anchor texted links.  But, on the other hand, something in it feels "immoral" or "sneaky" to me. What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • Hello Mozers, I need your advice. I have a new client that runs a paralegal shop called - Christophers Legal Advice up here in Canada is taken but is available Question: Should I register and and just redirect the .com to .ca (since both .com and .ca are available) or should I risk it and opt for the shorter url and just register I'm thinking that I might be able to get away with just since the site will be used to attract new visitors via the search engines and social media. What do you guys think?

    Branding | | RogersSEO

  • Found a PR4 domain that had expired and not been renewed. Best way to get all the link juice from it? just 301 the whole thing to MY main domain?

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • I had heard that Google frowns upon duplicate content so if I were to post the same videos to both YouTube, Vimeo and others, could that have some kind of negative impact, such as the video showing up lower in the SERPs?

    Image & Video Optimization | | kgpaul

  • I am way past OnSite SEO. I want other avenues of earning links, not chasing people for links. I have about 20 articles that I want to put on my upcoming blog. Doing this will not build links immediately, but what about high quality article submission? I have & I plan on creating I need links to my site within 2 to 3 months. I feel becoming a freelancer for Demand Media (eHow) or a writer for Ezinearticles would be easy & faster than waiting for natural link building. Of course my articles would have embedded links pointing back to my site. ANY SUGGESTIONS? How about a White Board Friday on this?

    Whiteboard Friday | | Francisco_Meza

  • I recently noticed that our canonical url's were not set up correctly. The incorrect setup predates me but it could have been in place for close to a year, maybe a bit more. Each of the url's had a "sortby" parameter on all of them. I had our platform provider make the fix and now everything is as it should be. I do see issues caused by this in Google Webmaster, for instance in the HTML suggestions it's telling me that pages have duplicate title tags when in fact this is the same page but with a variety of url parameters at the end of the url. To me this just highlights that there is a problem and we are being negatively impacted by the previous implementation. My question is has anyone been in this situation? Is there any way to flush this out or push Google to relook at this?  Or is this a sit and be patient situation. I'm also slightly curious if Google will at some point look and see that the canonical urls were changed and then throw up a red flag even though they are finally the way they should be. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | dgmiles

  • I am working on optimizing a client site that was launched in January of 2011. A number of back links are starting to show up when I do a competitive link analysis, however in Google WMT the only IBLs that are showing up are from the non-www of the domain, even though I have a 301 redirect from to (and has since the site launched). I also have verified the non-www version with WMT and declared the perfered domain as Any ideas why the non-www domain links are being shown as inbound links by Google WMT rather than internal links. This likely means the site is getting dinged for duplicate content...

    Link Building | | diguno

  • I'm redesigning a client's site, breaking up content into separate pages and moving the site to a managed server keeping the same domain name.  Will I lose any link juice or keyword ranking for site even if I 301 redirect the old pages to the new titled pages?

    Technical SEO | | sirmarkthomas

  • We launched a new affiliate site at the beginning of April this year dealing in reviews, vouchers and price comparison for a niche product. We had a pretty good start, with some of our target keywords ranking #8 #10 #7 but this week they have suddenly dropped off dramatically - like 36 or 42 places. We haven't made any changes to the site apart from publishing new content pieces, such as news posts and reviews - does anyone know why this would suddenly happen? Thanks

    Affiliate Marketing | | JohnHillman

  • Issue: When I export OSE Linking Pages results to .CSV, I'd like to filter only unique domains. It seems to me that there should be a way to do this with Excel, perhaps pivot table. Anyone have a quick solution for this? Alternatively, I can use Linking Domains, which gives all unique roots, but then i lose follow/nofollow filter. Thoughts?

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • I usually do SEO myself but now its time to move on to getting on with running the business. I have found a fantastic PPC company who ONLY focus on PPC and am looking for same but for SEO. Must be based in UK and have a great portfolio of mid/large tier companies with some real life stats to back them up. Pricing must be clear and transaparent. Results must be measurable. How would you find such a company? Ironically searching on Google doesn't seem to produce the right results 😞 Alastair

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alastairc

  • I've noticed a difference in the reported PA and LRD numbers for URLs depending on whether you use Open Site Explorer, or look at the same metrics from within the rankings history (in your campaign set up). I've checked this for a few URLs and what I'm seeing is the reported scores for PA and LRDs is different 9 times out of ten. The PA is sometiomes higher on one report, lower on another, or vice versa. Same for LRDs. I thought it might be because one report was lagging behind and using old data, but that would only make sense if I was seeing an increase in reported LRDs, but it just as often shows a decrease ! Is this just a bug in the campaign>rankings history report or is there a reason for the discrepancies?

    Moz Pro | | Websensejim

  • Hi All, Our website sells products online and is a prestashop system Prestashop comes with a set form you use to fill in products, however to fill it all you end up creating alot of repeated data. What i need to know, is if you have: Product name: Audi A6 Rear Lamp Set Short Description: A Short & Sweet Description Long Description: A Long Boring Description Meta Title:  Same as product name Meta Keywords: What more can be said about an A6 Rear Lamp Set??? Meta Description: Same as long and boring description Im stuck in a position of having the ability to add extra information (i.e Meta-Tags) But really ill end up repeating what is already in the products natural listing. In terms of good SEO, is it better to leave Meta Fields empty, or fill them in and be repetitive for product pages? Thanks all, any guidance will be well appreciated <colgroup><col width="57"><col width="36"><col width="323"><col width="328"><col width="56"><col width="26"><col width="55"><col width="23"><col span="2" width="25"><col width="24"><col width="25"><col width="95"><col width="158"><col width="123"><col width="130"><col width="28"><col width="34"><col span="2" width="64"><col width="537"><col width="188"><col width="319"><col width="303"><col width="329"><col width="177"><col width="96"><col width="128"><col width="172"><col width="547"><col width="62"><col width="87"><col width="85"><col width="94"><col width="162"></colgroup>
    | ID | Active (0/1) | Name* | Categories (x,y,z...) | Price tax excl (+10%) | Tax rate | Wholesale price | On sale (0/1) | Reduction amount | Reduction per cent | Reduction from (yyyy-mm-dd) | Reduction to (yyyy-mm-dd) | Reference # | Supplier reference # | Supplier | Manufacturer | EAN13 | Ecotax | Weight | Quantity | Short description | Description | Tags (x,y,z...) | Meta-title | Meta-keywords | Meta-Description | URL Rewrited | Text when in-stock | Text if back-order allowed | Image URLs (x,y,z...) | Feature |
    | Price tax excl | Percentage Profit |

    Web Design | | Ev84

  • I am sure most of you have asked yourself the question I'm asking right now.. Where have all my links gone? I am starting to get twitchy now. I would estimate we have lost around 60% of our links in the past 3 weeks. Does anyone have any comeback stories? Feel like I am back to the start again. I have made a number of changes on the site not least removing a reciprical link page.. that had over 200 links on it but from reading one of Rand's tweets is it true that linking out could be good again?

    Link Building | | robertrRSwalters

  • We have an ASP.NET MVC website with a view that can dynamically display each product we offer. The product name is hyphenated in the URL, and this is what we’re using to pull the product from the database. So an example URL would be: We have another view that dynamically lists the products offered for each state. This page would contain links to the URL for each product offered in that state. The URL for Florida would be: We want to make sure that when we enter a new product into the database, the product is indexed by Google the next time our site is crawled. I know that Google will crawl through the links in our website, so the new product should get indexed as long as we have a link to it. In this case, the link will be on the view that lists the products for the corresponding state. I have 2 questions: 1)      Is my understanding correct that Google will index the product page as long as it can find a link to it somewhere in my site? 3)      To get Google to index each URL for content that is generated dynamically from a database, is having links in my site for each URL the only way to do it? Is there something we can do with the site map? Thanks in advance everyone! -Alex

    Web Design | | dbuckles

  • We have millions of urls and the technical expertise to write code to fix the spelling of keyword variants Google has discovered and shows us in Web Master tools.  Since Google has recognized these as variants, is it worth our time to write code that will fix the spelling of obvious misses?

    Technical SEO | | snoopcat

  • Our corporate site provides MLS data to users, with the end goal of generating leads. Each registered lead is assigned to an agent, essentially in a round robin fashion. However we also give each agent a domain of their choosing that points to our corporate website. The domain can be whatever they want, but upon loading it is immediately directed to a subdomain. For example, would be redirected to Finally, any leads generated from are always assigned to Agent Smith instead of the agent pool (by parsing the current host name). In order to avoid being penalized for duplicate content, any page that is viewed on one of the agent subdomains always has a canonical link pointing to the corporate host name ( The only content difference between our corporate site and an agent subdomain is the phone number and contact email address where applicable. Two questions: Can/should we use robots.txt or robot meta tags to tell crawlers to ignore these subdomains, but obviously not the corporate domain? If question 1 is yes, would it be better for SEO to do that, or leave it how it is?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EasyStreet

  • Which one should i use to start my blog on my own domain name?

    Content Development | | IM_Learner

  • Hi, I have a site on wordpress and I want to add eCommerce to it. We want to go with Shopify but Shopify only allows to host their platform on a subdomain. I like to have it on a subdorectory, so my question is: Would it make sense to redirect the whole subdomain to a subdirectory (move everything from to for SEO purposes? Would Google see these pages as if they were part of the main domain? Thanks! Julien

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | julienraby

  • I have a site which appears to have a Google indexation penalty. According to Google because its violating the T/Cs. Here are some background details about the site: The site is a online poker + deposit methods related site on a TLD. It has 30+ uniquely written pages, and no advertising at the moment. In June of 2010, June 10 to be precisely, I bought this site from a fellow webmaster/affiliate. After the site 's ownership changed I tried accessing the server, but I couldn't log into it . I noticed that this host had serious problems and the IP was unreachable. After trying for some time the previous owner got me all the content in Word files and I created a new hosting account and re-launched the site on June 28. Between a couple of days after June 10 and June 28, the site was unreachable, and completely de-indexed from Google. When I re-launched the site, I used the default Wordpress Template Twenty Ten, and created new pages with the Word files I received from the previous owner. I waited a bit, but noticed the site didn't get re-indexed. So on August 18th I moved the content of domain to and 301-ed all the former locations, hoping that this might help get indexed..... but nothing. On October 28 of 2010 I submitted my first reconsideration request, which was processed on November 17th without any change. At that time Google didn't say if anything was wrong like now, so I just waited... and waited... and waited some more. At some point I was ready to let this one go, as I didn't/don't see any problems with it. In fact, it used to be indexed before. By now, I removed all links pointing to it that I had control off, and there are hardly any left over. The site as well doesn't have any outgoing links left, so that can't be it either. I also removed a kind-a duplicate keyword heavy menu from the sidebar, as well as the widgets from the footer. Finally I also fixed a problem caused by Yoast Wordpress SEO Plugin, but I only installed this plugin recently, so that could not be the problem that caused the penalty. So after another reconsideration request Google again let me know this site still has issues, but I really have no clue which, or how to find out. I don't feel like doing any work on this site, as there is no guarantee that it will ever lose its penalty. What should I do now?

    Technical SEO | | VisualSense

  • Has anyone created a top (Insert # Here) list of local business listing sites we should manually submit to?  I have around 20 or so but I was wondering if someone could give me a list to cross reference.  I have quite a few local business that I work with and I want to make sure I'm hitting all of the main local listings.  I also spend time searching for niche listing sites too for each client, so if you have any suggestions on easier ways to find these as well, I'm game. If you have created a list and its out in the wild somewhere I will be happy to link to it from my site.   I'm always open to giving some LL to helpful people. Who's up for building a tool that will search through X number of local directories and report back to you if you are listed or not.  (Not  You can select a checklist of sites that you want to check.  (; Thanks Aaron

    Image & Video Optimization | | Shipyard_Agency

  • We are building a mobile site that will be launching in another month. I’m concerned that the mobile site will start catabolizing our traditional rankings. Is there a way to keep this from happening? Should we utilize the cross domain canonical tag and point back to the traditional site URLs?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO-Team

  • Hi, I want to implement an interstitial similar to Within few seconds it gets redirected to What are the SEO implications of having this sort of arrangement? Regards

    Technical SEO | | IM_Learner

  • I have a site which has been #3 in for a certain long tail phrase for pretty long. After I optimized my site some more for this specific phrase I went to #2 and eventually some weeks later to #1. But when I finally became #1, the celebration was short, as two weeks thereafter I dropped to #10 where I have been stuck for several weeks now... Can this be some sort of over optimization penalty? I personally don't think so as I hardly created links with the anchor, or a variation of it. On page also seems pretty much in order to me. Also, the site is on a exact match domain and used to rank for it, but doesn't even rank in the top #100 anymore. Any advice? PS: I rather don't publish the URL, but if anyone can help out I have no problem sending it in a private message, including the phrase in question.

    Technical SEO | | VisualSense

  • Does anyone have any knowledge/thoughts on how leading newswire sites have been effected by Google's latest updates, i.e. Panda? To date this has been a method (alongside others) I have sucessfully used to build links, but the results of late have not been as good for some clients and I'm beginning to question how effective this is - so I would be very interested to hear anyone else's experiences in this area?

    Link Building | | simon-145328

  • We want to rank higher on the keyword VCA. Our direct competitor VCAnederland ranks one place higher and we want that place. If we look at some statics from the Open site explorer, we score better. PA: VCAdirect = 53 VS competitor = 46 DA: VCAdirect = 43 VS competitor = 39 Total links = VCAdirect = 8415 VS competitor = 3051 External followed links = VCAdirect = 8178 VS competitor = 1059 Linking root domains = VCAdirect = 146 VS competitor = 105 SEOmoz competitive Domain Analysis (gives other numbers) DA: VCAdirect = 44 VS competitor = 40 DMozrank: VCAdirect = 4.30  VS competitor = 4.50 DMozTrust: VCAdirect = 4.00 VS competitor = 4.18 when I analyze the site with the SEOmoz tool. We see  this figures: VCAdirect: PA: 53 / MozR: 5.89 / MozT: 5.89 / Tot links 8415 VCAnederland: PA: 46 / MozR: 6.95 / MozT: 6.16 / Tot links 3051 On the on page Report card we score both an A. Where should we focus on to win the position?

    Competitive Research | | PlusPort

  • Hey Mozzer's, quick question: Does anyone out there have any opinions / research on whether the use of image maps is an effective way of linking to other pages on a site as opposed to using seperate images? Does Google read alternate text from an image map in the same way as a regular image?

    Web Design | | MarkLoud

  • Hi guys, We've just bought a 3 letter domain to replace our current 20 character old domain. Our existing domain is PR5 with quite a few links (that we can modify no problem) We're currently .301 redirecting the new domain to the old domain. I was looking at the procedure in one of the guides but as it's slightly different - is this the correct procedure? 1. prep the duplicate site on new domain and prep the individual htaccess .301 redirects 2. Add new the domain to google webmaster tools  bing Webmaster centre 2. On the switchover date - modify all possible incoming links from external sites 3. On the switchover date - apply the .301 redirects and make the new site live 4. On the switchover date - apply the new sitemaps to google & bing 5. on the switchover date - fill out the change of address form in webmaster tools 6. Do the happy dance? many thanks in advance, Tony.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | posh_tiger

  • Dear friends, I have clients asking for SEO to drive leads. I have no experience on it, how could I do that? Is there any web layout I can suggest to my client? Another question is how do I implemented the layout on the web structure? I usually structuring my website based on keywords. For example: Homepage niche: plumbing Category: london plumbing, plumbing service, etc Content: Finding London plumbing service in your area, what kind of plumbing service you should pay attention? So, based on these layout, my SEO efforts goes to the content, instead of the homepage. Now, the question is how do I increase conversion with these strategy? Is placing a form above the fold would be wise, then place the content below it. Please advice 🙂 Thanks for your kind support, Albertus

    Web Design | | toeplly

  • If I write an article on Ezine Articles, it has a page authority of 1. I guess this is to be expected until that page is crawled, but is it actually worth writing these articles? Does the DA 'count' for anything here? Can I ever expect the PA to increase? (unless I build links to the article - in which case I may as well spend that time building links to my site)

    Link Building | | seanmccauley

  • Hi, In the industry I am working in (education), we do have a lot of portals offering paid listings (for example profiles featuring a school, the courses you offer, sometimes with reviews etc). Almost all big competitors and big names normally do have these kind of listings. Besides from having to decide if these sites really bring the relevant conversions, I am wondering about their impact on SEO. An example for an offer:
    Our Top Picks listing is a 40 word listing and logo we put on any 30 pages of our web site, for 12 months, for $595 US. You can choose the pages you want, or we can put you on all our [category] pages, or certain continents/countries you want to target. Now, I am wondering: Do I have to worry about my linking profile ? (All of sudden a bunch of links with the exact same anchortext and content embedding to our site?) Or can I just decide to go with a paid listing based on the link value the page offers me? Looking forward to reading what you think!

    Link Building | | ecnic

  • Does anyone know of situations i can look up where Google penalized a site because of press release pages (hosted on a non owned major site like prweb or whatever), where the prweb page obtained back links from a group of sites that Google felt was part of a "farm"?

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • Hey Seomoz friends My friends and I started buying and selling art 5 years ago.  We did it all on ebay.  Two years ago I decided to try an attempt at building us a website to further our business outside of ebay. I used software aka intuit to do this. I was able to get a lot of first page results in seo after a ton of work and willing to do a lot more.  I'm sure the homestead site slowed my efforts down.  I need more power 🙂 What we do.  We sell fine art.  We are trying to aspire to the leading seller of fine contemporary art online.  We will do whatever it takes to get there.  Our issue is not our product.  Our issue is getting traffic to the site.  I only have 175-200 visitors a day.  I need better results for the keywords of our artists and inquires that surround them.  We have a bounce rate of 70%, average time on site of 1 minute 50 seconds, and a slow loading site that is almost impossible to create individual pages for pieces (mgmt nightmare) Outside of our site we have blogs, squidoo pages, facebook account with 2500 fans, twitter page with 2k followers, youtube channel, and a blog on the site for new arrivals. We have a 200-250 piece on our site at any given time.  We add probably ten pieces on average a week.  We don't need any kind of ecommerce management software as most of our sales are done over the phone being that it is higher end art.  I need a site that out performs my competition.  I need to be in the top three when someone types in "leroy neiman" "peter max"  and so on.  I, with limited knowledge, need to be able to use the software everyday to upload new art as it comes in.  I want every piece to have its own page so that I can also add pieces to a google merchant account.  When I add new pieces under a certain artists and it creates its own page i want it to create h tags and an url extension for each product as I add them based off the discription and artists name.  I would like some sort of blog integration to post our new arrivals as we get them.  I would like some sort of customer capture.  I am thinking something along the lines of them prociding email, name, and zip code to see the prices on the site. You are the seo pro so you know what it takes.  I would like to know what a solution would cost to get us on the ground with more seo power.  A site with speed that is easily indexed.  It doesn't need to have a lot of bells and whistles. Please look at my site and let me know what you think.  You can get an idea from that of what we are doing.  Please give me an idea of what you can do and what it would cost. Thank you

    Web Design | | forecastedinvestments

  • I've heard of this happening many times, but never to me. My client was Page 1 or 2 for 20 phrases, and they ALL dropped like a rock overnight. The site hasn't been banned by Google, as it's still indexed and the company name is returning results.There were no major changes done to tags or the code, and nothing black hat has been done. The only phrases that didn't drop contain the company name, and the results in Bing and Yahoo either stayed the same or moved up slightly since last week for all the terms. There's also no threat of spam, and it's very search engine friendly. The URL is Help!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JamesBSEO

  • Currently my company uses basecamp with a splash of google docs a little bit of Paymo, and Raventools for project management.  (We use other tools like SEOmoz, but not so much for management as SEO tasks) The ideal features we are looking for are: Collaborative document editing and sharing(Google Docs) Task lists and project organization (basecamphq) Time Tracking on a per task basis (Paymo) (SEO tracking software is great too, but it doesn't have to be integrated with the project management directly. Currently using Raventools and SEOMoz along with some smaller tools.) The project management side can be completely separate from the SEO tool side, but it would be great if there was one simple interface that all of this could be done from. Any suggestions?  Are there features I'm missing in my current software that could bring them up to this level?

    Moz Pro | | MarloSchneider

  • Hey, How do shortened links show up in GA? So if I tweet about something and use bitly, does twitter get the referral? I am thinking not. I have never seen bitly show up as a referrer, but we gets lots of clicks from those links. Hmmmm. Anyone? E

    Reporting & Analytics | | ErinTM

  • We are doing some optimisation on sites in the APAC region, namely China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. We have set the url generator to automatically use the heading of the page in the URL which works fine for countries using Latin characters, but is causing problems, particularly in IE, when it comes to the double byte countries. For some reason, IE struggles with double byte and displays URLs in their rather ugly, coded form. Anybody got any suggestions on whether we should persist with the keyword URLs or revert to the non-descriptive URLs for the double byte countries? The reason I ask is it's a balance of SEO benefit vs not scaring IE users off with ugly URLs that look dreadful and spammy.

    Technical SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • We finally have a budget and want to dump our intuit/homestead site  Our budget is 5k-10k but could do more if needed.  I am slowly catching my competition with this homestead site that I built.  But I do realize it is time to step back, figure out what is best, and hire a pro to get the job done. I am green in the seo and web development arena so please go easy on me and please help to point me in the right direction.  Just went out on a limb a couple years ago playing with site software and built what we have today.  Didn't know anything about website sort of just happened.  I feel and know that solution is hindering what we could be doing due to the bloated nature of the site and inability to perform such task as 301 redirects etc.... I have been able to slowly attain first page seo rankings on keywords based of the artists we carry using this po-dunk homestead platform to build my site after a ton of work education thanks to seomoz and a lot of you.  But, have never asked for help and could really use some generosity of time in explaining a solution that would work best for our business. Do we just go with a wordpress site that is similar to our current setup and use their plugins?  Do we use a cms software solution like magneto or joomla?  We will only have 200-300 pieces at any given time. We are constantly selling and buying new pieces providing us content.  We are need of a site that can perform well in terms of seo.  I have heard of a lot of people talking about joomla, wordpress, and magneto. Would like to be able to have a product catalogue that ultimately sends whatever inventory we are uploading to our social sites and blogs so I don’t have to pump the product out to all of these sites.  We offer free custom framing with our pieces and it would be nice to have a program that could wrap the photos of the pieces with the different frames for our customers.  When I add a new piece I would like this software to have a predesigned product page that it plugs the information into.  I would like it to create the url extension based of the artists name, medium used, and piece name to create unique and individual urls.  I would like it to also create its own H tags throughout that product page according to the artist name description, and medium used.  I would like to be able to sink this up to google merchant and other sites to carry our product. Bottom line is we sell art.  We sell pieces by specific artists.   We are constantly buying and selling.  I need something powerful that keeps up with our content

    Web Design | | forecastedinvestments

  • Hi there, We have been having a problem with one of our websites.  It appears as though someone has stolen our template and used it for themselves, but in the process also stole our analytics information.  We have problems with the analytics, but are fixing that ourselves.  The problem we have now is that when we tried to put in a sitemap into Google Webmaster Tools the URLs are submitted but have yet to be indexed.  We have tried pinging them, but there has been no change.  This is not a problem for our other websites which are very similar. What could be the problem here?  For reference, the url is Thank you for your responses in advance!

    Web Design | | jid

  • Hi, So, I have a term that would bounce around #3 to 5 for. I make a page some months ago that is solely targeted to that term. And, voila! Google sees the new page as the best result instead of the home page and the new page ranks, but at #9 or #10. Of course the homepage is a stronger page, but the new page is better targeted to that term. Using the handy SEOMoz toolbar, the homepage has a page authority of 59 and the newer interior page has 32. Both are equally functional to my purpose. Part of me just wants to 301 in the interior page to the homepage and forget about it. It would take forever to get that interior page up to a similar page authority through the magic of links. What do you think I should do. I feel like I'm channeling Wile E. Coyote. Thanks! Best...Mike

    Technical SEO | | 94501

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