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  • Has anyone seen Google adding links to the site's videos right under the meta description for the result? I tried finding more information on it and couldn't find any. Anyone here know how to get a video link displayed with your search result?

    Image & Video Optimization | | J.Marie

  • I was hoping Webmaster Tools geo targeting would prevent this - I'm seeing in select google searches several pages indexed from our Australian website. Both sites have unique TLDs: I've attached a screenshot as an example. The sites are both hosted here in the U.S. at our data center. Are there any other methods for preventing Google and other search engines from indexing the pages in searches that take place in the U.S.? dSzoh.jpg

    International SEO | | longbeachjamie

  • Our site automatically creates shorter urls for the products. There is a rel canonical tag in place, but webmaster tools shows these urls have duplicate title tags. Here is an example: Should the longer url be redirected to the shorter one?

    On-Page Optimization | | thappe

  • I have a client who's competition is in the BBB, yahoo directory, best of the web sort of the standard ones. My client is empathetic about being in more places than their competition so a i am hoping for some help. I wasnt sure if the seomoz content of this is really relevant, seems a little dated on this specific topic.

    Link Building | | EvolveDigitalLabs

  • I optimized this site witch is in romanian for this keyphrase "filme online gratis" , i stuck on page 2, i cant get to the first page! I was, but i fall again to the second page...

    On-Page Optimization | | Alexsmenaru

  • I have a question regarding non-original content on multiple sites. I'm working for a client that's company has a personalized social network for it's fans (completely custom, built from the ground up - not like kickapps, or the other social network dev platforms). Anyway the network is fairly active - at least a couple thousand users -  and each one of these sites is given a subdomain. Each of these subdomains can be given a custom URL if purchased - but essentially it's much like creating a blogger or wordpress. Each URL is basically "http://FanUsername.BrandName.c0m/" Now the dev had the genius idea of publishing all "corporate/company" blog posts on everyone of these subdomains as well. When first learning of this, I told them it was a terrible idea - and that it may even penalize the main blog. After more research - it looks like this may not be the case? I still think they should just link back to the main blog and discontinue publishing these posts on all of these additional subdomains (and for those that purchased domain names - unique websites). What do you guys think? Should they only include an RSS feed of links back to the main blog? Should they just link directly back to the blog? Or should they offer shortened versions of each blog post - ala links + meta description + Read More...? Or lastly, should they just keep as is? Thanks for the help

    Social Media | | iinuser

  • I've been unable to edit my comments here for about a week 😕 Just me or is it like this for everyone? Tried FF 4, Chrome, IE 9, Safari and iPhone Safari. Just get the loading icon. If it's just me I'll submit a bug report.

    Moz Pro | | StalkerB

  • This is not a question really, just an observation. Yesterday I was listening to "Stuff You Should Know" podcast, and it was about "Tickling".  They were addressing how it is impossible to tickle yourself, and they theorized it was because our brain is AWARE that it's your own hand doing the tickling. The first thought that came to my brain was that our brain had put a "NoFolow" link on the tickling page of our brain website when it is from our own hands. I'm reading WAY to much about SEO . . . Happy Friday everyone.

    Industry News | | damon1212

  • I have a HTML site hosted in Netherlands, i use Could Files from Rackspace and Cloudfront from Amazon as CDN. My target audience are in Portugal Is it worth to have a DNS Manage service in terms of seo? If so what are the benefits? Thank you Paulo

    International SEO | | paulogoncalves

  • Hi, We have recently made some changes to our agency site. Looking in webmaster tools we have identified a number of old pages with existing link juice. Not a great deal mostly 32/100 PA. There are a mixture of URLs "meet the team" and people pages etc. The anchor text on the majority of pages is our brand name. Could we now 301 all these pages to one page, or is this a no no in the eyes of Google? Any help greatly appreciated. Best Regards Sean

    Technical SEO | | Yozzer

  • Hi there, We are getting our website redesigned and would like to know whether to increase the links on our site wide navigation or not. At the moment we have around 30 links from the navigation. We want to use exploding navigation menu and increase the links to our most important categories. Say if we increase to 60-70 would that be alright. (what will be the highest we can go for) At the moment categories that get links from navigation are ranking pretty good. If we increase would we loose those rankings. What will be the pros and cons of increasing navigation links? Second question we are also adding fooer links to top 10 categories in the footer. Would this be ok as far as seo and google concerned. Many Thanks

    Web Design | | Jvalops

  • Hello. I just joined and used the Crawl tool. I have many questions and hoping the community can offer some guidance. 1. I received an Excel file with 3k+ records. Is there a friendly online viewer for the Crawl report? Or is the Excel file the only output? 2. Assuming the Excel file is the only output, the Time Crawled is a number (i.e. 1305798581). I have tried changing the field to a date/time format but that did not work. How can I view the field as a normal date/time such as May 15, 2011 14:02? 3. I use the ™ symbol in my Title. This symbol appears in the output as a few ascii characters. Is that a concern? Should I remove the trademark symbol from my Title? 4. I am using XenForo forum software. All forum threads automatically receive a Title Tag and Meta Description as part of a template. The Crawl Test report shows my Title Tag and Meta Description as blank for many threads. I have looked at the source code of several pages and they all have clean Title tags and I don't understand why the Crawl Report doesn't show them. Any ideas? 5. In some cases the HTTP Status Code field shows a result of "3". Why does that mean? 6. For every URL in the Crawl Report there is an entry in the Referrer field. What exactly is the relationship between these fields? I thought the Crawl Tool would inspect every page on the site. If a page doesn't have a referring page is it missed? What if a page has multiple referring pages? How is that information displayed? 7. Under Google Webmaster Tools > Site Configurations > Settings > Parameter Handling I have the options set as either "Ignore" or "Let Google Decide" for various URL parameters. These are "pages" of my site which should mostly be ignored. For example a forum may have 7 headers, each on of which can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The only page that matters is the initial page. All the rest should be ignored by Google and the Crawl. Presently there are 11 records for many pages which really should only have one record due to these various sort parameters. Can I configure the crawl so it ignores parameter pages? I am anxious to get started on my site. I dove into the crawl results and it's just too messy in it's present state for me to pull out any actionable data. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | RyanKent

  • My site takes double the time per kb than my competitors. it hosted on shared hosting with Any ideas why this may be happening?

    Technical SEO | | atohad

  • I run a blog/directory site. Recently, I changed directory software and, as a result, Google is showing 404 Not Found crawling errors for about 750 non-existent pages. I've had some suggest that I should implement a 301 redirect, but can't see the wisdom in this as the pages are obscure, unlikely to appear in search and they've been deleted. Is the best course to simply manually enter each 404 error page in to the Remove Page option in Webmaster Tools? Will entering deleted pages into the Removal area hurt other healthy pages on my site?

    Technical SEO | | JSOC

  • Hi Guys, I have a (newbie) question, untill recently I didn't had my robot.txt written properly so Google indexed around 1900 pages of my site, but only 380 pages are real pages, the rest are all /tag/ or /comment/ pages from my blog. I now have setup the sitemap and the robot.txt properly but how can I get the other pages out of Google? Is there a trick or will it just take a little time for Google to take out the pages? Thanks! Ramon

    Technical SEO | | DennisForte

  • Hey all, Just wondering if it is ok to match the alt tag to product titles. Imagine an e-commerce site that lists a whole lot of products on any one page for any one category. Each product listing has a thumbnail image beside it. The easiest way to implement this dynamically is to use the product title for the alt tag. Anyone had any experience with this? Is it overkill / spam of keywords - given that the product title is repeated. Our current situation is that our alt tags are simply blank or say 'photo' which is no good, and we have hundreds of thousands of pages. Cheers, Croozie

    On-Page Optimization | | sichristie

  • This is one of my competitor's backlinks: Prices for inclusion on this page go from $50 for 6 months to $300 for a permanent listing. Do most of you guys do paid directories like this for your SEO Clients?  My gut is telling me to run away...but I don't want to miss a good opportunity if I should be taking it.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • I have a domain name in mind for my web development company, but unforunatly the .com is already taken. Fortunatly for me though I live in Canada, and the .ca is available. What I want to know is should I go ahead and register my desired .ca or should I continue to look and find a domain name that I can aquire the .ca and the .com ?

    Branding | | VebianWebandMobileDevelopment

  • We use CSS to arranging (absolute positioning) our content to makes it easier to crawl. I am using your On-Page Keyword Optimization tool and other tools to check our pages (i.e., to make sure it works. For the “On-Page Keyword Optimization” tool, it gives a petty good grade (I guest it sees the text in the body). However, when I am using other tool to test the page (e.g. it could not see the text in the body. Did we do something wrong? Thanks Tom

    Technical SEO | | tomchu

  • Took over this site in March. Got a Panicked call from client Mid-March that all of a sudden keywords that put the site on Page One weren't working.  There are still 9 that work, but apparently there were more. A large percentage of the backlinks are from Article Directories and Link Farms.  Is this my problem? Also, a large percentage of the 149 pages suffer from keyword stuffing and were obviously written for Search Engines and not people. How much of a difference does that make?

    Algorithm Updates | | reeljerc

  • I'm looking to move 5 of my sites from Hostgator's shared servers to Media Temple's dedicated virtual servers. Anyone have experience with (mt)? I'm planning on adding a few more sites this year and several things they offer are attractive to me: A (virtually) dedicated environment: Faster websites, better user experience, plus I like having some control over my site's resources Scalability: I can add more resources easily (although not super cheap) Unique control panels for each site: More control for my tech savvy clients. Unique IPs for $1 a month: More linkjuice between my related sites. $50/month is a big jump from my $12/month Hostgator account but I'm thinking it will be worth it. Am I on the right track or is this a fool's errand?

    Technical SEO | | AaronParrish

  • What are your thoughts about navigation links in the footer? For example: - good, bad, or indifferent for SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | kasi

  • Hello SeoMoz, As a new member I first want to thank you guys for your service, seomoz is by far the best resource and toolbox I have ever found. I have a question, or more of a request if you could advise me on what I do wrong.
    I have a website: with a Domain Authority of 80, and my target keywords are keywords like: cheap business class, business class flights.
    My target page is: With all my keywords I am page 2 and I have a real hard time getting on the first page, but if I look at my competitors like: with a Domain Authority of 'just' 50, crappy backlinks and so on, they are all on the first page with almost all of my keywords that I want to target. What do I do wrong? Can you maybe give me a couple tips on where I should focus on more? Hopefully you guys can help me... Kind Regards, Ramon van Meer

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DennisForte

  • Without giving all of your secrets away, what are your basic link building tactics? I'm trying to do everything legit, but man is it tough to get links from legit sites. This is the first time I've truly had to go out and build links. I am trying to partner with bloggers in my industry to post a review of our site and submitted to some of the major paid directories and stuff like that, but I'm curious to know what the pro's do.

    Link Building | | modparent

  • So I recently took over an in-house SEO role and began some house cleaning. I found a few places that had copied or duplicated our homepage content. Naturally I reached out to them to ask them to remove or change the content. Today I come to the office and one of the sites I had requested to remove the content, had fired back at me that I was being rude, threatening and I should go f**k myself. As if this wasn't enough this guys was an upper level manager (managing director) and knows the upper management where I work. Now I have people in my company pissed at me, when I thought I was doing the right thing. Am I in the wrong or what? I had simply asked to remove or change the content and that failure to do so could result in legal action. I understand that it could have been misconstrued as a threat (which it wasn't intended to be) but its seems like a pretty immature response from a higher level person. Any thoughts or advice on what to do next?

    Content Development | | Gerad

  • Hi - We're switching eCommerce platforms, and naturally we're worried about losing organic search ranking. From what I've read on the message boards, I understand it's important to try to minimize as many 301 redirects as possible. Here's my problem: Our Product URLs are like this (ex: On the new platform, URLs cannot contain capital letters. 😞 According to the new eCommerce platform's design team: "Google and other search engines do not see that as a change in URL, they are not case sensitive and will not affect search listings" How accurate is this? And how come on our current platform, if I use an all lowercase URL, it get a 401? (ex: Will we be fine switching our Product URLs to lowercase on the new platform? One thing also to note: Our Category URLs will remain the same. Are there any other areas of a typical eCommerce store that I should avoid changing URLs if I want to prevent SEO loss? Thanks! -Justin

    Technical SEO | | JustinStupid

  • Hi there, grateful for any ideas on why this is happening: vs Google seems to be indexing and caching for our home page but the www. versions for everything else. As you can see the second query finds the home page. Any ideas why that might be? Other info that might be relevant: non-www etc. are all 301'd to www versions. moved domains/urls etc. around in March of this year and for a week or we were redirecting to the non-www version webmaster tools says 'www' preferred Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JaspalX

  • Question about changing url from dynamic to static to improve SEO but concern about hurting progress made so far.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | h3counsel

  • Hi, What's the best/easiest way for a client to grant access to his Google Webmaster Tools to me? Thanks! Best...Michael

    Technical SEO | | 94501

  • I have a site, where I'm steadily building inbound links and pagerank. I have about 4600 pages on the site, most of which are baby products in the baby gear sector. There are many outdated items that aren't really my focus, but do pop up in long-tail search queries from time to time. My question is a pretty basic one. Theoretically if a site has say 28/100 link juice, then as you go deeper and deeper into the site, the link juice is divided more and more. My question: Is this really true or just a concept? My thoughts are to hide many of the products that i don't really need to focus on therefor passing more link juice to the products that remain, but I also don't want to that if it won't necessarily make the remaining pages rank higher or have more link juice. I also have to keep in mind the merchandising aspect of the site and providing a good user experience. If i only have 300 products on the site, there will be a ton of unhappy people who can't find the products they are looking for. Any thoughts and/or pointers in the direction of funneling that pagerank down into my site would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | modparent

  • I know I can use the site: query to see all the pages I have indexed in Google, but I need a listing of just the URLs.  We are doing a site re-platform and I want to make sure every URL in Google has a 301.  Is there an easy way to just see the URLs that Google has indexed for a domain?

    Technical SEO | | EvergladesDirect

  • Hi there, Whilst checking out the SERPS, as you do, I noticed that where our category page appears, google now seems to be counting the number of products (what it calls items) on the product page and displaying this in the 1st part of the description (see image attached). My problem is we employ pagination, so that our category page will have 15 items on it, then there are paginated results for the rest, with either ?page=2 or page-2/ etc. appended to the URL. Although this is only a minor issue, I was just wondering if there was a way to change the number of products displayed on that page to be the entire number of products in that category, is there a microformat markup or something that can over-ride what google has detected ? Furthermore is this system of pagination effective ? I have considered using javascript pagination, such that all products would be loaded on to the one page but hidden until 'paginated', but I was worried about having hidden elements on the page, and also the impact of load times. Although I think this may solve the problem and display the true number of products in a section! Any help much appreciated, Stuart b4urme.jpg

    Technical SEO | | stukerr

  • I just found something weird I can't explain, so maybe you guys can help me out. In Google The number 3 result is a big telecom provider in the Netherland called Ziggo. The ranking URL is However if you click on it you'll be directed to HttpFox in FF however is not showing any redirects. Just a 200 status code. The URL contains a hash, so the canonical URL should be I can understand that. But why is Google showing the title and description of, when the canonical URL clearly is Can anyone confirm my guess that Google is using the bulk SEO value (link juice/authority) of the homepage at because of the hash, but it's using the relevant content of resulting in a top position for the keyword "internet".

    Technical SEO | | NEWCRAFT

  • I have a site that shows duplicate page content for: www.autoserviceexpertsonline   and   www.autoserviceexpertsonline/index.html When looking at the files using the cms (intuit) file manager, I only see the /index.html version. I added the Caononical tag referencing/pointing to both the domain name only and then changed to .../index.html No matter how I code this, the seomoz On-Site SEO Grader still has a problem with it. Is this a bug with the Grading program or am I doing something wrong? Please help as I think this is causing me problems with Google and I'd like to get this right for future sites I will be working on. Thanks, Bill

    On-Page Optimization | | Marvo

  • Someone told me that having a URL that ends in .net (instead of .com) will hurt my site's SEO. Is that true?

    On-Page Optimization | | matt-14567

  • Does anyone know if it is still worth it  getting a link from a page on a site with a really low Page Authority  - say a news page on a site that has an SEO Moz tool bar PA of  just 1 or 2, but the domain of the site has a high DA like say 83 Is this worth getting?? Thanks

    Link Building | | inhouseninja

  • Hello All Firstly new to SEO MOZ but what a fantastic resource, good work! I help run a platform at ethical community (dot) com (have phrased it like that so google doesn't pick up this thread hope thats ok). We seem to have something glaringly obvious with the SEO ability of our product pages. We now have over 7000 products on the site and would like to think we have done a pretty good job in terms of optimisning them, lots of nice keywords, relevant page titles, good internal links, and even recently have reduced the loading speeds a fair amount. We have a sitemap set up feeding in URLS to Google and some of them are now nearly a year old. The problem, when doing an EXACT google search on a product title the product pages dont show up for the majority of the 7000 products. HOWEVER.... we get fantastic ranking in google products, and get sales through other areas of the site, which seems even more odd. For example, if you type in "segway" you'll see us ranking on the first page of google in google products, but the product page itself is nowhere to be seen. For example "DARK CHOCOLATE STRANDS 70G CAKE DECORATION" gets no results on google (aside from google products) when we have this page at OURDOMAIN/eco-shop/food/dark-chocolate-strands-70g-cake-decoration-5592 Can anyone help identify if there is a major bottleneck here our gut feeling is there is one major factor that is causing this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ethicalcommunity

  • I've read previous Q&A where people have been a bit dismissive of the ranking significance of exact match domains but my experience recently using the keyword competiveness tool is that exact match domains seem to outrank other sites regardless of domain or page authority or other on-site/on-page optimisation. I'm interested in other people's opinions and experiences.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bjalc2011

  • Can anyone share thoughts on this: Does the S recently (mid april) we revamped our website (same content, new layout, strong brand), but a few days later our google rep contacted us to tell that she got a "red flag" for one of our SEA campaigns (we broke the bridge page policy, not on purpose to be clear), they were completely correct on this matter. We even got some extra time to correct this, normal policy is only 10 days. But, we were a little slow, so all our Adwords Campaigns are suspended and we get the message "Site suspended". We are working to have this fixed, our Google rep even granted some more time to fix this. Now, almost simultaneously, same time frame, all our new pages, that were already ranking well tx to proper 301 rules, suddenly fell out of the google SERPS, nothing to be found anymore up till now. Our website is live since 1996, no issues, up till now. There seems to be a strong correlation to what happened in our SEA and what happened in our SEO can anyone share some info?

    Technical SEO | | TruvoDirectories

  • Hi Everyone, I am looking for some assistance on our packaging for social media. I am worried that my piece reads too much like a contract and not a sales piece.  I would like to get some input before I run it by my boss and I felt like you guys were the best resource. If you would be so kind as to Private Message me I can send you the plan and we can go from there! Thanks in advance!

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • I haven't really paid much attention to adding hashtags to my tweets, but I'm thinking I should. For my real estate site I just started following the mayor of our city.  I noticed that he finishes each of his tweets with #ourcityname.  I clicked on the hashtag because I wanted to find more people who tweet about our city.  Then, I suddenly realized that if I used that hashtag when I tweet then other people would find me and follow me. Any thoughts?

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Have an issue with a large number of 'Not Found' webpages being listed in Webmaster Tools.  In the 'Detected' column, the dates are recent (May 1st - 15th).  However, looking clicking into the 'Linked From' column, all of the link sources are old, many from 2009-10. Furthermore, I have checked a large number of the source pages to double check that the links don't still exist, and they don't as I expected. Firstly, I am concerned that Google thinks there is a vast number of broken links on this site when in fact there is not. Secondly, why if the errors do not actually exist (and never actually have) do they remain listed in Webmaster Tools, which claims they were found again this month?! Thirdly, what's the best and quickest way of getting rid of these errors?  Google advises that using the 'URL Removal Tool' will only remove the pages from the Google index, NOT from the crawl errors.  The info is that if they keep getting 404 returns, it will automatically get removed.  Well I don't know how many times they need to get that 404 in order to get rid of a URL and link that haven't existed for 18-24 months?!! Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | RiceMedia

  • I've been waiting for Matt Cutts to talk about this for a long time... finally a YouTube video! "Should you syndicate your articles out to sites such as as a way to build links?" He discussed this from an SEO perspective and does not recommend it.  I thought that he was way too polite about it... but if you are a guy like him it isn't good to talk trash about the specifics. One topic that he didn't address was how article marketing can impact your competitive position.  It feeds existing competitors and creates new competitors.  You write twenty articles and they are each published by twenty sites, now there are 400 pages with your keywords out there competing against you.  Not smart, IMO. Here's the link to the video...

    Link Building | | EGOL

  • In my crawl diagnostics, I notice some 4xx client errors. They are appearing for pages that no longer exist, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Shouldn't they just be dealt as 404's? Anyway, on closer inspection I noticed that my 404 error page contains a canonical tag which points to the missing page. Could this be the issue? Is it a good idea to remove the canonical tag from this error page? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Leighm

  • I do a lot of affiliate marketing for aftermarket truck parts and I also run a lot of community/forum type websites for trucks. On the affiliate marketing side of things, I usually will find a very good keyword rich domain name for a product, and build a site around that product. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn't, but I typically feel like I have an advantage because of the very keyword rich domain names. Lately it's become a lot of work setting up these individual sites and promoting them. I try to do a good job, and provide quality content. I've considered moving these sites to one central site, like, one of my more popular truck community/forums and maybe start using sub-domains or sub-folders instead. They are all truck related, but they are all completely different parts. Some for performance, others being accessories. Does anyone have an opinion on this? I've read on here multiple times about the advantage in focusing all your link power in one place, but I feel at the same time that I would be missing out on the power of the great keyword phrase domains I've been using. If I combined all of these sites into a single community site, the site's content wouldn't be as targeted, right? I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks, Andy

    Affiliate Marketing | | daenterpri

  • I'm looking at a competitor who outranks me and I see that some of their top links are several links from different dmoz categories.  Is it common practice to get into several dmoz categories?  I always thought you could just have your site in there once!

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

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