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  • I have a hosting account that is ancient.  So is it's CPanel, its way of operation (I have to call in to change the zone file), and its hardware and software (It can't even recognize Wordpress as a user so i have to change permissions to change anything.) I plan on moving the site, but I want to prepare for any changes that may happen.  Currently the site ranks between #1 or 3 for quite a few very valuable words.  It is also in season for this business.  I know changing hosting data or servers can cause google to temporarily drop rankings.  Does anyone have any experience with this or now how long the faded rankings can last? Or if its even true?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarloSchneider

  • Let's say you have On this website, you have When someone links externally to this image - like below... { is < {a href=""} {img src=""} {/a} The external site would be using the image hosted on your site, but the image is also linked back to the same image file on your site. Does this have any value even though the link is back to the image file and not the website? Also - how much value do you guys feel image links have in relation to tech links? In terms of passing link juice and adding to a natural link profile. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | qlkasdjfw

  • Can anyone point me to resources that helps website owners balance these two issues? Or how to SEO a site meant for disabled users? or how to make an SEO'd site more accessible? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mjcarrjr

  • Is an "overflow" (scrollbar) seo and Google friendly?  I only ask because it hides part of the visible text.

    On-Page Optimization | | BradBorst

  • I understand this may be a really dumb question and from my understanding there is a piece of code in some url's that tell search engines not to follow that link. I am interested in finding out what the purpose of nofollow links are and how they apply to search rankings. Thanks for the help

    Link Building | | A289

  • Hi, I am looking to get a site of mine a much needed redesign and was wondering what other peoples experiences have been with rankings in Google after the new site has gone live. It will be converted from html/css design to a PHP based CMS with added functionality such as filtering, sorting etc. I'm aware of some of the preventative measures that can be done to prevent loss of rankings (e.g. 301 redirects) but are there any others and in your experiences have they been successful preventing the site dropping out of favor or losing rankings? Kind regards Rosh

    Web Design | | bizarro1000

  • Does SEOMoz manually create the video transcription for Whiteboard Friday videos or is there a tool that helps you get the majority of it?

    Image & Video Optimization | | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • When the last linkscape update happened, I saw a new incoming link from USA Today Travel. SeoMoz rates the link as a 9.5 for DA and PA is 24. The article was written by someone from Demand Media. I tried contacting the author to work out a deal. Since I did not receive a response, I investigated Demand Media myself.  They are a large group of content writers. I have finished building the site and now I'm in the link building process for highly competitive keywords. My 2 Questions: I can write articles all freakin day about what I do. I NEED to build links. Should I become a freelancer for Demand Media? I don't care about the pay because I am well paid. Is there anything to be concerned about with the Panda Update? All responses are appreciated. Please give me a thumbs up if you found this question interesting (because apparently some other post says nobody gives thumbs up)

    Link Building | | Francisco_Meza

  • Hi all, I'm taking over a site that has some redirect issues that need addressed and I want to make sure this is done right the first time. The problem: Our current setup starts with us allowing both non-www and www pages. I'll address this with a proper rewrite so all pages will have www. Server info:  IIS and runs PHP. The real concern is that we currently run a browser detection for language at the root and then do a 302 redirect to /en, /ge or /fr. There is no page at the It's an immediate redirect to a language folder. I'd like to get these to a 301(Permanent) redirect but I'm not sure if a URL can have a 301 redirect that can go to 3 different locations. The site is huge and a site overhaul is not an option anytime soon. Our home page uses this: <%
    lang = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
    real_lang = Left(lang,2)
    'Response.Write real_lang
    Select case real_lang
        case "en" 
            Response.Redirect "/en"
        case "fr"
            Response.Redirect "/fr"
        case "de"
            Response.Redirect "/ge"
        case else
            Response.Redirect "/en" End Select
    %> Here is a header response test. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HTTP Request Header Connect to on port 80 ... ok GET / HTTP/1.1[CRLF] Host:[CRLF] Connection: close[CRLF] User-Agent: Web-sniffer/1.0.37 (+[CRLF] Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF] Cache-Control: no-cache[CRLF] Accept-Language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3[CRLF] Referer:[CRLF] [CRLF] HTTP Response Header --- --- --- Status: HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved Connection: close Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 14:28:30 GMT Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Location: /ge Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDQSRBQACT=HABMIHACEMGHEHLLNJPMNGFJ; path=/ Cache-control: private Content (0.12 <acronym title="KibiByte = 1024 Byte">KiB</acronym>) <title></span>Object moved<span class="tag"></title> # Object Moved This object may be found <a< span="">HREF="/ge">here. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To sum it up, I know a 302 is a bad option, but I don't know if a 301 is a real option for us since it can be redirected to 1 of 3 pages? Any suggestions?</a<>

    Technical SEO | | vheilman

  • Hi All, I am working on a website which has a blog at On the homepage they are currently looping the latest 5 blog posts in a 'Latest News' tab. Is this therefore classed as dupe content, and would this be penalized by Google? Should I recommend they use the excerpts instead of full articles and simply loop the excerpts on the homepage? The website is built on WordPress. Thanks, Woody

    On-Page Optimization | | seowoody

  • I just bumped into this video and found it immensely entertaining: (horrors of a world without Yahoo! Link Data) What were you up to at the time this video was recorded?

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • If I am targeting a specific keyword, from an SEO perspective is it better to create a subfolder on a url that has some authority or is it better use the exact domain with no authority? For example, if I want to target the word 'widgets' which is the better choice and why? **Choice 1: ** Note:  this domain has 1000 links to it **Choice 2: ** Note:  this is a brand new domain with 0 links

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mnipko

  • Hello, I would like to know if there is any certificate we can buy to increase the Seo of my website. Thanks very much for your time

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cartageno

  • Hi all, I'm managing the seo for a hosting company. We have a lot of parked domains with a parked domain page. This will now be updated to promote our products. When this page is updated it will give 50k+ of low quality links to specific pages almost overnight. We curently don't have a very good seo ranking for our keywords, so there is little risk on the downside in the short term. Do you have any suggestions as to how I should go about this? Some alternatives off the top of my head: 1. get the page up an focus all the link equity on relevant pages with keywords in anchor text 2. add noindex / nofollowto all pages or only part of them to avoid puishment 3. add noindex /  to the majority of the pages and "release" a percentage every week or so to avoid a "link bomb" Thanks for any and all input!

    Link Building | | espenjo_mamut

  • Hi, Is there some place or list with all the known SEO factors till date? Regards

    Industry News | | IM_Learner

  • HI I'm still plugging away at getting to grips with my companies personalized blog.  I've been trying for the past two days to upload a theme to my own test Wordpress blog, in order to correct a bug in the companies theme that makes formatting in the Post disappear.  The code in the themes CSS file seems to be fine. Anyhow what I assumed would be a simple step has given me hours of hassle. I have finally got to the point of uploading an unzipped version of the theme intot ‘/wp-content/themes/’. Now try as I might my Wordpress admin is completely blind to the fact. Any attempt at using the Upload facility (which is what I attempted many hours ago) fails.  There seems to be no place to say, look out there at my directory - a new original theme - unzipped and ready to go. Am I missing something very obvious?

    Technical SEO | | catherine-279388

  • I Use Blog roll links all the time but recently they seem to be having a lower effect on listings. Is there a limit on Blog roll links you place on a blog. Internal blog roll links and external blog roll links. Also do you rename your blog roll to something such as popular links like we do ?

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • Linkscape says that there are only 4 internal links to What could be the problem?

    Moz Pro | |

  • Hi, I've already browsed through various of the Q&As on the "too many On-Page links" issue, but I would really need some advice concerning a WP Site with a dropdown navigation. As outlined in the on-page report, every site has about 180 outgoing links, which pretty much is the number of site featured in the navigation. Even though the 100 link limit is somewhat outdated I'm still worried about the distribution of linkjuice from the starting page and how Google perceives the importance of the various pages. Would it make sense to adapt the structure of the navigation, so that the starting page only links to the 5 category pages and the category pages only link to the detail pages they contain? The site has good rankings for several pages and I assume that Google can tell that the large number of links is caused by the navigation. But with every page having appr. 180 links it may be difficult for Google to tell, which of those pages are the most important regarding internal link structure... Looking foward to your opinion and insights! Cheers, Chris

    On-Page Optimization | | adwordize

  • Hi Mozzers, please write here the directories the strong directories you know please, make a fresh-list here. thanks

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • A relatively high ranking site disappeared from the linking root domains of a client site, and the site dropped significantly in domain rank, authority, and trust. Oddly enough, traffic is almost double the previous week, and search results for keywords remain strong. I checked OSE and the linking domain is not listed. There are also several other linking root domains that have never shown in the domain analysis, but we'll leave those for a later topic. I visited the linking root domain that disappeared from the analysis and found everything to be in order. The site is a major local forum with a relatively high domain authority. All links are still there, and there hasn't been any change to the site as far as links are treated according to the owner. The only thing that has changed since the last site analysis is an event campaign ran with unpaid ads posted throughout the forum. The site being analyzed is a catering company that is cooperating with the forum owner and local bar to host a local celebratory event. Of course I'll wait for the next indexing to see if things change, but what could be going on here? This is more of an SEOmoz question, as we're talking over 10 point deduction in domain authority, although search results are still strong.

    Reporting & Analytics | | kwoolf

  • I have around 1200 keywords in an seomoz campaign, chopped into various groups using labels.  I am interested in tracking how keywords perform over time, especially groups of keywords.  As far as I can tell, in the seomoz tools I can only see historical performance for a single keyword at a time. Is there a way to get a historical performance graph of more than one keyword at once?  We often run optimizations for sets of words, so it seems like you would have better stats looking at groups of words vs picking one at a time. Is there a way to export historical data for more than keyword at a time?  (So I could graph and analyze this sort of thing myself) Does anyone have other suggestions for tracking rankings in this way? Thanks for any help!

    Moz Pro | | mlenz

  • So if you misspell something (no dns to connect with... unregistered domain as an example) on a browser that uses a Road Runner connection, it takes you to a search engine 'powered by yahoo search' which searches for whatever you typed in. Anyway, today we noticed that the website of one of our clients isn't coming up in this 'Powered by Yahoo Search' via roadrunner but comes up in Yahoo Search for the same query. In fact, we noticed that our clients website (10 yrs + established site) is missing in yahoo powered by search but on all other engines. Any clues? I thought this should be generally the same across Yahoo / Yahoo Powered / Bing / Bing Powered. Could this be using something pre-bing merger?

    SERP Trends | | qlkasdjfw

  • My apologies if this noob question has already been answered somewhere, but what's the difference between the backlinks reported by Majestic SEO vs. the links reported by OSE. Just curious why the former might report 2,360 external backlinks to a page and the latter might report 949 total links to the same page. Just curious. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | SmartDraw

  • Hello, I can't seem to find a social media metrics comparison tool that showed me the number of Facebook Likes/Shares, Tweets, etc. compared to a site's competition. Does anyone have any idea what this may be? I scanned through all of my SEO Tools and can't find it.

    Social Media | | chrisfree

  • I am currently working on a site with 100+ recipes that all have image file names that are relevant, but not optimized for keyword purposes. I'm wondering - from an SEO perspective - would it be worth my time to go back through all of the images and rename them with keywords in mind? On my own site I have always done this as a "best practice" but I'm curious - does it make a difference to search engines? Does anyone have any recent research/experiences that they would like to share? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | EssEEmily

  • I have the SEO MozBar set up and for one of the sites we are maintaining, it is showing them on a 59 as PA in the MozBar.  When I check it on Google PR, it has either no info or a 0. was one of the ones I found which shows them as 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | Champions

  • We want to track users from a particular campaign to see what they do when they get to the site. The site generates revenue from clicks out so we want to be able to see whether visitors from a particular source click on multiple deals. i.e. enters from the source and then clicks on 3 different deals that take the user to other sites. Using GA, can I track this by implementing UTM on both the campaign links and outgoing links? Can I see exactly how many deals the average user is clicking on? As far as I know I can: Track visitors from the campaign Track overall clicks on deals Divide click outs by visitors But I can't track how many deals the visitors from campaign A clicked on... or can I?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • We have a client in the mortgage industry that has recently been licensed in multiple states, but they only have one office (for which their Google places page is claimed).  We have seen much success for the region their office is located in, but we want to expand our presence both for general terms and different region specific terms.  How can we help them rank in the various states that they are newly associate with?

    On-Page Optimization | | Hakkasan

  • OK, I read a previous thread about whether people found press release sites useful (specifically I am considering a reputable pay for release service). I understand the knock on press releases in this digital age (namely that no one reads them and arguably never did . . . ), but I was interested in moving the discussion in a different direction . . . Do press releases services really help a sites performance based on increased backlinking?  Is there a SEO benefit to PR services? My company is a local print company.  I've done quite a bit of research on my local competitors, and specifically for a couple products we would like to dominate.  The good news is that it looks like the hurdle would not be terribly high to really take over the web presence with a well planned and executed website/SEO campaign. My inclination is that for a relatively small company like mine (dealing with relatively small competitors) it WOULD benefit me to pay for the sheer number of backlinks a PR program would generate. The monthly cost is frankly about the same as the cost of this site, which OF COURSE I get value from (hey moderator, how about a couple extra MOZ points for that one!) Specifically, I am looking at this for myself, but feel free to expand the question to the broader topic.

    Link Building | | damon1212

  • Right now our site has a score of 0 for domain link analysis and i dont know how to fix this. Please let me know. Thanks!

    Link Building | | AppNeta

  • In OSE I can see how many links there are with a given anchor text, but I can't see where those links come from.

    Moz Pro | | seocraig-310177

  • So I made a big mistake.  I know it was dumb.  I took a chance and got screwed.  I've been researching one of my competitions back links and found that about 7000 of their 12000 links came from one site.  Upon further investigation that site is a page rank 7 and the link looked bought.  My competitions page rank is 6 which I thought was largely because of this one link.  I e-mailed the linking sites webmaster and they bought the link pretty cheap.  So I thought... Hey!?  Why not! About two weeks later, today, google webmaster tools finally found the link and my links went from 100 to 7100.  Now that I really think about it, I know it was a stupid move.  I just figured if they got away with it, I could. I'm a white hat seo'er from now on.  I've learned my lesson.  Wake up today and find that all 400 keywords I am attempting to rank for, which 60% used to be in the top 3, are now not in the top 100.  Luckily I am still indexed in Google though, I'm just not ranking for anything significant. Now I e-mailed the linking sites webmaster and had him remove the links.  He was pretty quick about putting them up, so I figure they'll be down today.  Is it just a matter of Google realizing that they're gone until I'm back in the SERPS?  Or am I screwed for good?  This is a little scary, I depend on Google for my entire livelihood.  Yeah, I know not something I should be gambling with then. I only spent $125 on the links, but every month of traffic is worth about $3k to me.  Ouch.  If I lose a few months I'm at least looking at a $10k hit.  Please give me some good news 😞

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | bjenkins24

  • We built a landing page with a wufoo form.  Inside the wufoo form is a link going to another page on our website.  We are wondering if clicking on that link will result in a bounce since it is in an iframe. We are using google analytics.

    Reporting & Analytics | | seozachz

  • Good morning afternoon, how are you guys doing today? I'm experiencing a few Panda issues I'm trying to fix, and I was hoping I could get some help here about one of my problems. I used Google analytics to extract pages people land on after a Google search. I'm trying to identify thin pages that potentially harm my website as a whole. It turns out I have a bunch of pages in the likes of the following: /search?cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&, and so on for a bunch of countries (.fi, .com, .sg, .pk, and so on, maybe 50 of them) My question is: what are those pages? their stats are awful, usually 1 visitor, 100% bounce rate, and 0 links. Do you think they can explain my dramatic drop in traffic following Panda? If so, what should I do with them? NOINDEX? Deletion? What would you suggest? I also have a lot of links in the likes of the following: /google-search?cx=partner-pub-6553421918056260:armz8yts3ql&cof=FORID:10&ie=ISO-8859-1&sa=Search& They lead to custom search pages. What should I do with them? Almost two weeks ago, Dr. Pete posted an article untitled Fat Panda and Thin Content in which he deals with "search within search" and how they might be targeted by Panda. Do you think this is the issue I'm facing? Any suggestion/help would be much appreciated! Thanks a lot and have a great day 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ericc22

  • We're currently in the IA and design phase of rolling out a complete overhaul of our main site. In the meantime I've been doing some SEO triage, but I wanted to start making a longer term plan for SEO during and after the new site goes up. We have a pretty decent domain authority, and some quality backlinks, but we're just getting creamed in the SERPs. And so on to my question: How would you fix this site? What SEO strategy would you employ? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdoptionHelp

  • Noticed that a high-profile site uses a very flat structure for there content. It essentially places most landing pages right under the root domain folder. So a more conventional site might use this structure: This site in question - a successful one - would deploy the same content like this: So when you're clicking deeper into the nav. options the clicks always roll up to the "top level." Top level pages are given more weight by SEs but conventional directory structures are also beneficial seen as ideal.  Why would a site take the plunge and organize content in this way? What was the clincher?

    Technical SEO | | DisneyFamily

  • OK, so the SEOMoz PRO Q&A forum is officially awesome since the redesign. It works amazingly well guys - thanks for a great resource! I'm wondering, what technologies have you used to make it work so well? Is the Q&A forum totally custom, or does it run on top of another 3rd-party / open source / web app structure? We're thinking about doing something similar for our business (not in the SEO space, so don't worry 😉

    Moz Pro | | monetize-266006

  • Our company has a blog "feature" or "theme" that we'd like to publish every week at least. Should we create a subsection of our current company blog? Or should we register a new domain specifically for the feature? The latter would allow us to do some linking back to the main website, and would probably be good in terms of future career flexibility / personal branding for whoever writes it. Things to keep in mind? Anyone have any suggestions? Best practices? What should I do?

    Link Building | | monetize-266006

  • I am trying to rank in the number on position for Part Time CFO. Currently we are in 2nd and 3rd. We have way more quality inbound links then the site in first position, more content etc. How would you go about investigating why they are ahead of us?

    Competitive Research | | b2bcfo

  • Background: My e-commerce site uses a lot of layered navigation and sorting links.  While this is great for users, it ends up in a lot of URL variations of the same page being crawled by Google.  For example, a standard category page: ...which uses a "Price" layered navigation sidebar to filter products based on price also produces the following URLs which link to the same page: As there are literally thousands of these URL variations being indexed, so I'd like to use Robots.txt to disallow these variations. Question: Is this a wise thing to do?  Or does Google take into account layered navigation links by default, and I don't need to worry. To implement, I was going to do the following in Robots.txt: User-agent: * Disallow: /*? Disallow: /*= ....which would prevent any dynamic URL with a '?" or '=' from being indexed.  Is there a better way to do this, or is this a good solution? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndrewY

  • I know it's strange but this what happened : i had like to 3500 Backlinks from 600 different domains and in one week it droped to 700 backlinks from 260 Domains .. I believe these huge backlinks was there for just 6 or 7 weeks from directory submissions where i was nearly in all the directories sidebar as a new link .. Now my ranking droped from 1st position for more than 6 keywords( for more than a year ) .. to the 5th and 6th page where its just jumbing in the different positions for more than 10 days now and this for all Keywords .. and my question is it a google dance cause i used to has a good ranking with this few number of links and this huge number was there for just 6 weeks .. or shall i go wild to come back to this number of backlinks again ..

    Link Building | | hareedy

  • What are the other seo's opinions on linking the same keyword you are targeting lets take an example like Trampolines. So we have a Online shop selling trampolines would you feel it a good or bad thing to link the keyword trampolines from the homepage to the homepage almost creating a loop. Some SEO's say yes some say no ?

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi Everyone, All my websites are dutch, and i have the idea that the farmer update hasn't been in the Netherlands yet? Not i single huge change have been here in the Netherlands in the SERP's. Is there a timeline when the Farmer update should come by in NL, or is it just waiting? I own quite a few websites(>100), and i haven't seen any change in positions? Regards, Yannick

    International SEO | | iwebdevnl

  • I just watched the WBF on cross domain rel canonicals. I understand the concept, but not sure how I go about actually doing the rel canonical? If I have and someone we just partnered with, wants to create new pages and use my content, what will the rel canonical tag look like on Do I need to also put this tag on I want to make sure each of my pages that the other site is copying is getting the "SEO credit."

    Technical SEO | | NueMD

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