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  • I received this in my Private Messages section: My name is Fatima,i saw your profile at/ and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ( I believe we can move from here I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Fatima(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) How can somebody spam like this on protected forum?

    Moz Pro | | IM_Learner

  • We're working on a tool using the seomoz api ... for domains we're always getting the right values, but for longer URLs we're having troubles ... Example: won't work works Any idea what we might be doing wrong?

    Technical SEO | | gmellak

  • I have website which is being listed for a keyword which is not in the site. It seems that google is using a Thesaurus to find words with similar meaning. Is this right? How could this be used for SEO purposes?

    Keyword Research | | Tinderbox

  • Hi, We are trying to position a specific site for a big sport event that will be played at the end of May. We only care about Google UK. It had no relevant content until last week. The site is a almost a year old but we just started to get links for it (all from the UK). They worked so fast: we were in page 2 of SERPs in the UK within a few days. But suddenly the site has disappeared and we're not even in top 100 anymore. However, we are ranking extremely well in the US (first page for the keywords we wanted to rank for). The site is a .com and it's hosted in (with a custom URL). I understand that that can be a problem, but we have already told Google that our business is in the UK through Webmaster Tools. I guess that with time and more UK links, Google would ultimately understand that our focus is the UK audience, but unfortunately we have no time and we can't wait due to the date of the sport event. What do you think that we can do to rank well in the UK and not in the US as fast as possible? Thanks!

    International SEO | | jorgediaz

  • Hi, Is there any tool to create a Video SiteMap ? I have more than 300 vidoes on youtube and ... can not create them manually. I am using Joomla... Please help...

    Image & Video Optimization | | krishru

  • I need some help from anyone that has deal with this issue before.. We are currently running BigCommerce for the shopping cart on We have enabled e-commerce tracking through Google Analytics and the revenue tracks perfectly. The only issue is that the referring sources are not tracking directly to the revenue being displayed - for the source, all analytics shows is (none). The assumption is that the tracking issue is a result of having a domain and subdomain.. but 'domain and subdomain' was selected when setting up the sites' advanced analytics script. Does anyone have any tips? We've run into a dead end here.. One final note, we're running an Adwords campaign which is showing conversions through the Adwords side of reporting. After integrating the Adwords and Analytics accounts, the analaytics account is still not showing revenue/conversions from Adwords as a source. Appreciate the feedback.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Investis_Digital

  • Hey guys, just a quick question about page authority. Often I'll be on a page with a high domain authority but the page authority is 0 as it says there are 0 links from 0 domains to the page. This is despite the fact there is a followed link from the homepage to that page. Is this just a bug in PA, and can I assume that the page will have at least some authoirty as a link from the homepage is pointed to it? Or is there some other factor that may be preventing the page to not have any PA. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | SureFire

  • example of negative keywords: -$40 driving lessons -35 dollar driving lessons The driving lessons I'm selling are $55 an hour, so I obviously don't want unqualified leads chewing through my budget when they clearly don't want to spend $55 on a lesson. I already have the price mentioned in my ads, but I want to negative out the dollar amounts because people are still stupid enough to click without reading the ad. Any help will be appreciated! Matt

    Paid Search Marketing | | strilliams

  • I have a client that just switched their entire site from the standard unsecure (http) to secure (https) because of over-zealous compliance issues for protecting personal information in the health care realm. They currently have the server setup to 302 redirect from the http version of a URL to the https version.  My first inclination was to have them simply update that to a 301 and be done with it, but I'd prefer not to have to 301 every URL on the site. I know that putting a rel="canonical" tag on every page that refers to the http version of the URL is a best practice (, but should I leave the 302 redirects or update them to 301's.  Something seems off to me about the search engines visiting an http page, getting 301 redirected to an https page and then being told by the canonical tag that it's actually the URL they were just 301 redirected from.

    Technical SEO | | JasonCooper

  • Hi, Our page rank was 5 for the last 3 months. Before it was 4 for a long time. Today our page rank dropped to 0 and I have no idea why.. We didn't buy any links or did anything wrong.. I also checked every keyword rankings we are on but we didn't loose our spot in any keyword.. Is it a short term thing, or am I in the sandbox? How can I fix this problem or avoid from a worse situation..? We just changed the site template few times in last two months.. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | onurkiyak

  • It looks for me that WordPress sites get to rank better for some reason ... I dont know wil you will agree with this one with me or not. The question is... do they hold their rankings for the certain keyword with a time? or they lose them as fast as they get them? Shouldn't be content rank the same across all platforms? Content is a content and it dosent matter how it's presented? is it the case with google? For example: Create Wordpress site for only 3 products, provide good content for those 3 products... and sell them with some of shopping cart plugins (any recommendations on the plugin?) Will I get rankings faster and keep them?

    Content Development | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • We have a UK site selling our product and we are due to appoint a reseller in the USA, they require a .com domain, which makes sense and they also would like to see American spellings etc and currency. also we feature heavily in pubs and they want this referred to as "bars" so there are a few tweaks here and there but mainly just slight variations on spelling and terminology. These are only minor adjustments to our current site, what is the best way of achieving this without falling foul of duplicate content issues.

    Technical SEO | | IPIM

  • I launched my site back in November and in the last 6 months have been pretty stoked about some of the links we've received from some .edu 's and some other big sites.... but I still don't register any PageRank. Is this normal or have I made some fatal flaw that is killing me in the eyes of google? Thanks Brian Clapp Founder,

    Technical SEO | | sportstvjobs

  • I have a retail business in the UK whose website has *.com address and it has taken 3 years to reach a page rank of 3. We are building an updated site which will have a completely new url structure and optimized for SEO. We are considering launching the new site at a * as we understand this will have advantages in local search and ranking as we are primarily targeting UK traffic. Does anyone have comments on **.com vs and/or have any advice on how to handle the migration while minimizing any drop in traffic and ranking?

    Web Design | | brian.james

  • Hi, I am looking for some good tips and tricks on how to get the most of a vBulletin Forum, we already got which works quite nice for text/titles and many other stuff, but it would be great to know some insights on optimizing this kind of forums or any other forum. thanks!

    Technical SEO | | andresgmontero

  • My site has a forced redirect on the home page to https://. But that's only on the home page...other site pages are visible. How does this impact search engines crawling my site?

    Technical SEO | | AquariumDigital

  • Hi, if I have a website in Google Webmaster Tools > Geographic Target set to United States, but I want to promote it in other specific countries, 1. Do I have to change the geo-targeting in GWT so it does not target a specific country? (discarding the option of adding sub-domain to GWT) 2. If I remove the GWT geo-targeting would it affect my rankings in the US? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | andresgmontero

  • Okay, so I have a client who wants me to manage their ppc on Google. It seems like either they give me access to their PPC account or I manage it via my own account and pre-bill for the cost, later supplying reports. Are those the two options? Thanks...MJ

    Paid Search Marketing | | 94501

  • seems to dominate a lot of search results for a lot of reasons. Specifically, I've noticed that their internal search results URL appears in Google for tons of results like "hem jeans new york".  They dominate TONS of terms like this and it's always an internal search result page for yelp that appears in #1 Google. From what I can tell, is taking various keyword permutations from their internal search, combined with local city/zip info and creating such landing pages. Here is a URL result for "hem jeans new york" My question is this...What are the specific causes of their success on this type of local / long-tail / specific keyword strategy?  Is it... 1.  Using dynamic sitemaps to feed Google thousands of URLs with various keyword permutations attached.? 2.  Their domain reputation, inbound links, etc. etc. 3.  Both?  Something else? Thanks for your feedback.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | h2oexpert

  • Just signed up for pro and did my first diagnostic check - I came back with something like 300 duplicate content errors which suprised me because every page is unique. Turns out my pages are listed as and just does  that really count as duplicate? and if so does anyone know what I should be doing differently? I thought it was just a canonical issue, but best I can tell I have the canonical in there but this still came up as a duplicate error....maybe I did canonical wrong, or its some other issue? Thanks Brian Clapp

    Technical SEO | | sportstvjobs

  • I have encounter the "base href" on one of my sites.  The tag is on every page and always points to the home URL.

    On-Page Optimization | | jmansd

  • With Google's new local search I am more curious as to market penetration on keywords that are now localized to my different US cities. I understand that you can separate out Google traffic based on regional Google domains, but I am curious if there is an effective way to separate out searches and keywords based on a my local US Metros? If google cannot do this, any recommendations on products that can? Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Thos003

  • For one of our campaigns, we have 164 errors for Duplicate Page Content. We have a website where much of the same content lives in two different places on their website. The information needs to be accessible from both areas. What is the best way to tackle this problem? Is there anything that can be done so these pages are not competing against one another? If the only solution is to edit the content on one of the pages, how much of the content has to be different? Is there a certain percentage to go by? Here is an example of what I am referring to: 1.) 2.)

    On-Page Optimization | | cmaseattle

  • I just experienced something VERY odd and wondered if any of you had an idea of what it might be. When I did a search on Google and clicked the top SEO listing I was taken to a competitor of the number 1 listed site i.e. NOT the site I clicked on. When I clicked the back button and clicked it again, I was taken to the correct site. This happened with two different searches and I was taken to two different sites. Could this be a clever/sinister cookie implemented by the competitor; a site I frequent regularly? Could this be malware implemented by an affiliate? Could this be a Google glitch?

    Technical SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • Hi Mozzers. Please see the constructed screen grab from Open site explorer. Do I have canonical Errors with this client? Thanks! jX7X6.jpg

    On-Page Optimization | | Giggy

  • Moving my blog from to and just wondered if all the social data for each post will be lost including the blog authority which has been built up over time? Is 301 redirects enough to keep any of it?

    Social Media | | SDOwner

  • Sorry if I've posted in the wrong section; in a nutshell my page title for 2x key terms (that I've noticed) is not showing in the Serps for my listing. Instead, the keyphrase I'm searching for shows up, and in one case my site name is appended. Can anyone tell me why this is? If I take a stab in the dark, i'd plum for Gg not thinking my page title is up to scratch for the particular search term.... but that's just a punt. Any help, greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | newstd100

  • The image will explain it all...  Each category page starts on the subject of the first sub-category page.  This happens twice (well actually 3 times since this section of the site is called showroom and it starts on the tab mowers). Is this a terrible approach?  If so, how could a site like this be better navigation-ally organized. cat-subcat.png

    On-Page Optimization | | drewschmaltz

  • Hello, Hoping someone can help me understand the difference between the Domain Juice Passed and some interesting numbers found in the exported CSV file. I ran the Advanced Link Intelligence Report and focusing on the Links to Domain metrics.  It looks like the report is sorted by mozRank passed but next to each link we are given the DJ Passed instead.  Why is that? My confusion is compounded by the fact that when I export the CSV of this report it no longer includes the DJ Passed numbers but does show URL mozRank Passed instead. For Example, on the web version of the Advanced Link Intelligence Report the top link is: with mozRank: 5.56 mozTrust: 5.95 and DJ Passed: 4.49 In the CSV file we don't get the DJ passed but get the URL mozRank Passed of: 0.00051 Looking at the CSV file further some links have URL mozRank Passed of 4.00E-05 Anyone has a clear explanation of why DJ Passed is not in the CSV file and how the mozRank passed is calculated?  And what the 4.00E-05 mean? Thank you.

    Moz Pro | | miloszpekala

  • I could do with some help if anyone's got a minute. We've got this one client, no matter what we did (and we worked very hard on this site), nothing would really move. You'd get the usual fluctuations, and maybe some very small progress at times. This went on for an age... much, much longer than usual (and it wasn't even that competitive for keywords). Then suddenly, "Bam!" it shot up like a rocket for all it's main keywords and has stayed there since... more or less (and this was over a year ago). It was as if all the work we'd been doing was building up behind a door and then the door flew open so it could take affect. Anyway... it seems to be happening again, just to a different client with a different website (at least I hope that's what's happening or it might just stay non-affected by anything we do forever). We've checked everything. There's no crawling problems, again it's not all that competitive, the site already has some pretty good trust and authority, and it already ranks well for a bunch of stuff. The site and pages have plenty of age behind them too. Any ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveOllington

  • My eCommerce site is: to provide informations a create links for SEO, i launch over WordPress. After ready the new SEOmoz book, I realize .info is not a TopDomainName and it might be see has spam. What do you thing? Should I keep the domain spend time on this blog or should I go a buy a new domain? Since I learn it this, my blog was lauch, but i didn't post on it, I'm affraid I will loos time. Thank you for your advice and recommendations, Jean Nichols

    Content Development | | BigBlaze205

  • Do .com rank better then .co? I don't know much about .co so I'm just looking for some insight! Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | christinarule

  • We are an automotive dealership that is required to keep a manufacturer appointed website. It's pretty terrible so we are having a new site developed in addition to that. We plan on transferring our current domain name to the new site but I am not sure what to do with the older, less useful site. Should I try to have both sites appear in the search results to capture more traffic? Or is that inefficient? Should I make the new site no follow?

    Technical SEO | | kylesuss

  • I want to check which words Google is aware of, I remember Danny Dover talking about "" and theorising that Google couldn't understand that SEO was in the URL because it didn't understand that "Moz" was a word and therefore couldn't seperate the 2 words "SEO and "Moz" out. Any ideas, I thought about using Google Instant but as it comes up with "seomoz" when i type in "seom" so am assuming that this detail is taken from a diffrent source. Justin

    Keyword Research | | GrouchyKids

  • I would like to use a redirect through a server based Java script to redirect visitors only referenced from a certain site. So let's say anyone clicking on a link to my site page-A from would automatically be redirected to page-B. All other users as well as direct and search engine traffic  would only see the regular page A. The reason I am doing this is because the linking site is linking to page A which doesn't serve the user the correct content. Rather than contacting the webmaster to change the link to point to page -B, I want to redirect them. Is there any danger of Google penalizing this for cloaking? and how would they be able to tell?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | |

  • It's just a theory, but I think that Panda was not really an algorithm update but rather a conspiracy. Google went out of their way to announce that a new algorithm was being rolled out.  The word on the street was that content farms would be affected.  Low quality sites would be affected.  Scrapers would be affected.  So, everyone with decent sites sat back and said, "Ah...this will be rankings will increase." And then, the word started coming in that some really good sites took a massive hit.  We've got a lot of theories on what could be causing the hit, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious fix. Many of the key factors that have been suggested causes of a site to look bad in Panda's eyes are present on one of my sites, but this site actually increased in rankings after Panda. So, this is my theory:  I think that Google made some random changes that made no sense.  They made changes that would cause some scraper sites to go down but they also knew that many decent sites would decline as well. Why would they do this?  The result is fantastic in Google's eyes.  They have the whole world of web design doing all they can to create the BEST quality site possible.  People are removing duplicate content, reducing ad clutter and generally creating the best site possible.  And this, is the goal of Larry Page and Sergey make it so that Google gives the user the BEST possible sites to match their query. I think that a month or so from now there will be a sudden shift in the algo again and many of those decent sites will have their good rankings back again.  The site owners will think it's because they put hard work into creating good quality, so they will be happy.  And Google will be happy because the web is a better place. What do you think?

    Algorithm Updates | | MarieHaynes

  • The news about paid link campaigns is so frequent, that I have to ask the question....does Google allow any paid links? Aside from SEO, paid links can have visibility value. Much like an exit sign on the highway, the paid link says "Get off here"

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | bcmull

  • Does google take the number of links in breadcrumb as a indicator to the depth of the page in the site structure? That will mean that a page with 5 links in the breadcrumb is a page very far away from the index, therefore a less important page.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • We are an online furniture store with about 1300 products on the site, and we mostly use the catalogue descriptions for the product. Recently I have been reading about One Way Furniture: They are a big american online furniture which seemed to have lost about a 3rd of there traffic due to being punished in the panda update.  Now it seems they are blaming the fact they use they use catalogue descriptions for the product (like us), and now they are going to rewrite all their product descriptions. We are a small company and rewriting 1300 products (meaningfully) is no small task.  Looking at our own traffic we have taken a small slump since feb after about 18 months of general increased month on month traffic ( bar seasonal dips and boost), but we didn't have a "fall of the cliff" like One Way Furniture.  But have been expanding into other areas (and there for new keywords), so we had expected to be increasing our traffic. So the question is, how important is unique content for all our products? is it worth all the time and money to fix all the pages?  Our plan is to make sure our category pages (and there for landing pages) have unique content, would that be enough on its own, or are the product pages damaging the site over all?

    On-Page Optimization | | eunaneunan

  • I’m helping a client optimize a word press blog, and I’m not that familiar with Wordpress.  The site is At first I was treating it like a normal website, where the categories would be optimized like pages on a website.  However, I now realize that categories don’t have any content on them, so I can’t really optimize anything other than the names. Are the following things the best way to handle on-page optimization for a blog? Optimizing the homepage & domain: Find ways to incorporate the most important keywords into the elements on the main frame of the site: Navigation menu, Widgets, Category names, Alt Images. Optimizing the categories: For the posts within the categories (i.e., photos), work to make sure the category keywords are worked into the post titles (but not too much to seem spammy) Optimizing specific posts. Work keywords into the text and images. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | EricVallee34

  • Hi I'm building a new next big thing website from scratch (for a translation agency) and I encountered an issue with the URL structure. I need to chose the URL for important targeted keyword pages and I have a conflict between two tools I'm using. Please read below the situation: domain: target keyword: french translation services which URL you think is better from a SEO point of view (and possibly for users): OR I'm asking this because one WordPress plugin (Wordpress SEO by Yoast) says the URL structure is not optimised while another tool (Market Samurai) says the URL is optimised.

    On-Page Optimization | | flo2

  • New to S.E.O. so excuse my  naivety. I  have made lots of new links some of them paid for e.g. Best of the Web but I don’t see any change in the latest competitive link analysis. Some of the links we have been accepted for just do not show. Also the keywords we are trying to promote the most have disappeared off the radar for over 2 weeks now. I think we have followed the optimization suggestions correctly. Please could you enlighten me. Regards Paul

    Technical SEO | | CPE

  • Big business associated with "pets" and other terms used for animals might fall away to terms such as "animal companion". Some people think that the term "pet" is politically incorrect. Time to go out and register "" I doubt that very many people are going to start searching for "animal companion food" but.  the people who adopt these new terms will be, in my opinion, the same folks who buy high end goods and stuff a lot of items in their shopping carts. 😉 J/K

    Branding | | EGOL

  • When I searched "long dresses" in, and found the following page is ranked on top 10 But there is no back link pointing to this page, so why does this company manage to rank high for such a competitive keyword without link building? Any opinions?

    Link Building | | Milanoocom

  • The and _formatting tags format the text in the WYSIWYG editor but not in the browser (I've tried in Firefox and Internet Explorer.  It doesn't help if I add non depreciate Html _and Is this a theme Issue?  Is there a way to fix it?  Does anyone know why and are added instead of and ?__

    On-Page Optimization | | catherine-279388

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