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  • I'm getting duplicate content errors, but it's for pages with high-res images on them.  Each page has a different, high-res image on it.  But SEOMoz keeps telling me it's duplicate content, even though the images are different (and named different). Is this something I can ignore or will Google see it the same way too?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JHT

  • Hello I have assembled a list of web-sites that have "Links" section that has a list of persons` favorite tools. Those pages have a link to my competitor. I know my tool is just as good if not better and want to request a link. I`m thinking of sending an email asking for a link and offering a small amount of money for it. Questions: A) How much should I offer? Should I offer anything at all B) Is there an email style that someone can suggest that has been tested and proven to work for this type of situtation?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hellopotap

  • Does SEOMoz have a tool that allows me to see backlinks to a specific URL sans redirected URLs? So, URL is redirects to and I want to see how many people have linked to the /search, the resulting URL. Thanks for any help! Erin

    Moz Pro | | ErinTM

  • As you may be aware - SEOmoz are hiring for a marketing oracle (one of 8 jobs going at the moment: Their key responsibility will be to produce world class content about online marketing, seo and social media. So, let ask you - what are the best examples of content in this space from the past 12 months? The very best of the best. Don't just think SEO, but any kind of online marketing content. Whether it's editorial, infographic, research etc etc.

    Industry News | | TomCritchlow

  • all, would you consider social bookmarking to be part of an SEO package or a Social Media Package? thanks

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • y'all, what is the recommended amount of time in which content on a website should be refreshed? TY

    Algorithm Updates | | imageworks-261290

  • I have come across a situation where we have discovered duplicate content between multiple domains. We have access to each domain and have recently within the past 2 weeks added a 301 redirect to redirect each page dynamically to the proper page on the desired domain. My question relates to the removal of these pages. There are thousands of these duplicate pages. I have gone back and looked at a number of these cached pages in google and have found that the  cached pages that are roughly 30 days old or older.  Will these pages ever get removed from google's index? Will the 301 redirect even be read by google to be redirected to the proper domain and page? If so when will that happen? Are we better off submitting a full site removal request of the sites that carries the duplicate content at this point? These smaller sites do bring traffic on their own but I'd rather not wait 3 months for the content to be removed since my assumption is that this content is competing with the main site. I suppose another option would be to include no cache meta tag for these pages. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | jmsobe

  • Our site has numerous filters and on each results page, we have the rel canonical tag. So, I'm not sure if we should concern ourselves or not about the crawl stats reporting that we have a bunch of pages that have more than two parameters. If so, do you have any suggestions? This url is an example:,10 Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | thappe

  • Studying the Duplicate Page Content report reveals that all (or many) of my pages are getting flagged as having duplicate content because the crawler thinks there are two versions of the same page: The only difference is the capitalization. We don't have two versions of the page so I don't understand what I'm missing or how to correct this. Anyone have any thoughts for what to look for?

    Technical SEO | | jkenyon

  • Hi Mozzers, I've made a script that uses the Google Adwords API to insert big lists of keywords ideas and their monthly search volume into our database. It would be awesome to be able to also automatically get a difficulty score for those keywords from a tool like the SEOmoz Keyword Difficulty Tool. Sadly this tool doesn't seem to be in the SEOmoz API. Google does provide a competition score in the AdWords API, but that's only based on the competitiveness of the AdWords auction for that keyword. So my question is: does anyone know another keyword difficulty tool, that does have an API? Thanks! Daan

    Competitive Research | | Daan01

  • I have found a bunch of around maybe 20-30 directories that we seem not to be in, and that seem like they might be worth it from what I am reading… My question is  - is it a problem to submit to this number of directories all at once – i.e. within the same week or 2? Or should I think about spreading the submissions around a month or 2? Just worried that Google etc might through a flag with a bunch of submissions all at once… Thanks

    Link Building | | inhouseninja

  • Hello All, I am looking for some opinions regarding social media plans. We are looking to provide plans as follows: plan a Facebook/Twitter setup 1 hour training Google Local set up Slideshare 4 facebook posts/mo 4 tweets/mo (original, not syndicated) content brief 2 downloadable objects (slideshows, pdfs, brochures ect) and submitted to slideshare 2 press releases and submitted to pr outlets Plan b Acct set up 1 groupon or living social deal squidoo scribd. flickr setup 2 hour training on tools 8 facebook posts/mo 8 tweets/mo google local 3 press releases 2 downloadable pieces submission to slideshare (with lead generation) content brief Plan C Acct set up 1 groupon or living social deal squidoo hubpages scribd. flickr setup 2 hour training on tools 12 facebook posts/mo 12 tweets/mo google local yahoo local 4 press releases 2 downloadable pieces submission to slideshare (with lead generation) content brief Plan D Choose your own adventure this will be where a client can choose up to 4 of the aforementioned services with a 2 hour training session and the price will be custom. I really appreciate your assistance and look forward to your wise responses!!

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • Hello Mozers, Could you please share the best Dynamic Sitemap Generator you are using.  I have found this place: Thanks in advanced for your help.

    Technical SEO | | SEOPractices

  • Hi there, Please can someone point me to some current and reasonably accurate articles or guidance on optimising for Bing, as my optimisation work on one client is reaping rewards in Google, but being partially ignored by Bing and I really want to be able to better understand their ranking factors. Many thanks, Martin

    Algorithm Updates | | Nobody1560986989723

  • As more pages are added to a site, what are some good strategies and tactics for ensuring that those pages are optimized based on keywords.

    On-Page Optimization | | RiseInteractive78

  • Thoughts on and ? would directories like these be a good idea?  We are a b to b company... Thanks!

    Link Building | | inhouseninja

  • On 4.23 i requested a site crawl. My site only has about 550 pages. So how can we get faster crawls?

    Reporting & Analytics | | joemas99

  • I love it, it's brilliant. You get to peruse through the questions to see real world examples of SEO issues, and help with things you do know the answers to, as well as learn loads from seeing others answers on things you don't know the answers to... I'm getting addicted to coming on here! The instant-ness of it all makes it much better than any other SEO forum out there in my opinion.

    SEO Learn Center | | SteveOllington

  • This is not a question but something to share. If you click on all of these links and compare the results you will see why _ is not a good thing to have in your URLs. If you have any other examples of working separators please comment.

    Technical SEO | | Dan-Petrovic

  • My SEOMOZ campaign says that "n" number of pages were crawled. How do i get access to the list of the pages crawled by SEOMOZ?

    Moz Pro | | IM_Learner

  • Hi, I've just created my first campaign and noticed that on the competitive analysis our website is having a lot of nofollow links: more than 50% I did some research on the web to learn more about nofollow links, but I don't understand why this percentage is so big especially compared to the other websites in the analysis (less than 10%)? Anyone any ideas? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | poupette

  • I decided not to worry too much about the statements from google indicating that they were going to consider key word rich domains as a negative for ranking since any of the sites I work on that have them are totally relevant to the content on the sites. However, since recent Google algorithm updates I see these domains have suddenly slid from top 3 positions to page 4 or beyond in Google SERP's. Nothing has changed on these sites in the intervening time and no change is evident in Bing or Yahoo SERP's. Is it just my imagination, or are others seeing the same thing for keyword rich domains? and has anyone yet determined the best way to deal with this problem?

    Algorithm Updates | | ShaMenz

  • Like many of you, I've spent a lot of time in Open Site Explorer analyzing our links and our competitors, and looking for more linking opportunities. Recently we've been focusing our SEO efforts on gaining links from high value .edu domains and so far we've been very successful. The DA of these links are high (80+), but the links are also coming through on low PA pages (typically 10-35). Are these links still worth while? When does a link not become worth it?

    Link Building | | dunklea

  • Going to setup a blog for a 4 year old ecommerce website and was wondering if it would be a good idea to put a blog on the sub domain or just a folder like I'll be using the blog to Link bait articles Social bookmark traffic Linking keywords to products on the ecommerce site. I wanted to know if The link juice would be greater if we cross link from sub-domain to main domain? Any major dis-advantages in having it on a sub-domain vs folder? Any other major differences? Cheers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | upick-162391

  • We have an old web site which currently has good traffic and search ranking. However, the old design is not helping us convert traffic into customers and we have decided to re-design the web site. Due to challenges resolving 4XX issues in the current setup, we will be moving the site to a new CMS and hosting provider. The domain will remain the same. The plan is to create exactly the same pages in the new CMS, as what we have today. And to use the same URLs for each page. Content will remain the same in step one. We will only apply a new layout and design. Besides keeping the URLs the same as in the old system. What else should we be aware of when doing a web site migration, that might impact our search ranking?

    Technical SEO | | petersen

  • I have a site I launched a few months back, and the niche isn't all that competitive. After a bit of work the domain is now sitting near the bottom of page 2 on google but it's number 2 in yahoo search. I have been manually building the links but they are all targeted to just one keyword, and mainly have the same link text. Will this look suspicious to google, and should I be spreading my anchor text over different keywords? Or is the reason Im ranking so well in yahoo be because they are just picking up more backlinks? 23 from yahoo but only 9 from google.

    Link Building | | timscullin

  • As the rejection rate may influence the SERPS?

    On-Page Optimization | | nafera2

  • A colleague of mine was saying that he has been able to get top ranking for a high traffic term by using variations of that head term on multiple pages that are associated with the main page. For example,he would optimize a landing page for the high traffic word "Construction." He would then build pages under this landing page that are optimized for variations of this word: "Construction facts," "Industrial Construction Companies," "Construction Resource Allocator" etc. His theory is that the subpages add credibility with spiders that the root page is the best for that root page. This doesn't seem like it would work, but I'm curious as to what other people think.

    On-Page Optimization | | EricVallee34

  • I'm doing keyword research and one of the terms I have found that work for my website are "exercise and vitamins".  One of my colleagues told me that Google views searches that contain the word "and" as an "or" statement (i.e., the searcher is looking for either "excercise" or "vitamins").  My understanding of the word "and" is that it is a stop word, which is ignored by Google. Which is correct?

    Keyword Research | | EricVallee34

  • I am on the process of redoing my site and would like to know what the the top three CMS providers you suggest.   The more information, the better. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | IntegrisLoans

  • What are the benefits of optimizing a page for one keyword phrase versus a group of similar keywords, like this one that Rand posted on another blog entry Ted Baker Ted Baker London Ted Baker Clothing Ted Baker Mens Ted Baker Mens Clothing Ted Baker Mens Collection

    On-Page Optimization | | EricVallee34

  • When we create client websites the urls are  Google is indexing theses sites and attaching to our domain.  How can we stop it with robots.txt?  I've heard you need to have the robots file on both the main site and the dev sites... A code sample would be groovy.  Thanks, TR

    On-Page Optimization | | DisMedia

  • Something I had been pondering with all the new updates and signals Google is looking at, and also considering the fact that many website's overdo internal linking and almost everyone uses exact match anchor text for it. So my question is - is it effect or counter-effective to vary your anchor text for internal links? If you think its effective, what is a reasonable proportion for exact anchor text match to varied ones.

    Link Building | | Syed1

  • Hello, How much weight do links from social media carry for seo? We are trying to develop a social media package for a client and we are unclear as to how much time to dedicate to SM every month and we would like some opinions. Thanks!

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • Hello, In our SEO package that we use to sell our product to clients we list Social Bookmarking as one of the services we provide. What is the appropriate amount of social bookmarks that we should obtain monthly?  How heavily do these weigh in your opinion? Thank you for your time

    Social Media | | imageworks-261290

  • Hi there, I just started using the pro tool 6 weeks or so ago.   I have done all the on page optimization I can and am starting to think more about building links to my site. What I want to know is how important are directories as part of this link building program? Should I treat doing an audit of what directories we are in, identifying what ones we should be in, and actually signing up for these ones as an important and vital part of the link building program? So basically how important are directories?  We are a b 2 b business if that helps.I am kind of assuming directories are (still) important and that we should spend some time on this, but just wanted to get some expert thoughts on directories, approach to use etc etc.     I reckon it should be easier than other link building, as we can at least pay a fee and get in the directory, so it’s less a case of someone doing us a favor as other links sometimes seem to  be….

    Link Building | | inhouseninja

  • Hello Everyone, We have about 15 clients who we need to do link building for but I am at a loss on how to even begin. Does anybody have any tips or tricks to achieving quality back links in a short amount of time? Any help is appreciated!

    Link Building | | imageworks-261290

  • Other than a few keywords, my rankings are consistently lower in MSN/Bing/Yahoo than in Google. Any ideas or suggestions as to why?

    Algorithm Updates | | NueMD

  • I site I'm watching currently has a MozRank of -1. How is this possible and what does it mean? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | ScratchMM

  • SEO Moz reported that various keywords I was tracking were not in the top 50 results on Yahoo or Bing, yet when I did a Yahoo or Bing search for those keywords (from multiple computers and not logged into any Yahoo or MSN/Bing account) I found the keywords easily.  What's the scoop?

    Competitive Research | | Cybernautic

  • My client just tasked me with helping create a great Amazon listing for their product. I know nothing about selling on Amazon. Which guides/books/tips should I check out?

    Affiliate Marketing | | GriffinHansen

  • I am curious to find out what is the blogging platform of choice for enterprize level companies (employees more than 500, revenue more tan 150M). What would be the best solution from SEO point of view? I have used Wordpress in the past for small companies and feel that is the best. We are currently using Telligent. Is anybody using it?

    Technical SEO | | Amjath

  • Hello I have a number of sites on Wordpress which all still use the post tag feature. Is this something that I should really be avoiding due to duplicate content issues in the url's of the site, or is it still something that can help SEO wise? I only ask as I did a crawl diagnostics report on SEOmoz and it found that 48 of my title elements were too short due to these tags in the URL's. If you do all suggest I keep using them, should they be 3 odd words which are keywords? Thanks in advance.

    Content Development | | mozUser1469236629285

  • This morning I ranked highly (Page 1 UK Google) for over 50 keyword search terms for my website This afternoon my rankings have bottomed out and dropped pages?  I have not been de-indexed it appears and many of my sub-pages are still highly ranked. Would anybody know what has happened?  I know of Google Panda but I would've seen results drop before now so I'm very concerned.  Don't seem to have lost any links etc and am careful to balance SEO with a mix of techniques to keep Google happy and again, have not been de-indexed. Can anybody offer advice please, or let me know how I can rectify this.

    Algorithm Updates | | andystep

  • Open site explorer will only show up to to 25 links per domain but in order to fully understand the link profile for the site I'm working on, I need to know how many links are coming from each domain - when I download the linking domains report, it doesn't contain this information. Is there a way to access it?

    Moz Pro | | jabbate

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